Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Dec 1958, p. 12

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page Twtfrf THE McHENHY PLAINDEALER Thursday, foecember 11, 1958 Wonder Lake ADVOCATE GOLDEN RULE CHRISTMAS by Jane Ducey •-- 2731 Betty Burns--5501 The Cub Scouts ai'o truly setting a good example for the entire Community with the Enforcement of their plans for a "golden rule" Christmas. Instead .of having a Christmas party and receiving presents, each boy will wrap his favorite good 1 oy and bring it to the Pack meeting Tuesday night. As Santa calls each boy by name he, will present his gift. When all the toys are collected they will be. brought to a home for retarded children in Southern Illinois, to give them a happier Christmas. Surfly 1 his idea warms one way down deep, inside, and should enliven the Christmas spirit if) Wonder Lake-- (for in giving you receiveV and as the Christmas Carols play throughout the area, may the spirit these little %oys have be "diffused to each of, us. c-ind draw us, closer together as a community, to "do unto'others--" All the cub scouts are making ornaments to be placed on the three in the. triangle at Wonder Center. As thev finish their project the den mother will accompany the boys when they decorate the Christmas tree. Awards for achievements will be given out at the pack meeting Tuesday night. Each boy must be accompanied by a parent in order to receive an award. ! baptized. Godparents are Earl ! ' and Ellen Walsh. | Peggy Marie Weirich, daugh- j I ter of Robert and Marion Ser- : jgott Woiri^h, was also bap-' j lized on Dec. 9, by Father Van- ' : derpool. Her godparents are i j John E. Jones and Eleanor \ Lynch. i Rev. Raymond Hubors, O'.S.M. ! | baptized Joanne Simon, daughj ter of Steven and Wilma Burns [Simon, on Nov. 16. Her god-! : parents are James and Bettys Hughes. j Geralyn Debra Ahrens, daugh- ; ter of Robert and Mary Low- j ery Ahrens. was baptized by 1 ! Rev. James Vanderpool on Nov. j j 30. Her godparents are Paul and Louise Markc. i Communion Sunday { i Syinday. Dec. 14. the men of : the Holv Name society will re- ] reive -Holy Communion at the 8 | Mass. Following the Mass cof-'J ; fee and rolls will be served in j j t he church basement. ! ! Holv Name Soci« tv i 1 ' 1 Tonight, after a business - : meeting beginning at 8 p.m:, [the Holy Name society will j : have its annual Christmas '.'party in. the school hall-. All the men of the parish are invited | and asked to bring a guest. ! Election of Officers will take i place tonight. -mas message of joy and hope to our golden agers in the area. The women of the Moose of Woodstock will sponsor this program. Advent Wreath On Dec. 14, three candles will be lit tin the Advent wreath hanging from the chancel ceiling. signifying the third Sunday of Advent leaving one Sunday in this season preparing for the coming of Christ again. All are welcome to worship services at 8 and 10:45. Visitation Committee Meeting; Tuesday, Dec. 16. at 2, the visitation committee of the church will meet. This group calls on the sick and shut-insin the area, and more people are needed to help in this important service. If you enjoy being a friend to people who need interest and fellowship, please come to this meeting. Building Fund Meeting The commitments progress committee of the building fund will meet on Wednesday, Dec. IT at 8. , tainment pTanned by the youngsters of Greenwood school. Confirmation ! Next Sunday. Dec. 14 there j will be Confirmation of the -converts of the diocese at the i armory in Rockford. Converts and their sponsors are asked to be at the armory not later than 3:30 p.m. All those to be confirmed should get their registration card at the rectory be- : fore Sunday. Get Well Wishes All -neighbors and friends of Steve Vacula of Indian Ridge were sorry to hear he's on the sick list and wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Tom Cashin had the misfortune to break her arm, and here's hoping she won't be incapacitated too long. Mrs. Mary Gnadt, Mrs. Delia j Colley and Joe Dvorak are all convalescing after a hospital stay, and friends hope they will be "up and about" real soon. Awarded Letters Members of the varsity team at Woodstock, the boys from the West side of Wonder Lake, who received their school letters recently were Eddie Anderson, Frank Houda, and Carl Moravv, senior team; and Rick Houda and Jack Moore Jr. from the Junior varsity team. These boys played fine football this year and leading their cheers were two vivacious Misses, Carolyn Green and J'Anne Reede. Khvanis Meeting At Monday's meeting the members and seven farmerguests enjoyed an interesting talk given by Dr. H. S. Fike. He spoke about the role, of the modern veterinarian. Next Monday's meeting plans will be made for helping the needy, families in the area. Chamber of Commerce Requests have been made to warn all the youngsters of the "soft spots" out on the lake. The beauty of the snow and the exhilaration of skating and sledding tends to make one forget of the dangers entailed by the springs out in the lake and the creeks. All parents are asked to caution their children. Football Banquet . „ , I Altar and Rosarv Society Wonder Lake was well rep- ! . * resented at the football banquet : Glistening snow-whrte wreaths sponsored bv the Kiwanians. at bright hol^/and lovely po.nthe McHenrv high school. Wed- i m&e a festive and colnesdav " i orful background in the new TS. ' .. , ,, ,, , __ j school hall when the ladies had F,ve of the football pliers ^ christmas party Thurs. from this area received school (^ay njght Christmas carols letters and gold footballs. Our t were piayed while refreshments community is proud of these i were served by hostesses: Berboys; Richard Lundborg. Jer- narcj jne jviisiak. Joanne Rankin, ry Lazalde. Mike Gantert, Tom Roti and A1 Franz. Angeline Morris, Katherine Walker. Jean Hartman, Lois Encouraging the players in Mathews and Gloria Coughlin. their games were three cheer- j Miss Rose Gustek won the prize leaders from Deep Spring ; for tJne most unique homemade Woods. Mary Lou and Sue Mil- Christmas ornament. ler and Rosemary Roti. These | Father Vanderpool presided pretty, petite and friendly girls , at the election of officers for received school letters with a f}ie coming year. The incommegaphone motif and gold foot- • jng officers elected by acclama- , ball charms, as an appreciation | tion are; Mrs. John Gustek.' for their inspiration of the en- J president. Mrs. Martin Weisentire student body. i berger, vice-president, Mrs. Ed- Many Wonder Lake parents , warcj Coughlin, secretary and and friends enjoyed the dinner ; Mrs Edward Regelin. treasurserved by some of our lovely |er Additional appointments teen-agers. Joanne Marke. 'made were head sacristan. Mrs. Joyce Motulewicz. Dorothy 1 Alice Condren. to be assisted Cook. Mary and Sue Etheridge. Mrs. James Audino. Mrs. We wish to add our congrat- j j0hn Rice. Mrs. Elmer Raske, ulations to our neighbor. Sonny • an(j Mrs. Edward Waldy. Lin- Hocin of McCullom Lake, who j ens assistant, Mrs. Vincent was awarded the trophy as out- < Clinton and flowers, Mrs. Leo standing player of the year. Hartog. Fred Zandier of Indian Ridge, j Father Vanderpool expressand president-elect of the Mc-I ec^ ]-,js appreciation to the out- Henry Township Kiwanis club. going officers, Mrs. John Rice, presented the trophy with a Mrs. Richard Pickrum and Mrs. word of congratulations. iLloyd Gondek. Father then A Boy Named George Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray of Shore Hills are the happy parents of a six lb. 71 i oz. boy, named George Henry, born Tuesday, Dec. 2. at the Memorial hospital. The rest of the family includes Patsy, 10, Roger. 7. Pamela. 5 and Mark, 3. Mr. and Mrs. George Henry Murray of Watertown. Wis., and Robert Irmen of Chicago are the proud grandparents. A Man Named George Today is the day the seven Burns youngsters sing happy birthday to their wonderful daddy. George L. Burns--while this scribe whispers the hope they will share many, many, many birthdays 'tH the end of time. Act of Kindness Four good neighbors journeyed over to the hospital in Waukegan to donate their blood for a needy patient from Wonder Lake. We commend Frank Filler, John Gustek, Jerry Raske and Edward Raske. Rev. Burton Schroeder, pastor of Nativity church, gave the Benediction. thanked the members and the committee chairladies for the enthusiasm and cooperation in their various endeavors which furnished the altar and the new kitchen. Christ the King* Church News During the month of November five babies received the Sacrament of Baptism. Nativity Evangelical M a r i e M a r t i n e A l i c o a t e . Lutheran Church daughter of Jerome and Nellie Nativity's Junior choir will Van Bamel Alicoate, was bap- j make its Annual Christmas tized by Rev. James Vander- | tour^of the homes for the aged pool on Nov. 9. | on Saturday, Dec. 13. Special Godparents are Eugene O'- , Christmas anthems and fam- Connor and Francis Alicoate. ; iliar carols will be sung at the On the same day Sheryl Jean County Home, the Old Folks Weber, daughter of John and Home and the Woodstock Resi- Laura Jean Hays Weber, was dence to help bring the Christ- Choral Christmas Concert Harriet Bell of Wonder Lake participated in the Christmas program presented by the McHenrv Choral group. Several Wonder Lakers enjoyed hearing the beautiful renditions presented. YVest Side Wonder Lakers Vote Greenwood district will vote on the school bond issue Dec. 13, frpm 12 noon 'til 7, at the Woodstock Community hiW> school. Everyone concernedvs urged to vote because this concerns the addition to the high school. In 1960 an enrollment of 725 pupils is expected. Christmas Party The Greenwood Christmas program for^ the first to sixth grades at school, will be held Dec. 18. All parents and friends are invited to attend this enter- American Legion Auxiliary News In keeping with the principles. of the American Legion, the auxiliary has made several donations, $72 for rehabilitation and child welfare programs. $10 to the Gifts For Yanks Who Gave program, $10 for cigarettes for hospitalized veterans at Elgin, and $30 towards baskets for Wonder Lake's needy families. Along these same lines, Mrs. Marie Bendl has sold $208.89 worth of Veteran's crafts. Mrs. Bendl has an excellent selection of these articles and urges everyone to take advantage of j "the handmade articles sold at | very reasonable prices, for i Christmas gifts. (These articles j are made by the disabled vets, | and sold by the auxiliary units, thus enabling these veterans to be somewhat self-supporting. 1 Marion Cannon, Amanda Donash, Nancy and Gerry Elbersen braved the freezing cold to attend the auxiliary county . meeting in Marengo, Friday evening. There will be no meet- j ing or card party held in De- j cember. A special appeal is being made for white shirts, playing* cards and late issue magazines suitable for men, to be given to the Vets at Elgin State hospital Someone win gladly come to your home and pick up your donation if you call W. L. 5272, Mrs. Nancy Elbersen. Obituary Wayne E. Foss died Friday at his home in Ringwood at the age of 56. He Iwas best known in the WoPTder Lake' area as the organist at the Bible church. He had retired from the teaching profession, having taught in the grade schools at Greenwood and Richmond for 30 years. He was a graduate of McHenry high school and Northern Illinois university. He is survived by his brother, Floyd of Richmond. Pastor Wright conducted services Tuesday at the Ehorn chapel in Richmond, burial was in Ringwood cemetery. be more dances. The recreation committee would like to see a regular schedule of dance nights, if the kids want to come. About seventy high school age young people danced at 'Mathews hall Frinay night to recorded music. Hot dogs, tuna sandwiches, coffee and" pop were available for refreshments. Chaperones were Mr. and Mrs. William Liedtke, Mrs. Boyce King, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Specht and Robert Kiddell. Girl Scout Troop 489 At the business meeting held at Harrison school Dec. 3, Girl Scout troop 489 discussed the program for the year. Decided upon were a skating party and a mothers' tea in January. Thanks is extended to the girls for bringing? treats. Following the business meeting" in November the girls workon their handcraft, making-pins out of felt. There are special Girl Scout programs in handcraft on channel 11 Friday between 4 and 4:30. Mrs. Virgil Burch is leader of this troop and daughter, Joan, is troop reporter. Board Meeting Tonight Official board members of the Bible church will meet at the parsonage Thursday evening, Dec. 11. After the meeting the members and' their wives will enjoy a time of fellowship and refreshment with Pastor and Mrs. Wright. Sunday, Dec. 21, the Christmas program will be given by the children beginning at 7 p.m. Tuesday evening, Dec. 23, there will be a special Christmas service, with the young people's choir supply the music. Sunday. Dec. 14, the Abe Koop missionary family will be at the church. This family has spent 7 years with the Indians in Brazil. Mr. Koop will speak at the morning arid evening services, showing slides of his life with the savage tribes at the evening service. Public is invited to attend. packed mystery which kept the younger members of the audience on the edge of their chairs. Members of the cast were Stan Wenck, Bob Dickman, Leslie Decker, Ann Pliner, Janice Potter, Leanna Sellek, Walterine Rochowicz and Myra Franz. Cast for the "House Next Door" intluded Sandy Larsen, Jane Justen, Steve Harris, Fred Herb Bacrwaldt, Laura Wilson, Sandra Josserand and Jackie Hansen. The plays were directed by Randall Josserand, who teaches the, class, and the profit will be used by the seventh grade for their trip to Springfield next year, according to publicity chairntan, Patricia Grabovy. The class presented Mr. Josserand with a gift in the intermission between play's Vi appreciation for his direction. The new stage curtain added much to the professional look of the productions. Spring Grove ADDED SERVICE AT POST OFFICE DURING HOLIDAY bv Mrs. Charles Freund • Spring Grove post office will be open every day except .Sunday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. including noon hour beginning Saturday, Dec. 13 to Tuesday, Dec. 23, inclusive. F.F.A. NEWS After many years of being one of the top three, in the parliamentary procedure cont e s t , t h e M c H e n r y F u t u r e Farmers of America decided to step down and give the other chapters of Section 6 a chance at the title. This year, Belvidere took first, Woodstock, second, Arlington, third, and_ McHenry fourth. There were seven teams entered in the contest. The boys who participated in this contest were Ed Houck, Frank Perry, Chuck Schuringa, Johnny Smith and Roy Hanson. Chuck Schuringa, Reporter ! DCCW Meets ] Approximately seventy - five 1 women attended the meeting of I the McHenry Deanery! of the | Diocesan Council of Catholic | Women at St. Peter's hall on 1 Wednesday night. Priests present at th£, meeting were Father : Nilges., moderator of McHenry ' Deanery,, Father Petit, rural life moderator, Father Kreigman. director and- tfie^pastor, Father Daleiden and assistant '"Father Kriik. Father" Nilges j gave an interesting and coni structive talk, also showed colj ored slides depicting the Holy i Sacrifice of the Mass with Fal ther Plesa as ceTebrant. A ! lunch was served by members, •"of the Christian Mothers so- ! dalit'y at the close of the evening. Do your Christmas shopping early! Christmas Party Members of the Mothers' club of Richmond-Burton high school held their Christmas party at the high school Monday night, Dec. 1. As a part of the program each one present gave a short talk on "How I spend Christmas." Christmas carols were sung and there was a lovely lunch in keeping with the holiday season. Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hamelitz left this week for a trip to Arizonawhere they will visit their son and other relatives and friends. They expect to be gone three months. Happy Birthday Birthday congratulations this week go to Mrs. Clara Beh®hs Jackie Busch, Patsy Popelka and Billy Olson. Accident We were shocked on Saturday to hear of the death of Stanley Tanski who was killed in an auto accident while enroute back home from Arizona. Club Meets Members of her club me^at the home of Mrs. Math Nimsgern on Thursday afternoon. Games of five hundred were played and prizes went to Mrs. Nimsgern, Mrs. Annie Sanders. Mi's. Ben ]Vlay, ' Mrs. Lenora Miller and Mrs. Helen Smith. Lunch was served by the hostess after cards, A group of ladies enjoyed an afternoon with Mrs. Clyde ^rfrey at Top Salo Lodge Min Wednesday. There was an afternoon of visiting and a lunch was served. CONFERENCE The Kishwaukee district relationship confcrence met on Dec. 4 at the high school in Woodstock. It was attended-by ail the institutional representatives and the sponsoring iiStitution head of the Kishwaukee district, also the district and neighborhood commissioners. The main speaker of the evening was H. G. Homann, council Scout executive of the Blackhawk area in Rockford, speaking on "Organizing to Serve Boys in Our Communities." -c- 7th Grade Thespians Two mystery plays, which were well written and well produced, were presented by the seventh grade class at Harrison school Friday night. "The House Next Door," a mystery drama which depended largely on its dialogue for effect, was ably..handled by the cast. The second play, "The Ghost Wore White", was a suspense A gHATT WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. , Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling BUTCH'S 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE 516 Front StJ X # McHenry, 111. /Phone 811 -- Residence' 91-R 37< Paid Annually On Our - Xmas Club Savings 206 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone 2 _^ Record Hop According to the Property Owriers advisory board, if the young people enjoy having dances at the Lake, there will WANASAVABUCK? s, Wrap Up" Your Christmas Shopping at the SP G For the KIDS . . . Regulation Size PING MM IMM 2 pc. lop complete with legs ¥a" Thick Top (Limited Quantity Available) GIVE MOM NEW CGAAFOItT AND BEAUTY IN YOUR HOME DAD -- Tools Galore! NEW SKIL POWERHOUSE DRILL • Plus Screwdriver Attachment • Plus Dial Saw SAVE $12.35 SPECIAL OFFER $36.50 New Ceilings of Armstrong Tile Average 12x12 Room Incl. Tile, Furring, Nails. Staples LESS THAN GIVE THE WARMTH & COMFORT OF GOOD INSULATION NEW SKIL HAND JIGSAW Free! 2 New Pej-maqril File%-- SAVFjto «e SPECIAL OFFER $43.25 LUI31ER GO. Spring Grove, III. Phone Richmond 2732 New Stanley Surform - $2.49 Stanley Hercules Hammer $L59 18" Handyman Level $210 Mitre Box .....'1ZZ $L00 IBkil "Home Shop" Electric Drill A Real Value $16.95 BEAUTIFUL MAHOGANY V-Groove Wall Paneling a'W $4.80 Adaptable to Many New Wood Finishes BUY THE CASHWAY AND SAVE WE All THROWN J OUR PROFIT^3 TO 7MC wlHbS!/" f 514 W. Main St. McHenry, 111. DO, ALL Y0 SHOftlifi HERE! AT THESE NEVER TO BE R= ATED ogress REDUCTIONS UP TO 75% on Name Brand Merchandise EVERYTHING ON SALE Look At These S22.50 P.' -ker "51" Pen & Pencil Set $10.50 S-19.50 C- .r.;i 21 Jewel Man's Watch $18.95 $33.7.1 K'" i 16 Jewel Man's Watch $19.95 Sai.oO 21 Jewel Bulova Ladies' Watch .... $23.50 $300.00 15 Dia. Ladies Dinner Ring $175.00 $450.00 23 Carat Man's Diamond Ring $249.50 RONSON LIGHTERS 50% off COME IN TODAY. ALL ITEMS ARE REDUCED FOR THIS GIANT LIQUIDATION SALE! K P

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