Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1958, p. 14

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• (jr'-frr--'tVi 5'HVt W4--' h ' t r ^ -Ts-/ * ' r n > , ; * ? . • * j f ; 7 f , ' - ^ ;» • ' ; ' / > • , f J ' 5 - • n^"rV¥- ^y- r*-r*f» ' Community VICTIMS OF by Pliyllls Carlson Sunday •morning the Richmond rescue squad was called to help in a train. accident at Spring Grove. In the accident Mrs. Marie Rejha, 51, of Cicero wis killed and Marguerite Louis, 34, of Cicero suffered brick injuries and lacerations and was taken to St. Therese hdspital in Waukegan. jThe rescue squad helped to pry the injured woman from' the wreck. TTie lady who was killed was thrown clear of the wreck. An eastbound train hit the car. The two women w^re going to Twin Lakes. A Baby Girl Mr. and Mrs. Willbm Covell, Jr. are proud and happy to announce the arrival of Tracey Jill on Saturday, March 8,. at St Theresa's hospital, Waukegan. She weighed 8 lb. 4 oz. and made her sister, Kim, 3 years old, very happy. ' Boy Scout must be ll years of age to be a registered scout. Jim Meisel has been serving ori the Cub Scout committee and is popular with the boys for he seems to be interested in them. Sympathy Our sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Josephson on the loss of their baby Marvin Josephson is still a patient in Resurrection hospital, Chicago, following his accident last month. surer ctf the pledges and is happy with her lot in life. Congratulations, Karepl Teachers' Meeting 'Last Friday 575 teachers of the county convened in Wood- Stock. The president of the McHenry County Teachers is DfcWayne Sheldon, assistant principle of R.B.C.H.S. and fttfcident of Richmond. School Board Election On April 12 there will be a school board election. It is important that everyone vote and that everyone think before lie votes for the school b^ard is an important group of peo- Three people need to be elected to the high school $he grade school board will tiio be elected that same day. Obituary • Henry Barry of Solon Mills a long time resident of the area died at Hartland home last Thursday. He has no immediate survivors. His mother died last year. He had been a patient at Hartland for only ten days. » Funeral services were conducted Friday morning at the Ehorn funeral home by Pastor Carlson. Burial was in the Solon cemetery. v Birthday Pat and Mike Etzkorri treated their Cub Scout den with a special cake in honor of their eighth birthday. It had blue and gold frosting and in each piece of cake their grandma had put a Cub Scout promise that the boys could keep and use. The boys in Pat and Mike's den gave the twins each a Cub Scout toothbrush for their birthdays. Jackie Woods, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Woods, had a birthday last week. Judy Sebo will have a birthday tomorrow. Anniversaries . Tomorrow Father Millers will have been ordained twentyseven years, we think it is twenty-seven though we might be off by a year. Pastor Carlson will have been ordained eleven years tomorrow. PJA Meeting grade school P.TA. met Wednesday and discussed lation. talked about federal to education--there were both pros and cons. inhere was also election of Officers. Vice-president is Kenflc& h Granger, secretary, Dorot$ ty Cunderson and treasurer, Qljbria Schultz, No president elected for there was ho feitidtaate: Cub-Scouts 1/ferch pack meeting of Patek 349 was: held at the high school -Ttfoftday,; March-10. Den 5 bad the skit,. Den 4 the open- %ig and Den 6. the closing. The jioys received their safety awards for having passed some safety tests a couple of months ago. The committee and the den mothers also received the awards. Cookies, chocolate milk and coffee were served by Den 2. Henry ^Cairns, cubmaster, has cutout; birdhouses for the Cub Scoutp to make at'their den meetings. That will fit in with the April theme, "Keep America Beautiful." There were several exhibits on Alaska, the theme for March -- maps, totem poles, dog aleds and gold. Youth Fellowship Sunday night the Junior and Senior Youth Fellowship group heard Dr. Bertha Shafer speak about the Work of the therapy center at Woodstock which is supported by Easter Seals. She showed a colored film depicting the work at the center and presented an interesting program to the group. Both the Junior and Senior groups voted to give donations, to Easter Seal. In addition to that they gave the offering of the evening for Work at the center. *TCie Senior groujp went to Grace church for a St. Patrick's party after the program. The basement was decorated with shamrocks with one lone four leaf clover overhead: The refreshments and table decorations werie in keeping with the Irish theme too. Virginia Runyard, Dave Harris and Bob Swartzloff. were in charge of decorations. The refreshments included green ice cream, luscious punch, cake, cookies and all sorts of delectable goodies. On Easter Monday the Senior group will go to Chicago for its annual tour. They will visit Bahai Temple and other points of interest in Chicago. Boy Scouts Jim Meise> has consented to be scoutmaster for Boy Scouts. His consent makes it possible to have a scout troop, a thing We have not had for many years in Richmond. On Tuesday evening, March 25,' there will be a meeting at the Legion HaJl for boys and their parents I linois university at DeKalb. Interested lh Boy Scouts. A I Karen has been elected trea- Rotary Last, week Ray Thompson talked about the vocational service conference he attended at Joliet. Mark Markeson from McHenry was a visiting Rotarian. Rotarian birthdays were Fred Goehring on Tuesday and Ed Wittmayer on March 26. Pledged to Sorrority Karen Prouty, who' came home from college for the weekend, has been pledged to Gamma Theta at Northern IITotvnshlp Now Two Precinct* Richmond township has been divided into two precincts instead of the one that it used to be. One part of the township will still vote- at the village hall, but another part will vote in Johonnott's garage in Solon Mills. On April 8 at the primary election this - new setup will be in effect . F.A.A. Banquet Last night the F.F.A. held its banquet at the high school. Athletic Banquet Next Thursday night an athletic banquet will be held at the high school for the boys who participated in sports, for the cheerleaders and the parents of each. Each family will bring a dish to pass while the meat will be cooked and paid for by a dollar donation from each family.^ Johnsburg SOOAUTY PARTY TO HELP SWU. NJILMWFne and Mrs. •Clarence IVetrnd Is once again a McHenry hospital patient. Mary ICfty wap stricken with' excessive nose ; bleeds while at school last week. By this time she may have been transferred to a Waukegan hospital where she will undergo further treatment , v uWe sincerely hope her,, hosoy Betty Hettermam£ pital stay will be short/" High School Janitor Maynard Regnier from Hebron is the new janitor at the high school. He took over Mr. PierToti's bus route along with janitor work. That way one janitor will be available for night duty. Here and There Last week Mrs. Harry Buchert was hostess to a morning coffee hour which a dozen or more ladies attended. The putpose of the party was to introduce Jim Copney, mayor of Woodstock who is running for county judge. He spoke briefly to the ladies. On Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Schultz and Mrs. Ralph Thomas attended the funeral of Mrs. Thomas' uncle, Burt Robinson in Kenosha. Mr. Robinson was a brother to the late George Robinson who was .a resident of this area several years ago. The J. W. Kruses returned from New Mexico last week. According to Stevie they had a good time and lots of fun. Mrs. Peter Nor is a, hospital patient at Woodstock. Edwin Wittmayer returned from the hospital in Madison. Tom Stewart is home- form the hospital , Mrs. Olga Madden and her family have moved 'to the Charles Osborn house near Solon Mills.' .Mi-, and Mrs. H. L. Shaw of Chicago, were dinner guests of the H. Carlsons Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of the D. Sheldons Were the Fred Schroeders. Rumors have it that one of the classes ' from • ths high school is planning on visiting the criminal court in Chicago. Bob Swartzloff has been corresponding with Ben Adamoski. Myra Speaker had word that one of the Kranz boys, son of Rev. and Mrs. Kranz, formerly of Richmond, is an Eagle Scout now. When a married man tells you he's the boss in his own home, you know he'll lie about other things. RUPTUK-EASK T.M. Rit U.8. Pu. Off. U Plttr BtiM Trots) < Come one! Come all! to ^he public party being sponsored by the Blessed Virgin sodality. This function will take place in St., John's school hall next Sunday evening. March 23 at 8 p.m. Why not come on over and have yourself some fun while helping, a worthwhile cause like the new school building fund. Hope we see all of you there next Sunday evening. Evidence Change Mr. and Mrs. Leo Young and their three children moved1 recently to their newly purchased home on the Johnsburg road and Route 81. The Youngs formerly resided on the Peter F. Freund farm. Hhe change is just a "stone's throw" so it will not make much of a difference as far as the families social activities are-.concerned. We join in wishing Leo, Rose* mary and their family good luck in their new hdme. Florida Visitors Hank and Clara Nell of Sunnyside Beach returned recently after spending a wonderful winter in Florida. Although the first fe?v weeks weren't quite so warm after the Nells arrived there, the remainder of their time was just beautiful. > Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Laager of Jak-Ana Heights left last week to spend a few Weeks sunning themselves in Florida. Mrs. Lasser's father who Resides with them, is spending this time in Chicago vrtth another daughter. We hope: the Lassen? enjoy the beautiful weather Florida is having now. Important Reminded' . The lady and juvenile -girt Foresters will receive Communion in a body at the £:30 Mass next Sunday. The ladies and girls will go to the community club hall for breakfast. There will be a small fee collected from the lacUes to cover the ccpt. of the food. St John!s P,T.A. will. meet on Monday evening, March 24, in the community club hall. At this meeting, election of officers will be held. A nomin<- ating committee was chosen at the last meeting and should have their nominations readyfor this meeting. Plan on attending and jmake this a big meeting. News was pretty slim this week folks, but I hope it picks up within the next week. Please call in any of your news items before Monday at noon. My phone number once agdht is 1296-R. , TA* COLLECTIONS •' : i Tax collections during January were the highest for any month in Illinois' history, surpassing the previous record high set in December. In a report to Gov. William G. Stratton, the director of the state's revenue : department, Richard J. Lyons, said that $51,851,117 was collected during January from the state's nine major tax sources and an addition^ $5,326,246 was col" lecte& by hi*' department foi* ^municipalities. The December collection totalled $50,926,593, and . $4j52l,i45 was collected for municipalities. In announcing the figures, Gov; Stratton pointed out that Illinois revenues are holding up "well within the conservative estimate we used in establishing the 1957-1059 biennial budget." Order your rubber stamps at the Plaindealer today. A Veterans' Adntinistration*., representative froth the .Bock-1^ ford VA office will be on duty " at Woodstock Tuesday^. 4pq|t ^ lv to inform and assist vettf-f^ rans, their dependents, an4 the general pUblk! regardi all benefits of the VA. The representative will be en-dpty 'from 10 a.m. to 4 pjn. at t^, U. S. post office building, secv;-, (Aid floor, in Wbodstodt IIR SATURDAY iM>'f 2 PANTSor 2 SKIRTS ; h; $i.50 Value, . I; Hour Service Available CASH & CABUY Dance Coining Up How about purchasing a< cttiple of tickets to the firemaH's dance? The dance will take place on April 12 at the Cothmunity club hall. Why hot take your wife or sweetheart out for the evening and cut a fancy step or two. Hospital Notes Mary Tomasello has . patient at the McHenry h tal. Mary was under observation for several days. We * cer<^ tainly hope she is well on* the^J, road to Recovery now.. Mar^ xay; daughter af " -- : ; .v ;:- Jy RELIEF FOR TIRED FEB AND WEAK ARCH Doubl«._$5.1 No Fitting Raquirwd orm-fltttes washabl ESa,; w4S.'xb'«hp"K' In «tr»p. Soft, flat washable raphernia. Back up in front. No •w. tUto rlfhi, Utt BOLGER'8 DRUG STORE Phone 40 D-SchoU's FLEX-FOAM ARCH An extremely llflhtweight (!**• than 1 oz.) supportthat comfortably mold• to the contours of your foot Genuine leather top With pillow soft Latex Foam Cushionsthat relieve tired feet, pain and callouses at ball of foot Worn invisibly. Men's and * a aa women's sizes... PAIR ^ BOLGER'S Drug Store 108 S- Green St. McHenry PHONE 40 y W0RTHM00R ESTATES FOR FINE CAREFREE COUNTRY LIVING YOU MUST SEE THESE FINE HOMES TO REALLY APPRECIATE THEM ; H.' ' t * 0 y ' *v MM CONTEMPORARY DESIGNS ^s' ^ ^j r ' ' • 2^00 FIJET OF GRACIOUS LIVING • Brick Veneer • Fall Basenuait • 8 Bedrooms • s Baths f Heat t Custom Ftrealaee • Ash Cabinet • Built-in Oven Kitchen and Rftngp f * <*Mages • Recreation Room Let • Beam Celling • Family Room THE FINEST THROUGHOUT. 9 1008 FEET LIVING SPACE 6 Hardwood Floors • Built-in Oven 'St Range i Fireplace @ Brick Front c • o i l L i m i t u t • 8 Bedrooms • Carport • Gas Heat • Tile Bath • Youngstown Cabinets *39,500 • Beam Celling ONLY $16,000 Remember "We Feature Quality Reasonably Priced" ^ / Before you decide to buy -- pay us a visit and be convinced. A FINE COMMUNITY TO LIVE IN -- ACCESS TO CHAIN OF LAKES On Route. 12 5. MUe»North of Vole Tom Laft on Ronqd Lake Road iVi vjTb UiiL* PHONE 45T WATCH THE PLAINDEALER FOR THESE WEEKLY SPECIALS Open Frt. Eve TU 9 P.M. McHenrf, l£L Pickup & Delivery 206 S. Green Si, PHONE 20 TRACTOR No other tractor tire gives a deeper center bite . • • • tractor tire gives for so low a price CUSTOM MADE From the Finest Materials THE VERY Lo w Pnees on De Luxe Super Champion Nylons too! BLACKWALL BLACKWALL 6.70 x 15 7.10 k 5 3 v<n TAX INC. TAX INC. Check that Battery Now! Passenger • Truck - FAMOUS r "1#- Batteries do as low as QUOTATION ON REQUEST from $3.00 to $6.00 TRADE-IN for your old BATTERY TIRE MART WALT FREUND, Prop 526 W. Main Si. PHONE 294

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