Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1958, p. 17

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ay, November 20, 1958 THE MeHEKHY PLA1NDEALER LUpoor .5 Association Has Monthly Meeting by Sharon Counley / Page Vhe monthly meeting of the Lilymoor association was held at the Lilymoor schoolhouse on Tuesday, Nov. 11, at 8 p.m. October's minutes were read and approved. The treasurer then gave her report. The report by the chairman for the Hallowe'en . party was very good. Oh Tuesday they held the election of new officers, president, Vernon Ehredt; first VTO-president, Herman Crawley; second vice - president Charles Hueckstaedt; secretary, Marge Polinski; treasurer, Val Fradinardo. Serving on the board of directors are: Lawrence Bartelt; Florence Svoboda; Fred Fradinardo; Walter Malecke and Lawrence Schuerr. , Plans for the next installat|£ p party will be made at the newt mjeeting which will be made at the next meeting which will be held the first Tuesday of December because of the Christmas season. Improvements Being Made The road committee will be pretty busy in the next few weeks as they are making road signs to be put up on all int£ sections. When these signs are finished, volunteers will be needed to install these signs, as the sooner we get them up the sooner we will get our house numbers assigned to us. If you care to volunteer in putting your corner street sign up, get in touch with anyone of the road committee or contact the association president. ™ A Birthday Herbert Polinski celebrated his birthday Sunday, Nov. 9, with a dinner in his home. Those who attended were his son and daughter-in-law, Dick and Judy, Mrs. Polinski's mother, sister and brother-inlaw from Barrington, and a friend of daughter Kathy's, Art Hurst. A good time was 1£0 by all. A Terrible Mishap The father of one of the Arc Angel's, Gail Cannon, Ed Cannon of Wonder Lake, was hurt and hospitalized at St. Anne's hospital in Chicago when some televisions fell on top of him three weeks ago while he was working. He is now recuperat- " home. We hope that he able to return to work soon, as Mrs. Cannon does not know what to do with him. Hurry up and get well, Mr. Cannon! Judy Cameron, her sister, Kathy Flynn, and a neighbor and good friend of Judy's Sharon Counley, spent an enjoyable evening in Wauconda on "^esday, Nov. 11., What did trey do? They went to a demonstration held at Judy and Kathy's mother's house. There were about fifteen people present. Cake and coffee were served afterwards. Sunday School News Hey kids, don't forget, Sunday school still meets every Sunday at the little school- Yfkxse, at 9:30. The Sunday school is coming along very fine; Mrs. Carter says they got two new members last Sunday. That's fine. So let's see all- you little kids who don'ttgo to any special Sunday school come up 8 WAYS BETTER ••••your own cows will prove it! Get your supply of AUREOMYCIN . Mastitis Products today and tM why you get faster, surer results tting only \k as much as other rands. 1. Float on milk up Into quarter 2. Coat udder tissue 3. Effective against important mastitis-causing bacteria 4. Not diluted and weakened by milk 5. Not lost at first milking 6. No organism resistance reported 7. Do net freeze--flow freely 0^- OHO dose for 48 hours • other brands every 12 hours EAi to the schoolhouse on Sundays. You will have a good time. The 'teen-agers of Lakemoor especially enjoyed the appearance of the Apollo Quartet at the McHemy high school on Thursday morning at 10:30, They said that few were the most responsive audience that they have ever had. Their singing was very good and we especially enjoyed it because we got out of a class to see them. We ail liked them very much (especially the little blond who sang a solo) and we hope to see them come back real soon. Take Heed To This Warning Kids, please pay attention to this? Especially you kids of Lilymoor. Stay put of the woods! It is hunting season now and there are hunter^ up there scooting and you never can tell when a stray bullet might come out of nowhere arid hit you and maybe hurt you seriously. We don't want to see any of brothers or sisters, sons or daughters, or even our pets hurt. So please Stay away from the woods. Grand Opening The Kountry Kitchen held its grand opening on Friday, Nov. 14, for the 'teen age room. A lot of 'teen-agers from Lilymoor and Lakemoor and all over came to help celebrate. It is the first recreation room in Lilymoor and it is a wonderful thing. A S-Day Visit E. M. Belford spent a 3-day weekend visiting with his mother, Mrs. E. E. Belford, in Peoria. While there they visited in Princeville with Mr. Belford's aunt, Mrs. Lester Overend. They also visited in their home town, Galva, with Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Sperry. Brownie Troop The Brownie Troop of Lilymoor meets every Thursday after school at the Lilymoor schoolhouse under the direction of Mrs. Herbert Fantus and assisted by Mrs. Fred Karmel. Any girl between the ages of 7 and 12 who are interested in joining this group contact one of these ladies to be registered and for further information. Birthdays Billy Fantus was 6 on Sunday, Nov. 16. Tom Shuringa celebrated his birthday on Friday, Nov. 14. Mrs. Arthur Kurbyun celebrated her birthday on Mon= day, Nov. 17. Happy birthday to all of you. This is the second year that Lilymoor has had a place of its own m rthe paper. • Bowling News Oops, sorry, a mistake was made in last week's column concerning a bowling team. Chet's Service ..Station is now Johnsburg Bowling Bar. Sorry, girls. Incidently, the Bowling Bar won two games from Buss Motors' team. Better luck next time, Buss Motors. McCullom Lake Urge Readers To Observe Early Deadline Eve Levesque Readers of the column are being asked to submit news notes and anecdotes by tonight, Thursday, /Nov. 20. Copy must be submitted to the Plaindealer by Friday afternoon. In order to have the paper reach readers within the city and on rural routes before the holiday, the Plaindealer will be printed on Tuesday of next week. Your co-operation in this matter will be of considerable help in preparing a suitable column. Thanks in advance. "Fowl Frolic" A Great Success The feather party given by the Ladies of the Lake at Berenice and Whitey's last Saturday night was very well attended by local residents and many good folks from McHenry. The welcome mat was extended to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. Nick Miller, and Mrs. John Nihill. Proceedings got off with a bang around 9 p.m. with Bob Smith directing the public games. Many hours of preparation went into the success of the party and special thanks must go to Lil Ringelstetter, Betty Poledna, Marie Howe, Lois Parenti, Margaret Stacknick, Barbara Thacker,. Betty Murray, Ruth Smith, Laura Meyer, Marge Egerstaffer, and of course, Bob Smith. The women received a mighty helping hand from Chuck Miller" and Jake Levesque also. And we are so grateful to the wonderful response from the villagers. Seems as though everyone had a good time. Delicious hot turkey sandwiches and trimmings were served to all the guests to the delight of . everyone. Funds which were realized from the affair Will be used for the improvement of the community. Village Board In the absence of J. R. Levesque, village president, Bill Creutz, one of the trustees, served in the capacity of chairman at the last meeting of the board which was held Monday, Nov. 10', in the beachhouse. Jake was flying a Navy misthe ttnw.. ' The. business . meeting ..WAS short and the rfcst of the evening was devoted to a hearing of a re-zoning variation. No decision was handed down, but a continuance was granted by members of the board Until the next meeting which will be held Monday, Nov. 24 at 8 pjn. in the beachhouse. Public invited. Hospital Patient Mrs. Myrtle Kinsey checked into a Chicago, hospital early Monday morning. She is there for possible... surgery. Here's wishing the best for this nice lady. gone into business Jor herself. She is handling the sale of £hese things for the disabled E-. who sell them, through American Legion auxiliary. . Creutz will be most happy to accommodate you!! Boy Scout Drive Quite a switch! This is'one drive for funds that the men of the . community handled and did a wonderful job of it. The amount raised was more than twice as much as was given in former years!! Bill Creutz is area chairman but Jake Levesque served as the local chairmn. Assisting him in contacting residents for contributions were Clayt Nelson, Ray Aalto, Floyd Fry, Chase Koch, John Boyle, Joe DeMar, Ray DeWitt, Ed Liston, Don LprCh, Art Stuhlfeier, Bill Hyatt, and members of the police force, Chief Larry Murray, and officers Bill Reid, Jack Schlofner, Earl Murray, Jerry Burg, Paul Nitz and Bud Brendle. Hats off to the fellows for a good job--well done! Ladies of the Lake The women met Thursday, Nov. 13, for their annual election of officers. Mrs. Betty Poledna was re-elected president for her second term. Louise Hammerstein will assist her in the capacity of vice-president. As sorry as we were to lose her, Lois Parenti declined the nomination for secretarytreasurer. She has held the office for two years and has done a tremendous job of keeping the books in order. Mrs. Marie Howe holds the new position of secretary - treasurer. Here's hoping the women of the organization will pletfee their support to the new slate. This should be a fine year for the club. There will be NO meeting of the Ladies of the Lake this month, because the regular night will fall on Thanksgiving. The December schedule has been revised and the gals will meet the first and third TUESDAYS of that month! Cants will be sent for a reminder. Something Different in Gifts v With Christmas approaching; so rapidly--the idea of holiday^ shopping is in the minds of everyone. Before you starts haunting the stores for that^ "just right" item, why not pay; a visit to Mrs. Eteanrir Creut * at 504 Fountain Lane-? She has gifts of stuffed toys, hand-made rugs, men's and ladies' wallets and many • other wonderful items. No -- Eleanor hasn't DR. HENRY FRESJND OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. • FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30. P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 $ 00 NEVER HAD SUCH POWER SPECiAL OFFER FREE «07H HVE rauasio AUREOMYCIN ) 1 i' 1^-- TARGOT® Brand of AUREOMYCIN® Chlortatra. cyclino • Neomycin - Dihydroifrcptontycfai for uddar infusion. BOLGEF DRUG STORE Phone 40 McHenry ' Nothing Like Adventure To broaden one's horizon, and Irs. Hildur Stohlgren has nevtaken a back seat when it omes to a bold move. This harming woman -- 74 years oung, sold her home on Orchrd Drive and departed on "hursday for St. Petersburg, la. She had reservations on plane but cancelled these in svor of a train when she found hat her pet cat "Poncho" ould be forced to travel in e baggage compartment! "Aunt Hilly" as the youngsrs called her, has purchased house trailer which is being ipped south and when she nds a trailer court to her likg-- she will set up housekeeping! Isn't that wonderful? ? Her home acro&s from the beach was purchased by Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bexry and their two boys. Mr. Berry's mother and father own a home on Park View West, so there will be much fraternizing between the two families. A hearty welcome to the new family and we Wish to extend a cordial invitation to take part in any and all of the local clubs! You can bet Ruth- and Mac are mighty thrilled with their talented young gal!! Can You Top This? Miss Jean Anne McGinley, Kuth and Walt's 'teen - age daughter, beat June Kristof, Champion bowler at her own game last Saturday night! Mrs., Kristof rolled a 163 game While Jean's score was a whoppin' 175. The event took place t the bowling alleys in Johnsrg. After the game, Miss cGinley was invited to "break ead" with the Kristofs--who ere appearing at the alleys er the weekend. Air Force Graduate Ed Caron graduated from a class at Lackland Air Force Base last Tuesday, and after a short respite from studies, he will be transferred to another base to start training in the capacity of a dental technician. There is a very good chance that Ed will be home for Christmas--news which is dear to the hearts of Jean and Hugh McDonald. Bet he's a "handsome dog" in his GI togs! Birthday Gals Little Laurie Jean Murray and sister, Judy, both had parties last week to celebrate their respective birthdays -- on differ days, of course! Linda Roeske was. six on Tuesday, Nov. 11 and entertained some of her chums at a party for the evejit. On hand for mother Betty's home-made goodies were Michael and Frank Lorch, Pamela and Mike Schlitt, Laurie Murray, Anne and Tim Corsan and Dale Fufton. Pammie Schlitt managed to win the clothes pin game in spite of her tender years--not quite four--over mighty stiff competition!. Guessing games for prizes added to the amusement of the "trike set"--with plenty of ice cream and cake to take the edge off their appetites. Quite a time. Lovely 'teen - ager Roberta Meyers is looking forward to Saturday, Nov. 22 when she will be 17. Billy Brennan will be 10 on Sunday, Nov. 23, while Mrs. Ina Jensen who has the same natal day admits to a "little over 21". Louise Matthesius has her ninth year coming up on Nov. 24. That takes care of the celebrations up 'til next Tuesday, when another copy of the column will be forthcoming. Better start counting calories to offset your holiday dinner. Don't forget those news items and call them in today -- the number is 2171.1} Birthday and Anniversary Greetings To Betty Murray and Willard Schultz who are celebrating their natal day today, Thursday, Nov. 20. Will's a "39er" but Betty is NOT! Barbara Egerstaffer will be 12 tomorrow, Nov. 21. And the Tomasellas -- Mary and Louis--will mark their twenty- first wedding anniversary also on the twenty-first. MBCT HESITATE IT MAY COST YOU MONEY INVESTIGATE Fq • -- INSURED I! t t BUDGET PLAN THENNES OIL CO. PHONE 32 8; Front St. McHenry, III. Belated Greetings To Master J. F£. Walter of Orchard Drive who was four on Nov. 9. Also to Mickey Reid who was all of ten on Saturday, Nov. 15. To Gladys and Merv Schmitt who were wed 9 years on Nov. 12. AWARD CONTRACTS The Illinois Division of Highways has announced the award of contracts totaling $536,092 for construction projects in five counties in connection with Gov. William G. Stratton's 1958 road program. The counties are Morgan, Marion, Madison, Kendall and Pike. HOSPITAL GIVES FREE SERVICE DIABETES WEEK ^ Diabetes Detection Week is being observed from Nov. 16 to 22 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. The hospital said this week that they' will make free urinalysis Monday through Friday, Nov. 17 through 21, from 8 ajm. to 3:30 p.m. each day. Anyone desiring to avail themselves of this service is asked "to bring a sample in a clean container labeled with name, address and telephone number. The hospital will test for sugar content and only thos whose test is positive will be notified. This is a free service in observance of Diabetes Week and is approved by' the McHenry. County Medical society. PLEA FOR HELP Every now and then we have requests for people who care to engage in philanthropic work of a nature not ordinarily sandled by service organizations. The most recent is a plea for transportation for a mentally retarded local boy so that he might attend school. Anyone who wishes to assist might call Astrid E. Naggatz, phone Ge 8-3195. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Phone McHenry 976 New homes available for immediate occupancy *• modern electric heating have to offer the new home buyer? If you are buying or building a new home, these facts will explain why the most luxurious heat of all is well worth a few extra dollars a month Tiiusnpl 4-door sedan does up to 78 miles an hour.. .40 miles to the gallon... and... this TR3 engineered British beauty averages 60,000 miles without a major overhaul ... gives the whole family plenty of head andleg room... has fold-down back seats that make 30 cu. ft of carrying space... is a motoring joy. See how much powei $1699 has at your Triumph dealer! "W n -!£~ w ^ "w LUMf *mt V. S. port* a# entry, plae lazes. White wall tire• extra. Phone 1899 5-OOOR ESTATE WAGON Q. Is electric heating clean? A. It's just as clean as electric light! You see, it uses no fuel--there's nothing to burn, no open flames. And with nothing burning, there's no smoke or soot to create dirt. Q. Does it make any noise f A. Radiant Electric Heating is absolutely silent. There are no moving parts, nothing running. No furnace noise. Q. How about comfort control? A. Radiant Electric Heating doesn't compromise on comfort. Separate thermostats in each room let you choose the exact degree of heat you need. You can keep the bathroom 80°, while the living room is 72°, inld the bedrooms are set for perfect sleeping comfort at an even 65°. Q. Is electric heating complicated to operate? A. It's as easy as tuning your radio. All you do is set the thermostats to the temperature you want. Radiant Electric Heating does the rest, automatically. Q. How does It feel? A. It's a deep-down penetrating warmth that feels just like the sun! You see, Radiant Electric Heating warms objects in the room directly. Q. What does It look like ? A. Radiant Electric Heating is available in various forms. It can be a compact baseboard installed along the base of exterior walls and painted to match the room. It can be embedded in the floor or ceiling (only the wall thermostat is visible). Or it can consist of radiant glass panels, installed in the walls. Q. How much do I pay for a Radiant Electric Heating System? A. In the majority of cases, a Radiant Electric Heating system will cost less to install than conventional flmna-fyr^ avgt^»m«.^ Of^course.^ insuiation and storm doors ancTwindows are a necessary part of any Electrically Heated Home (Commonwealth Edison does not recommend electric heating for a home without them). But you need no chimney, no hot water pipes or radiators, no furnace, no fuel storage space. And Radiant Electric Heating takes no usable floor space. Q. How about upkeep? A. With modern Radiant Electric Heating there are no moving parts, nothing to get out of order. Nothing to adjust, nothing to clean. As a result, the upkeep is just a fraction of what you'd pay to keep a conventional heating system in operation. Q. Want air conditioning, too? A. If you want both electric heating and air conditioning in one unit, you'll want the wonderful new Heat Pump that both heats and cools electrically. With this all-electric air conditioning system, the air in your home is warmed or cooled to the exact temperature you select, filtered clean, gently and quietly circulated to every room. The Heat Pump is a compact unit that can be installed in the basement or crawl space to deliver fully conditioned air through ductwork to every room in your home. And just as with Radiant Electric Heating, there are no flames, no fumes-- nothing to disturb your absolute peace of mind! Q. What happens if the electricity goes off? A. If the electricity ever did go off, the electric heating would go off, too. But so would every other kind of automatic heating. Even fueltype heating systems depend upon electricity for operation. Q. Is it safe? A. It's fully as safe as the electric light you're reading this by. With electric heating in your home you'll enjoy a wonderful new peace of mind. There's nothing to escape, drip, leak, smell or boil over. Q. What's this I hear about a special electric heating rate? A. Recently, Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company put into effect a new electric heating rate that cuts the cost of heating with electricity about 30%. This new rate, together with new developments in heating equipment and better standards of home insulation, puts electric heating well within the means of most new home buyers. As a result, new electric heating has been specified for more than 900 homes and apartments. Q. Hew cttoeli does It cost to operate? A. Operating costs of electric heating obviously will vary according to the size and type of home and family living habits. Commonwealth Edison and Public Service Company, or your home builder, will be glad to provide electric heating estimates based on the specifications of the home you plan to build or buy. Q. Where can I learn more about electric heating? A. You can get more information by phoning your nearest Commonwealth Edison or Public Service Company office. Or you can see new Electrically Heated Homes now being featured by progressive builders in the Chicago area. Rfgnember. glecp-iq heajins is qvail^bl^ now! £fcere'sjno waiting list and no permits are needed! So if a new home is on the horfzon'fbr^you, look into the modern miracle of electric heating. After all, doesn't it make sense to get the advanced heating in your new home that you've always hoped would be available someday? I Commonwealth Bdiaoa Company V Public Service Company

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