Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1958, p. 12

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LAKELAND PARK Elect NeVr Officers Of Lakeland Park Association On March 30 by Bernice Boyce JllBt a reminder that the an- her daughter's home, Mrs. Ray nUal lAeeting and election "of Grote (Virge to us) convalesofficers will be held on Sunday March 30, at 7:30 p.m. at the American Legion home. The absentee ballots will be ready on March 16 and can be obtained from the L.P.P.O.A. secretary, Mrs. Joan Krater, 126 Shore Drive. If Mrs. Krater doesn't happen to be home, which she so often isn't because of all the time she gives to association ^ business, just leave a note that you were there and she will see to it that you will receive a ballot without making another trip, Just another service that Joan has taken onto her already heavily laden shoulders. I really don't believe any of us appreciate the efforts that Joan has given to the association. The many accomplishments attained by the association have been realized because of Joan's persistence. Too many to be mentioned in this article. I think Joan's name should head the list of unsung heros. cing' and is how home and is doing as well as can be expecter after suffering from the shock of the accident. Hope you are fully recovered real soon Mrs. Czajkowski. Our best wishes to you. livaii will soon be going , back to her home in Springfield and so wanted to make this trip that they decided this was the weekend, so off they went. Girl Scont News The Girl Scouts held their election of officers on Monday. March 10. Elected to office are the following girls: Margaret Parisi, president; Mary Sullivan, vice president; Candy Morgenson, treasurer; and Judy Meineke. secretary. The color guard chosen are two colorful little girls who I know will carry their flags with the honor which has been bestowed upon them as color girls. ITiey are Maureen Linnane and Lillian Hosie. On Sunday, March 9, Mrs. Shirley Hosie. Scout leader, took Mary Sullivan, Lillian Hosie, Maureen Happy Reunion Mr. Visconti and son, Gino of McHenry road took a trip to New York. Vacation trip? I should say not, it was for a wonderful reunion with Mrs. Visconti arid fouF little Viscontis who arrived in New York from Italy. Two years ago Mr. Visconti and Gino came to America and soon bought their home in Lakeland Park. Since then they have been looking forward to the time that Mrs. Visconti And the rest of the children could join them in this wonderful new land America. Their dreams were realized1 when the Visconti family all arrived in Lakeland Park on Thursday, March 13. Welcome. Mrs. Visconti, we hope you will be very happy in your new l^nd and new home. Tripoly Gals Are Back Haven't heard anything about the gals and their tripoly games for a few weeks, but found out I had missed the news last week when I had missed going to the Woman's club meeting. So here it is. The gals, met at Marge Dent's home and a rip roaring session. The winnahs were hostess Marge Dent and Dill Reinhardt. The losers were Ann Herzog, Ivy Lezak, Grace Mandziara and "Sophie O'Gara.j Dorothy Uttich dropped in with her three children especially t® show off little Katy, who most of the gals hadn't seen as yet. They oh'd and ah'd and who wouldn't, as Katy is really a little charmer and just takes to everyone. ' Marge served a delicious angel food cake, ice cream and coffee. Dorothy stayed for the refreshments. Should have put that in the Sneaky column as Dorothy is supposed to be on a diet. V and Mrs. Lewis Mazzoni...H«ey were hoping -that the bi&y [would arrive on either of theii* birthdays. Mrs. Ma^oni's birthday was on March 7 and Mr. Mazzonit's was- on March 10, but she decided on her own date March 5. I tell you these kids today are . born smart. Lost and Fonnd Someone lost a crystal rosary in Lakeland Park and will be happy to hear our mailman found it and gave it to Dorothy Uttich. Dorothy will be most happy to hear from you if you have lost it. Visiting Mrs. Zeman, mother of Bernie, and Wally Laurence has been visiting with her two sons s!nce Friday night. She is staying at Wally's house and will L i i m a n e . Mary Terese Svveen- jf°r_™hHe; Mrs- ** ey, Barbara Murphy and SUsan Garrson on a- wonderful trip to the Field Museum in Chicago. The girls* had a wonderful time and wish to thank Mrs. Hosie tor taking them on the trip. They really enjoyed themselves. A new member was initiated into the fast growing troop. She is Pat Gilberson. The officers wish to remind all "the1 Girl Scouts that there i will be a meeting every Monday night at 7 p.m. These meetings will be held in the various homes of the members and I will remind the girls in my column each week where the next meeting will be held. , The1 next meeting on March 24 will be held at their leader's heme, Mrs. $. Hosie, 212 Shore Drive. man has just recovered from what was feared at first to be a serious illness, but I am happy to report that it was not serious. Mrs. Aszmann from St. Paul and a sister of the Laurence boys also was a giiest of the Laurences on Friday and Saturday. She returned to St. Paul on Sunday. Birthday Celebrations Ivy Lezak celebrated her birthday by having a few close friends in for an evening of canasta. Those enjoying the evening were Mr. and Mrs. B. Herzog, Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn More About Birthdays On Monday, March 10, Dorothy Humphrey was hostess to the birthday club in honor of Edith Lavin's birthday. The members joining in the celebration were Jean Parisi, Fran Cina, Vicki Bottari, Lee Glorch. Helen Gerambio, Marge Franklin and Elaine Jett Edith was presented with a beatitiful large size stainless steel and copper chicken fryer. Birthday cake and coffee were served and the usual "Happy Birthday" was the hit tune of the party. Cou'dn't f;nd out just how many birthdays this was that Edith was celebrating; however. I was told that Frank Parisi dropped in for, a moment and asked Edith and was told. ,Jl'm old enough to vote." May I add my congratulations too, Edith. Family Dinner ' On March 9, Len Bottari's mother celebrated her birthday. It was a switch, Instead of being taken. out to dinner she took the family out to dinner and they had a wonderful one too. Len, Vicki, Mr. Bottari, Sr. arid her grandchildren, Raymond and Elaine, enpayed the birthday* dinner. The children gave Grandma" Bottari a canister set. Happy birthday Mrs. Bottari, and many more. Another Birthday Another birthday and in the Lavfn household again. On March Kevin Lavin celebrated his birthday. He reached the ripe old age of 6. Helping Kevin make his birthday a husre success were Tommy Przetcznik, Francine Parisi. Josephine Cina. Jeffery Svitanek, Johnny Reineke. Mary Barbara Uttich and Elaine and Raymond Bottari. Kevin received ' so many gifts of cars and trucks that ne forgot all about his party and just pro- • ( Bridge Club TJhe spades and clubs were flyihg at the home of Louise McEnery on Thursday. March 13. Sounds like a fight, but not really, as " the spades and clubs were on the playing cards that incidentally were terrible as far as my hands were concerned. However, Ann Herzog walked off with first prize, , Ann Leigh with the second prize and Alice and Ivy were tied with thirtl and split that prize two ways. Need I say, these gals didn't think the cords were so bad. Louise had been sick all week and should have called off the party, but Louise being the gal she is had us just the same. She served luscious cherry tarts topped off with whipped cream and big sugar cookies -- the kind Grandma used to bake. Jones and Mr. -and Mrs Albert|ceededtop|ay wjth al] 0f his Mullere of Pistakee Bay. Ivy served a delicious lunch and a good time was had by all. A Grand Old Name Mary is a grand old name; however, Mickey is too. I reported Mary Gladman was to serve on the nominating committee of the Women's club. I was sooo wrong, it is Mickey Gladman. So sorry Mickey. Ioway The - Bill Haynes and Mrs. Sullivan took a fast weekend trip to Cascade, Iowa, to visit Helen's aunt. They left Friday wonderful gifts and was^jost in.- the world <Jf make Believe. However, they did manage to play one game of drop the clothes pins in the bottle and the winner was Josephine Cina. Of course, when it came to the cake, ice cream and all the other party goodies, no on© had to be- called twice and the wonderful trucks were parked in their make-believe garages to await their master's return. Arrival Vicki Bottari is the proud new aunt of a little neice, Gay'e Marie. 5 lbs. 11 oz„ born evening and came back Sun- in the Southshore hospital in No Sneakies this Week Darn! I wish to thank everyone for all the news this week. I am now home again during the week and will be happy to accept your news any day. I hope to get back to, the Saturday deadline so would really appreciate your calls by then. Bye now, see you next week. LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that sealed bids will be received by the McHenry Moose Lodge No. 691, McHenry, Illinois for the construction of an addition to theft present structure located on the North side of Route 120 East of the Fox River. Bids will be accepted on complete construction and/or on separate items as cement work, brick work, electrical work, plumbing, heating and roofing. Plans and specifications <ian be secured from the McHehry Moose Lodge 691, State Route 120 East, McHenry, Illinois, at any time after date of v this notice. Bids will be received at' the residence of Hilary Rodenkirch, 107 S. Park street, McHenry, Illinois, until the t 27th day i>f March, 1958, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. C.S.T. at which time bids will be opened and publicly read at the Moose Lodge of McHenry, Illinois, , Proposals shall be accomp-j anied by Bidders Bond or Certified check, payable to McHenry Mopse Lodge No. 691, in the amount of 10% of the bid. Checks or bonds wiilkbe returned to all except the Sow ; bidders, ' immediately after awards of contract is made.^ MjjcHenry .Moose Lodge No. 69l| reserves "the right to reject all:, bids, to waive 'minor informalities in any bid, and to make award in the best interest of McHenry I Moose Lodge No. 691. By order of the officers of the McHenry Moose Lodge No.- 691, McHenry, 111. Dated at McHenry, Illinois, this 4t.h day of March, 1958. *i HILARY RODENKIRCH, Secretary (Pub. Mar. 6-13, 1958) Musical Group Formed Locally by Apnette Schmit For those interested-in music, the ideal ^ime has arisen. A group is now meeting on Tuesday evenings at the fire community house, commencing at 7 p.m. An effort will be made to form some sort of. group playing. Many Children in this district and outlaying areas are now studying instruments and this will be a wonderful opportunity for them to become accustomed to playing in a group. Adults are most welcome to; join the sessions, whether or not "they have been active on thei* instruments. Don't feel sliy about coming up arid trying oUt. We're'all amateurs bt# would have the joy of using' fctfr musicf in a group on Tuesday nights.--All out for praotitie!v Recent. Accident A While the village slept one recent morning, a very hasty accident took place. The time was 3:45 a.m. The village folks, being sound asleep, really never knew what had happened. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Czajkowski -were jilst returning to their home in Mkeland Park after a visit' of card playing at their relatives' home. TJiey had had a > wonderful evening with Mr. and Mrs. Lorio and had barfly gone one block the highway:, (120) when they were struck head-on by an auto travelling in the opposite direction. While awaiting an ambulance, Jean was helped by friends to try to slow" the bleeding caused from cuts and lacerations about her face. Many stitches were required to close the wounds. Jean is up and around now and is doing very nicely. ored on Saturday, March 15, with a birthday party in her home. Ten of her friends werethere to wish her well. They were Janice Wall, Joyce Wall, Cary Herdrich Of Island Lake. Linda Larson or McHenry, Susan Ehrhardt. Judy Hamil, Jean Hamil, Judy Pope, of Ringwood and Ricky Jo Nicholas. Sinqe- Lorrie's birthday was so close to St. Patrick's Day her cake was beautifully decorated. | with a big, ^reen, three-leaf clover. -She received many lovely gifts with which she was very thrilled. She also received her very first wrist watch. Refreshments of cake and punch were served. / Girl Scout News Mrs. Marge Beahler, Lome Beahler, Mary Smith, LaVerne Nickolas and Anne ShaW attended the Girl ScoUt birtjhday program at Crystal Lake. They enjoyed the program Very, much and had \a Wonderful time. / STATE POPULATION The population of Illinois reached an estimated 9,754,000 in July 1957, an increase of 12 per cent over the state's 1950 census, according to statistics prepared for the state Department of Public Health by the Population and Research and Training Center of the University of Chicago. Dr. Ronald R. Cross, state director of Public Health,. pointed dut that "the excess of births over deaths is about 135,000 each, year and therefore about 82 per cent of the population growth is a natural increase." The remaining 18 per cent increase is due to in-migration. Our Schools (by Classroom Teachers) McHenry shpuld be well proud of the Junior high basketball team. This being the first year in the new building, the boys . are really putting the gym into good use. Not orily do the. boys use the gym for their activities but the girls also have a Girls' Athletic association which meets once a week after school for'the purpose of enjoying the many different seasonal sports. Hie girls , are under the supervision of the girl's physical education teacher, Miss Soghigan. During the noon hour there's an instrumental program set up by both Miss Soghigan . and Mr. Sobotkowietz, ? the boys' physical education teacher. This program is enjoyed by., all the students Of the Junior high, either by being' a member of a class team if they wish or rooting for their fellow classmate. Recently, during jthe hoon hour, the men faculty members played, the xv$rsity squad and another day the women faculty played the junior varsity squad. This was most enjoyable for all concerned, only a little more work on the part of the faculty members than enjoyment. At this waiting, McHenry's varsity , team, coached by Mr. Sobotkowietz, have an excellent record. They are to bei congratulated on their hard work and fair play throughout the season. Belpw is the standing of the "A" team.. Won Lost McHenry 10 0 Lake Zurich - .6 Grove V 6 St. Mpry'si^^v^i Dundee ' ^fVaf Cary ; A Kilder ; •• Lorrie Is Eleven Miss Lorrie Beahler was hon- KEEP YOU* SEPTIC TANK WORKING SH00THLY Inexpensive- Easy to apply V ' Stimulates Bacterial action Help* ^prevent Sluggish** clogged septic systems day night. Cascade is 240 miles however, they hadn't seen their aunt for a long time. Mrs. Sul- Chicago on March 5. The new baby is the daughter of Vicki's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. wsfrs Ifcs WW ft* sdsaflv ADDS UlSTtl TO T0U1 MAM 1 ' Accident Victim Mrs. Jean Czajkowski, who lives on Prairie avenue, suffered a - lacerated head in a two-car collision early Sunday morning, March 9. Mrs. Czajkowski was taken to the McHenry Hospital and was hospitalized until Monday. She spent the rest of the week at Take It Easy - Take A Cab! When the weather's bad . . . When you . want to reach your destination In a hurry . . . When you have luggage or heavy packages with you, It's time to call us for a cab. Remember our number. McHENRY CAB i. PHONE 723 PERMANENT WAVE includes thampoo, thaping, and Make your appointment toonl Jen's Beauty Shop 1 Block East of Old Bridge PHONE 822 McHENRY |jlHllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllll|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||yiii||||||||||i|||||||||||||||||||||||g I LARGEST AMOUNT j SAVING ACCOUNTS |of ^ny financial institution in McHenry | County, Illinois |Jo in your friends in profitable saving at Marengo Federal Savings and Loan Association E StfiNGj SAFETY SAVIN6S Marengo, Illinois JOrdan 8-725|8 | Total savings accounts over $7,600,000.00 § | Current Dividend Rate 3V2% nlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiijiiiiiiiii^iini^ igy "Nothing Costs So Much As What Is Given Us" * (Author's K ame Below) All the world loves a bargain, but everyone knows that one always gets no more than they pay for. Often when lwe think we are getting something for less than its proper price we usually find out that we have paid more than its real value. Therefore, we never state that our prescription prices are low priced bargains. We do promise that our charges will always be as low as careful compounding will permit. YOUR PHYSICIAN CAN PHONE McHENRY 26 WHEN YOU NEEI? A MEDICINE Pick up your prescription if shopping near us, or let us deliver promptly without extra charge. A great many people entrust us with the responsibility of filling their prescriptions. May we compound yours? NYE DRUGS PHONE 26 129 V. Riverside Dr. McHenry, 111. PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS WE DELIVER • *Quotation by Thomas Fuller (1608-1662) BAC-TIVAfOR HARDWARE 'l^enldA Dr* v McHenry, I1L PHONE 722 . . • ,• * ' » I"*" * |W Countryside ; •• 10/ ADOPT- TAX Tree village of Sainte Marii^ in Jasper county became the,, 1000th Illinois municipality to adopt the city retailers' occu^0", pation tax, according to the v, Department of Revenue. When; * GoV. Stratton first proposed^ the % of one per cent tax,~,fy strong objections were raised by municipalities. However,9^- since July, 1955, whert the linois legislature removed th&A referendum requirement fo™ imposing the tax, cities and' villages have received a totaj"^ of $116,535,399 in revenue.'Ji- Now,' 1,000 of a possible 1,200^™ eligible municipalities arfe on~9r* the roster of cities levyihg thiP1'11 tax which is used for such things as salary increases for city employes; hiring of add**1 tional policemen and 'firemen;3f" lighting and street improve^11 ments. A few municipalities*0 have used the proceeds to reduce property taxes. -- ----^ • . - :• <--10 VOTE FOR;' Lyle R. "Hutch" HUTCHINSON mi t. SAVE MONEY! AVOID WASTE! READY-MIX CONCRETE RADIO DISPATCHED McHenry Ready Mix Co* Inc. BOfc Frdht St. FHbNE $20 McHenry, Illinois Republican Candidate^ for Sheriff ^ Former Chief Deputy - Sheriff of McHenry County three years' and Deputy for seven years:- l- Resident of Woodstock, borhr>i and reared in Harvard, mait :1, ried, three children. Home Owner World War II Veteran - American Legion . . Moose Lo^j •tfpur Support Appreciated (Political Advertisement) l 11 'K T'Yft icri.; y h ' i • « r NEW T$ASrfMASTEIt® QUICK HEAT ELECTRIC WATER HEATERS « i- These new water heaters solve your hot water problems the fast, clean, automatic electric way. DURABLE---Famous Life-Belt high-wattage electric element won't let lime or scale form inside tank. N HIGH SPEED--407gallon models recover more than 400 gallons of tot water a day. Plenty for big-family needs. HANDSOME, FLEXIBLE--Tank-type and table-top styling. No flue needed. Install anywhere you Want... closet, kitchen, utility room, bathroom, under counter, in basement. NEW LOW ELECTRIC RATE makes these new, fast water heaters economical to operate. Long life means they cost you leas to own. Ft HE RG LASS INSULATED--Keeps water hot, keeps costs low. i 40-QALLON CAPACITY 10-YEAR WARRANTY (Also available in eountertopf and under-the-counter iiiodels.K $ 9995 ® T. M. Reg. A product of McGraw-Edison Co. iVf b New TOASTMASTER Electric Water Heaters at these dealers: BUCK PLUMBING & HEATING, McHenry PAUD GERASCH PLUMBING & HEATING, McHenry ft- *j^Cointnoiiwealth Edison Company Public Service Company «

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