"»g» Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALEH Fox Valley Camp To Meet Feb. 3 Fox River Valley Camp, R.N.A., will hold a meeting on Feb. 3 at the home of Mrs. Susan Olsen, 800 Center street, at 8 o'clock. Plan For April FT A Convention The Future Teachers of America met for a recent meeting. Discussion was held for the election of delegates for the FTA convention to be held in April. Thank-vou notes were read from the teachers for the corsages presented to them at Christmas. Members volunteered to assist teachers with the registration of the eighth grade students for high school in February. Eugene Perry To Marry In Summer Mr. and Mrs. George A. Johnson of Warrington, Fla.. announce the engagement, of their daughter, Marv Carolyn, to Lt. (JG1 Eugene J. Perry, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Perry and the late Louis Perry of Wonder Lake. Miss Johnson, wfao was graduated from Pensacola. Fla., Catholic high school, attended Pensacola Junior college and is now employed in that state. Lt. Perry graduated from McHenry high school and received his BS degree from Purdue university. He is currently stationed At Ream field, Imperial Beach, Calif., where he is attached to helicopter anti - submarine squadron 4. A June wedding is planned. PARTY TO HONOR , !MIKE FREUNDS ON i 55th ANNIVERSARY j Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of I Richmon'd Road, among Mci Henry's most popular couples, 'will observe their fifty-fifth wedding anniversary on Satur- , day, Jan. 24, although the ac- 1 tual anniversary date is the i twenty-ninth. , \ A Mass of thanksgiving will be sung at St. Mary's Catholic' church at ,9 o'clock Satur-, day morning, followed-by a day of celebration for family members at the home-of a daughter, Mrs, George Hiller, at Johnsburg. Present with their families Thursday, January 22, 19$ PERSONALS NEWLYWEDS RESIDING IN DALLAS, TEXAS In a wedding ceremony solemnized by the Rev. Ralph Riedesel in the Ascension Lutheran church in Chicago on Christmas Eve, a former Wonder Lake girl, Orva M. Tronsen, daughter of Mrs. Una Tronsen and the late Orville C. Tronsen, Sr.; was united in marr!age with Dean Allen of Hollywood, New York and Chicago. Dean Allen, singer and comedian, is the original voice of Walt Disney's Donald Duck, and has appeared all over the world and on the leading network TV shows from New York. Besides winning on Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts, Mr. Allen hais sung "Pagliacci" at La§cala opera house in Italy with Beniamino Gigli. and has had his own TV and radio show in Cincinnati, Ohio. He is a graduate of Hardin- Simmons university with an A.B. and bachelor of music degree. Orva is a graduate of McHenry High in 1955, and has completed two years of college. She spent the past summer touring the U.S. and Canada with a dancing company, in which she was given a solo and specialty part in the show. The couple is presently residing in Dallas, where Dean is filling night club and TV engagements, in which Orva will soon appear with him. will be the following children, Mrs. Esther Wagner, Mrs. Catherine Miller and Harvey of Chicago, Mrs. Olivia Hiller of Johnsburg. Elmer of Des Plaines, Arnold of West Chicago and Mrs. Mildred Garrett of Noblesville, Ind. Also present will be the following brothers and sisters. Ben Freund, Peter F. Freund, Peter Freund, Jr., Elizabeth Freund and Mrs. Rose Muska. Elizabeth Freund, a sister of Mike Freund, and her husbands/the late Math Freund, a brother of Mrs. Mike Freund, were married on the same day fifty-five years ago. The celebrants have nineteen1 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. NEW CUB PACK New Cub pack, No. 454, sponsored by Faith Presbyter- Ian church of Eastwood Manor, held its first meeting last Thursday at the barn. New members were initiated. Mrs. Anna Miller, Mrs. Mary Nimsgern j of Spring Grove, Mrs. Bern'ice Lent and Mrs. Mary Ann Neuman visited the Queen for a Day television show at Medinah Temple last week Tuesday. They were among 8,000 people in attendance. Attending the funeral of Nick Jung were relatives and friends from Elkhorn and Burlington, Wis., Fox River Grove, Harvard, Chicago. Woodstock, Twin Lakes, Barrington, Freeport, Richmond and Hartland. Among adults who attended tiie Marion school rally in Woodstock last Sunday afternoon were Rev. William Collins. Rev. John Reuland, Rev. Harold Nilges, Mr. and Mrs. Charies Vyeital, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Jung, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Nye, Mr. ancLMis. Charles Weingart. Mrs. Robert Newkirk, "Mr. and Mrs. Leo Smtth, Mrs, Roy Miller, Mrs. Florence Falsetti. Mrs. J. T. Mahoney, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Yegge and Mrs. Raymond S^ohr. 'Teeijagers present included Paul Steffan. Charles Chrisman, Ben Chelini, Jr.. Jack Yegge, John Gates, Suzanne Kaus, Judy Watson, Mary Ellen Nye, Janice and Joyce May and Carol Anderson. MRS. RUTH MEADE TO ADDRESS PTA THIS EVENING PLAN ANNUAL K OF G RETREAT IN EARLY APRIL . The annual Knights of Columbus retreat at Mayslake will be held from April 3 to 5. The McHenry council has been making annual retreats for the past twelve years, and the movement has constantly grown during that time. Last year 7,027 made a retreat at Mayslake. As demand for space keeps growing, it becomes necessary to make reservations early. In order to be certain that space will be reserved for you, it is necessary to make your reservations as soon as possible. These reservations can be made with Leroy J. Welter by calling McHenry 1313, with the lecturer, Leo Braidman, by calling McHenry 975-R; or by getting in touch with Grand Knight Arnold May at Richmond. SHOP IN McflENRY Mrs. Ruth Meade of Barrington will be the speaker at the McHenry Community PTA meeting on Thursday evening, Jan. 22, in the high school cafeteria. Long familiar to parents and students ir. McHenry county, Mrs. Meade is well qualified to speak on art as a painter and a teacher. The P.T.A. has given several new books to the McHenry library which will be especially helpful to parents. Among the titles now available are the following: Josselyn, The Happy Child, a clear exposition of the latest theory and practice in child psychology and family relations; Duvall, Facts of Life and Love, an extremely wellwritten approach to the process of growing up, physically, mentally and emotionally; for parents and older 'teen-agers to read themselves, with many helpful chapters which the adults can read to or discuss with younger children. Also Jenkins, These Are Your Children, typical children in typical situations, which will give helpful insights on your own child and his problems; Lowenthal. Your Child and His Art, understanding the artistic mpulses of children, and helping them, which often means keeping your hands off; Sheehy. There's Music in Children, practical techniques for stimulating a child's natural inclinations toward rhythm, harmony, melody; does not tell how to make them practice; Gruenberg, Encyclopedia of Child Care, all about kids. LADIES we again have the popular 19-pc. Say the things YOU want to say...with NORCROSS \ » f r/A Valentines^ • v Select yours NOW at BOLGER S Drug Store 108 S. Green St. PHONE 40 McHenry, 111. In Stock HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! They Won't Last Long at only $1.99 with Rainbow Trading Card Same Day Service SAVE 10% Cash 'N Cam - R A 0 N 0 ® W d E A M i R S Around Corner North ©' National Tea North Front Street PHONF 927 ^ Open Fri. Eves. 'Til 9 Always Plenty of Free Parking at " Rainbow Drive-In WOMEN VOTERS SPONSOR PUBLIC MEETING JAN. 26 The League of Women Voters wijl sponsor 'a public meeting in Woodstock on Monday evening, Jan. 26, at 8 p.m. in the circuit courtroom of the county building. Mrs. Donald Brodie, chairman, has announced the meeting will be devoted to a discussion of the county court as a family court, with emphasis on young people. This subject has been the league's local study for the 1958-1959 season, and many league members have, participated in the interviews of county officials and observation of judicial procedure which preceded this meeting. The panel of speakers for the meeting includes Judge James Cooney, the presiding judge in the county court; the Rev. Eugene Maxwell of the children's home; Bert Boerner, the newly appointed probation officer; and Arnold, Rauen, justice of the peace in McHenry township. Committee members who have worked hard to s«;ure accurate facts and figures on the family court included Mrs. Carolyn Hoffman, Mrs. Eleanor Kaufman, Mrs. Clare B>el, Mrs. Betty Folsom, and Mrs. Helen Mc- Lainc. Mrs. George Alvary of McHenry is president of the league. CANCEL PLANS FOR TWO GIRL SCOUT WORKSHOPS It is with deep regret that the Sybaquay office of the Girl Scouts have to announce that the two workshops which were planned to be held in McHenry for the next two weeks have to be cancelled. These workshops were to have included courses in dramatics, singing and dancing. They have been cancelled because there was not enough response from the area. These courses are given free of charge to any qualified persons in Girl Scouting and have previously been held in Barrington and Elgin. They were planned for McHenry with the thought that they would lje more convenient to Scouts Jw the Valley View neighborhood. SHOP IN McHENRY Sfidi incf • Dresses Knits, Casuals and Dressy • Sweaters • Skirts • Jewelry • Car Coats • Accessories SHOP EARLY As Supplies Are Limited In Sizes & Styles JAN. 23-29 30% OFF JAN. 30 - FEB. 3 40% OFF FEB. 6-12 50% OFF 806 W. Elm St. McHenry PHONE 2713 STORE HOUftS: Daily 9:30 - 5!30 Closed Wednesday "Homemakers Of Tomorrow" Two McHenry girls had the distinction of being named "homemaker of tomorrow" in the annual test conducted among high school senior girls throughout the United States. They are Eileen Knox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox, Sr., who won over a large class*"at M.C.H.S.,' and Ellen Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Clark, who was winner at St. Mary's high school in Woodstock. ELLEN CLARK EILEEN KNOX Each girl received the highest scores in their' respective schools in a fifty-minute written examination on homemaking knowledge and aptitudes taken 'by the seniors. They will receive homemaking pins which represent the slogan,. "Home is Where the Heart is". The0 examination papers will now be entered in competition with those of other school winners irj the state in order to select a state "homemaker of tomorrow." Each state winner will receive a $1,500 scholarship, an educational trip to Washington, D.C., colonial Williamsburg, Va., New Yotjj City and Minneapolis. HOLD THREE PARENT EDUCATION MEETINGS IN CITY The parent education committee of the McHenry Community P.T.A. met^at the home of the chairman, Mrs. Edwin C. Wittrock, on Monday, Jan. 19, for the purpose of selecting the subject matter and dates for these meetings. There will be three meetings in the series. The first one will deal with Edgebrook and Landmark schools, the second one will be about the Junior high school, and the last will concern the high school. The dates of the meetings will be Feb. 10, Feb. 24 and March 10. All will be held at 8 p.m. and each at the school with which that meeting is dealing. The principal of each school and other faculty members will serve as panel members- and will be prepared to answer questions which may be asked by parents attending. Here is an opportunity to get the answer to your questions from the people who know all the facts. Don't miss this opportunity to "know your schools!" All parents and other interested members of the community are invited to attend these meetings. SPECIAL COURSES Care of the sick and injured will be taught in three courses in Highland Shores, Wonder Lake, by Mrs. Betty Booth, R.N,, certificated instructor in Red Cross. Direct contact should be made with the county chapter headquarters in Woodstock for information. One group is composed of women, the second of 'teen-agers and the third group of men. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank the many friehd who remembered me with cards, prayers, visits and gifts while I was in the hospital. They were appreciated so very much. 38 Ann Frisby. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank the McHenry firemen and the many neighbors and friends who assisted in so many ways at the time of the explosion in our home last Sunday. Everything was appreciated so much. 38 The Donald Kidd family. CARD OF THANKS We would like to extend our sincere thanks for cards, prayers and other kindnesses extended during the illness of our husband and father; also for spiritual bouquets, offers of i cars and other expressions of sympathy at the time of his death. We are especially grateful for the comforting words of Father Collins. The family of Nicholas Jung *38 FOR INDUSTRY McHEHHY PLAINDEALER 102 N. Green Street PHONE 170 SIMMON'S BUY THE Sleep King MATTRESS For $5950 Then Buy The Matching SLEEP KING 601 SPRING You'd Expect To Pay $59.50 NOW ONLY $2050 "S* SALE SIMMONS Back Guard BOX SPRING You'd Expect To Pay $69.50 NOW ONLY $30oo When You Buy the Simmons Back Guard MMTRESS $6950 519- OLSEN FURNITU 521 Main St. Phone 3500 MMec Henry, 111. I9S Safety" ENJOY THE SECURITY OF A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH THE McHENRY STATE BANK Member Federal Reserve System In a financial institution where this emblem appears, people's hard-earned dollars are insured against loss as the sign specifies. Moreover, those dollars are protected by sound management, conservative investment policies, periodic examinations and physical safeguards --^ a combination of safety factors availbie at* a bank. For only a bank can be an FDIC member . . . can offer five-way, super safety. THERE'S NOTHING QUITE LIKE HAVING MONEY IN THE BANK. WHY NOT SAVE WITH THE McHENRY STATE BANK INTEREST PAID ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM PHONE 1040 FREE PARKING WHILE BANKING ESTABLISHED 1906 January24 Snow Party--Job's Daughters' Bethel--1 p.m. January 25 Mid-winter Conference, Women of the Moose--Waukegan. January 27 McHenry Garden Club Meeting -- Mrs. Fred Lieberson Home--1:30 f).m. O.E.S. Stated Meeting--Social Hour After Meeting--8 p.m.' January 28 Lecture Luncheon Club -- Chapel Hill Country Club A Noon. January 29-30 W.S.C.S. Rummage Sale -- Methodist Church -- 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Jan. 29; 9 a.m. to noon, Jan. 30. February 3 Fox River Valley Cattip, R.N.A. -- Regular Meeting -- Mrs. Susan Olsen Home, Center Street--8 p.m. £ February 8 - Stage Show -- High School Auditorium -- 3 p.m and 8:15 p.m. -- Benefit Local Knights of Columbus. February 10 First Annual Pancake Dinner-- Legion Home--St. Paul's Episcopal Church, McHenry. O.E.S. Stated Meeting--Valentine Party--8 p.m. =» pROFE^iana QIRECTQRV II OR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropratic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massag«w 1104 East Elm Street ™ McHenry, III. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Frl. 10 a.m. to 13 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:80 pan. ( 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743 DR. C. R. SWAN80N - Dentist ™ Office Hour*: Daily Except Thursday » to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:80 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evening* By Appointment Only. Telephone McHenry 16P EARL R. WALOH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm Sc Life . Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Any Kind PHONE 43 or 958 Greer & Elm McHenry, SCHROEDER IRON WOBff Ornamental & Structural ft- * Visit Our Showroomr 8 Miles South on Rt. 8 PHONE 950 fou can retire on the H dollars you use to protect family. Larry Booster -- Virgil Poll«t» The New England Mutual Life Insurance Company £04 E. Elm St. Phone 25M Expert PIANO TUNING y and Repairing A. G. SKALA o/o Steffan's Jewelry Store PHONE 128-J 614 W. Main Street DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street ^ Office phone McHenry 188^ Res. phone McHenry 804-M-l H o u r s : D a i l y 9 : 3 0 - 0*00 . . Tues. & Fri. Evenlngo 6:80 • 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAKI Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses flttlP Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs ft Frl 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHehry 2232-J Loop office • 108 N. State St Phone DEarborn 2-20S6 GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance (C of America Life, Retirement, Sickness A Accident and Gronp Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road. •• McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 2688