THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH O Thursday, November 20. 1958 fohnsbuig GIBL FORESTERS OBSERVE TENTH ANNIVERSARY by Betty Hettermann Some 127 persons were present in the Community Club hall last Monday evening, Nov. 10, to participate in the celebration of the juvenile girl Foresters tenth anniversary. The present chief ranger, Nancy Weber conducted the meeting assisted by the court's first juvenile chief ranger, Mrs. Marilyn Freund Miller. Marilyn took over the job of initiating fourteen new members into the court. New court members are: Colleen Joyce, Mary Ellen Freund Doris Deidrich, Diane Hiller, Patsy Meyers, Mary Jo Haag, Barbara Tansey, Barbara Michels, Linda, Nancy and Janice Schaefer, Betty Himplemann, Linda Mangold and Marilyn Keippel. Nancy read some of the high points in the courts history for the past ten years. Present at the celebration were the following past officers. Charter members: Elaine Freund Miller, Janice Oeffling Tonyan, Mary Ann Miller Knox L u s i n a Thelen Aldenbrook, Phyllis Smith Kalemba, Grace Hiller, Kathleen Freund and Ardelle Oeffling. Past directors present were: Olivia Hiller, Dorothy, Hettermann, Elsida Fuchs and Adele Schmitt. Present juvenile directors Mabel Smith and Laura Schmitt were also present. Mrs.* Virginia Pitzen is to be congratulated upon her beautiful cake which she baked and decorated herself. The tiered •cake was decorated in the courts colors of white and yellow. On top stood ten candles depicting the years of the court's exsistenoe. The officers of the juvenile court are to be congratulated on the perfect way the meeting and initiation were handled. Also a vote of thanks to our good Sisters who worked with some of the girls getting songs together to be sung for our entertainment following the meeting. The committee in charge s e r v e d s a n d w i c h e s , p o t a t o chips, cookies, pop and coffee at the close of the meeting while the court officers sliced the anniversary cake. On The Move Our community bid a sad adieu to a most congenial couple last week when Bill and Peggy Banks and young Bill transplanted their roots to Seat Pleasant, Maryland. The Banks family has left a whole string of friends behind them and everyone hopes they will return here from time to time. Bill was transferred by his company to Washington so Peggy and young Bill followed suit, naturally. We join in wishing them happiness wherever they go and hope they continue to think about all their friends back here. ter of Lloyd and Doris Freund, was admitted to the McHenry hospital last Saturday for treatment. She has had some ear .infection and fever from time to time and the doctor found it necessary to hospitalize her to correct the condition. Hospital Notes We are sorry to learn Joe Himpelmann has been a patient at the Woodstock hospital this past week. Joe entered the hospital to undergo some tests and we sincerely hope by the time this comes to print he is home and all is well again. If all goes well, Mrs. Lasser will be able to bring her father home after spending several weeks in the Woodstock hospital. Mr. Steffany fell and broke, his hip while in the house. Karen, five month old daugh- Girl Scout and Brownie News Girl Scout troop 135 congregated at the community club hall last week where they elected some new officers. Newly elected into office were president, Joanne Whiting, vicepresident- Karen Huemann, secretary, Janice Schaefer and reporter, Kathleen Thelen. The girls cutout turkeys for the forthcoming holiday. Also the various patrols were busy working oh their child care and first aid badges. Troop 408 finished the felt hand bags which they started at a previous meting. Their next project is the making of a large Christmas stocking. Cookie hostess for this meeting was Linda "mangold. Troop 295 and the second grade Brownies did much the same thing at their respective meetings last week. Both troops are preparing favors for Thanksgiving which they will distribute to worthwhile places Games and songs were enjoyed by both groups during the course of the afternoon. Carol Jean Hiller distributed her treat to the second grade group while Susan Oeffling was hostess for 295. Congratulations Corner Carol Weingart was honored with a surprise slumber party last Friday evening in honor of h e r s e v e n t e e n t h b i r t h d a y . About thirty girls were present in the Weingart home for this party so you can- well imagine how little sleep was had that night. to Mike Freund who will be seven, all later this month. Around the Town Several of our local residents displayed their bowling talents last Saturday evening at the bowling alley when they bowled opposite the famous husband and wife pair, Joe and June Kristoff. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Smith were Mrs. Ann Doran of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. Ennir Fossum and Mrs. Edne Getschell of Rockford. Last Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zimmermann and family of Beloit, Wis. their dinner guests. were ' k £ Gene and Eileen King of McHenry were surprised last Friday evening by their card club with an unexpected housewarming party. Initiating their new home were Leroy and Esther Meyers, Dolores Roberts, Harry and Lois Thelen, and Jim and Betty Hettermann. Visiting Carol Ann Stilling at St. Coletta's school in Jefferson, Wis. last Sunday were Mrs. Helen Hettermann, Mrs. Mary Hettermann, Nancy Weber, Georgette Miller, Janice and Mary Wakitsch. Birthday greetings to Bobby Wakitsch who will turn three, to Greg Schmitt Who will observe his fourth birthday and IPEPPINC&SONl |C EMENT CONTRACTORS| I Phone 409 | I COMPLETE LINE OF CEMENT WORK § siiNiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiivitiiniiiiimiiiiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii PREMIUM ' STAMP i ) • gJZSSl 'STAMP PUBLIC NOTICE!« ON THE PREMISES! EVERYTHING^! : STAMP i "mwium| BARGAIN! yp jq j$c gfo DOLLAR \BlJY F0R YOURSELF; FOR INVESTMENT! Buy Now! DIAMONDS Pink Pearl Chokers One - Two or Three Strand $2.00 Value Now Only! 88c ea. SPECIAL! Limited Quantity Beautifully Packaged 1 oz. Perfume While stock lasts Out They Go! $1.69 SENSWON! Simulated Pearls 2-3 Strand Rhinestone Clasp Out They Go! 79c ea. b± bTYLE WATCH BANDS SPIEDEL -- GEMEX -- HADLEY -- J.B. s i iuch As 75% Off WERE NEVER PRICEV LOWER THAN THIS1 Was $150.00 Now..$75»00 TERRIFIC! Scatter Pins Regular values to $2.00 Each Pair in a Box Out They Go 69c OPEN 9 AM to 9 PM NATIONALLY FAMOUS MAKES INCLUDED WATCHES AT THE LOWEST PRICES ever OFFERED!! Men's Fully Adjusted -- Shock Resistant HAMILTON ELECTRIC Was $89.50 Now $69.50 LORD ELGIN NITE GLOW :... Was $89.50 Now $49.50 ELGIN SHOCKMASTER Was $67.50 Now $47.50 21 Jewel LORD ELGIN SHOCKPROOF Was $89.50 Now $59.50 21 Jewel 14K ELGIN Was $100.00 Now $59.50 Lady's DIAMOND LADY BULOVA Was $250.00 Now $167.50 14K SOLID GOLD DIA. LADY ELGIN Was $195.00 Now $134.75 23-J 18K BULOVA FIRST LADY Was $ 75.00 Now $ 49.50 17-J WHITE GOLD HAMILTON Was $ 79.50 Now $ 49.50 All Other Watches Reduced Accordingly ITS NOW OR NEVER FOR VALUES LIKE THESE! Columbi^Tni-i&t s 6 Dia. Engagemeni Sei 1 -i Columbia. Tru-Fit 5 Dia. Engagement Set Was $249.50 Now $124.75 Lady's -- Nearly lA Carat Diamond Ring Was $330.00 Now $124.75 Hundreds of Columbia Tru-Fit -- Feature Lock -- Diamond Engagement Sets to choose from REDUCED AS MUCH AS 70% Also the Vi Off! newest styles in Columbia Matching WRITTEN GUARANTEE WITH EVERY PURCHASE Ideal Gift for Babyt Locket or Crosses with Matching Chain Gift Boxed $3.50 Value Now Only! 98c OUT THEY GO Pen & Pencils Sets Reg. $22.50 PARKER "51" Sets Now $14.95 Reg. $12.75 PARKER "41" Sets N8w $9.75 Reg. $22.75 Snorkel Shaeffer Statesman ... $14.95 Reg. $9.95 PARKER "21" Sets Now $7.49 All others reduced accordingly COME ON THE RUN!1 Don't Miss This Giant Liquidation NOW IN PROGRESS AT STEFFAN JEWELY & RECORD SHOP 514 W. Main Street -- Phone 123-J - -- - ,--Q?SN-5¥^¥-rHTE-sTBr9' USE OUR CHRISTMAS LAY-AWAY PLAN VERY ARTICLE 6um&(' SNOT GOINGS Genuine Diamond Cross with Matching Chain Reg. $6.00 value Now Only! $1.49 t STAMP ^ t&f MIVM FEATURE! Large Assortment Jewelry All Odds & Ends Your Choice 98c mm. ) STAMP \ mium: Lovelet STAMP Jewelry Links Your Choice Also Complete Sets Values to $4.50 Now Only! 98c Wedding Rings \ «CTAMI> SPECIAL! JfW Genuine Leather Folding Travel Alarm Clock Guaranteed! Reg. Value $9.95 Special $5.88 Each Nationally Known Pocket Work Watch Reg. $2.95 Limited Qty. Now Only! $1.98 ? STAMP £5fMIUM OPEN 9 AlSo 9 PM I STAMP > _ l. <1 Selection STAMP premium! COMMUNITY SILVERWARE V<S?AMP' s PgEMIUM Much 15% ONE TO A CUSTOMER.' FREE O/FTJ TO all ATTENDING THIS GREAT (M BUSINESS :st Just a note to our readers, next week is an early deadline once again. If you have any news items for next week's edition of ,this column please call me by noon of Friday, Nov. 21. Because of the holiday < lis newpaper is being "printed two days earlier thus all our items have to be in that much earlier. Please call 1296-R if you have any news items. Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf % iWOOt, / Y rJr?rSr3& \ ?OMt» £ O DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropratic Physician r, Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed.- & FrL . 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 pjn. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743" . DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evening* By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry £60 c EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life II . Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When Ton Need - Insurance M Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Greer & Elm McHenry, 111 fW SCHROEDER IRON WORSES Ornamental & Structural SftMi Visit Our Showrooms 8 Miles South on Rt. S PHONE 950 You can retire on the sAj. ; j ; dollars you use to protect jTKk j family. Larry Booster -- Virgil Pollee* The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company {04 E. Elm St. Phone 2500 Expert Q PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. G. SKALA e/o Steffan's Jewelry Store 514 W. Main Street PHONE 123-J DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist ' Ij 12P So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 183 Res. phoiie McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Daily 9:80 - 5:00 .. Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 • 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted1 Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTflR) Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses flttei Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Theirs & Fri 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHenry 2262-J Loop office - 108 N. State Si Phone DEarborn 2-2096 GEORGE J. CASTLE, A&ent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness ft Accident and Group Insurance! 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 2538 in 81 ^ jUJIUIS " ^ MUSIC STUDIO Guioransen - Hamnmma Organs New -- Used Piano &, Organ Instruction 808 W. Elm Street McHenry, HL Plnomas:' McHewy 8138 . 202 . L