Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1958, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Tuesday, December 23 .1958 Tell Engagement Of Mary Jane Bell Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Bell of Ringwood- announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Jane, to Frank E. Colomer* son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul PERSONALS Colomer of Suwiyfcfde village. No immediate plans have been made for the wedding. Christmas Party At Zahn Home Miss Nancy Znhn entertained at a Christmas party held Saturday at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zahn. in Shalimar subdivision. A tasty lunch was served and there was an exchange of gifts. Guests included Debbie Kuhlman. Nickie Nardi. Susan Nardi. Terry Nye. Lorry Getner, Kathy Thomas, .Lynn Jaeger. Liz Liebman. Nancys brother. Joey Zahn and his friend, Billy Nye. Continue Tourney At Christmas Party Thursday, Dec. 18. the CD. of A. had their Christmas party *er of the Edward Thennes. and continued their card toum- I<oliise Tonyan. daughter of the Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson were called to Chicago, recently, by the death of his cousin, Albert M. Jacobson. Miss Ann Loretta Webef returned home, Friday, from Clarke college. Dubuque, Iowa, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Weber. Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and daughter Lynn, were recent visitors in tine Charles. Martin home in Highland Park. Mrs. Roy. Montgomery of Chicago spent a few days the past week with relatives here where she was called by the death of her sister. Mrs. Nick P. Justen. Among the out of town folks who attended the Christmas party held at the Jerome Mili ler home were Mr. and Mrs. ; Peter Merges. Sr., and daugh- • ter, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Merges ! Jr.. and son. Mrs. Gertrude Janega: Mr. and Mrs. Edward Olson; Mr. and Mrs. Peter Martorano and son. all of Chicago. ; the William Miller family of 'Fox River Grove: the Ray Ilermance family of Richmond and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stompanato • of Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brefeld and son. Paul of Fort Worth, Texas, are spending the holidays with her parents, the William Stillings in Richmond and his parents the Paul Brefelds in McHenrv. ' Donald Hayes of Chicago was 3 McHenrv visitor Saturday. His mother. Mrs. Edith Haves, returned home with him to spend the Christmas holidays. - Miss Martha Thennes. daughdahl entertained at a Christmas dinner party- Saturday evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. John Spelly, Mr. aijd Mrs. Arthur Anderson of Oak Park; Mrs. Ann Barrett, Chicago; Mrs. Agnes Shaw, Lombard; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schuler, Elmhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Downers Grove ana Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Horrsen. Evanston. Miss Ilene Bassett, teacher in Lakewood High School, Lakewood. Colo., arrived Sunday, to spend the holidays with her parents, Mr. ^nd Mrs. Lisle Bassett. ! Paul Yanda attended a midwest band clinic held at a hotel, in Chicago, a few days the past week. John F. Knox left Thursday for Florida to spend the winter. - . GIRL SCOUTS ament. Winners in bridge were Alvera Nye, Dorothy Adams and Ella Buss. Low prize went to Catherine Clark. Winners in canasta were Mary Hiller, Jby<*e Weber, William H. Tonyans. Cindy Freund. daughter of the Gus Freunds. Carol Pillar daughter of the Frank Pillars; Terry Long, daughter of Odilon Long; and Barbara Rauen, Frances Schmitt, Olivia Bauer. ; daughter of the Arnold Rauens, low prize going' (o l^laire Stil- ! studen s at _ acred Hear jjng Academy. Lisle. 111.; are spend- Winners in pinochle were holidays their Irene Guffey. Katherine Freund > sPec ,ive ome ' _ Laura Weber, Laura Phannen- • Mrs. John Lay spent a few sill and Ethel Blake, low prizes ; days the past week in the home going to Rose Freund. j her son' Edmund Lay, in A light supper was served | Waukegan. bv Barbara Leight and Bette 1 Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and O'Brien and their committee. 1 daughter, Lynn were visitors The next heeting will be held ; in the Glel? Troutman home in jan g jNew Lenox, 111. Tuesday j last week. Walter Warner of Elgin called On McHenry relatives Fri- McHenry may well be proud of . their Senior Girl Scouts. These girls have been busy on service projects for their community They worked diligently at making tray favors for the patients of the McHenry hospital who will be confined on Christmas. Under the direction of one of their members. Dorothy Kerr, they made felt lapel pins, beautifully decorated with sequins, which they p r e s e n t e d t o t h e V i l l a R e s t home. The seniors met on Tuesday. Dec. 23. at 12:30 at the Community Methodist church and travelled to the Villa Rest home to sing Christmas carols. L a t e r t h e y r e t u r n e d t o t h e church to enjoy a pot-luck supper. after which the.v sang carols at the McHenry hospital. Another project they have undertaken is the selling of 1959 Girl Scout calendars. Karen Bailey is the calendar chairman and anyone wishing to buy one may contact Karen or any other Senior Scout. The senior planning board meets once a month at the Sybaquay council office in Elgin to plan activities and exchange ideas. Representatives of 'McHenrv who attend these meeti n g s a r e K a r e n T h o m p s o n a n d ' Jean Borchardt. Jean Borchardt is president, Karen Antonson, treasurer, and Nancy Fischer, secretary and scribe. The patrol leaders are Mesdames Frank Gregory and Frank Wimmer. The Senior Scout troop of McHenry and Elm Grove, Wis., joined together for an entire day at the United States Naval Training Center at Great Lakes. OSRITAL PRESENT STYLE REVUE AT HOME BUREAU SOCIAL McHenry Hospital Patients at the McHenry hos- The community hall in Johnsburg was a hive of busy bees throughout the day on Saturday, Dec. 13. The Sunnyside pital during the past week in- i unj^ Qf McHenry county Home eluded Max Dustheimer, Ches- I Bureau cooked and served a ter Tychewich, De Ann Hester, j famj]y style ham dinner to a P a t r i c i a M a n n a n d C l a r i c e , t o t a l Qf 1 2 4 m e m b e r s a n d Freund of McHenry; Charles j guests, at this their first social Rode of McHenry Shores; Walter Steffan of Richmond; Peter Blackburn and Merle Jones of Round Lake; Albert Shrosbree of Wonder Lake and Tommy Bostler of Lakemoor. Memorial Hospital Among patients at Memorial j hospital, Woodstock, from this , area during the past week was Philip Schimke of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Rose Kell, Mrs. Emerson Gilliland and Mrs. Joseph Hushka of McHenry have been patients in Harvard hospital this past week. Legion Groups Distribute Gifts event. The 4-H Cardinals, who are sponsored by this unit, presented a fashion show, modeling garments each had made in the sewing project this year-- a living ejcainp^e of the wholesome achievements pf such groups. » The girls also sang Christmas carols, while a young lad. Bruce Christianson, supplied music on the accordion. ,r-Santa was on hand, distributing gifts and gobdies to efvery child. Mrs. Santa says this particular helper was aptly chosen as he was born on Christmas Day. Mr. S. Kobus is a husband of one of the members. All in all, it was a most successful "first try" at entertaining and likewise bringing families closer together. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Robby are the parents of a boy, born Dec. 18 at Memorial hospital, Wfjoodstock. A son was born Dec. 18 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Fritz VonBruenchenheim. If you can't find a book worth reading, try to write one worth writing. Rvc j the Want Ads The McHenry county Legionnaires a n d t h e 40 e t 8 d i s t r i b - i uted "Gifts for Yanks" at Elgin hospital at 7 p.m. on Dec. 22. The Legion's members in the 40 et 8 meet every third Wednesday to plan their help in Legion membership, child welfare, service for McHenry %)unty's share of the twentyt h r e e m i l l i o n s e r v i c e m e n a n d also their own special program of sponsoring scholarships for student nurses. At present, the county rates second only to St. Louis in the nation in nurses in training, with seventeen county girls compared to twenty- three in St. Louis. A magazine subscription drive has just been completed, with enough to assure four more scholarships for 19 5 9. Lester Siedschlag, committee chairman, is preparing a composite photo of the 40 et 8 nurses which they hope to pubr lish to urge high school graduates to apply for aid where needed to enter training. Jos. FIETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL X Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry 976 New homes available for immediate occupancy COOKS CORNER by Marie Schaettgen * If you are entertaining guestson New Year's Eve, do serve some hot French fried shrimp along with other snacks. They may be prepared and ready to fry hours in advance but be sure to keep them refrigerated until a half hour before frying. If you are frying a large quantity, they may be kept hot in the oven. French Fried Shrimp Ingredient^: 2 lbs. shrimp 1 cup flour 2 tbsp melted butter % tsp. sugar V2 tsp. salt 1 egg--beaten 1 cup very cold water Combine all ingredients except shrimp and beat well^et stand while you prepare shrimp. Peel shell from shrimp. Cut down the back to divide but do not sever. Remove black vein with point of paring knife. Dip shrimp in batter and fry/ until golden brown. Fat should be 350 to 375 degrees before adding shrimp, few at a time, using long handled spoon to avoid burns. Fry until golden br<£n.. Drain on brown paper. Serve hot with sauce of your choice. B A hat is such a personal thing! Why not show your tnoughtfulness with a Champ Gift Certificate that lets him choose his own hat at his own time. And remember-the certificate itself in its beautiful box will add unusual excitement to his gg| g|t Christmas Day! As advertised in Life Q#0v S Store for Menc PHONE 47 Open Evenings until 9 until Christmas Evv- 117 S. Green St. McHenry, 111. Card of thanks Words cannot adequately express our gratitude to our relatives, friends and neighbors who expressed their sympathy and helpfulness to us so beautifully at the time of our recent sorrow. We are especially grateful to the clergy of St. Mary's and St, Patrick's and the nuns of St. Mary's. Mav God bless you all. 34 The Family of Joseph B. Etten Card of Thanks I would like to take this opportunity to thank neighbors, the American Legion, the V.- F.W., and priests of St. Mary's for the many kindnesses extended in my bereavement. They were greatly appreciated. 34 Mrs. Mae Hoexter day. Mr GRANT CHARTER A charter has been granted by the state to a new, not-for profit corporation, the Holiday Hills Property Owners association. 20 S. Maple avenue, Hardy Richmond, Edward Oleyar and Henrv Haufe. Herbert SHOP IN McHENRY Green McHenry Claire, Mary Ann, Judy From our staff to you / PLAN NOW TO ATTEND THE , ^ .,.,0 W ' - ' ' ' ' ' William M. Carroll Gerald J. Carey James E. Larkin Ellen Walsh ) Lenora Frisby Viola Jurgens Nancy Justen Donna Anderson Dorothy Stoffel Ardelle Oeffling Carol Godina COUNTRY CLUB rvu TTich 2040 May the true meaning of Christmas be with us now as on the night of the Christ Child's birth. May the Christmas story live anew in every heart. May all of us keep Christmas as He would have us do, with good will" toward men. We wish you and yours all the joys of Chrisimas . . . and a holiday season rich in faith, hope and love. W "" * CHAPEL HILL 1 MILE NORTH OF RT.JJO OX TUP: ,I.OH\s»in^ Ro»n OPEN TO THE PUBLIC ALL YEAR AROUND DIRECTORS Gerald J. Carey Robert L. Weber OFFICERS Lucille Knox Robert L. Weber EMPLOYEES Beverly Justen Shirley Nye Phyllis White Ruth Phannenstill Doris Berkley Lona Patzke Gwen Wiedenhoeft K gt h 1 A n rrl ^ William A. Nye, M.D. Thomas F. Bolger Donald Wattles Richard J. Zieman Hilda Koenemann John Lillian Cairns Kathleen Freund Lois Rychly Betsy Moehling Jean Vogel Virginia Sheneman Roberta Francisco - Ane Wobcr Kerechek Make Your Reservations Early kibNT -- StJFFiT - FAV© $5.0Q PER COUPLE McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 Member Federal Reserve System Member Federal Deposit Instance Corp. ti )

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