Page Eighteen ANNUAL SCOUT FINANCE DRIVE WELL UNDER WAY The finance campaigns throughout the Kishwaukee district, which comprises Boone and McHenry counties, are well underway. Ray Hanna. pictured above, who is the dis- / - THE McHteMRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, December 11, 1958 RAY HANNA trict finance chairman is currently receiving favorable reports from the community campaign chairmen. Chairman Hanna is quoted as saying. "This year looks as though a major effort is being made in the Kishwaukee district. We hope that everyone being contacted in this campaign will generously contribute, thereby making scouting available to more boys in this area in 1959. and also allowing us to continue making available to the established Units a quality program." The campaign chairmen of the Kishwaukee district include William Creutz • of McHenry, Stanley Hunt of Wonder Lake and John Hora of Richmond. POST 491 by Mary Einspar The American Legion auxiliary of Post 491 gave a Christ- . mas party for the men at Dow- ; ney Hospital Dec. 4. Besides the usual treats, they had ap- ! pies, oranges and a beautifully decorated tree. George and his orchestra provided the ; entertainment. Vic and Marie j Howe. Dorothy and Stan Died- i rich. Delia and Nick Freund, Louise and Carl Bergquist, ! Darrell and Joanne Swegle, , and Ford Hanford are those that attended. j Child welfare chairman, Elaine ; Gray, wishes to remind everyone of the clothing drive now in progress for the needy at Christmas time. Anyone who has clothing that is clean and j in good condition may leave it : at the Legion home or call Mrs. Gray, 604-M-l. who will ; arrange ^to have it picked up. : This is also the time to get rid ! of those toys that your chil- ; dren no longer play with. Give some little girl or boy a chance | to have a toy that your chil- ! dren no longer use. If the toys : need to be repaired we will do ; it. _ Dec. 15 the auxiliary will I hold its annual Christmas party at the Legion home. PleaseJ bring a dollar grab bag gift and a can of fruit or vegetables for the Chrislmas baskets: If anyone knows of a new member who would like to come but doesn't have a ride or just does not like to come alone, this would be a very nice time for you to get in touch with them and arrange to bring them 1O the meeting. Please Iry to attend this meeting at 8 p.m. with the Christmas parly following. All special books must be returned at this meeting. Eleanor Creutz, Veteran's Craft chairman, has a display of items at Huppy and Leo's grocery store. Step in ar.d do some Christmas shopping. Remember all the money paid for any veteran's craft item is returned to the veteran. $16,280 APPROVED FOR STUDENTS AT ; WOODSTOCK HOME A claim of $16,280.71 has b e e r , a p p r o v e d f o r M c H o n r y county by Wr ion L. Nickell. superintendent or public instruction, as part of a statewide claim ol f?Pi32.622.45 as • tuition for students attending public school ilist rifts from or-, phannges and homes. The claim c»i\er< the school' y e a r e n d i n g J u n e 3 o , 1 9 5 8 , a n d ' is pursuant to se<;tions of the 1 Irfrnois Schftol^orte. " " ' | The elaim, to b<> paid to R. , I.. Tazewell, MclTenry county; superintendent of schools, will i be disbursed to the qualifying school districts of the county. ; Woodstock Districts 72 and; 152 will -receive the money for' students from the Woodstock Children's home. , THOSE WERE THE DAYS msmwi THOSE WERE THE DAYSBy ART BEEMAN NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH by BIBS Arnold ISN'T HE A, SIMkRT ANVTHIHG WELL-OOA/T JUST WHATEVER WANTS, m i EEMAH THAvT MSSMW HOSSFACEHANK THE LOWEST DEPTH THAT A PHOTO HAS BEEN TAKEN INI THE SEA 16 3Sk Ml LBS DOWN f By FRANK THOMAS Released br Smith Scnrtn Dtflurca, N|. VOUN© PEOPLE ©ET 2 TiMES No AAAMY HEAD ACHES. AS OLDER PERSONS If (sWUMPi thought SPLIT TM Be* US_Pu.O£ SONNY SOUTH By COURTNEY ALDERSON In DUTCH GUIANA, -thera ie a" •'* ROAD made of ALUMINUM and SOL/b MAHOGANY wood ! IS IT A REAL GHOST? J HE'S REAL ALLRIGHTI WHAT MAKES YO' 1 THINK HE'S REAL NOW LITTLE GHOSTIN HE JUST DISAPPEARED BEFOH KV VERV EVES ( by Smith Stnrire DAVY CRGCEffiTT Jr OH BOY! TH' SHERIFF GAVE ME A WHOLE NICKEL FER MY BAG Of THEM LITTLE YELLOW STONES/ IK RURAL DELIVERY By AL SMITH VOU RE ^ 'COURSE % NOT GOING TO SPEND ITP WELL.TLLTAKE IT BACK THEM AND I'LL WRITE VOU ACHE(?K I QK.,e0USIM/ WOULD VA AUTOGRAPH IT FER ME, SOS I KlM HANG IT ON THE WALL FOR A REMINDER r WANT SHUeKlNS,ROMEO EL TO 6IV/E AW DlONYASK VE U IT TO / VOU/ ROMEO IS GOING HOWE FROM HIS COUSIN LEW'S HOME IN THE HILLS- HERE HE *S SAVI-MG GOODS VE-.. FER ROOM AND BOARD MONEV m CotiPtoh)^ J LITTLE FARMER By KERN PEDE&SON SHOP,IN MeHENRY 4. II HLUilMliIlIfNli&i&ABtY/ . PtRMtMOU ONLY Rckatcd bj Smith aenlue DtmittK, N. L OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT WHV DO VOU ALWAVS I SAVTHAT WHENEVER TM WINNING AN ARGUMENT ? HONEY, THIS IS A SILLV ARGUMENT' ^-BUTI iCMOlV THAT MEN HAV/E SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE OV/ER WOMEN i CAN VO(J prove SURE; JUST TAKE vou AND I FOR INSTANCE HOWCOME r ALWAVS PICK THE WRONG >OR INSTANCE? DEEMS By TOM OKA •Ideated by Sm«ih Scrvt<* Dcmircii. N J . msSm GRANDPA'S BOY By BRAD ANDERSON iUU»Md ht bro»m S*t* 7goQ£>BY£. I )| HbLLO HELLO (f muoi Uncle Epj^rins Jr. Hinch don't like Sunday School, says he gives 'em a nickle every Sunday and only gits a little candy at Christmas. • • • The Ridge Corner Parson said to his congregation: Please, in passin' out remain in your seats till the ushers git to the door. • • • Grandpa Hedges says he's i lived to be an old man cause he's never done anything else. • • • When a gal gits that FUR away look in her eyes it's expensive. • • • One thing about a diet it sure licks the STUFFIN' out of you. If you do have the right of way and the other guy has a truck, you just can't win. • • •• Most parents have too many CLUBS and not enough SWITCHES. # Tubby Tyler's wife says that Tubby accomplishes nothin' and does it exceedingly well. • • • Zed Peters says that what his wife says goes and all she says is "MONEY". • • • One way to learn about lov£ is to attend a movie, set in the back row and not look at the picture. --REV. CHARLEY GRANT J-4-55- Croeiwon! ACROSS Fuel BUckthorn Curved moulding Part of mouth .Merit Three spot Lovable Employ Hinder , . Make a mistake Even (contraction) Encompass Trembled Fold over Greasy Sever Surrender An exposive Small cup of coffee Steps over fence Wheeled vehicle A parsonnpe Water wheel Nomad Machine for breathing Refine approval to Ripped Follower River in Germans Belgium river Bend head slightly DOWN Happy Military assistant Stain Withered Labrador (abbr.) Shield bearing Forceful Alternate Frying pans Ever Scrutinize Full of reedi 20. Free 22. Need 24. Boys 25. Fencing sword 26. Drunkards 27. Cue 28. Fundamental 29. A liquor 33. Warble 35. Lair 36. More brown 38. Toil 41. God of love 43. Snoil 44. Within 45. Old 46. Hail! 47. Scarlet 49. Mineral rock Solution ft