Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Dec 1958, p. 12

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\ bR ,» Thursday, December 18, 1958 THE MCKCENRY PLAINDEALER •I-H'ii11' M tiit. 1 i-i- IwiCP told Tales FORTY YEARS AGO from issrie of Dec. 19, 1918 Pvt. Charles Geske, a native of McHenry, is reported as being killed in action, in France, Oct. 4. Following the death cf his mother, when he was six years old, Pvt. Geske made his hofne with his aunt, Mrs. Hen- ( ry Buchert, in McHenry until , his enlistment into service. * DeWitt Dixon, well known jp here, passed away at his late i home in Silver Lake, Wis., Dec. J 14, of influenza at the age of 26 , years. He is survived by his • wife, the former Agnes Tesch ) of McHenry, arid a son three and one-half years old, A deal was consummated Moday morning, whereby Peter W. Frett became proprietor, the West McHenry meat mariaket, which during the past few ^years has been conducted by | Schneider" Brothers. i Corp. Chas. J. Reihansperger | has received his honorable discharge from service at Camp Grant and resumed his duties L with his partner, W. J. Dona- , vin, in the West Side hardware establishment. A marriage license has been issued to Ford Jackson, 20. of flhSpring Grove and Mamie Anna ^Frett, 23, of McHenry. Prof. Nye was so pleased by the program given by the senior class of the high school last week that he had their pictures taken on the stage. Mu£h credit is due the director, Miss Pryor, and Miss Gurnett, who had "Charge of the musical part of the program. Members of the .class include Leona Cropley, <0Leo Heimer, George Phalin, Sue Harrison, Mildred Welch, Thos. Frisby, Charles Whiting, Opal Cooley, Vera Buss, Florence Kamholz and Ellen Walsh. Page Eleven TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO From issue of Dec. 21, 19SS Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel, well known residents of McHenry county, observed their golden wedding at their home on Main street Monday, Dec. 18. Many friends and neighbors called during the day and they, were recipients of many cards, telegrams and messages of good wishes. A family gathering was held on Sunday, with their five children and their families present. 1 The class of '31 of the Mc- Jlenry Community high school j ^eill ' meet at Justens hotel for their first annual class reunion next Tuesday evening. Miss Agnes Steffes is in- charge of invitations and it is expected that most of the thirty-one members will be present. From files of the Plaindealer of fifty years - ago comes news that Hon. F. K. Granger moved into his new house last '^p/eek. He has one of the finest residences in town. - | Henry G. Saal, retired manufacturer, died at his home at | Pistakee Bay Wednesday. The body was taken to Chicago for funeral services. Burial \will be^in Wooster, Ohio. Leonard Franzen, west side barber, . advertises that you don't need cash to have your barber work done. He will take farm produce in exchange for his services. Only a few days remain before Christmas and Good Fellows in this vicinity are busy with final plans for the necessary relief work. Mrs. Albert Purvey president of the McHenry Township Emergency ^Relief association states that calls are received daily for aid and much clothing and shoes are in demand. Plans are being made to distribute fifty Chrisimas baskets. About 100 members and visitors were present at the annual meeting of the McHenry locai of the Pure Milk association. Entertainment was furnished by Adams Brothers of Johnsburg who gave, several vocal selections, accompanying themselves on the guitar and John Bolger and John Sutton also favored with several vocal selections. CHEESE. FRUIT TRAYS ADD COLOR TO HOLIDAY MEALS Don't overlook cheese when planning desserts for those special holiday meals. Cheese dessert trays are not only delicious and eye pleasing, but also easy to prepare--a welcome feature for homemakers planning extra meals for the holidays. Geraldine Acker, University of Illinois foods specialist, says local fnarkets stock a wide variety of natural cheeses that offer unlimited possibilities for cheese and fruit trays. Let your imagination go in seeing what combinations you can arrange. Here is a "for instance" that can be a starting point: Pick a neutral-colored tray and place a real wax-coated baby Gouda at the top center. Then, in sem- TEN YEARS AGO From issue of Dec. 16, 1948 Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma enjoyed a Christmas party at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Gibbs last week, where diiiner was served by the McHenry grohp. Rev. Arthur Roberts, a former pastor of the Universalist church here, passed away in Honneland, Ga„ Dec. 13. He retired from the ministry twenty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Phalin entertained a group of relatives Saturday evening, honoring the birthdays of her mother. Mrs. O. M. Kerns of Woodstock, and his mother. Mrs. Thomas Phalin, of McHenry. icircular rows, around , the Gouda, and Swiss cheese slides, chunks of Cheddar and triangles of Camembert or Lhnburger and assorted crackers. Top off the tray with grape •clusters, pear quarters and red apple .slices. An apple and Camembert cheese dessert tray calls for even less preparation. A bowl of Red and Golden Delicious apples and a plate of mild-ttavored Camembert will top off any meal. Send both to the table 'as is," and let the family h?lp themselves. For best flavor, let stand at room temperature for at least half an hour before serving While the Cheese "warms up,' cover the tray carefully to prevent drying. TGosat f-So LEGALS Try this simple but delicious holiday dessert: Top a big spoonful of creamed cottage cheese with strawberry jam, sweetened ' apricot puree or tiny pineapple chunks. Serve it on a clear glass dessert plate --it will taste as good as it looks. If loaded on 4 single train, it would take 2,000 freight cars, stretching 17 miles, to carry the 3,000,000 CARE Food Cru- ! sade packages Americans are • asked to send overseas. Every $1 sent to CARE, New York 16, N. Y.. delivers a 22-lb. Food Crusade packages to the needy in other lands. KING HORN STAMPS at RPlace Tavern with package goods. J Me J Mrs. W. C. Feltz, 65, who suffered a heart attack at her home on Waukegan street Sunday evening, passed away at Victory Memorial hospital, Waukegan, Tuesday afternoon. The first carnival sponsored by the Business Men's association aUthe Just For Fun Roller Rink last TTiursday evening was a decided success. Several hundred people were present to see the arrival of Santa Claus. Mrs. Christine Miller, who resides with her daughter, Mrs Robert Green, left by plane las: Wednesday for Balboa. Canal zone, for an extended visit with her son. Arthur, and family who reside there. From files of the Plaindealer of sixty years ago. Comes news that the big mule that draws lumber for the Wilbur Lumber j company got decidely mulish I on Monday, threw out Charlie, j the driver, and started for the | west side at a high gait. Congratulations are extended to Mrs. Margaret Pitzen of j Pistakee Bay; who is observ- ( ing her eighty-sixth birthday ; today Dec. 16, and also to Mrs. ! Henry Klapperich, who is cele- | brating her eightieth today. [ Eighteen members of Alpha I arm OPEN FOR oude- LAKEMOOR SQNESS I Featuring FISH FRYS 75* I \ t I Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. except Mondays | .Siiiii mad . . . . . . T@wn and Country Gifts 135 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. "Medicine, To Produce Health. Has To Examine Disease" Author's Name Below Modern practice of medicine differs greatly from ancient methods. A research team of scientists, pharmaceutical chemists and physicians are continuously studying the causes of the different diseases. Once they are known, it is only a matter of time before cures are discovered. Physicians now have better methods of diagnosis and treatment. Medicines are formulated to attack the cause. Sometimes, if we have no known chemical that will help, our chemists invent one by synthesis. That is why the medicines your physician now- prescribes can help you more than ever before. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • ¥ Pick up your prescription if shopping near us. or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with rhe responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? another ^ original I NYi B!li©S arm PHONE 26 139 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER •Quotation by Plutarch (46-125 A.D.) • * ! our brand new TOTE-A-TIMER •.. the newest time in hand. »Y>m/» This handsome imported Jf j Sheffield watch... mounted <m $ «soft, gleaming, leather carryall. . (^[^ » Inside, a place for everything... S |j 36-picture snappered wallet, g » zippered compartment for bills, ^ g g change purse, mirror, comb. iust $1 A95 f g Bright plaid lining. Genuine • III $ g cowhide in red, tan, black - I $ » or white. 10% excise Tax g I i | Mail or Phone Orders -- McHenry 297 g § CLIP AD and MAIL $ 1 ^Jlie I Q Red Q Black Q Tan | I JdeJ ' NAME •••'• ! | I ADDRESS 1 1 & I ---1 I | CITY | PUBLIC NOTICE 1 Notice of Proposed Changes j in Schedule | COMMONWEALTH EDISON j COMPANY and its Public Service Comp-iy Division hereby 1 give notice- to the public that j certain revisions in Schedule, 8-R, "Information and Require-1 merits for the Supply of Elec-1 trie Service", have been filed i with the Illinois Commerce Commission on December 2 1958. . ' I It is proposed that Para-1 graphs (5.401 and (5.41 i. Replacement of Service Entrance Equipment, be revised to extend the Company's wiring allowance progiam for one more •year to December 31, 1959. Other revision^ are pronoso 1 j in the following Paragraphs: • (4.28) - marking of conducti ors tv> he buried'in the ^rouiv',; j (4.29) -- minimum conductorj sizes for : cable supplying sec- | orfdary .utilization voltage; e4 - ) '41) and (5.291 - extension of service entrances between noint of building entry and diseoni neeting means; (5.10) and <5.- | 11) -- referehce to other para-; I graphs concerning subject de-1 fined; anci (5.12) - modificai tion of service run location requirements. ' Further information with ! j respect to these changes may ! , be obtained directly from the • Company o'~ Ivy addressing the i Secretary of the Illinois Com- | ' merce Commission in Spring- I field, Illinois. , A copy of the proposed : changes may be inspected by any interested "party at any business office of this Company. COMMONWEALTH 1 EDISON COMPANY Hubert H; Nexon Director of Rates Publish Dec. 11-18 LEGAL NOTICE In the matter of the application of Betty J. Will, as Trustee, J. R. Ladd, and Flor ence Ladd for a zoning reclassification and for an amendment of the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance. Notice is hereby given in compliance with the McHenry County Zoning Ordinance thai a public hearing wiil h.^ hid lie!ore tlvo McHenry • County Zoning Board of Appeals with reference to |:he foregoing application for an amendment of the MeHenrv County Zoning Ordinance and a zoning reclassification, with respect 1o certain lands lying in Sections 7 and 8, Township 45 North, Range 9, East of the Third Principal Meridian, and beinj; approximately 100 Acres in arenas more particularly described in the petition filed in the above matter. This application is for the purpose of re-zoning the prem'ises which lie East of the Spring Grove Road and adjacent to Pistakee Lake and io Pistakee Terrace Subdivision, and commonly known as Pistakee Terrace, Unit 4. The promises are presently zoned F-Farming. and a request is made to reclassify them to R-l Residential. * A hearing upon said application will he held in the City Hall in McHenry. • Illinois, at 3:00 P.M. Central Standard Time on January 6, 1959, at jv hich time and place any person ,desiring to be hearJ may be present. McHLNRY COUNTY ZONING I BOARD of APPi^A S i JOHN LOOZE, Chairman j EDWIN F. ZUKOWSKI 101 North Main Street j Crystal Lake, Illinois ! Phor.e: Ci v^lal Lake 574 i Pub. Dec. .18. 19o-'}» NCOME TAX SERVICE Th£* Income Tax Service formerly conducted by Elmer J. Freund will be continued by Virgil R. Pollock and associates. All records left in the office from last year are available. We do not contemplate any change in service and will work by appointment as in the past. FOR APPOINTMENT PHONE 2500 OFFICE LOCATED 204 E, Elm Street McHenry, Illinois Your savings here earn at the highest rate consistent with safety . . and are protected to$10,000by Federal Savings & Loan insurance Corporation. [" IKSUPfC 206 W. Elm St. McHenry, 111. Phone 2 for LATE SHOPPERS! TO/ \ The Big Day will be here before you know it! Not much time remains but BOLGER'S is ready and waiting to help you solve those last minute gift problems. Stop in today! GIFTS TO PLEASE GENUINE LEATHER BILLFOLDS UP TO SS.00 For men, women, boys, girls. Your choice of stylos & colors. I Breck Shampoo Gift Pack.... Ronson Windlite Around the Neck Mirror Parker J.otter Ball Pen. Hazel Bishop Perfume Stick,. Men's Shaving Brush....... 500 Piece Jigsaw Puzzle. Colgate Shave Set Gillette Razors $1.00 Remington Shave Powder... lybber Playground Ball IPaimolive Shave lotion Scripto Fountain Pen $1.75 $3.95 $1.98 $1.95 $2.25 98< 49< .$1.29 - $10.00 .$1.00 89< 30{ .$1.00 WTTO • • • • • - $5.00 FANNIE MAY -- WHITMAN Assorted Creams, Chocolates DELICIOUSLY $4)98 FRESH JL buildi home gation uiusual, 2 LB. BOX occur Tweed Cologne $1.50 le was Playing Cards, double deck $2.10 Coty Bath Powder $1.75 WATCHi c a n e $ com- Numooted Hash wide Disneyland -Bubble lath..... 89 < f¥3@M@n Gift for Men $2.00 Zippo Lighters Du Pont Baby Brush & Comb 69« Pre-Siiiw® L@t5@si 79< Showgr Soap Cecils Cord .$1.00 [Rise Bomb 2 for $1.38 lasnoSoi !Hb§ My Lotion 89< Little Lady Pomade Lipstick 35< »ntm- »g as m AMAZING / Arranger C/.U|R„ NEW! JLNLLA LIOHTS FOR MONTHS WITHOUT ft RCTI8A 9Ur CMTON LADIeS OR MEK. MODELS 84 \VraiUnn STORE LGER'S DRUG Xnui;> 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 McHENRY. ILL. F«d*ral

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