Pag« F our THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, January 29. 1959 £*h£. UtedUh. The whole town's talking . . . and the main topic has to do with the hottest basketball team this town has seen in its history of sports. Two more victories over the weekend have given the Mc- Henry Warriors fifteen straight wins. Some of those victories seemed impossible, such as that comeback at Libertyville Friday night. T\ The Libertyville Sharpshooters were the hottest outside shooters we have seen. That is, until Coach Fulton changed his team from, a tight zone defense to man-to-man. in the . second half. Don Beniz In Final Game While Coach Fulton and his players have gained stature with each game, we thought they showed qualifications in t h i s g a m e t h a t m a r k t r u e champions. They started poorly and fell behind a real classy Wildcat team. Then they came back with what it takes. «*. The game against Harvard was easy. Too easy. Of course, those same Warriors squeezed ^ past Harvard by only one point ~ in early season and nobody ti could blame the visitors for riding in here on hopes of being the first to upset the Warriors this year. They will probably have part of the crowd hanging from the rafters Saturday night when the Crystal Lake Tigers come tp McHenry for the Warrior's first test without Don Bentz. Let us not fool ourselves. There is nobody to take Don's place. BuC let us. not get the idea that we can't keep winning. Our style of play may have to be changed against different teams. The whole line up is packed with fellows who can pop that ball through the nets so let's keep firing away. The Fultonmen received 25 votes in the Associated Press poll last week and landed in the No. 20 spot in the state this week. From a lonely little petunia rating with one vote a couple of weeks ago, the team is climbing. Guess it took that one vote to get us recognition. Pictured above is Don Bentz, the big man on Coach Cliff Fulton's MCHS varsity basketball team this season. Because his semesters of eligibility have been used, Don played his last game for McHenry High last Saturday night as he poured in thirty points against the visiting Harvard team. Realizing the potential strength and ability of this big fellow, Coach Fulton spent time in bringing him along to his present status as one of the finest in the strong North Suburban league. It wasn't /easy to see Don leave the floor Saturday night to close out his playing time when there is still much work to be done. It was tough on Don, his coach, his teammates, his schoolmates, school officials and hundreds of loyal fans who arose in unison for a lengthy applause interrupted only by an occasional brushing away of a tear. Don Bentz has set an example that many another young man might follow in athletics. Such perseverance, hard work and cooperation should place any young man in the right groove for future endeavors. We are going to miss you, Don. But miss you with pleasant memories. We are pleased to receive news on our' wrestling team, this week. It came in rather late, too late to run the attached pictures. Hope we can have a review next week from the school to run with pictures of •outstanding wrestlers. MCHS WRESTLERS MEET ST. CHARLES HERE FRIDAY NIGHT Visits to funeral homes seldom bother us like the one Tuesday night to the Marilyn Anderson wake. In our book she was a grand little girl. God must have a special place in heaven for girls like Marilyn. "To tell you the truth, Doctor," said a hard-working housewife, "I've always wanted to have a nervous breakdown. But every time I was about to get around to it, it was time to fix somebody a meaL" A fond mother received the following letter from her son " D e a r M o m : I j o i n e d 1 t h e Navy because I liked the way the ships were kept clean and tidy. But I never knew until this week who keeps them so clean and tidy. Love, Jim." DAIL^Y PINUPS: So often the best therapy is a pat on the back, the most potent pill a capsule of cheer. A hard head has been known to be offset by a tender heart. Man's common denominator is death and taxes. A cooked goose can Tie a feast or a fiasco. Fortune is fickle, fame fades, only true friendship outlasts them all. Lately to bed and early to rise is the invisible pencil that draws bags under your eyes. -- Anonymous Winning only four matches, McHenry's varsity wrestling team was defeated by a strong Barrington team last Tuesday, Jan. 27, in the high school gymnasium. Although the score was 26 to 12 the Warriors were fighting all the way. According to Bill Hutchinson, varsity wrestling coach, the following boys are to be congratulated for their fine showing: Dan Baldino, senior, 105 lbs.; Phil Brigman, junior, 114 lbs.; Rich Lundborg, captain, senior, 135 lbs.; and George Vergare, junior, 147 lbs. Baldino and Brigman have remained undefeated for the entire season. The next home match will pit McHenry against St. Charles on Friday, Jan. 30, at 7 p.m. in the high school gymnasium. The junior-varsity wrestlers, composed of freshmen and sophomores, lost by <a score of 34 to 14 to the Barrington junior- varsity team. Winning for McHenry were Jim Hansen, Jim Dowhin (by a pin), Anthony Espey and Joe Sanford. Hie coach of this team is Bill Hendricks. Statistics for the varsity wrestling match against Barrington on January 27. SOPH CAGERS COME THROUGH WITH TWO WEEKEND VICTORIES The M.C.H.S. frosh-soph basketball squad truly came to life last weekend as they subdued the Libertyville Cats Friday night, 60 to 50, and then returned to the local gym Saturday to conquer Harvard's Hornets 60 to 42. Bob Vaupell led the Warrior's scoring parade at Libertyville with 20 points, followed by-Tom Creighton with 16. WARRIORS COME FROM BEHIND TO BEAT WILDCATS Score 49 Points In Last Half To Beat Libertyville, 83-77 by Ronnie Smith Paul Morenz, moved up to the soph squad from the fresh- t Green's lads did. man team, gave a very credit-, dous crowd that followed the Our roughest opponent of the season, the rugged Libertyville Wildcats, can now be scratched off the list of challengers to our undefeated record. The Fultonmen saw to this last Friday at Libertyville as they downed the speedy quintet by a score of 83-77. It's hard to believe that a team which scores 77 points, shoots at an unbelievable 54.7 per cent clip, holds an 8 point halftime lead, and is playing at home had to meet defeat as Coach Ken The tremenable performance as he scored 8 points, and hauled in 14 very important rebounds. Vaupell had 11 rebounds and Roger S w a n s o n , w h o i s g e t t i n g "tougher by the week," led all rebounders with 17, and chipped in with 9 points. Coach Jack Thomas believes that if the "three big boys play tough on the boards, the team will be in great shape." Saturday nighttthe local boys had just too much for the outmanned Hornet squad. Bob Miller and Tom Creighton contributed some excellent outshooting in the first quarter. P a u l M o r e n z t o o k u p t h e slack in the second period, and went on from there to gain scoring honors for the game as he recorded seven field goals for a total of 14 points. The rebounding of Morenz, Swanson and Vaupell was just as evident Saturday as it had been on Friday. The boys are looking forward to the invasion of Crystal Lake Saturday night. As of this report the Tiger soph team is undefeated in 13 games, and the Warriors are anxious to hand the Lakers their first defeat. Lineups McHenry Miller Swanson Vaupell Morenz Creighton Adams Libertyville Andreson Joerger Fort Menter Akers Vostden McHenry Libertyville McHenry Miller Swanson Vaupell Morenz Creighton Reid Adams Hintze Samen Yegge Meyer Reese Harvard Carlson Seegers Nolen Bankson Hartwig Terpstra Wendling Brumfield McHenry Harvard FG FT F 2 § 1 22 16 14 FG FT F 3 12 2 6 2 2 7 (A 7 <T 5 0 10 3 0 2 15 16 15 16 12 14 18 - 60 10 7 16 17 - 50 FG FT F 5 1 0 0 2 4 2 2 5 7 0 0 6 1 4 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 24 12 19 FO FT F 0 5 2 3 5 1 8 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 2 15 12 12 17 11 18 14 - 60 7 12 4 19 - 42 Northern IIITni Bowmen News M'gt. Name McH Bar. 97 D. Kinnerk 0 4 105 D. Baldino 3 0 114 P. Brigman 1 0 122 B. Anderson Pin 129 Ritter 0 10 135 R. Lundborg 10 0 140 R. Mercure 2 4 147 G. Vergare 1 0 156 M. Meeker 1 5 167 T. O'Brien 4 5 177 R. Creutz 2 5 Hvw B. Borchardt 0 2 It is easy enough to plan to make a million dollars; the execution of the plan is what delays the accumulation of the fortune. team to Libertyville is unanimous in their opinion of the spectacular game turned ill by these Warriors. The victory enabled McHenry to take the first season aeries from Libertyville in the past 7 years. Every preceeding year, the games were split. McHenry's credentials in victory were a 48.6 percent, 83 points, a 49-point second half, and balanced scoring once again. Just as the previous meeting (McHenry, 86; Libertyville, 79) the contest featured terrific shooting and floor play unusual for most high school teams. Libertyville jumped off to a fast lead which resulted in a noticeable sadness and fear among McHenry rooters. They took the first quarter 20-16 and the second by a 22-18 margin to hold a 42-34 halftime lead. The lead reached 10 points at one point. At halftime, Cliff Fulton's words of wisdom can be summed up in the following quotes: "Take it easy. Go out there and be yourself. This is just another ball game and calm yourself down. I feel that once we get the lead on these guys, we've got them licked." No truer words were ev^r spoken and these courageous players came through in excellent style amidst all the tension and pressure in that beautiful gym. We scored 27 points to Libertyville's 15 in that allimportant third period. Before the Wildcats knew what hit them, they were on the short end of a 61-57 score. We Held them off by a 22-20 margin *n the final quarter. This is not intended in any way to disparage a great Wildcat team which shoots with deadly accuracy from out and which moves with blinding speed. Warren Nicholas hit for 24 points, mostly on ldng (20 footers) set and jump shotfc. The conference's leading scorer, Max Sanders, shared 16 points with Bill Johns, their 6-1 center. Rick Kellogg hit for 14. This team must be considered the finest and sharpest looking outfit in the loop resides us on the basis of their play against us. To get back to our side of the story, no fewer than 5 boys hit in double figures to lead the team. Each player (of these 5) had at least 3 recoveries also. Matt Eichinger scored 20 points and led the team in great style. He also led in assists with 8. Don Bentz hit for 19, grabbed 18 rebounds, and hit at a 61.5 per cent clip. John Steinbach came through with 16 points, 6 assists, and hit at a 60 per cent pace to reassure fans he's back to normal after his injury. Mike Creighton had 14 points, grabbed 13 rebounds, and made 7 of 11 shots for a 63.6 per cent. Mark Vycital hit for 10 points all in the second half. This was our key game and the tension built up last week was pretty high, but the team came through once again. Our Northern Illini Bowmen will hold a club shoot on Sunday, Feb. 1, with registration from 1 0 o ' c l o c k u n t i l 1 o ' c l o c k . Awards will be made. The shoot will be held if the temperature is 20 degrees or warmer. The members are asked to support the new officers and are reminded that dues are now due for 1959A Almost every borrower can give you a good reason why the money you lend wiH be safe. L * Despite all books and adverts tisements there is no easy way £ to anything worth having or knowing. MMtpurmf §f(j0Ut 3CENN 1 Mile East of the Skyline Drive-In PHONE McHENRY 2486 iEMG and! FOR ALL BREEDS Stud Service • Heated & Unhealed Kennels • German Shosihair Pups For Sale Obedience - Hunting - Retrieving SUNBAY M 1 SKA1 2 P.M. to 4:80 P.M. Also SATURDAY MATINEE 1:30 to 4 TUGS., We)dd~,,, Fri„ Sat. & Sun. 8 to 11 P.M. »f FOR FUH ROLLER RMK McHENRY, ILL. record is now 14-0 with a 7-0 record in conference play. Zion still retains second place with a 5-2 record as it edged Crystal Lake, 73-72. We are in good shape now if we continue to play at our present pace. A report is not complete without complimenting the loyal McHenry fans who made the trip. The crowd surpassed the previous road high at Dundee recently and there was standing room only at the enormous Libertyville gym. People must be beginning to realize the help they lend to the team at a road game. Box Score: McHenry (88) FG FT. PF TP ,Cajthaml Creighton Bentz Eichinger Vycital Steinbach Schaefer 4 14 19 20 10 12 0 34 15 11 83 Libertyville 77 FG FT PF TP Nicholas 12 0 1 24 Priebe. o i 5 1 Sanders - - 7 2 4 16 Johns 6 4 0 16 Proctor 0 0 0 0 Kellogg 7 0 3 14 Bohl 3 0 2 6 35 7 15 77 Quarters McH 16 18 27 22--83 ' Lib 20 22 15 20--77 McHENRY COASTS TO 87-55 WIN OYER HARVARD Don Bentz Scores 30 Points In Last High School Game by Ronnie Smith LOCAL ^SPEEDSTERS SHOW STAMINA IN SKATE MARATHON Three McHenry skaters showed their speed and stamina last Saturday at a 24 hour skating marathon held in Harvey, 111;, for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Gene Freund, Fred Wirtz and Leo Smith of McHenry represented the McHenry Skating club at the meet and performed very creditably for their first excursion into organized racing. At the conclusion of the 24 hour period they had covered 350 and % miles and were in 10th place although they were forced to skate with only two men for four hours due to skate troubles. Eighteen teams of three men each from Illinois and Indiana were representing their clubs and sixteen teams were able to go the complete 24 hour limit. The McHenry team has been invited to participate in anor ther 24 hour marathon the 14th and 15th of February in Sinking Springs, Penna., and when asked they were "rarin' to go again." The team is currently practicing each Wednesday evening at the Just for Fun roller rink and anyone interested in organized racing may contact them there at that time. U Pay* to Advertise Last Saturday, John Sciacca's Harvard Hornets came to town boasting a record of only two losses all season (one to us by a 62t.61 score) and riding on top of the SHARK conference with a perfect 5-0 record. Whatever thoughts they had of upsetting us were long gone after our 87-55 victory. Harvard tried a ball-control game at the outset and succeeded in keeping down the score in the first quarter as we held only a 12-10 margin. Coach Fulton rapidly corrected this by putting on a full-court press which completely bottled up the Hornets as indicated by a few failures to get the ball across the middle in the maximum of 10 seconds allowed. The Warriors iced the game in the second quarter by pulling away with a 25-10 margin to take a 37-20 halftime. After a 50 point second half by McHenry to Harvard's 35, the game looked about as much like a battle between two first place teams as a New York Yankee--Washington Senators game would. The Warriors completely dominated the game and every player entered the "battle. McHenry shot a season high of 56.1 ^percent for the game, including a 62.5 (amazing, isn't it?) first half figure. The 87 points was also our high for the season as was the 30 recoveries, (defensive steals, etc). I'm sure every loyal fan realizes that this game held another special point of interest as Don Bentz, the great 6-3 center, closed out his high school career with the Warriors. With about 2 minutes remaining in the game, Fulton pulled Don, and the responding ovation was undescribable. The fans really expressed their appreciation for his fine plav of this and past seasons. Doh couldn't have closed out in a more spectacular fashion as he retired with' the ^following last-game statistics: 30 points, 17 rebounds, 2 assiists, 7 recoveries, 8 of 13 free throws, and a terrific 11-14 shots for a 78.6 percent. The rest of the scoring was well --balanced with Eichinger and Steinbach leading with 13 and 10 points respectively. In addition, Matt had 6 assists, and John contributed 6 assists and 6 recoveries. Harvard shot 33.3 percent with Antonsen leading the way with 11 points. The win made our record 15 wins and 0 losses. Claire Br Shoppe 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 Start the New Year with a New Permanent s Call us today for an appointment Swedish Massage -- Steam Bath PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS Yovr Doctor*# order I# ovr law** • •• t7GrII coicopQund It without flaw! O Bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this professional pharmacy wfeoffo jpffedoo compounding is • opcdalty. SHIM Eegiaurcd Pharmacists and ampl© stocks tnablt as to mponnd all pmeripiiooi promptly and caaedy go th« Doa@e Msctm. Each step detaMoefoodked fof Qgraraey. Yat, oof prises aro always Ssds. Tsy as oast ttaal Bolgers Drug Store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr The going will be a little rougher without Don's height, scoring rebounding strength in there, however, the general opinion is that the team is so well-balanced that they can carry on in the same great style they have exhibited thus far. The roster is filled with names who can shoot, dribble, and rebound in fine style, regardless of size. Rustle and talent make up for height. The first big test is right at hand as Crystal Lake comes to town this Saturday for a conference battle. They have been having a little rough going this year as evidenced by their unusual 0-7 conference record. They still boast two big scorers in John Hess and Phil Jurs and they have brought up three outstanding sophomores to assist the varsity. Their sophomores incidentally, are very highly rated. I suspect the gym will again be filled to capacity with eager fans both from Crystal Lake and here. This is one of the fiercest rivalries in the North Suburban, so don't miss it.. Box Score. McHenry, 87 FG FT PF TP Cajthaml 4 1 1 9 Creighton 4 0 1 8 Bentz h. 8 2 30 Eichinger 4 5 4 13 Vycital 2 0 2 4 Steinbach 5 0 2 10 Moss 0 0 0 0 -Schaefer 1 2 1 4 "Hester 0 4 1 4 Oeffling 1 3 2 5 Olson 0 0 0 0 Peterson 0 0 3 0 32 23 19 87 Harvard 55 FG FT PF TP Jones 1 1 2 3 Peterson 2 0 1 4 Kleckner 1 2 0 4 Antonsen 5 1 2 11 Bauman 1 2 » 5 4 Gossell 2 3 5 7 Ruppert 1 1 3 3 Marshall 1 1 2 3 Brumfield 2 2 0 6 Pellegrine 4 2 3 11 Hysen 0 0 0 0 Welke 0 0 0 2 20 15 25 55 NOW THRU SAT. "THE BLOB" and "I MARRIED A MONSTER FROM OUTER SPACE" STARTS SUNDAY as BELL, and CAMPLE" . . . A c o m e d y a b o u t a n enchanting subject -- Sex! Jas. Stewart © Kim Novak Jack Lemmon © Ernie Kovacs Quarters McH 12 25 29 21--87 Har 10 10 17 18--55 SUSPEND LICENSES Secretary ' of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the ^revocation and suspeftion of drivers' licenses. The license of Carl C. Gabel of Crystal Lake was revoked for driving while intoxicated, and the license of Joseph Mullaney of Crystal Lake was suspended for the same reason. The licenses of William Reh of Algonquin, George Smith of Ringwood and LaVera Stokes of Island Lake were suspended for three offenses. " Has a man gained anything who has received a hundred favors and rendered none? Reel the Want Ads ELM THEATRE WAUCONTDOAA,, ILLINOlS Children (Under 12) 25c Open Daily at 6:40 Continuous Sundays From 8:00 P.M. FREE PARKING - 125 CAK91 Tel JAckson 6-1421 60c Adults -- 25c Children THURS - FRI - SAT JAN 29-30-31 SPECIAL SAT & SUN MATINEE 'SUSANNAH OF THE MOUNTIES" with SHIRLEY TEMPLE Matinee at 1:30 SUN - MON - TUES.0 FEB 1-2-3 ' COLUMBIA nCTUES M JAMES WARJ-HM* ! BELL. BOOH AND CANDLE JACK. LEMMON -ERNIE KOVACS HESWfflf G9<G0UI * EISA LWffiHESTD! * WMCt HUE * TECHNICOLOR* Starts Sun. at 4:30 WED & THURS FEB 4 & 5 mMMSBBSSBSS SWUILDDD CDNA YpUS..T.WHH DEANN CTEH EC HFAEESAT -TBOU-CCKH ASEDfOtt . ' M'G-Mprewmi mCntnuScoO* tnd METROCOLOR ROBERT TAYLOR-CYD CHARISSE• LEE I. CO1 nun • a nmm nooucTum McHenry Theatre 218 S. GREEN ST. PHONE 144 Sunday Shows Will Start At 3:00 P.M. (If regular feature not suitable for* children, a special show for Kiddies will be shown from 3:00 to 5:00.) THURS - FRI - SAT -- JAN 29-30-31 -- Double Feature -- Repeat engagement of these two outstanding features!1 Each feature shown only once each evening nfHlTF WITDFRN Please Note: "White Wilderness" shown ONCE each eve, at Also y0 ffODGERS & HAMMERSTEIN'S IN THE COMPLETE GRANDEUR OF COLOR by DE LUXE ]OA CE«nnrr.FOH ttcwica DEBORAH KERR YUL BMfffi H" Please Note: "King & I" shown ONCE each eve. at 9:00 SUN thru THURS -- FEB 1-5 -- 5 DAYS A very bewitching comedy about a very enchanting •ub|ecU«Mi JAMES ML KIM NOVAK, BELL, BOOK, and CANDLE' JACt LEMMON ERNIE KOVACS « ;>;orvx pp'waiGN Chapter 12 Serial "ZORROS BLACK WHIP" Sunday. 3:00 p.m. STARTS FRIDAY, FEB. 6 FOR 4 DAYS Walt Disney's "TONKA" with SAL MINEO There will be a special SATURDAY MATINEE F«>b. 6 nt, 2:00 I'M. for "TONKA"