Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Dec 1958, p. 8

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^ ^ Y<~ t *™ft^^*rtXyWfZ*^rV .^-i^"," "iih' i- Pag* Eight THE McHENRY PUtfNDEALEl --: ' - i -^..-..• -•#»•• Thursday, December 419U c install New OES Officers (Continued from Page 1) soloists and Michael giving a tribute to the flag. Edward Cannon will act as master of ceremonies. In addition to the new officers named above. Anita Hansen will act as conductress o>- the year ahead; Evica Olsen. associate conductress: Margare t K l i n g b e r g , c h a p l a i n ; R o s e M u r p h y , m a r s h a l l ; P h y l l i s Nimtz, organist; Joyce Krickl, Adah; Mabel French, Ruth; Gertrude Silva, Esther; Daisy Jones, Martha; Genevieve Heyward, Electia; Harry Hansen, warder; Roy Dodd, sentinel; Duane Overton( color bearer; and Harriet Dodd, instructress. Letters To Santa. Claus Musin' & Meanderin' (Continued from Page 1). union, resulting in Ihe roilkip being insulated, rewiring and lowering of the light fixtures and the installation of a new plywood paneled ceiling. Three McHenry men and a Wonder Lake man were among the eighteen who deserve a great deal of credit for helping a worthwhile project. President Dorothy Diedncb of the American Legion auxiliary and Americanism Chairman Ethel McGee were present at the last P.T.A. meeting to make presentation of fortyfive flags to be used in the classrooms of the three public schools. A very generous donation which is further proof of the fine work of our veterans' auxiliary units. K. A. F. SPIRIT OF XMAS HIGHLIGHTED IN CHORAL PROGRAM (Continued from page 1) You Had the Measles?"; a men's octet in a modern arrangement of "This Train"; and Otto Pyritz in a song dedicated tp his small reindeer, "Whist!in' Otto". Concluding the gift requests will be "The Twelve Gifts of Christmas," featuring a number of soloists. Two secular holiday selections, including " 'Twas The Night Before Christmas," will be featured before the chorus sings the thrilling "Hallelujah Chorus" from Handel's "Messiah." Tickets may vbe obtained in advance from members or at the door on concert nights. Letters to Santa Claus continue to pour into the Plaindealer office. Until Christmas, they will be printed each week just as received. "Dear Santa Claus: "I want a ginny doll trunk and clothes for her and nuts and candy. "Love, "Carla Marti "Dear Santa; "Christmas is getting near; here are a few things I would like to have*, Tiny Tears with car bed. Walking nurse with baby in carriage. Fibre doll basket with hood. Toy electric washer. "My mother says- that I have been trying to be a good girl. I work real hard helping my mother on are farm. My name is , "Pam Bauer "McHenry. 111. "P. S. My. brother is writing this letter for me." "Dear Santa Claus: "I am writing this letter to you for my four childern. Hope that this letter finds you well and I also hope that you will see fit to bring some toys for my children Christmas night. They really are not real bad children. "Pierre wants a six shooter and an electric train and a cowboy hat and army men. Marie wants a buggy and a wedding doll, a baby crib and a suitcase with doll clothes and dishes and a baby bottle. Joan wants the same as Marie. "Jon wants a Greyhound bus. a play horse, a six shooter, toy cards and trucks. "They are sorry if they have been bad and they promise to be good the rest of the year. "Pierre, Marie Joan and Jon" "Dear Santa Claiis: "I want a tony doll, some dishes, a bride doll, a baking set, a buggy and piano, a watch wallet, a doll hou§e, a suit case and a doll bed, a sewing maching, a mattress and pillow. Please bring all of them. Bring a lot of clothes for me too. "Sincerely, "Marta Martin" "Dear Santa: "Christmas is getting hear. Here are a few things I would like to have. A toy Coca Cola dispenser and a Wyatt Earp knee double holster set and a pumper fire truck. "My mother says that I have been trying to be a good bov. I work real hard helping my dady on are farm. My name is "Gordon Bauer" Christmas I would like a J off doll and a dancing suit cast* f.nd some clothes for Ji)l and Jeff. I have been a good girl; allso a dog that is white and pretty and a pair of gloves. "Love, Jean DeVries, 115 E. 3rd Ave., McHenry" "Dear Santa Claus; "I am 8 years old. For Christmas I would like a Jeff doll and a table and chair set I . have been a good girl. And I want some clothes for Jill and Jeff and a buggy for my dolls and I also want any stuffed animal and a dish set.. "Love, Karen Hay, 101 E. 3rd Ave., McHenrv" "lSear Santa Claus: "I love you very much. I am David Lawson that would like a boat and a truck. "Dear Santa Claus; "I love j ou and I would like a soft toy and what you think I would like. My name- is Diana Lawson." "Dear Santa: "I am 5 years old and go to kindergarten. Please bring me a vartity set. a play costume, a doll house, ice cream machine, roller skates and a Revelon doll. Thank you. "Sulvia Anderson "717 Center St. "Dear Santa: "I love \~oti very much. I would, like a tiny tear doll ami "Dear Santa Claus: I a„ teen age doll and a ginnie "I am Nancy Lawson who doll and two baking sets and a would like a Betsy Wetsy who pair of Skates and two big rftxfcs drinks, wets, cries for her mo- a°d two big sister dolls that ther to Santa Clause from-walk and talk and a mother Nancy Lawson and that is all." "Dear Santa: "My name Is Janet I-awson and we've moved since you were here last year so I hope you can find me. I would like a tiny tears doll, a vacuum cleaner, some dishes, a play clock, some new pajamas and a jewelry kit. Please don't foreet Diana and David. They're 2M>. Thank you. I love you. "Janet Lawson" "Dear Santa Claus: "I am Linda Lawson that would like to have a tiny tears doll and a buggy." "Dear Santa Claus: "I am 7 years old. F o r 1 - > Wn. Stevens CANDIES I RUST CRAFT CARDS A COMPLETE SELECTION NOW! Uoaue 5amliied INFANT SON OF McHENRY COUPLE BURIED TUESDAY Bryan, week-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Blodgett of 107 N. Green street, McHenry. died at the family home Monday, Dec. 1. He had not been well since his birth last week at Harvard hospital. Besides the parents, the baby leaves three sisters, Suzanne, Dale and Karen, and two brothers, Wesley and Grant. The family has resided in this community for the past three years and at theft" present home since last April. Services were held from the George Justen & Son funeral home Tuesday afternoon, with burial in Woodland cemetery. Be sure to read the Plaindealer Want Ads each week. Dont AN! This Year... 'oaue •JILL •JAN •JEFF •GINNY •GINNETTE and JIMMY EATON'S STATIONERY SHURTLEFF'S ICE CREAM Dlie Ca ndy t}3ox 120 So. Green St. McHenry PHONE 97 buggy thats red and the other things that I wanted on Christmas if it is to much to carry just bring the big toys. "JoAnn Rizzo "Lakeland Park" 8 WAYS BETTER • ••your own cows will prme it! Get your supply of AUREOMYCIN Mastitis Products today and see why you get faster, surer results using only VA as much as other brands. 1. Float on milk up into quarter 2. Coat udder tissue 3. Effective against important mastitis-causing bacteria 4. Not diluted and weakened^ by milk 5. Not lost at first milking 6. No organism resistance reported , 7. Do not freeze--flow freely 8. One dose for 48 hours -- other brands every 12 hours * SPECIAL OFFER ONE FREE WITH EACH FIVE PURCHASED AUREOMYCIN TARGOf® Brand of AUREOMYCIN® Chlorteftycyclln.- Neomycin -Dihydrorir.ptomyct* lor udder infusion. Beta's DRUG STORE Phone 40 (FORMERLY CLUB 120, LAKEMOOR) . . . WISHES TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK THE MANY PEOPLE FOR THEIR PATRONAGE ON ATTENDING THE OPENING OF OUR DINING ROOM. Wont ffomerip THE RECEPTION AND ACCEPTANCE WAS SUCH THAT WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE . . . fur ...without first 'penina of Oi DINING ROOM FOR LUNCHEON MONDAY, DECEMBER 8th -- Wonl LUNCHEON MENU PORK HOCKS & KRAUT ACCIDENTS RESULT IN INJURY, DEATH WITHIN COUNTY (Continued from page 1) Jswrities. The three injuried persons were treated at McHenry hospital. A Prospect Heights youth, Lawrence H. Cameron, escaped with only minor injuries the same night when his car skidded down an embankment and, rolled over twice. The young man was driving north on English Prairie school road, a mile north of Spring Grove, when his car left the road on a curve and went down an embankment. The auto Was demolished. A young Woodstock man, Robert Pope, 20, has been confined to the McHenry hospital, suffering injuries sustained in ah auto accident on Rt 120, west of McHenry. It occurred Sunday morning and involved only the car driven by Pope. The accident victim was driving alone when he lost control of his car on a long curve at the top of Sherman hill and it slid off the road into the ditch, -struck an embankment and ,then a public utility pole. He was taken to the hospital by a passing motorist. Cornelius Wegner of this area suffered injuries to his forehead and body when his car collided with another driven by Vernon Long of Milwaukee on Rt. 14, near Rt. 47, early Monday morning. Mourn Death Of Well Known Cary Pastor; 72 Rgv' Fr. Francis A. Kilderry, 72, of Cary died Thursday, Nov. 27„ at Mercyville sanitarium, where he had been a patient for several weeks. Ordained to the priesthood in 1910, he acted as assistant pastor at St. Mar/s Catholic church, Aurora, until 1917 and from then until his death was pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Catholic church, Cary. . From 1917 until 1954, he was also p a s t o r o f S t . M a r g a r e t ' s church, Algonquin. Services were held Monday from the Cary church, with the Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, bishop of the Rockford diocese, officiating. ISLAND LAKE PETITION The Village of Island Lake and the Island Lake Property Owners' Association, Inc., have filed a complaint against the Island Lake Water company with the Illinois Commerce Commission. It will be heart* Jan. 12 in the State of Illinois building in Chicago, The case was scheduled for hearing last week but was continued until the January date.' -x READY-MIX SYMPATHIES, SAM BUT You MUST BUCK UF? BURY YOURSELF IN YOUR WORK MiHertn A CONCRETE EXAMPLE, OF DEPENDABILITY IS THE FAST AND RELIABLE SERVICE OF McHENRY READY-MIX : FINE GIVIN e tOCAl TRADEMARKS/ l*c READY MtX CO f NC MCHENGY 9 2 0 • . fB=OMGT TEOQCP-IG: i&E: <?2Q/O/C. £- Antiooh <3RAVSLAKE MCHENRY m\9«s( wnvm Iti on alt food needs IT'S TRUE McHenry Certified of Illinois has enjoyed a 13 million dollar increase for 1958, with over 800 stores to serve you. Yes, it's true! Gimmicks and stamps cannot compare with true cash savings, not on just a few items, but every item in the store! Shop Certified and SAVE CASH! FRESH FROM YOUNG TENDER PORKERS SPARE RIBS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS m I If FRESH BOSTON STYLE SQUARE CUT 4 to 5 lbs. Pork Butts 39l MILK 'h Gal. While Supply Lasts COUNTRY DELIGHT GRADE A Fresh; Cut Young Tender Boneless ^Rolled Chicken Ireasts Ro PARK LANE ICE CREAM Ea. 69 V2 Gallon ROYAL FANCY 702 Tin PINEAPPLE RED LABEL FAMILY FLOUR 5 Lb. Bag 39* 25 Lb. Bag *1.69 RED LABEL SOLID PRINT U.S. EXTRA FANCY GOLDEN SWEET ^Jue&dc your radiator cleaned and repaired! 'uedaay. POT ROAST & POTATO PANCAKES wu Antifreeze in a leaky or clogged radi •tor is money wasted. Our modern Factory Method dean ing and repairing -- checked by our Inl a n d F L O - T E S T M a c h i n e -- c o s t * little -- protects your anti-freezc! i\$t Inedday . . . HOME STYLE CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS Ok Mr&dc ir Servie? PHGME 783 800 EAST ELM ST. Located in rear of Stillim Phillips 66 Station OLD FASHIOMED BEEF STEW Citj, . . v FILLET OF SOLE MACARONI AND CHEESE PHOt^i McNiNRY 9750 FOR RESERVATIONS 6 f« 29* FLORIDA WHITE*MARCH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 6 f«2f MANOR HOUSE COFFEE 2 Lb. Tin 1.45 SOUTHERN STAR Vz Size Tin I0NIT0 5 1. Qi SMUCKER'S 12 Oz. Jar Red Raspberry or Strawberry PRESERVES 3f»1. 00 o FRANK'S 300 Tin ERKRAUT 10 Christmas Tree Special with a *10.00 purchase of groceries we will give a Certificate good for *1.00 TOWARDS THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE TREE OF YOUR CHOICE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST AT 131 SO. GREEN ST., McHENRY is, ONE OFFER PER FAMILY USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR NIW SUPER vsER FOOD STORE Cor. Green & Elm Sis. Phone 80 McHenry, III. r

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