Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Mar 1958, p. 7

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C.v arm-•;wwx ^ ^ vi y ^ ' / jf ^vp £rt*f% * ' ^ *' *£*>& *V v-fi'^v';? V*> Wmmn& m REAL ESTATE NEW 2 /BEDROOM HOME, picture Windows, paneled living room,- acoustic ceilings, large closets, built-in book <?ase ahd hi-fi, gas furnace 4nd,. incinerator,: full basement With garage, landscaped tot. Cksh or terms. 2i3 So. i^hland, # Pistakee Highlands. Phone 644-M-2 ever nings or Weekends. 46-tf 31 BEDROOM Year . 'round tidme; fully insulated, aluminum comb, windows. Birch cabinets, large attached garage! Utility room, refrigerator, nicely landscaped. $9,800 - $3.,000 down, terms. TeL Wondir Lake 4964. „ 46 2'mSED, ROQM HOME in Hunterville Park. Oak floors, plastered walls, garage, large fenced- in yard< Beach rights. Call AIcHenry 708-R. - 46-3 JQflNSBURG, Store Building, cement block; 4800 square feet; full basement; automatic heat. 11'®!.- McHenry 470. ' 46 *McHENRY VICINITY Mi*HENRY - Fox Street, 1 blk. from. New brtdfee;. .5 ' rooms, batH, full basement. Lot 100 x 125. Price $ll,800.0a. lJ§mJ^ ^ARk - 2 bedrdism ftbftte, lhHng, kitchen, large utility,, attached garage. Price $10,000.00. Extra lot also available. SUNNYSIDE - A nice 2 bedrdShi hoirie, plastered walls, oak flooiu, full basement, attached garage. Price $16,800.00 t 21?edroqm home. Living, kitteher\,; Utility. Attachedgarage. St refrigerator. Wooded fc*/Price only $10,900.00 ; ter front, new 3 bedroom brick home 1% Ceramic tile baths. Oak floors, gas heat. 2 cnc'attached garage, lot 80 x 15oL Price $21,500.00. COB FRITZ REALTORS ^EXCLUSIVE AGENTS F«?5 inspection call at our office in? iolinsbnrg • Ph. McHenry 37 44-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Liutog room with fireplace. All lat^ rooms. Attached garage, gas' heat. Also 4 room furnished-^ apt. • attached, provides ad- 'dit%nal income. Call Wonder Lafce 5654. 44-tf NEW 3 bedroom ranch; full abasement; gas heat; garage; beach rights; vacant now. Fronts highway, McHenry 1 mttfc. -Contract sale. Phone 169. * / 44-tf FOB SALE Apartment building lot on John street in McHenry. For quick sale $3,000.00 Business -lot on Main street in McHemy. For quids sale -- $7.qo°. Bu^iess building on Main street, in McHenry - 2 story brick. For quick sale $10,000.00 McHENRY REALTY 532 Main Street R MCHENRY 268 42-tf V. (Advertisement) Bbve^t McHenry State Bank where all your deposits are InsittOi by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. 45-4 SITUATION WANTED WILL DO housework and ironing 3 or 4 days a week. Phone McHenry 303, ask for Esther, • < 45>tf HOUSEWORK by the hour. Phone McHenry 3096-R. *46 MATURE, Sober, Married Man Would like any part time Job Saturday and Sunday. Farm experience. Phone McHenry 583-J-2. *46 ^ \ WANTED TOP PRICE PAID for Iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, • phone Woodstock --• 1610-M-2L 43-tf LIST YOUR FARMS WITH US /°'or"\ Contact ur if you wfth to buy. L. B ANDERSON & *CO., Inc. WHEELING, ILL. Phone Wheeling 53 or 3LENN H. WILL Salesman Rt. 1, Alden, 111. Phone Hebron 3114 49-tf WANTED TO BUY WILL BUY used green intermediate Girl Scout skirts for senior Scouts. Need immediately. Call Mrs. Gregory 1422. 46 1 REGULATION SIZE (5'x9') ping pong table and rubber meed paddies. Also good quality badminton set. Tel. 1446-R 46 1 or 3 FIBRE GLASS Hunting Bows with from 35 td 50-lb. pull or 66" hickory hunting bow with a set of arrows and accessories. Phone McHenry 1446-R. 46 PCBUp NOTICE State of- Illinois ' * <: County of McHenry, ss * Application under the Xlli< nois Motor Carrier of Property! Act. Before the Illinois Commerce Commission. Docket No. 18099 MC 1 TO WHOM rr MAY CONCERN: The undersigned applicant hereby gives notice that he" has filed with the Illinois Commerce# Commission under and by virtue of tlie Illinois Motor Carrier of Property Act an application for a permit as Common Carrier to transport sand, stone, gravel, fill sand, limestone .dust, pyro plaster, bulk cement, top soil and lime stone chips. Also all types Of machinery moving in the territory or between points within a two hundred mile radius in the State of Illinois. All. parties interested in this application and any hearing or hearings to be hel<J thereon may obtain information relative thereto by addressing the Illinois Commerce Commission, Motor Carrier of Property Division, Second Floor, New State Office Building, Springfield, Illinois. Hearing of the application will be held at 10:00 A.M. in the offices of the Illinois Commerce Commission, 160 N. La- Salle Street, Chicago, Illinois, on the 10th day of April, 1958. Dated this 17th day of march, A.D. 1958. Kostner Construction Co. Lloyd Kostner (owner) Address: R.F.D. 1, Box .89 Fox River Grove, Illinois. Principal place of business of applicant will be R.F.D. 1, Box 89, Fox River Grove, Illinois. (Pub. March 20, 1958) GOPCandidate DIS CLAIMS wwwwr 'WIFE OF COUNTY NEWSPAPER EDITOR WANTED TO RENT SMALL Furnished Kitchenette apartment by couple in McHenry area. Phone McHenry 1630. *46 WITH PURCHASE Option or long term lease; 3-bedroom home; *- t>yr ^responsible 1 pArty. Call McHenry 3484. 46 LOST AND FOUND • « b BLACK ROSARY LOST -- St. Mary's church about 3 weeks ago. Verjr dear keepsake. Reward. Please call McHenry 878-R. 46 LOST between Cary and" McHenry, white canvas tool bag with plasterer's tools. Phone McHenry 3452. Reward. 46 MISCELLANEOUS WONDER LAKE A.A, Group meets every Wednesday at 8:15 p.m. at Christ Hie King Catholic ChUrch, Wonder Lake, Illinois. 46-2 MOOSE_ DANCE EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT 9 P.M. MEMBERS & GUESTS ONLY at the • McHENRY MOOSE LODGE OA Route 120 McHenry, 111. 46-tf (Advertisement) Kill crabgrass seedlings with new chemical. Ask about It now at Altiioffs. 46 ANNOUNCEMENT UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT JANDT'S gast End of Bridge Qufefclta E. Jandt Rt. 120 & Fox St. Phdne 46 NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids will be received by the President arid Board of Trustees of the Village of Spring Grove until 8:00 P.M., C.S.T., April 7, 1958 for the construction of M.F.T. Section 2-CS. Construction shall consist of a bituminous surface treatment Subclass A-3 on West Johnsburg Road from S B.I. Route 60 to Main Strefet. ' Plans and specifications may be obtained at the- Office of W. A. JtahowandAssOc^ates, Consulting Engineers, 202 E ChicpgO Street,' Elgin, Illinois. Each proposal must Mbe • accompanied by a bank c&shier'p check or certified check in an amount not less . than 10% of the amount of the bid. A bid bond will not be acceptable as a proposal guarantee. The Village Eoar*J reserves the right to reject any or all pro- "po'sals and to waive technicalities. By order of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Spring Grove. LEANDER LAY Village Clerk (Pub. March 13-20, 1958) Q. C. "Dixtof OHARA / O. C. . "Dixi?" ;<y^ara Woodstodc has filed his petition to be a candidate for superintendent of MfcHenry county' schools on the Republican ticket in this April primary. He is'a former varsity coach and dean of boys at Woodstock Community high school, where he has taught for the last twelve years. O'Hara holds a Bachelor's degree from Northern Illinois State Teachers and has his master's degree in school administration from; the.: University of Illinois. * , Mrs. Ralph Boyle, 56, sister Of Albert Purvey of McHenry and wife of the editor of the i Crystal Lake Herald, died i Tuesday night, March 18, in a Chicago hospital. 1 Other survivors include four sisters and three other brothj ers, Mrs. Mary Burleigh of In- • gleside; Mrs. Catherine Riley | of Woodstock; Mrs. Betty Wa- ' sho and Mrs. Josephine Bar- , telt of Crystal Lake; William /Purvey of Huntley; Frank .i Purvey of Colton, Calif., and | Ralph Purvey of Crystal Lake, j The rosary will be recited by1 4 the Altar and Rosary society of St. Thomas church at 3 o'clock this (Thursday) afternoon and also will be recited tonight at 8 p.m. at the Warner funeral home. „ Services will be held Friday morning at 10 o'clock from St. Thomas chureh, with interment in Crystal Lake Memorial Park cemetery. Wonder Lake Infant Died Unexpectedly Daniel, eleven-month-did son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Coghlin of Wonder Lake died Unexpectedly in Memorial Hospital for McHenry County in Woodstock on Thursday,, March; 13. He was born May 5, 1957, in Woodstock. ; Hie body was taken to the Merwin funeral home. and then removed to Chicago for services and burial. ' CHILD SAVED . A , Woodstock tot, Frank; Draffkorn, Jr., 1H, escaped death or serious burns when firemen extracted him from a furnace pipe in the home of his parents Tuesday morning. The child had,climbed; into. thi?s register on, the Beeond floor. ®f vthe home and slid downy pipe, feet first. ,• Part of the chimney;; and pipe ' wfck^/Horn away before firemen - eotild reach him. J r PLAN "DOUOHNU*' ®A«* Mrs. Leonard Nelson: of CARD OF THANKS To all my relatives, friends and neighbors, I would like to thank ail of you for the kindnesses, cards and visits during my recept inactivity. Special thanks to the Christian Mothers sodality and the Lady Foresters. Mrs. Frank Freund OBITUARIES George Butler George Butler, said to be Lake Geneva's oldest resident, died Saturday morning, March 15, at the age of 95 years. He was a native of McHenry but had only lived here for a short time as a child. ' ^ Mr. Butler is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Harold Douglass, and a son, Lee, both of Lake Geneva; also two nephews, John and George Sullivan of Woodstock, a niece, Mrs. Norbert Yegge, of McHenry. His sister. Mrs. Margaret Sullivan of McHenry, died two Weeks ago at the age of 90. / Services were held Monday morning in Lake Geneva. Genevieve Demeron Mrs. Genevieve Demeron. 49, a resident of Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, for five years, died Monday, -March 17. She Was born Feb. 15, 1909, in Mayfield, Ky., and resided in Chicago before moving to this community. N She is survived by her husband, Robert; and a daughter, Barbarfu, : ^ervi<?ps are scheduled for Thursday" at 1 o'clock at the George. EL Jugten & Son fUnejrV Hi home, • with Rev. Richard Wright of Wonder Lake officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. m Ir-i TAiilr DINNER TONIGHT The third annual Rotary banquet ' honoring varsity /tyrestler% basketball players Emerald Park was ;one of a humjber of regional, * cqmmunity and suburban chairman for. , "Doughnut Day'* invited js ^ cheerleaders of the local guests at a continental break- High school will be held this fast in (Chicago lafit Friday! (.Thursday) evening, March 20, morning. The event" marked a* ? P-WV in the school cafe- L" RON SMITH GIVES : REVIEW ON MCHS '58 CAGE' Editors Note: ; ; Since Ron Smith, local student, has covered the MCHS Warrior basketball; games the past season faithfully and completely, we asked him for a review of the season \vith his slants on the highlights. We think you will be interested in the following views: This year's Warrior team was considered the best McHenry has had in a decade. This was stated in the Woodstock and Elgin papers. Although the team lacked some height, it made up for that with hustle and scoring balance. This team created more fan interest then teams in recent years and especially in home games where the Warriors compiled a 9-1 record before capacity crowds. Tlie following games \vere considered the highlights of the season: - 1. The 66-63 victory over Warren which compiled a 22-4 regular season record and captured the Northwest Suburban crown. Warren has also beaten New Trior, Wsukegan, and Evnnston in Rocrional piay thus far. (Up to Wednesday, March 12); : 2. The high scoring games piled up in the Grant Tournament against Notre Dame of Nilcs and Woodstock (82 and 84 points on successive nights); 3. Most signifieant victory was the 62-60 upset of Harrington at McHenry in January. It was only tlie Bronchos third defeat in 40 some games in the North Suburban League. 4. The conference victories over the rough Libertyville and Dundee teams at McHenry; 5. The victories , over two non-conference powers, Antioch and Harvard. (Harvard shared the SHARK crowh) 6. And finally the fine play in the regionals, especially against an Elgin team that was ranked 17th in the state. As far as individual performances go. Mitt Eichinger »od the team in scoring with a 16-9 average per game, and also in assists w'th 151. Matt also won the free throw trophy with a 71.7 per cent made. Jle is considered a unanimous tfllconference choice along w!th John Hess ot Crystal Laktf. Don Bentz led the team in rebounds with 473 and also in recoveries with 73. Jim Justen was also a fine rebounder and averaged 10 points a game the twentieth anniversary of "Doughnut Day," the annual tag day which v benefits. a t^e Salvation Army. This year's tag day is planned for Friday, June 13. •j & LITTLE THEATRE' The Little Theatre of Crystal Lake will present the threeact comedy, "The Seven Year Itch," by George Axelrod on Friday and Saturday, March 21 and 2& at Central* school. Curtain time is 8:30 p.m. Specialize in Cement Work Only BandL ^uiwiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiHiiiiiutiiiiiiiHHiiiraiHnimHiimiininiiiiiiiiuiHiHHiimiiiiiimiiiniiiiiiiniiiiiie s Equipped to | Do Any State 1 i CONSTRUCTION COMPANY 1 CEMENT CONTRACTORS ( Phone 409 ^ ( BOB PEPPING, Owner ' | FARM SERVICE WAY A U C T I O N tieria. Guest speaker will be Kenneth L. "Tug" Wilson. No ticket will be available at the door. Classified Ad» are Read by Everyone! along w'th BentssT Mark Vycital pl;;yed fine defensive ball and nlso gave the team some f ;ne out -shooting; Denny Conway turned in. creditable performances at all times as the acting co-captaih with Justen. Roger Renson, A! Cajthaml, John Moss. Tom Claybaugh, and Rob Hauser also played fine ball when given the chance. Most fans know of the job turned in by Steinbach in th(* last 3 garnet. Tho Warriors average 63 points a game and shot at a 40-3 per cent clip for the year. ^ Praise should be given Coach Fulton fqr $ils work with the team and also the student body And local fans for their enthusiastic and whole-hearted support Mr. Thomas also did a fine job with the Frosh-Soph team and in assisting Coach Fulton. prospects for next season are very, good- as We lose dnly 3 men (Justen. '.ConWay and Benson) and have about 10 varsity boys returnlhg, plus the nucleus of a second-place Frpsh- Soph team that scored very high all season. We will still lack height, but we'll have tremendous, depth and experience to work with. FOX VALLEY take Region Sports Car Club Results of^Poet's Rallye: 1. Rod Larson 2. Tom Herdklotz - Fred Wolf (tie), 3. Herb Rudd - John Mahon (tie). This was a rough Rallye, with only 15 out of 31 cars coming in to score, but lots of fun. Thanks to our committee: Stani Schaefer, Bud Bruner, John Schuller and their wives. Trophies will be awarded to the 5 winners. UISSULVK COIti'OKAlION Among corporations dissolved recently was 'Aqua-Tourists of McHenry. Announcement was made by the office of Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier. The regular meeting of thp Fox Valley Riders was held on March 12, 1958. The meeting was called to order at 7:30. and the regular business was undertaken. ^ •• • ' • , It was decided to print" ii§ i tickets, on our mimeogrtqtH macnine, to be sold by the club members. These tickets are for our club sponsored movie "Motorcycle Gang" and "Rock Pretty Baby" which will be shown at the Elm Theater in Wruconda, on Friday, March 21. Tickets will also be sold.dt the box office and everyone is invited to attend. . . It was decided to invite Chief of Police Joseph Grobel to sit in at our next meeting to discuss Civil Defense operations; Ken Erickson was voted in as a new club member*. There is to be fifty dollar^ used to buy three very nice trophies which will be given tp members with highest point standings for this last V£ar. Each member accumulates their points by their interest in being an active member in the club. A member receives his points by regular attendance, good behavior, wearing uniforms, etc. Tlie meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. " , ' (Advertisement) Clear Pine unfinished furniture. Now In stock at Althofr®. 46 i Phtni MoRdijr 10 top S» Qreen St. SPRING PERMANENT TIM^ Call u* for an appointment oiji a' Bargain Priced Permanent WE FEATURE , PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS •t*r AUCTION Having -decided to dttcOAtihue dairying, the undersigiftdl/M offer the following personal prdp^jrty for sale at public auction on the faim located 4 miles Southeast of Antioch, 111., & miles East of Routes 21 and 83, 2 miles West of Millburn and 45, on the Loon Lake Road, on . SATURDAY -- MARCH 22nd Commencing at 1:00 o'clock -- FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEE b"? •-COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED WAMlS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Rout? 12 - Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 667-W-l' HENRY FREEMAN • Auctioneer ui . . i •- 1 ' . 1 1 L Due to the death of my hhsband the undersigned will sell at Public Auction on the old Tilton farm located 5 gm^es Southwest of Richmond, 111., or 5 miles Southeast of Hebron, 111* or 1 mile East of Tryon corners or 1% miles West of Key Stone Corners on MONDAY. MARCH 24, 1958, , Sale to Start at 1-00 P.M. \ ; 28 Head of Cattle Hi Grade Hol&efos 22 Cows, several springing and fresh, Balam^ jni^king. . 3 Heifers, 7-10 mos.; 3 Heifers, 4 mos. MILK EQUIPMENT--milking machine, Delaval pump; 3 Surge S-S. like new; 16 no. 8 milk cans; wash tank; water heater, Sanimatic; Strainers, Pails etc. GRAIN, HAY, FEED--800 bales mixed Alfalfa*bra*£00 bales Straw; 800 bu. Otfts; 800 bu. Ear Corn; 8^ft.TEnsilage in 12 ft. silo; 4% ton of 5-20-20 fertilizer. TRACTORS--1954 Ford diesel; A.G. WD 45 with cultivator. TRACTOR EQUIPMENT--J.D. 3-14 in. tractor gang plow on rubber', New Holland 9 ft. tandem disk; New Idea No. 17 manure spreader; J.D. field digger on rubber; New Idea 7 ft. power mower; McD 2-row cosrn plainter;- New Idea elevator with 1% h.p. niotor. FARM MACHINERY--lever drag, 4 sections; lever drag; 2 sections; Ezee Flow fertilizer sower; J.D. Wagon on rubber; Knight steel self unloading high speed trailer wagon, on rubber; electric fencer; NH side delivery; 2-gal. pasteurizer; Jamseway hog feeder; air compressor; feed cart; meal cart; 75 elec. fence posts; some household goods. HELEN A. MAGNUSZEWSKL Owner Usual Frlendfy Faxm &rvlce W«y. TeW ^Available to all FARM AUCTION SERVICE, INC., Clerk K yo« wosid b« 'CotKb A f i f j Q / . . . buy every drug Hem from Prescription Specialists # What Is. more important than die health of yone household?^ Why "take chances" with the ^health items" that assure their well being? It is Safer and more satisfactory to bay drug 4t*m ia a^drng store. Only a pharmacist is fully qualified to dispense such merchandise, and lb counsel you in the proper selections. We'll welcome the patron* Agfi of your family. Drug Store 22 HEAD HOL8TE1N & GUERNSEY CATTIJE -- 1» COWR - 5 fresh, 8' Sprjn«yers; balance mSlkln^ gbodv Sf HoS. stem heifers bred-|n December; I Ilolstein bull, 19 old. (AU cattle are home raised. This herd a 4.1 test .and are^good milkers with lota of typo.) DAIRY EQUIPMENT -- 2 Surge units (I seamless); 1 Farmmaster unit; compressor with motor; MoC-D (can midt cooler; 18 milk cans; water heater; mijk separator and . #ot'her. Items. PRODUCE -- 1,900 bales 1st putting Alfalfa hay; 500 bales 2nd cutting Alfalfa hay; 600 bushel year-old Ear Cora; 25 ft. silage in 16 ft. alio. TRUCK -- 1947 Chevrolet '/z ton pick-up in good condition with new tires. CRAWLER TRACTOR ft FARM MACHINERY --• McC-D Crawler tractor; NI 4-wheel RT spreader; Bean orchard sprayer; McC-D corn shredder; RT wagon and rack and mnny other Items. SOME HOUSEHOLD GOODS includhtg a quantity of restaurs ant dishes and utensils. ' JOHN YUCAS, Owner Robers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION, Clerfe Union Grove, Wis. -- Phone 193 JOHNSON AUCTION WM. II. RUSSEL Auctioneers EDWIN VOGEL 1QS So- 6reen Having rented the farm, I will sell all the peisonal property on Lake O. Hills Farm, located 2Ms miles East of Crystal Lake or on Silver Lake Road, and 1 mile South of Route 176, and 3 miles North of Cary, on MONDAY. MARCH 24. 1958 ' Commencing at 12:00 P.M. The following described personal property, to-wit: MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT Oliver 99 tractor; International 10 ft. tractor disc; 10 ft.-cultivator; :<ew Idea side delivery rake; 8 ft. field cultivator; Ford truck; heavy stone boat; R.T. wagon & flare gr. box; feed mixer; 4 sec. wooden drag folding draw bar; Oliver 7 ft. power " hay1 mower & windrower; Oliver broadcast lime spreader; -International manure spreader; steel fence posts; 7 tooth horse cultivator; scale; carload Calfide 108; 3 wheel trailer; drive belt; 2 cream separators with motors; Oliver 70 tractor & 2 row cultivator; Oliver 4 bot. 14 in. Radek share plow; Oliver gr. drill with grass seed attach.; Ezee Flow lime spreader; Walsh weed sprayer with 20 ft. , boom; Wesco gr. auger with air cool engine; R.T. wagon & chopper box; Oliver: 109--2 row mounted corn planter; Challenge gr,. blower $ pipe; R.T. wagon: Oliver tractor cultivator with Side„dressing attach.; buzz saw £ motor ft attach.; 4^ent mixer; Papec feed mill with 6 cylinder Hercule engine; 700 oil tank; speed jack; 2 wheel han4 truck; portable milking machine with motor; Moore gas heater'; John Deere "A" tractor & 2 row cult; John Deere power hay blower on rubber; 3 sec. steel drag; Internation? al manure, spader; International tr. disc; International 2 bot. 14 In. tractor, plow; International 2 row corn planter; 2 elec C.. bropders; elee. eream separator:; Elec. pasture iz^r; VHdnf 1 ;horse power elec. hammer mill; air coth? ^neSSor; la^rn |E^ie; AlWs Chalmers W.D. tractor with $ toot. 16 ih. mounted plbw and cultivator; heavy 4 sec. drag with folding draw bar; Internationa! gr. drill with-fertilizer and gr. seed attach; International 3 section drag; Johjj Deere hammer mill; side delivery rake; elec. butter churn; American crop dryer, In good condition. AND MANY OTH^R ARTICLES TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION. : *; • • • ' ; ' ' V"' XERMSt Usual batik terms. No property to be removed unti| fully settle, for. r&>t responsible for accidents. " •, ^ • .v • ow®* ; •• - Mml Pf itlt Uauwe* OupanUm, ,-:W

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