Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1958, p. 2

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McHENRYPLAINDEALEH Thoindiri March yT:;fe *,v~?^\ f i. ; Men's Club Plana . For Ladles Night Tuesday evening, March 25, ip ..the date set for ladies' night Hy the Methodist Men's club. Dinner will be served promptly at 7 |>.m„ followed by a variety Snow under the leader- Ship of the Ed. Wittrock Players. A feature length film, "Reaching From Heaven," will then be viewed. Men are asked to get their, reservations in early. Happy Clover Club In Organizational Meeting The Ringwood Happy Clover 4-H club held its organizational meeting recently at the home of Linnea Larson, with twelve members present. The election of officers Was held, with following elected: Pat Low, president; Judy Bruce, vice-president; Sandra Hoffman, secretary; Sandra Josserand, treasurer; Donna Low, recreation chairman; Ida Mae Walkington, reporter; Pat Hogan and Karen Schmelzer, junior leaders. . Refreshments were served by Mr. and Mrs. Larsen. The next meeting will be held March 22 at 1:30 o'clock at the honle of the leader, Mrs. Hogan. The Fox River Valley camp, RNA, 3251 is celebrating their birthday. with a dinner party at the McHenry Country club on Tuesday, March 25, at 7 pjn. Husbands and guests are cordially invited. Those wishing reservations are asked to call McHenry 3490 or 63, not later than March 21. ^ Couple Honored At Cocktail Party Miss Shirley Berthoux and Harold Nye were guests of honor ai_a cocktail party and buffet kipper at the home of Mr. knd Mrs. Elmer Layden, Jr.. in Roselle Sunday, March 16, " * Guests were present from Elgin. Milwaukee and McHen- • _ t. ' • -•The- honored couple, who will te^mmried April 12, were the recipients of many lovely gifts. ALPHA THETA ENTERTAINS MANY FUTURE TEACHERS Hie-1#arch meeting of Alpha Theta chapter of Delta Kappa Gamma -was held in Crystal Lake at Central school last week. The chapter had as Its guests all members of the Future Teachers of America from high schools of the county. Also present were senior students- froth Northern university who are at present dofng PERSONALS Mesdames Charles Gibbs, Albert Foley, John Bolger, Charles Jurack, Ray McQee and Misses Nellie Doherty and Genevieve Knox accompanied by a group of future teachers from the local high school at tended a meeting of Alpha Theta chapter of the Dejt Kappa Gamma helcf' at Central school in Crystal March 10. Mrs. Bolger was program chairman of the affair which honored Future Teachers of America from all the high schools of the county. Invited also were senior students.from Northern Illinois university who are at present doing student teaching-in Crystal Lake and Barrington. Rev. Father Eugene Jung, of Shelby, Ohio, visited his aunt, Mrs. Anna Miller Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Murray and Miss Mary Beth Greenlee of Mundelein were Saturday visitors in the Duke Adams home. Local people who paid their respects to the late Patrick Wall, 85, brother of Mrs. May Powers, of this city, at Sycamore last week included Mrs. Powers, the James Powers family, Mr. and Mrs. George Larkin and Mrs. Evelyn Larkin. Mrs. Helen Young and Mrs. Anna Miller were guests in the John Jung home in Spring Grove Sunday. Mrs. Grace Thompson a^d Mrs. Lottie Brown of Wauke* gan, were Sunday guests of Miss Rita Martin. Mr. and Mrs. George E. ^ ^ ^ ^ Johnson and children of Crystal Lake Monday evening kie, were Sunday /guests of his Mrs. John Lay spent a few days this week*in the.Leander Lay home, in Spring Grove, making the acquaintance of ijer new grandson,: - Thomas ]Lay, born March 11. Her grandions, Jimmie and Kenny Lay, who had been visiting here, returned to Spring Grove with her. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bacon were visitors in the James Ballotti home in Sycamore, Sunday and helped their little granddaughter, Leslie Lynn Ballotti celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber were Chicago visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Repp, Sr., Mr. and Mrs, Henry Repp, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. James Schumacher of Woodstock, were McHenry visitors Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carey have returned from a two weeks vacation in Clearwater, rs. Robert Conway, Robert and Judy were visitors in the Robert Saelens' home in St. Charles Monday and also called on relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly returned,, last ;week, from a vacation in Flbridai Mr. and Mrs. Hiram Baker of Burlington, Wis. were recent guests in the home of'her sister, Mrs. William Wissell. Miss Florence Knox and Mrs. Willis Wyman of Crystal Lake attended St* Patrick's supper here Sunday evening. . Mrs. Leonard Wright, Mrs. Bernard Klenusner and Miss May Kramer of Chicago visited their sister, Mrs. Jack Boone Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl went to Chicago Wednesday to meet Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hines of Minneapolis, Minn., Mrs. Hines returned home with them to spend a few days while her husband attended a meeting in the city. Miss Ellen Walsh spent the weekend in the George Miller home in Chicago. Mrs. Aifons Adams attended a meeting of the Crystal Lake Writer's club held at the home of Mrs. June McConnell parents, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson. Mr. and Mts. Harry Lawrence of Chicago were\weeH* end guests of McHenry relatives. • ' Mrs. Margaret Hafner and John Jackson of Grass Lake* Mrs. John Adams of Fox Lake and Henry Adams of Richmond visited relatives here Thursday. Miss Kathryn Kortendick of Woodstock, spent the weekend iri the home offter sister, John Bolger. Mrs. C. Varney, first grade teacher in the Johnsburg public school, spent the past week at her home near Bloomington, where she was called by the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rose and children of Chicago, weie Sunday visitors in the Henry Scholtz home. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Klaus Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feiereisel, formerly of McCullom I^ake and now of Bradenton, Fla., enjoyed a visit with Dr. and Mrs..- C: W. Klorttz, who are vacationing in the South. their student teaching in Cry-. stal Lake and Barrington. They and son of Mt. Prospect were conducted a panel discussion, Sunday visitors in the home of with Mary Etheridge of Mc- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Henry acting as moderator. 1 Lay. Ruth Johnson, Marjorie Jurs, Marilyn LaForge, Joan Mc- Cown, * and Fran Stellmach each spoke of such things as available living quarters, expenses to be met, possibility of part time jobs, and types of courses to take to help them most. Questions came freely from the group during question period and were as freely discussed by the panel. The girls from McHenry who . attended were ^lary and Sue William Klapperich has returned from a several weeks visit in the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Mix in Florida. Mrs. Patricia Hignight of Center street was called to Chicago by the death of her mother, Mrs. Beatrice Fifc?- simmons, last week. Funeral services were held from St. Thomas Acquinas church in that city Monday. Miss Ann Loretta Weber was 05RITAL flotiu "^"Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hosnital, Woodstock, this past week included Marion Miller of Solon Mills; Katherine Worts, Miss Frances Bauer and Bertram Stittgen of McHenry ond Susan Stendeback of Wonder Lake. Homemakor MARY ANN ZACK Illinois' homemaker of tomorrow is 17-year-old Mary Ann Zack of Immaculate high school, Chicago. She receives a $1,500 scholarship, for gaining the highest score in the state in a written homemaking examination. Miss Dorothea Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Miller,* was the McHertry school winner." The tests for the entire state agd county were scored by Science Research Associates in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Olson are the parents of a .son, born March 16. at. Memorial liospital, Woodstock. A daughter was born March 14 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. James Brooks. * -- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sullivan of Wonder Lake are the parents of a daughter, bom March 17 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lay of Spring Grove welcomed a sqn on March 11 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born March 11 at Memorial hospital to Mt. and Mrs.. Francis Wirtz^n:»;/!|; Mr. and Mrs." Frank ger are the parents of'It- son, born at Memorial hospital, March 12. • WOMAN'S CLUB ^ MAKES PLANS FOR APRIL STYLfe ^C^i by Marib Sehaettgen Moose Methodist Church 'Luncheon--Piib- March*20' Public Ml&tipg -- Communiity Methodfett. Church. Teen-agp0^>ince - Lodge , Commi Internati lie Invited: W.S-C.S. Fw$c International Luncheon;' tyoon r-- Community Methodist «jQ|pch. * 'Ma™1* 84*' ; Job's Daughters Jwitllar Meeting -*?/7:30 p.rit Masonic HalL O.E.S. Stftied Meeting* w. 8 p.m, i-- Masonic Hall; McHen^lii§dlen Club meeting at the i^lQingberg home Mardli K0 Lecturp Luncheon Club ---v Noon--McHettry Country Clutf March 28-29 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood Methodist Church -r--' friday, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday, 9 a m. to 5 p.m. vApril I Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A* -- Regular Meeting. -- Mrs. Frank Pechart Hone.. April 8 O.E.S. Friends' Night 8 p.m. -- Masonic HalL Ig&sojed by Zion Lutheran Ladies' Aid--1 p.m.--Art Smith Market. JoHnsburg Firemen's Pance --Memorial Hall, Johnsburg. J - April 16 Woman's Club Style Show- Legion Itane THANKS I wish' to .egress my sincere thanks 'infl appreciation to all who sent cards, gifts and prayers aift'-tO' All who visited me "during my recent illness while I Was in McHenry hospital and recuperating at home. Special thanks to the doctors and nurses, Fr. Reuland and all our goo$ neighbors who have done^ s<£ imich fo? nie. Your thou^itfulness WUi: always be reiipembered. *46 • . Anna- Hay » ^AdveiitiseiTOnt) • Treat ' ' seedlings now. Qpddway Is <!isy; ti> apply bef^^see4»,j;- geftnjiiato.. AI 1 The March meeting of the McHeniy Woman's club was unusu4lly interesting because bf the talents of many high school singers* who recently participated in .the district contests. Thift grcup-received three of the Seven first awards given to McHenry \ county participants from. > the four/ largest schools,/These fine singers developed their talentsv ilhder the tutelage and direction of Miss Adele 'Froehfoch. . Telia Nardi, who w popular, accompanist, deserves mueh credit not Only for the way she handles the piano but for the many hours of rehearsal with the singers. Those who participated in the Woman's club presentation were; Mary y Etheridge, Carol Swanson, Barbara Krickl, Karen Viveritb, Dave Fantus, Don Kice and George Krickl, soloists; the girls' octet and boys' octet. ^ . Plans were discussed fbr the fashion show,' the theme of which is "Fashions for Suh and Summer." The show will be presented by Mrs. ^Nielsen at the American Legion home on Green street on April 16. Dessert and coffee will feature home-made cakes by the ladies of the Woman's • club who will .sponsor the event. It hardly seems necessary -to say that these fashion shows are always ^ayera, ipfts, floiwet^ exciting^ and' • "beautlftiiiy;; presented. •'.'V/ Circle the date, April 16, on your calendar wid '^ejad mpre details in later issues, j' Mr. and MrS. George Erber, accompanied by Mr. and> Mrs. Kenneth Johnson and family, were weekend "guests', in. the home of their son . and wife, Dr. and Mrs. Elmfer Etbef,. Of Peoria.' •; , .? • V ' ,7 ; SHOP pr McHENBir CARD OF TH^l^S I wish to thank eveiyanfc tw cat^s and the many kind djedds during my Teceh% illness. YOiir thoughtfulness will always be remembered. V *46 :v".* • > ; Mts.-Frank May;. card of Thanks :-M • We would like to take tfjp opportunity to; thank eyeryaM for tjheir visits, cards, gifts atjll' prayers while I was in the ^hospital. Special thahfts. tq Bey. Schroeder for his thoughjtfuiness. ' :s; 46 Lovrain4 ^Mili'pl^ NEW L I F S t I C K Exciting, fa&hion-rixbt *hadcs put up-to-date glamor on your lips . . * and you'll love the smooth, creamy , radiance it creates. Etheridge, Vicki Diedrich, Don- home from Clarke college, Du na Caley, Susie Sayler, Alice Sullivan, Rosemary Roti, Joyce Schimke, Pat Grieg, Lynn Buckie, Ruth Tabor, Mary Ann Mayfieid, Jean Borchardt, Robert Hoilenbach, Eileen Knox and Karen Thompson. Alpha Theta members from McHenry who attended were Nellie Doherty, Ethel McGee, Eleanor FOley, Lillian Bolger, Genevieve Knox, Dorothy Gibbs and Mrs. Jurack. MEDICAL MEETING The McHettiry County Medical society will meet on Thursday, March 20, in Crystal Lake, with dinner at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Frederick Falls of the University of Illinois, will speak on "The Management of Eclamptogenic Toxemia." This will be slide-illustrated. The subject covers one of the most important complications of pregnancy. ; - to Advertise buque, Iowa, to spend the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weber. Miss Helen Frett of Chicago, and Mrs. Tillie Piron of Aurora, were McHenry visitors Saturday. Mrs. Mildred Wright and Miss Virginia Williams, R.N., of Chicago! were weekend guests in the Joseph Williams home. Rudy Bryant was in Chicago Saturday to attend a meeting of the Bee Keepers' association. Mrs. Hazel Lange has - returned to her home in Quincy, Mich., after spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoewer of Waukegan, were guests in the Peter M. Schaefer home and attended the annual St Patrick's supper at St. Patrick's hall Sunday. Mrs. Ann Klabunde and son, August of Richmond, were Sunday visitors in the Holland Ensign home. McHenry Hospital Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Eric Weiss, Esta Meeker. Christopher Young, Linda Cairns, Naomi Burkes, Helen Heuser and Isabel Atkins of McHenry; Walter Szarek of Lakemoor; I^>rraine Olson of Emerald Park; Elizabeth Van Antwerp of Wauconda; Allen Larson of Wonder Lake; Otto Segelke of Spring Grove; Fred Hartilng and Warren Swenson of Crystal Lake; Jeanne Lessard of Eastwood Manor; Robert Sturtevant of Fox Lake; Gregory Uhleg of Lakeland Park; Edward Grever of Barrington; Bobby McWilliams of Holiday Hills; Christine Oberhuber of McCullom Lake; Catherine Underwood of Round ,ake; Otto Rathke of Lilymoor and Elizabeth Wirch of Richmond. DR. HENRY FREUND At 136 S. 6& JtreeL McHenry ^ (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISU&L REHABILITATION COMPLETES VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 4 TO 18 A.1& and 1 TO 8 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 4:09 $0 8:80 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENftY 452 v<nra.!afel*aMr9ur. 30 $2. Ann Street ^ McHenry 1 BLOCK EAST OF OLD BRIDGE For Appolntinent Call McHENRY 1464 BOARDING KENNELS DOGS & CATS I' Radiant Heating Individual Kennels & Rnn.' Pickup ft Delivery u^an\ iKemieh, Rt. 12 2 Miles North of 120 PHONE McHENRY 632-M-2 CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this means of thanking everyone for their many kindnesses during my stay in the hospital and while at home. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. 46 Mrs. Clarence J. Freund OPEN HOUSE Sunday, March 23 Sunday, March 30 Sunday, April i t 1 to 5 p.m* McHeniy County Home HarilandL Illinois^ t 1r 1 .i Take route 14 3 miles N.W. of Woodstock to Hartland blacktop. Go North 1 mile to Hartland.1 Acquaint yourself smd yo|||§|fciily with this county institution.* - MR. AND MRS. HOWARD NEHLIG Superintendent and Matron Look Your Loveliest fao r Flatter that new Easter wardrobe with an exc i t i n g hew h a i r s t y l e . . . TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Helene Curtis SPEGlkL LIMITED OFFER Shampoo Si Set 14 oz. can Spray Net Regular $3.75 Value ' $1.75 • M ONLY $2.65 Open Tues^ Thurs., and FrL Erenings 'ttl 9 YOUR LOVELINESS IS OUR BUSINESS iverside airstyhng ofluth A SPECIAL LIPSTICK OFFSR Now o complimentary •tniaturi Mvrl* Norman Lipslick await* you. COLLECTING STAMPS is a fascinating hobby^.. ! beyond a doubt. Soqie philatelists also collect post^ : marks -ran avocation in which banks could compete successfully if they Wished. Institutions iuch •- as ours receive letters from all over, as traveling y / ^| (tepositors conduct routine business with their m local banks--by mail. .But by and large, banks gg restrict their collecting activities to the collection § of checks, another feature of bank service which §J enables depositors to transfer funds with maxi- M mum speed and cbnvenience. ^ 3 WE SUPPLY MAILING rQiim IVEE. GET YOURS, g TO USE WHEN YOU'RE AWAY, OR SIMPLY feUSY I Jf McHENRYSTATEBANK: interest Paid ^n.^^&viiuES JSeposjls , . .. a/-- • - - r- Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 to 126 N. Riverside Drive Fbone 147 McHenry, HL I' T In time for your 'ddter Try our NEW, Miraculously Improved eanina * > * < »i 1A '\ 5 s 1 u i # > # i 1 S i § ! * > M: M&m 3 k CLEANING you'll Be Amazed with what our new, improv, »-• . , . ... ^ '/-j. SANITONE Cleaning will do to rejuvenate y^ur garments. COLORS are amazingly brighter -- just like neV - and fabrics FEEL so luxuriously soft and hold a press longer. PHONE 927 for Pickup Service OR SAVE 10% CASH AND CARRY 'i* ' k' ' *'Wt 100 N.TrM St. -- Jii8i North of Nattonal's Parking Lot Always of PARKING at Rainbow $ SAME-DAY SERVICE TOO) % i ' > o

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