Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1958, p. 15

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Hlngwood ;..^^*;'0 > W. S. C. S. MET FOR Igsv* by Mrm. George Shepard "Tfie Woman's Society of Christian Service met at the church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Gordon Fossum closed the meditation' in the sanctuary andi all went to the Fellowship room where the business meeting^ was ; held. Mrs. Stanley Jepfcon was worship leader and M9 Hood had the lesson, "The March of Missions in Healing:" Hostesses were Mrs. William Crufickshank and Mrs. George Shepard. . \f ~ \ • I '. . Home Circle . • ; liie Home Circle wa§* entertained in the home of Mrs. Wolf Shadle Thursday with Mrs. Oscar B^rg as co-hostess. A^fcme o'clock luncheon was fidflpbd and a fine program in cftatge of Mrs. John Hogan followed. Happy Clover 4-H Club itie Hapjfy Clover 4-H club wfll meet at the John Hogan hpme next Saturday, March 22.; Any girl wishing to join willi be welcome to come. r Rummage Sale y^e W.S.C.S. will hold a ruifimage sale in the church basement March 28 and 29. , Breakfast The spring breakfast for the Sunday school will be held on Sunday morning April 13 from 8 tp 10 a.m. A movie will be shown at 10:15 a«m. • and church be at ll-a;nK Eyexyone^Jfi ?d to-attend. * The Woman's Society has invited Rev. Emerson Col aw as speaker at tfie special event luncheon on April 9 at the Methodist church. Invitations will be sept to neighboring societies to enjoy the message of the talented and witty speaker. > i Jjl' - Junior M.YjF. *j^e Junior M.Y.F. will meet Friday, March 28 at 8 p.m. The huh "For God and My, Country^ dealing with the Boy ScOut Jamboree will be shown. Anyone interested may attend. This will be held in the Fellowship rooms. Canasta Club Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rasmussert^ entertained -their canasta club at their home Saturday evening. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. Robert Low and Frank Harrison higlr and Mrs. Frank Harrison and Robert Low, low. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingston of Sharon, Wis., called on Mrs. George Shepard Tuesday afternoon. ms. Viola Low attended a party in the Edna Speaker home at Richmond Thursday afternoon. Mikte Hogan, Patty Low. Ida Mais Walkington, Evelyn l^arrikon and Sandra Hoffman attended a 4-H training school at Westwood school at Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mrs. Hogan attended a 4-H county committee^ meeting at . Westwood schuol also on Friday. Patty Low, Sandra'Hoffman, Mrs. John Hogan and daughter Pafty attended a 4-H program planning meeting for the Happy "Clover club at the home of Miss Karen Schmelzer Sunday evening, Mrs. Hogan is 4-HJ leader and. Patty Hogan is 4-H Junior leader. Dean Ehteri of Kenosha and Mafcayn Ehlert of Wilmot were diniifr guests of Mr. and Mrs. John EhlertThursday. Jir. and Mrs. Louis Hawley were Sunday dinner guests of Mr,' and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall, Jr.; at COoney Heights. Mrs. Ella Walkup of Greenwood spent the weekend with Mrs. Ruby Shepard. on Saturday afternoon they were caller^ in the Raymond Powers honaa at McHenry. ' Ipfs. Tony Senkerick and daughter, Cathy and son, David of Sunnyside Estates spent Friday with her parents,-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Bauer anc| family were Sunday dinner guests of her mother at McHenry. Mr. and tifrs. F^pd Basch Richmond were supper gu&^s of Mr. ancj Mrs. John Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Williani Heine of Chicago were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby ShepafrcL " ' ' ' Mr. and Mr& Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Low and family spent Sunday in the Beatty- Low home. Mrs. Sue $cheuer of Waukegan spent Tuesday with Her mother Mrs. Flora Harrison. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and family were , supper guests in the Clarence Harrison home at Greenwood Saturday Wening. Mrs. Clara Durlin and 'son Dick spent Sunday intheMelvin Regnier home near Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. James Wegener, Mrs. Jack Leonard and Fred Wiedrich, Jr., visited Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Sunday Who has been ill at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Phelps Saunders at Sycambre. Mrs. Bob Brennan and children and mother Mrs. Joe Schmitt yisited Mrs. Tony Aupelt and new daughter at Waukegan Sunday afterno<m. NEWLY FORMED VETERANS' GROUP MEETS MARCH 27 A group of McHenry war veterans attended the first meeting of the Veterans of World War I at the American Legion home in McHenry recently. While this organization is not well-known in McHenry. it is known in many towns in this state. It was organized in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1949. The clubs' are known as barracks rather - than posts. -This term hasl ttiore. meaning for World War I Veterans since they were housed, principally, in barracks during that war. Some of the points stressed in the program of this organization are: 1. To co-ordinate fully and harmoniously with all veterans' organizations. 2. To cooperate fully and harmoniously with all veterans' organizations. 3. To fight for the upholding of the -Constitution and the laws of the United States and of; the individual states. 4. To fight for otfr national security in order to protect Americans from enemies within our bordefs as well as those from without, to the end that our American way of life will be preserved. .W«hile. this..oigaruzation is not affiliated with the American Legion, it has the approval of the Legion. At the McHenry meeting the following officers were elected: Commander, Roy W. Kinsey; senior vice-commander, F. Hanford; junior vice commander, Jr E. Gruenfeld; judge advocate, A. H. Pouse, quartermaster, George Knight. Among others present were Ray McGee, Nick Freund. John Dreymiller and Art Schaettgen. The next meeting will be held in McHenry on March 27 at 8 p.m. at the American Legion. Veterans of World War I in McHenry and other vicinities in the County are invited, to attend. Clark Fickes of Rockford is assistant chief of staff. Mrs. Fickes was present at this first meeting. She hopes to build up interest in forming an auxiliary. With the advent of the ladies, the social aspect is asr sured, thus faaking the organization one of family interest. (Advertisement) Save at McHenry State Bank where all your deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 454 WATCH THESE MARCHING FEET T * for better homes for lowest prices see us ROBERT HAY CONSTRUCTION £o. f» :• ' '" ' ~ • F.H~A. & VA. FIN AN' • Masonery • Concrete r FHONE: 1007 Baa.. 1*77 Hffltie Carpentry SOS E. Elm St. McHenry V. F. W. Auxiliary (hy Florence Swbo||j The regular meeting of auxiliary to Post 4600 was called to order March 10 at the clubhouse. Our business was <x>nducted and reports read. The bloodtyping program is progressing and please send in your card as soon as possible so that we will be able to determine how many members are to be typed. The Friday night and Sunday afternoon refreshment project is doing very well and our thanks to the following committee for their help for. the last tWo weeks: Marie Diedrich, Ann Scarbrough, Lillian Cox, Clara Buttery, and Marie Wolf. \The first social meeting was a real success. We cordially invite you to the next one, March 24 at 8 p.m. Daisy Smith is chairman and promises us a fine evening. We were happy to teport Lorraine Murphy and Kay Stilling are feeling much better but sorry to report Lillian Cox is hospitalized. We all hope she will be well real soon. It was decided to carry out our plan for a nursing scholarship. Money was set aside, for this and after our next committee meeting we will have more information to report concerning , this scholarship.- We invited Rev. Kerr from the Woodstock home to speak to us at our April or May meeting. It was decided to serve the post prom breakfast. These breakfasts have been very successful. We Are delighted to serve our youth. The essay contest is over and it was quite a task to select the winners. All the essays were good. The theme was "America's Future Is Up To Youth" and when one reads the views of these alert young people we feel assured that America will be in good hands. Our first winner was Allen Reitesel the second place winner, Patricia Walsh, and the MeWiu "SiMteh" \v XRepublican Candidate n for S H E R I F F 7 years as Deputy and present Chief Deputy 7 yejurs of Banking Experience • \ 'World War II Veteran I sincerely solicit your vote and support at the Primary, April 8th. X The Man for the Job third place winner, Kathryn Cumm. j y • . Kiajr Stilling was essay chairman. We thank .Mrs. Lillian Bolger for her splendid co-operation is this essay contest. Remember the social meeting March 24 and the joint meeting Monday, March 31, with th£ post and the next regular business meeting will be April 7. March 12 found the Fred Svobodas heading for Toronto, Canada, for a vacation but leaving many Happy Easter wishes to all. - < Sunnyside Estates < srrasKMsra BE POSTED SOON W SUBDIVISION from A to 2 PROCLAMATION Whereas, the attention of the country is being focussed on the rewards of reading during the comprehensive educational campaign which will come to a climax during National Library Week, March 16-22, 1958. Whereas, this drive is the first united effort by all media -- newspapers, magazines and radio and television -- to' dramatize the role of libraries as an important resource of education. Whereas, newspapers and magazines are essential for well-informed Citizens. Whereas, books are the conservers, transmitters and disseminators of the world's wisdom and knowledge. Whereas, the freedom to read is one of democracy's most cherished liberties. . Whereas, the development of l i f e t i m e r e a d i n g h a b i t sis vital to the continuation of our society. ;, -v ^ v' Therefore, I, MttiG&br of McHenry caU upon the citizens of this city to "participate In this significant endeavor by helping to inform their neighbors and friends of the pleasurers and rewards of reading, with the purpose of developing a "better- read, better -.informed America." George P. Freund; . Keep a watchful eye for the new speed limits in the subdivision which will be posted soon. As reported at the last association meeting these signs are about completed and ready for the road. Maybe by the time they are up the road9 will be in a condition tp make, it possible to j drive the speed limit. P.TA. St. John's P.T.A. meeting will be held Monday, March 24 at 8. This is an important meeting as new officers for the coming year will be elected Cub Scouts The meeting for the cut scouts of pack 362 will be held March 24. The theme for the month is "Exploring Alaska" and \ye hear many of the boys are busy building sugar cube igloOs, totem poles and many other things pertaining to the frozen north land. Birthdays and Anniversaries Happy birthday wishes' this week go to George Kropf on March 21 and Carol Frisby and Tony Senkerik, both on March 26. A happy anniversary to Louis < Be sure to read the Plaindealer* Want Ads each week. tyt. jjubten and Son FUNERAL HOME SERVICES Phone McHenry 63 dream together... Margaret Di Francispp on Dance With Me Henryl At the firemen's ball on April at the Community club. Tickets for this shindig can be obtained from Harold Palmer or Bob Lakowske. This being a spring dance, why not take the opportunity to shake out the winter kinks, aside from the fact that it is .for a fine organization. • ' Special Notice v Nqw is the time of year wh'eh children get the urge" to explore, especially in the country. This might be a good time to remind all of our residents to tell their children that -the buildings On the farm land are out of bounds tor them. Remembering back to last fall, Mr. Thelen requested that the children be kept from this area to prevent possible injury to themselves and damage to his property. YoUr cooperation will be appreciated. Did you ever hear of a disease called "lackahews?" This ijs what we are suffering from of late and the only medicine prescribed for the* cure is a phone call from you to 2065-J or 2065-R. SHOP IN McHENRY OUR B£TT£R EfMIlilal DRY CLEAN^JG MAKES DRAPERIES LOOK LIKE NEW PHONE 927 FOB PICKUP SERVICE -Rainbow Cleaners N, Front St. McHenry SAVE 10% Cash 'N Carry ERADICATION PROGRAM Gov. William G. Stratton announced that the first four counties in Illinois history have .been certified as brucellosis- free by the Illinois and U.S. AgricvUture Departments. He called the completion of the eradication program in the four counties r^Penty, V«nilQion, FoM and itaiikakee ~ "a ^ "^nilestone in the OlhipiB " partment's efforts to^Hd lhe':l state of the disease wl^ch <VhM nuaUy costs livestock , omnttt millions of dollars." READ THE WANT AB# Rdiffoui medal • 'T p Koftry All Editions A Be«ut|rid,B^|e i :-v- St. Joseph's Missel frokn $3*7$ Crosses -- St. Chrittopher Attto Medallions AT ; '• - ; ' - i" •' If1 ' MM 'V 0 * b-x,- For that day of days ... for happy years ahead ... a savings passbook marked his 'n hert! Your regiilar additions; plus our generous dividends, work together to turn romantic fancy into fact! Open your joint savings a&ount here soon! Earn Up To 4% umrti 206 W. Elm Street McHenry, I1L PHONE "2 OF THE AT THE V. F. W. in WOODSTOCK on WED., .MARCH 26th at 8:00 PM PUBLIC INVITED TO REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES JlgFIUSHM^NTS SERVED AFTER MEETING V^'5 'i j "i ^ 1 ' ' " • " "• (POLITICAL ADVERTISEMENT) iilll REGULAR NON^iOG MODEL WA-60M E "SSSSS-s S5$©Sa No lint fuzx! Lint is caught in the noq-cldgging movinf filtert* not on your cioUtcs. Not a ioesiy, unseen trap to jam or do* . Durable, metal filter i» easy to mnove, dean...and will laat.fcr itfeof the waaber. Makes ideal deterfeht diapenaer, too. '•> ' 1 • ' . ; v T-.•*<•-:%-? '\ BIG CAPAieiTY 10 pound*--1 m o r a ctothM capacity (lnawnny •tfjpr automatics. WATKR-SAVii MR fMAlL WADS Offer* you saving* of gallon* of hot w>t*r on each (mail load. Choice of HOT. or WARM waab watar to mat fabric M#ia . . alao «An added hot water savings. LIMITED TIME. ONLY! CONVENIENT TERMS COME IN NOW! ««KNim MMMfSMKD ORYKI MtM.1MIMt Sayea oa tim». work and dothta. Oparataa ea either 116-or 230- jmitdmiita Dw^aiHiUiii*- •midoue nM aKi£a « MGUUI'IMI S2399S CAREY EllCTRIC GR|EN SJ. McHENRY. HI. PHONE MeHENRY 251 i _

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