Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Nov 1958, p. 7

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f 'Thursday, November 29# 1$58 --; , -- THE McHENRY PUUNDEALER CLASSIFIED HELP WANTED FOR RENT PIN-SPOTTERS wanted. Apply in ,person. Palace Recreation, Saturday .afternoon. *28-2 m )DERN 3 ROOM heated apt. Stove, refrigerator and washing machine included. Phone McHenry 742. 16-tf 2 STORY "building. 920 sq. ft. area. Ideal for storage and garage. Newly remodelled with electricity. Located 304 E. Elm, McHenry. Phone 743 or 347. 19-tf RENT OR SALE -- store building with 7 room apt. up. 520 Main street, McHenry. Ph. McHenry 293-R. 24-tf BRAND NEW beautiful 3 bed room ranch home for rent with option to buy. IVz tile baths, modern cabinet kitchen, $125 per month. In Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. 14, % mile west o f . Rt. 31. Turn s(£th at Crystal Drive-in sign Call Crystal Lake 2731 or RAndolph 6-3907. • 1-tl OFFICE BUILDING oh Rt. 120 - Kent Acres. Could be used for other business. Phone Kent Corp, McHenry 8 or 269. 26-tf Brand New Beautiful 3 Bdrm. Deluxe Ranch [omeFor Rent With Option! To Buy Tiled bath -- Efficient modern cabinet kitchen $115 per month Crystal Lake Manor ori U.S. No. 14 -- V\ mile west of Rte. 31. Turn South at Crys- Drive-In sign. Inquire at Model Home. Crystal Lake 2731 or RAndolph 6-3907. 29 -2 BEDROOM HOUSE, oil heat in Emerald Park. Phone McHenry 1968 or 1865. 29 UNFURNISHED APT., large living room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. All utilities furnishecL Close to shopping center. Cwl 1493 after 6 p.m. 29-2 STORE BUILDING. 520 Main street, McHenry. Phone McHenry 293-R. 14-tf FOUR ROOM -- Two bedroom home on 5 acres of land near McHenry. $95.00 month rental, year lease, last three month's rent payable in advance. McHenry Realty. McHenry 268. £ 26-« THREE itOOM partly furnished apartment with bath and large enclosed porch. 121 Green St. Phone McHenry 9877. 28-tf 6 ROOM FLAT; second floor; tile bath; all utilities included. Near depot. Tel. McHenry 172 or 2076. 28-tf 6 ROOM HOUSE, furnished, at RUTullom Lake. $60. Inquire Kountry Kitchen. Rt. 120, Lilymoor. 29 5 ROOM LAKE FRONT cottage, McCullom Lake. Partly furnished •-- including electric range, refrigerator and automatic washer. Available December 1 until June 30. Phone 3274-R. 29 2 iy2 ROOM APTS. 1 particSiy furnished. All utilities furnished. Rent reasonable. Town Club 201 Riverside Drive, Ant. 3. McHenry. Phone 3573. ask for Mr. Buck. 29 4 ROOM Apartment in Johnsburg. Hot water heat furnished, garage. $85 per month. Jacob Fritz Realtors in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. 26-tf 2 (^BEDROOM apartment, 513 Waukegan Road. Phone McHenry 772-M. 29 4 Vz ROOM farm home for rent to adults. Near Greenwood. Partially furnished. $45 per mohth. For week-end appointment call or write Ahrens, Huff Acres, Route 3, Woodstock, 111. Phone Hebron 2713. 29 2* BEDROOM unfurnished house, large closets, automatic oil heat. Aluminum storm windows. Near lake. $85 per mo. Phone Wonder Lake 2043 or 2661. 29 2 BEDROOM house, partly furnished and redecorated. $65.00. Phone McHenry 1555. 29 OFFICE FOR RENT. Phone McHenry 430. 29 I T^EWL/i^ REMOIDEl^D^ 5^ rm! 2nd floor apt. Bath & utility room, gas heat. Located in Greenwood. Available immediately. Phone Woodstock 1411- W after 6 p.m. 29. LARGE WELL furnished room. Extra storage space. Phone McHenry 1251. 29 GIRL FOR general office work, typing, shorthand and bookkeeping. experience preferred. SkysweepeCi-'^Encl, McHenry 1090. 29 WATCHMAN (Week-Ends) Saturdays and Sundays 6 A.M. to 6 P.M. Age 30 to 50 PERMANENT Barco Manufacturing Co. 500 Hough Street Barrington, 111. 29 YOUR NEW " JEWEL Food store at 313 W. Elm St., McHenry, 111.A opens soon. This will create new job opportunities for female checkers, full time and part time, high school girls part time, high school boys part time, meat cutting apprentices. Apply Saturday, Nov. 22, at your new McHenry Jewel, 9 a.m. to 12 noon. For information call KEystone 9- 1886. 29 EXPERIENCED BEAUTY operator. Apply at Riverside Hair Styling. No phone calls. 29-tf REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides & REAL ESTATE RESTAURANT Located on Route 12 Doing a business which nets . . . . , . _ $ 1 2 , 0 0 0 a n n u a l l y . An i d e a l h u s - &tionaT income. Call Wonder i band and wife proposition. Lake 5654. > 44-tt n^r. $6,500 Full Price FOR SALE 3 bedroom home nearly complete in Cooney Heights. Full bsmt., carport, 80 ft. lot. Will finish to suit. $15,500 complete. F.H.A. and conventional financing available. May be seen any time. Lee Cooney, 113 Richmond Road. McHENRY 119-R CALL MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 29 2 BEDROOM Rancfc stone and brick, attached garage, finished, gas heat, washer & dryer. 300 Anne st., Edgebrook Hgts. Phone McHenry 1025.. 27-tf 28-tf FOIS SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE . 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-tf OWNER SELLING two bedroom ranch home, 4 years old. Full basement and attached garage. Automatic oil perimeter heating, carpeting. . . . Beach rights. Priced to sell. $11,500. Call Wonder Lake 5513. 23-tf FULL TIME bookkeeper. Experience necessary. Steady employment. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 418. 29 HELP WANTED MEN Die Casters Polishers Buffers ' Apply in Person The Electric Auto-Lite Co. Woodstock, Illinois 29 WANTED -- LADY to care f o r 4 c h i l d r e n -- a g e s 1 - 7 years, during 10 day period in January. Phone 3553. 29 WANTED: ONE experienced direct salesman. We offer qualified leads, protected territory, factory and field training. Finest equipment and service. Opportunity for advancement and better than average income. Softy of Palatine. 19 North- Northwest Highway, Palatine. 29 EXPERIENCED sewing machine operators for part time evening work. Phone McHenry 3349-J. Mary Schiavone. 29 STENOGRAPHER - bookkeepe r . E x c e l l e n t o p p o r t u n i t y . Write Box 201, McHenry, 111., or call McHenry 191 for appt. 29 REAL ESTATE BARGAIN -- CORNER lot 90x150 on top of hill overlooking Griswold Lake. For information call 104-M after 6:30 p.m. call 817-R. 5-tf 2 BEDROOM ranch; 2 years old; attached garage; gas heat; river rights; fully landscaped; 2 blocks to shopping. $15,000. Terms. Phone McHenry 322. 15-tf Jak-Ana Heights "Moderate Restrictions for your protection" In Johnsburg Three Bi-Level • Living-Dining Rooms • Birch Cabinet Kitchen •1% baths - upper tile • Oak Floors • Plastered Walls • Recreation Room (13'x23') • Utility Room (11* x20') • Natural Gas Heat • Attached Garage • Face brick on all four sides • Lot (100'x 200') • Immediate Possession Full Price $23,750. Terms Subdivision adjoining St. John's church, school and playeroujjds. 2^ hlnflrg . to ^rMctyirt School. For inspection call at our office on Main street, in Johnsburg. Phone McHenry 37. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Route 5 McHenry, 111. 26-tf FOR SALE 2 bedroom house, living room, dining, kitchen, bath, sun parlor, hardwood floors, basement, oil heat. Ideal location for schools and shopping. Waukegan Rd. Immediate possession. Price $13,000. ns HAN REAL ESTATE Office Ph. McHenry 1655 Home Ph. McHenry 1216 26-tf BULL VALLEY pig nursery on 40 acres with modern 3 bedroom home. Phone Windsor 5-2763. 17-tf FOR SALE OR RENT to elderly couple.' Two bedroom house. Oil heated, new kitchen, breezeway. Located in Emerald Park, McHenry. For a good deal call evenings VA 4-2052. *29 REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 2 bedroom home on Pistakee Bay Road, attached garage, on 75 ft. lot. Close in. Inspect and make an offer. Here is a beauty! On 100 ft. lot, well treed and private, 2 bedrooms, full basement^ attached garage, all river and pier rights. This is a bargain at $20,000. See our Ad under "Business Opportunities" CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. SITUATION WANTED McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS * . In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 87 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf FOX RIVER waterfront,) modern 2 bedroom home. Full basement, gas heat, small down payment. Owner will carry contract or mortgage: Phone McHenry 3006 after six p.m. Immediate possession. 22-tf 3 BEDROOM brick house, sun porch, screened in patio, finished basement with fireplace, on 2 lots, $16,000. Island Lake. Call Jackson 6-3164. 29 REAL ESTATE THREE BEDROOM home, full basement, garage; on corner, 3 lots (2 wooded) fenced; forced air heat, bath and %; cabinet kitchen; lots of closet space. McCullom Lake Estates. Sacrifice. Phone 971 for appointment. 29-tf McHENRY And Surrounding Territory Year 'Round Homes Home Sites Business Locations" 210 S. Green St. Ph. 112R 29 FOR SALE by oV 6 room modern ranch (.style frame home. Full basement, many extras. On channel. $18,000. Call McHenry 1471-W. 29 CHOICE. BUSINESS property available % mile west of McHenry on Route 120. Also residential lots. Terms. Raymond Weide. Phone Wonder Lake 6501. 29-22 LOTS FOR SALE --100x130! Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHenry 439-W. 29-tf BUYING or SELLING A. H. Gallagher Clean 3 bedroom Colonial with full basement, breezeway and attached garage. Only 10 years old. Gas ht. $17,000. 4 year old 3 bedroom Ranch with IV2 baths. Attic storage space. Large corner lot in town. Carpeting. $23,500. Sparkling white 3 bedroom, 2 bath Colonial on IV* acres. All king size? rooms. Basement. 2. car garage. School bus stops at door. $23,500. Two apartment on Riverside Dr. Zoned gas heat. 2 car garage. Large corner lot. $31,500. 4 bedroom, 1% bath Brick and Cypress home on the River, 2 blocks from shopping center. 7 years old, zoned gas radiant heat. Att. garage. $39,500. •-fc- WirtE -~T~, GALLAGHER SIGN^ A. H. Gallagher & Associates OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 Jinny Gallagher: McHenry 1629 James Roesch: McHenry 3549 2S 2 year old ranch in beautiful subdivision. 3 bedrooms, birch kitchen, full basement. Mus| sacrifice. Job transfer out of state. Full price $14,500. Only $1,500 down, balance on contract. A buy that can't be beat. 3 ' bedroom ranch, fireplace, 3 car garage, corner lot, $17,- 500. $1,000 down takes this place, balance on contract. CARPENTER AND cement work. From small repairs to farm and residential construction. Cabinet work a specialty. Financing available, reasonable rates. Sandvick, Wonder Lake 3934. 12-tf EXCAVATING, b u 11 d o z i ng, plowing, disking, land clearing and t r u c k i n g of a l l k i n d s . Smith Brothers. JAckson 6- 8632. 16-13 P»g*s«T|j> WANTED TO BUY WANT TO BUY Alto Saxaphone. Call McHenry 591-R-2. 29 CEMENT MIXER, jacks, jack posts, concrete forms, wheelbarrows, timbers, 8" x 12" 24'- 32' long, wanted to buy. Call McHenry 2530 after 7 p.m. 29 MISCELLANEOUS NEW ELECTRIC adding machines for rent by week or month. Phone McHenry 759-J. 29 SOUTHERN FRIED CHICKEN DINNER Including coffee and dessert ALICE SWEDA at the Hammond Organ CLUB LILYMOOR Rt. 120 We give King Korn Stamps on package liquor sales 29 y 3 it, NOTICE CARPENTER WORK wanted, remodeling, additions, garages, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement. Free estimates. Phone Wonder Lake 3931. 12-^ WANT IRONING to do in ray home or housework by the dav. Phone McHenry 1968. 29 YOUNG MOTHER wilF give excellent, loving care to infant or children for working parents. Phone JAckson 6-2615. 29 ACCORDIAN and guitar lessons available now at St effan's Jewelry and Records. Beginners and advanced, l or further information call McHenry 123-J. 19-tf Join the McHenry State Bank Xmas Savings Club Now. Adv.--27-tf TO BE GIVEN AWAY 6 WEEK OLD puppies. Phone McHenry 1096-M. 29 YOUNG MAN 18, willing worker, wants job. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer Box 419. *29 WANTED / Restaurant on busy highway in town. Ready to go. Large parking area. Full price $18,- 500. Small down payment, balance on contract. River lot in McHenry. 200 feet to shopping. Sea wall in. This lot worth well over $7,000. Will take $5,000. ^ 2 bedroom completely furbished and decorated home. Private boat pier on river, fully landscaped, also 12x20 garage. $15,000. Small down payment -- balance on contract. TOP PRICE PAID for Iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1)6.10-M-2 43-tf GENTLEMAN NEEDS ride to Crystal Lake mornings, Monday thru Friday to catch 6:05 train. Phone McHenry 3383 or 97. 29 -WANTED TO BUY OLD FASHIONED wicker baby basket. Phone McHenry 3239. 92 REGULATION Size Ping Pong table and combination storm screen doors. Phone Wonder Lake 4634. 29 i : -- LEGAL NOTICE General Telephone Company of Illinois TO OUR CUSTOMERS This is to notify all Richmond and "Wonder Lake customers of a change in the method of placing free service calls between Richmond and Wonder Lake. Effective with the receipt of your new directory on or about November 26th, free service calls shall be placed by dialing "9" plus the number desired in the exchange. No operator assistance or answering will occur. If an operator is called, she will advise the customer of the correct dialing procedure? This change is being made to improve this service to our customers. If any questions arise concerning this service, please contact our business office at any time. P. A. WALSH Commercial Representative "POT THAT THING AWAY-IT MA<E$ ME WE OBITUARIES Roy V. Fischer Services we're held aft the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home, Tuesday, Nov. 18> for Roy V. Fisher, day-old son of Norman J. and Evelyn Cole. Fischer of, Crystal Lake. The baby died at the Sherman hospital in Elgin on Monday, Nov. 17 and was buried in Woodland cemetery. Henry and several nephews and nieces. Funeral services held Friday, at 10 a.m. at St. Peter's church, Spring Grove, with , interment in tne church cemetery. Prior to the services the body is resting at the Peter M. Justen & Son funeral home where the rosary will be recited al 8 o'clock Thursday evening. Stephen Klein Steven Klein. 91, passed away in St. Joseph's home in Freeport, Tuesday, Nov. 18. Born in Johnsburg on Aug. 24, 1867 Mr. Klein was a reiired farm hand. He had never married. He is survived by one sister, Mrs. John Blake of Mcj ACT ON LICENSES j The following actions have- Tjccn taken by the office of Sec- I retary of State Charles F. Car-» pentier: Revocations, CarlosJ : Arnold, Huntley, and Knute - ! Warnquist, Woodstock, driving" I while intoxicated; suspensions,; Benjamin Francke, Rt. 1, Mci Henry, three offenses, and Er-1 j ik Akerberg, Rt.,1, Richmond, [violated restriction imposed on' a license. We have over 50 homes priced from $6,500 to $60,000. We can also build you a home on your lot for as little as $300 down, balance on FHA terms. For full information Phone McHenry 430. We are located 2 blocks east of the,bridge on Highway 120. ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 29 TWO ACRE home site--Phone McHenry 3 2 3 9 . ,29 McHENRY AREA -- 5 room house, gas heat, plus frame guest house, on 314 foot highway frontage, with 165 ft. lake frontage. Suitable for business. Must sacrifice. Full price $9,- 500. Phone Nevada 8-7767. Mc- Henryl978-J. 29 FOR SALE McHENRY'-- 2 bedroom home, large living room, kitchen, utility room, tile bath, oak floors, furnace heat, water rights, incl .iding washer, dryer, stove, & refrigerator. Nice .wooded lot. A good buy, only $10,750. ALSO SUNNYSIDE -- 4 bedroom home, 2 tile baths, fireplace, oak floors, gas heat, large finished recreation room, 3. lots, lake rights, attached, garage. i i.. For Information call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Ph. McHenry 37 FEATHER PARTY ay, N@w. 01© BRIDGE TAVEPN 140 NO. RIVERSIDE DRIVE Door Prize - Refreshments 28-2 2S 6 ROOM HOUSE at McCullom Lake. $4500. Will sell on contract. Inquire^J&oyntry Kitchens, Rt. 120,>4Jl$f#>or. 29 BUSINESS LOT 25x132 for $3,500.00. Business lot, 50'xl32' for $6,500.00. McHenry Realty, 532 Main St., phone McHenry 268. 8-tf w, im (Formerly CLUJ3 120, Lakemoor* Will introduce its new dining room to the community on . . . SUNDAY. NOV. 23rd . . . with a pre-Thanksgiving Dinner. Come and visit us. I think you'll enjoy it. Robert *ffl}ontffomery ---GWxriSIi -*• Phone McHenry 9750 For Reservation A L L TOYS 10* OFF ACE HARDWARE GIFT HEADQUARTERS- 130 RIVERSIDE DRIVE Phone 722 McHenry. 111. LASTS ALL YEAR LONG ... IN PICTURES Silake us headquaitors for Kodak cameras • equipment BROWNIE OUTFIT With Starflash Camera in your choice of colors Everything needed for day-and-nighf snapshooting. Mew Brownie Starflash Camera that takes Ektachrome color slides as well as black-and-white and Kodacolor snapshots. Built-in instructions. Camera available in your choice of four custom colors.- coral red, skyline blue, alpine white, or jefbfack. 103 S. Green St PHONE 40 McHenry, uL

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