Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1958, p. 8

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Page Eight THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER COME TO CHURCH FOR HOLIDAY SERVICES Keep Your Xmas! Linens Spotless |for JOHN STREETZl (Continued trom page 1) sic. Following the music, a Christmas message will be given by Rev. Richard Wright, pastor. The public is also 'invited to the watch night service* at the Bible church on New Year's Eye. Beginning at 9 p.m., Dec. 31, this service will continue through until shortly after the midnight hour. The evening will include hymn singing, tes-. timonies of God's faithfulness during the past year, a time of refreshment, a gospel ' film, a brief scriptural message, a n.d ! Holiday food stains can make your table linens as sad a sight as a turkey carcass. But if you work fast while you know what made the stain and before it sets in the fabric, the cloth can ,be as good as new for another celebration Dr. Ruth Galbraith, associate professor of home economics at the University of Illinois recommends using these procedures: To remove cranberry stain, stretch the stained area over a rather than the giving department. How helpless will you eel LIFELONG RESIDENT ;',101 it's time to launder tin j blouse Aunt Minnie gave your John Streetz, 77, a lifelong daughter resident of this area, died Friday. Dec. 19, at the McHenry hospital where he had been a patient for twelve days. He was born March 15, 1881. on a farm north of McHenry. where he spent his life. He was a retired farmer. There are no immediate survivors. ' The body rested at the George ] R. Justen funeral home until 1 9 : 3 0 Monday m o r n i n g , when bowl and pour boiling water i services were held,at St. John's t I T , , . , , from a teakettle held about ichurch' J°hnsb"rg. ^th burial CHICAGO ANS THWARTED IN COUNTY HOLD-UP will conclude with a comiminion three feet above the' cloth. The \ candlelight service. water should strike the c^loth i with force. Now wash the cloth j in a synthetic detergent and , hot water. Do not use soap, j because soaps set some fruit and berry stains. If the stain remains and the cloth is colorfast, sprinkle sodium perborate on the wet area and let • it stand for half an hour. Rinsp^ well. You can get sodium perborate at a drugstore. Spilled coffee shouldn't spoil your day, because you can rein the church cemetery. LEAVE FACT TAGS ON ALL CHRISTMAS GIFTS or your husband's gift, shirt, or the smart new robe he gave you? The job'will be so much eas' ier. and safer, if you have the fact-tags telling you: What temperature the water should be for washing the fabric. Whether it has to be dripdried or can be tumbled in the dryer. What fiber is in the fabric and how hot the iron should be ' . Whether the fabric will turn yellow it a chlorine pleach is used to remove a stain. When you create your own gay Christmas packages, it's easy to remove only the price tag. But it may take a friendly smile and persuasive talk to Tuesday, December 23, 1958 WRAP OUTDOOR CONNECTIONS WITH PLASTIC Before you complete stringing your outdoor Christmas decorations, you'd better give some attention to the electrical needs. University of Illinois agricultural engineer Frank W. An- Iipw says outdoor decorations usually mean bringing power outside the house by means of an extension cord. Be sure the cord is in good condition. A weather-proof rubber cord that can stand some moisture is best. To help insure good safe connections. wrap the connection with a plastic bag such as you use in freezing foods, fasten with string to hejp keep moisture out. Also, be. sure that, lights, sockets and other articles'are designed for outdoor use. fuse. All of this because the circuit is overloaded. Frank W. Andrew, University of Illinois agricultural engineer, says the best way to avoid this trouble is to plan bow and when you will use ma- i til Jan 5 & r' "Wljnces fr-i Enjoying the vacation from ing the holidays. Since heat the McHenn communitv are P'oducmg appliances - roast. phili|J Audette L £unne Bac_ eis. coffeemakcrs, toasters. !on Zelinda Bennett. Gail Breirons use the most electricity. fe](j Barbara - ENJOY HOLIDAY | ten, Kay Kirk, Andre Larson, ^ i - j * * S h i r l e y L e w i s . L e o n a r d L i s s , The Christmas holiday start- , Charles Meyers, Richard Nowed last Saturday for the 19,- ak, Helen Olson, Robert Sch- 476 students at the University melzer, Peggy Ann Stamei\ Joof Illinois-and will continue un- seph Stoffel, Robert Thompa:,n, Robert Trendler. Ernest" Iceman and Richard WisseH. (Continued from Page IV In front of the bank. Powel saw the machine with the three men in it. Wachlin ordered them to get out and he!d-"them' at gunpoint until the sheriff's office and city police arrived on '.he scene. Two guns were found in the can, two .45's and a .38. One of the men later admitted that the three had'"cased" the bank for several days, having arrived on Tuesday, only to find the bank closed. Leaving fact-tags on Christ- convince the girls at the wrapi mas presents is not a violation counter that you don t i of good taste - it's a sign of J 'consideration. Mrs. Lor.rajne i I Trebilcock, clothing specialist I I at the University of Illinois, j i points out the value of this! ! tag to the person receiving the i stains in this same i * ! it t. Many sweaters and knit dresses will be given as Christmas gifts. Knit garments that have been stabilized won't shrink or stretch. This is important information about the quality of the gift and the move coffe way. But change your method before working on stains made by meat juices, gravies or cream. Because hot water sets these stains, sponge them with cold or lukewarm water and then wash in warm, soapy itare 't inquire, w.-ter. Don't let fear of splattered wrx keep you from using cand'os. Simply scrape off as much wax as possible with a f'u'l knife, and then wash the linen in hot, soapy water. If the candles are colored, rewant ALL the tags removed. EDDIE the EDUCATOR says McHENRY GIRL IS CANDIDATE FOR SCOUT ROUND-UP (Continued from Page 1* Girl Scout council will be selected to attend the round-up. Those not selected will make move any remaining dye stain FREE CHOICE "You Be A Scientist" an alternative camping trip. Points to be considered in the s e l e c t i c > n of < n n d i d - i t o s w i l l - b e ability to get along with others, camp • ski'ls. willingness to wo) k. leadership ability and many others. Girls who have applied must have at least one year of Senior scouting by round-up time and must have had much camping experience as well as other broad experiences. by bleaching. When bleaching colored table linens, first test the effect of 1he bleach on the inside of the hem. They Conquer thev ran. who believe Some leather articles may be washed, but others must be dry-cleaned. The owner needs to have this information. Since some leather dyes are! not so fast as fabric dyes, lea-1 t.her, trims -- buttons and col-1 l a r s -- s h o u l d be r e m o v e d b e - ' , fore the article is sent to the' j cleaner. Following these in- i I s t r u c t i o n s can p r o l o n g t h e l i f o i j of the garment. | Some ^ynlhetic furs can hn | dry-cleaned; others must be handled by a furrier. Which; The American educational system provides that each may travel hi* own way, according to his interests and abilities. Illinois Education Association kind is it? Put yourself in the receiving IA Many people who demand a J front table in a night club try 1 a to even things up by taking a ; 2 back seat in church. •« After the government has j J t a k e n e n o u g h fo b a l a n c e t h e ! i budget, the average p e r s o n 1J has to budget the bal a nee. i 11 i The world is going to the i dogs largely bccause of the people who think it is going to the dogs. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLS KOlNiMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, III. Phone McHenry 667-W-l i s JUST MiR^Y CHRISTMASj YES 1 We have them here I Ice Cubes i and I Crushed Ice I For Your j Christmas Party ! ft OPEN 8^00 a.m. to 1 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY Texaco $ Service Station § 400 E. Elm St. $ » s BUY AND USE THOSE SENT YOU IF YOU'VE ALREADY MAILED YOUR Olft Thank you very much Please mail your contribution to: ImsSmM May the spirit of "peace on earth good will to men" again fill our hearts. May we find new vision, courage and inspira tion in the glorious promthat is the shining wonder , of Christmas. 1 "Medicine, To Produce Health, Has To Examine Disease" Author's Name Below Modern practice of medicine differs greatly from ancient methods. A research team of scientists, pharmaceutical chemists and physicians are continuously studying the causes of the different diseases. Once they are known, it is only a matter of time before cures are discovered. Physicians now have better methods of diagnosis and treatment. Medicines are formulated to attack the cause. Sometimes, if we have no known chemical that will help, our chemists invent one by synthesis. That is why the medicines your physician now prescribes can help you more thaw ever before. • YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEED A MEDICINE • Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? BE KIND TO YOUR ELECTRICAL WIRING DURING HOLIDAYS Abou,t the time Mom put the turkey into the oven. Dad plugs in the coffeemaker for a quick cup of coffee and the youngsters turn on the Christmas tree lights, things are likely to start happening to your electrical wiring system. The appliances will either slow down, or they'll refuse to operate altogether and blow a stagger their use instead of using them all at once". 1958 SALES TAX Illinois sales tax collections in November totalled $24,327.- 337 or $100,077 less than November last year. T^he state revenue department said the s t a g e ' s major t a x s o u r c e s b r o u g h t in $ 4 7 , 9 9 8 , 2 5 9 d u r i n g November, an increase of $418,- 735 over the same month in i | 1957. Collections in November included use tax, $1,072,667, down $636,940; cigarette, $2,- 815,190, up $101,725; liquor, $2.- 195,412, up $93,551; motor fuel, $14,499,434 up $801,408; and public utility, $2,990,912, up $157,334. Cable, Roger Crokin. Eugenie DeHavas, Arnolr Freund, James Healy, Charic? Hutchison, James Jus- The Armenians eat boiled spinach on Christmas Eve because they believe Mary ate the vegetable the night before Christ was born. Peter Wj. justen Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE - ^ • \t ^ VJEATIMG SYSTEM^ °%^querchill-\ H.E.BUCH oaccL SONS /tiSSm PLUMBING'HEAT1NG2.!^I| AIR CONDITIONING XK..u,U<UCUDM V '.f Phone McHenry 63j ^ectAon 3 WE WISH FOR A MOMENT THAT CI WE WERE BACK IN THE DAYS j WHEN TOWN CRYERS PROCLAIMED j THE NEWS. THEN WE'D STOP AT I THE HOUSES OF ALL THE FOLKS j WE KNOW AND PERSONALLY WISH j EACH ONE OF YOU A JOYOUS tj AND BOUNTIFUL CHRISTMAS-- j FOLLOWED BY A YEAR FILLED ! WITH CONTENTMENT. | +oneSeS ( OL Jc MAIN PAINT CENTER McHenry, 111. From all of us ta all of you, here's a whole "family" of sincere good wishes for your happiness at Christmas and in the New Year. We wish for you good health and good friends, good fellowship and good cheer. GLENN PAULSEN 8 ALLAN McKIM Happy 5? WE USE AND RECOMMEND AL ELECTRIC NYE ®u©s jQa*mc~" BiN FRANKLIN.STORE HARRY and MARY LIZ DEAN PHON~E 26 129 N. Riverside De» McHenry, III. . PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER "Quotation by Plutarch ( 4 6 - 1 2 5 A . D . ) RECEIVING TUBES AND PICTURE TUBES McHENRY TV 522 W. MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 2233

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