Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1958, p. 15

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Thursday, 20, 1958 *HE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH PageFlftesn Wonder Lake CUB SCOUT PACK HOLDS INDUCTION by Jane Ducey -- 2781 Betty Barns--5501 dinner was very successful. A large number of veterans and their families attended. There was an abundance of delicious ! food and everyone agreed that j you can't go wrong by attend- ! ing a dinner at the" Legion hall. Plans are made for a "Games Night" benefit on Saturday, Novr22, at 8 p.m. Refreshments will be served. The Cub Scout Pack No. 358 had their induction ceremony at Harrison school Tuesday, Nov. 18. The following awards were presented: graduation pin to She Webelos to Bruce Erber; Bear badge, gold and silver arrows, one year pin to Mike Lichty; wolf badge, gold arrow and one year pin to Chris Rasmussen; wolf badge, gold and silver arrow arid one year pin to Carl Jaescke; assistant denner and one year pin to David Sellek; denner stripe, gold arrow and one year pin to Scott LaGreca; denner stripe and 4^1d arrow td Glenn Decker; wolf badge to George Burns Jr. gold and silver arrows and one year pin to Willard Stahl; three silver arrows and one year pin to Chester Hood; two silver arrows to Jackie Doherty; silver arrow and one year pin to Sam La Mone; one year pins were awarded to the following; Gordon Anderson, Gary Hunt, 8ale Jirousek, Gary Johnson, reg Johnson, Allen Jones, Clay Kolar, Mike Lichty, Paul Misiak, Mike Pliner, Richard Ruzicka and Phil Schimke. New boys in Cub Scouts are Tommy Basile, Marty Burns, Forrest Borre, Casey Casprzak, Dennis Druml, Danny Doutlivk, Mike Duffy, James Fiala, Howie Freeman, Bob Freund, Kenny Grothmann, Phil John. Randy Kreutz, David Murcrock, Richard Olesezuk, Chuckie Pedersen, Jimmy Ruggero, Paul Schwegel, James Schulze, Billy O'Brien, Willard Wenck and Toby Zandier. Den Mothers who received pins are; Mrs. Josephine Hansen, three year pin; Mrs. Irene Koch, Mrs. Lorraine Stahl, Mrs. Barbara LaGreca, and Mrs. Helen Stitch, received one 4®ar pins. Awards were presented by Ken Grothmann, Cub Scout Master. ... Pre Cana Conference The pre-cana conferences originally scheduled for Crystal Lake have been cancelled and will be held beginning next Sunday in Elgin. All engaged couples contemplating marriage within the next six months should plan to attend these conferences. Contact the head ushers for further information. New. Assignment Mrs. Harry Davidson ,of Deep Spring Woods has been appointed chairman of the committee for exceptional children, for ftarrison school, P.T.A., by Mrs. Iona Hood, president. Nativity Evangelical Lutheran Church Two worship services are provided for the convenience of all. A nursery for the small children is available during the second service. The sermon topic for Sunday, Nov. 23 will be "Readiness is next to Godliness". The commitments progress committee o'£ the building fund will meet at 8 o'clock Wednesday, Nov. 26. ] Bishops Clothing Drive I Any good used clothing I should be brought to the old church basement before Nov. 22. The annual bishop's clothing .Drive is held throughout the diocese and the clothing is sent to relieve the many war victims. Gemeny, Mrs. Anne Naughton and Mrs. Numbers visited to extend their good wishes. Nov. 12 was the1 wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Tony Grosso. =. On Nov. 18, Mr. and Mrs. W a y n e R y d e r o f W o o d e d Shores celebrated their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Russell of Highland Shores will, celebrate their twenty-first wedding anniversary on the twenty-first of November. The twentieth of November will be the fourth anniversary of Rev. and Mrs. Burton Schroeder. nated to the Memorial hospital. Bridge The Catholic Women's bridge ciub of Wonder Lake met at the home of Joanne Higgins. Winners were Josephine Kula and Lorraine Houda. Others attending were Betty Selsdorf, Marie Shrosbee, Mickey Thoma, Millie Kersten and Harriet McCall. The next meeting will be at the home of Lorraine Houda in White Oaks Bay. Special Thanksgiving Day Services At 9:30 a.m., Thanksgiving Day, a special service will be held and the junior choir will sing the anthem. On this day set aside to express our graditude to God for the bounty of His blessings, we urge everyone to attend church where true Thanksgiving begins. Smorgasbord" Sunday afternoon. Nov. 30, the Pledge Club will serve a smorgasbord in the new school hall from 2 to 5 p.m. Proceeds will be used to purchase new altar boy cassocks. ' Blessed Event Mr. and Mrs. Donald Condit of Highland Shores have a new baby named Donald Kevin. He was born Nov. 14, at the Memorial hospital. Brother Mike is 6 years old and sister, Joni, is 3. The only living grandparent is Benjamin Justice of Ashville, N. C. Fall Festival The Luther League will Have their annual fall festival at the Harrison school on Saturday evening, Nov. 29. There will be games, dancing and refreshments for everyone. All Wonder Lake people of high school age are welcome to attend. . Christ the King Church News The new schedule for weekday Masses is 8 a.m. daily except Monday and Saturday at 11:30 a.m. Christening Vicki Lynn, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ripley of Sunnyside, was baptized by Rev. Burton Schroeder, Sunday, Nov. 16, at Nativity church. Godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Christian Zacharias. Baptism ^ Joseph Jay Hansen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Muss Hansen of Wonder Center, was christened Sunday afternoon at Nativity church by Rev. Burton Schroeder. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Elbersen are the god-parents. Wonder Workers The next meeting of the Wonder Workers will be Monday, Nov. 24 at 7 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Muss Hansen in Wonder Center. All the first rr girls will make three kinds Cookies, to obtain their achievement award. Girl Scouts At the November meeting of Girl Scout Troop 4889, the girls made some unique pins out of felt. They also fashioned turkeys out of pine cones, turkey feattiers and pipe cleaners. Leslie Decker and Donna Setz- 10 were ^hostesses for the meeting. At the next meeting in December there will be election of officers for the coming year. ' Appointments I The following new appointj ments were made during the past week by Father Vanderpool; master of ceremonies, Ferdinand Fuentes. will be assisted by Anthony Misiak and Keith Noble. Appointments for the Marian high school campaign will be general chairman; Frank Houda. Marian committee; Frank Piller and Raymond Mendyk. The associate chairmen are .the Messrs. John Gustek, Jerry Raske, Lloyd Gondek, Anthony Misiak; Eugene McGrath and Otto Kersten. Other officials ^vill be appointed in the near future. ' Nurses Mrs. Irma Rockstead, R.N. of Deep Spring Woods No. 2 has been elected president of the Nurses Association in District 2. Greetings are held in Woodstock on the second Tuesday of every other month. A very interesting program in promised for the coming year. Dec. 11 a buffet dinner is planned at the McHenry Country club. Contact either Mrs. Rockstead or Pauline Pries. American Legion Post No. 1169 e Veteran's Day potluck Altar and Rosary Society The Altar and Rosary society will sponsor a card party in the new school hall at 8 on Nov. 20. Proceeds are to help furnish and equip the kitchen. Home-made cake and coffee will be served. Anniversaries Mr. &nd Mrs. George Cheevers celebrated their fcrty-first wedding anniversary on the tenth. All the members of the fami'y gathering together for dinner in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davidson celebrated their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary on the eleventh. Neighbors, Mrs. Tena Business & Service Directory oi Wonder Lakt CRISTY and STENDEBACH ueneral Contractors NEW HOMES Phone Wonder Lake sm Peter Wj. £uiten Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE ROCKETS IN THE NEWS S-: Golf pro likes luggage spao@ in Olds 'QOIdsmobile's conquest of "inner" space gives you more room where it counts! For the man who travels on his job, Oldsmobile's increase in trunk capacity--up to 64%--means valuable extra luggage space. In addition, you'll find more passenger room in every Olds model for '59. Make a date to space-test the new Rockets ... at your local authorized Oldsmobile Quality Dealer's, today! "~~~_~_T.~X~6YERTON~MbT6R""SALESr_"-- Horse Show association ban- I quet held in Lake Zurich Saturday night. The trophy was awarded on a point basis for competitions entered during I the past season in Southern j Wisconsin and Northern Illinois. With her mount "Limcj stone Lou", she took the grand j champion award for the whole I Chicago area in the equitation I class .at the Sun-Times Horse Show most recently. Susan will graduate from Way land Academy in the spring. Excursion Mr. and Mrs. George Weeks, Karen and Ricky, are planning a - trip to visit past residents, the Pilgrims, in Rocky River, Ohio. Birthdays Little Sally Schroeder invited her playmates to help her enjoy her birthday, Nov. 13. Geralyn Ann' McCall celebrated her fifth birthday with a gathering for a few of her friends. Other November birthdays just past are Rbbin Ruzicka, Ben Davis, Jim VanKanegan and Sharon LaGreca, Peter Buss and Jerry Whitman. Many happy returns of the day! Speedy Recovery A1 Shrosbee of Wonder Center, and Lucille Jensen of Highland Shores, are convalescing after surgery--Gayle and Sharon Booth are "doing nicely" after their tonsillectomies, last Saturday. Sympathy Friends at Wonder Lake were sorry to hear of trie death of AdeMne Donash. Deepest sympathy to Mrs. Lou Belshaw, her mother Mrs. Pennington passed away in Harvard. Canasta The Canasta club of Wooded Shores met at the home of Anne Weretka. Winning scores were held by Jean Motulewicz and Shirley Sorensen. Other players were Dorothy Michels, Dolores Wines, Prudence Grabovy and Dolores Petersen. Mrs. Helen Reuter, a new member, was unable to attend. Five dollars were collected and do- Pioneer Girls Meet Every Friday The Pioneer Girls club meets at 7:30 every Friday night at the Wohder Lake Bible church. The club is divided into the pilgrims group, composed of girls from third to sixth grades, and the colonists for girls from the seventh grade to first year high school. The club's activities include sirfging, playing games, handicraft projects and working for badges as well as the tiible study Which every girl needs. The girls have, been enjoying these meetings and every girl in the community from third grade to first year of high is invited to join. A fall festival fellowship has been scheduled at the Bible church for Friday, Nov. 21, at 6:30 p.m. A Boston baked dinner will be served and all families of the church are invited to come for an evening of fellowship. There will be entertainment and a special offering will be taken for the fjuel fund. The congregation ' is asked to participate in this venture designed to insure a warm and comfortable place of worship during the winter months. Saturday night, Nov. 22, the young people oi the church are going to the McHenry Bible church to see the movie "Seventeen". The group will meet at the Wonder Lake Church at 7:15 for transportation. The Ladies Missionary guild is making a plea for discarded sheets to continue their project on bandages. The supply of sheets is depleted and additional ones would be more than appreciated. Another Trophy For Susan Sixteen year old Susan Ensmi nger was awarded an honorary trophy in the bridle path class at the Northern Illinois PTA Youth Committee Calls Meeting A meeting was held at the home of Mrs. Howard Dolan, Monday, to discUss various means of raising funds for the eighth grade class to pay for the educational trip to Springfield which the graduating class takes each May. » - The plan to sell Christmas trees has been abandoned but the students will continue selling Christmas gift wrappings door to door. A seventh and eighth grade dance is planned for December 13 and a commitee was appointed to take care of the arrangements. Serving on the comrftittee are Viola Rochowicz, Kate Vacula, Millie Etheridge, Cecille Ensminger, Lorraine Moore, Anne Dolan and Cl&ra Bruscato. Tickets for the dance went on sale Tuesday and may be obtained from any eighth grader or at all the stores at the Lake at a cost of $1.00. The general public is invited to the Christmas party which is one of the fund raising projects for the eighth graders. Harold A. Watter^ yof Chicago, Saturday, Nov. 22, at St. Thomas church in Chicago. The groom is a chemical engineer, a graduate of the Illinois Institute of Technology. Gerry graduated from McHenry high was enrolled in the school of education at Loyola university, i Mrs. Betty Selsdorf was host- ! ess at a miscellaneous shower ! in Gerry's honor last Saturday j at her Indian Ridge home. The I mantle was beautifully decoj rated with wedding bells to which the gifts were attached with streamers. Finger sandwiches, cookies, cake and coffee were served to the guests. Present were Mrs. Dorothy Mc- Eachren, Mrs. Pat Wrede, Mrs. Alice Noren. Mrs. Marge Kolar, Mrs. Joe Lundborg, Mrs. Evelyn Gustafson, Mrs. K. Oleszczuk, Mrs. Frank Gu'cyzynski and daughter, Nancy, and Mrs. Leah Cormier. Operation Tom Sawyer The road commissioner of Deep Spring Woods No. i accomplished the painting of the sand barrels for thfe subdivision in record time last Saturday when he enlisted the aid of the youthful members of the subdivision in the paint brush brigade. "Those with the yellow paint were Jackie Doherty, Georgie Burns* Timmy Speers and Chris Ducey. Mr. and Mrs. George Unwin, old timers of Maple Drive, [Wonder Center, will celebrate their fifty-one years of wedded bliss Sunday, Nov. 23. Doctor Attends Post Grad Course Dr. S. L. .Ruggero attended a t hree day post graduate course in general praciice which was co-sponsored by the University of Wisconsin in Medical school and the Wisconsin Academy of General Practice and held at the U. of W. campus in Madison November 6. 7, and 8. Mrs. Ruggero accompanied the doctor to Madison. 4 To Be Married Saturday Geraldine Cormier, daughter of Mrs. Leah Cormier of Indian Ridge, will be "married to Harold A. Watters, son of Mrs. Bowling and Buffet Supper The Wonder Woods Property Owner's association will sponsor another bowling party this year to be held at the McHenry Recreation Saturday. Dec. 13, with a buffet supper to follow at the Wing and Fin club. Last year friends from around j the Lake attended and they | are invited again. If interested, phone W.L. 4411 for details About the same number of persons were killed in auto accidents in 1957 as 21 years previously. • according to the National Safety Council. However, the mileage death rate (number of deaths per 100 million vehicle miles) dropped from 15.1 to 5.9 in 1957. * Many scientists have quit wondering how old the earth is and have begun pondering how much older it will get. Tales ^iiiiimimiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiHiiiiiitiiiiiiitiiiiiiiML VILLA NURSING HOME | ON PISTAKEE BAY NEAR McHENRY | | Home for A§@d J = S E N I L E . . . . BED P A T I E N T S I | PHONE McHENRY 461 | itllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllllUIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItllllllHilllllllllllllllll FEATHER PARTY" at Mcfl LLOM LAKE SATURDAY, NOV. 22 REFRESHMENTS FOR HEALTHY TEETH AS WHITE AS MILK, DRINK MILK FROM miuNm miry Rom where I sit... Ay Joe Marsh Whitey "Auto" Not Sell Now 403 FRONT ST. PHONE 6 McHENRY, ILL. niNI IN TNI "NIW OLDS SNOW," STAMINO PATH MOI • IVUY WUK ON ABC-TV» Folks thought it was a big joke when Whitey Fisher-- who owns a chicken farm up on Murphy Hill--bought an old taxtcab. "Bought it mainly to haul eggs," Whitey told me. "Take, out the rear seat and there's as much room as a truck. Put it back, and I can take all the kids on the Hill to school. "In warm weather," he continued, "I can slide back the roof and get sunshine. And when I go hunting, I'll wind up the glass partition and the dogs can't lick the back of my neck!" From where I sit, things aren't always what they are at first glance. "More than meets the eye" is often true whether you're talking about Whitey's "cab," or a new neighbor down the street. Give things a chance to be proved... give eyery man a chance to be heard. Sit down over a glass of beer or buttermilk and get to know each other. It's the American way... a road of "tolerance" we all ought to ride on. Copyright, 1958, United States Brewers Foundation units "I'M A BUSY MAN1' "If I want to buy something, I don't go out hunting for it. Ljustlookin the Yellow Pages. find it fast in the )llow Pages FREE 3-H.P. cli/tnrucle 1 Outb oi ari j OR CASH VALUE APPLIED TO THE EVINRUDE MOTOR OF YOUR CHOICE SSG*@ BRING IN THAT OLD IF IT'S THE OLDEST AND CI fic* preview the golden era off outboard boating •••to see the new 1959 Qofdevb Mfe EVINRUDE OUTBOARD MOTORS TORN OYER THE M THI nn YOUR CHAICIS OF . Willi. MIST BE IN OUR STORE BEFORE DECJSH. IS YOURS! See *59's most advanced mottm . .. with new thermostat* controlled engine efficiency... matchless sound-sealed quiet... wonderfully smooth, carefree power... rugged, high-density fiberglas hoods ... 8 feature* packed, pleasure-packed eye* catching models to choose from. / WINNING MMM OUR PR0PI1TY The Oldest Motor Registered To Date Is a 1938. If Yours Is Olde ster Today. Tlortli Brd, Ann Street 1 Block N. of 120 r awne . E^eHenry, III. East Side Old Bridge Phone McHenry 7 or 3360

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