Thursday, January 29, 1959 McHenry Plaindealei Phone 170 - 171 Published every Thursday at McHenry, 111., by the McHenry lublishing Company, Inc. IA1JONAL E D I T O f t l A I |as|O°5t@, Li'»hi'",*~-- THE McHENRY /PLAINDEALER Page Ffre POST 491 by Mary Kinspar W. BURFEINDT, Genl. Mgr. A.DELE FROEHLICH, Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County ^1 Year $3.5C 6 Months • • •; $2.00 3 Months $1.25 " Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 6 Months ............ $2.25 t 3 Months ..... $1.50 'j, Entered as second-class mat ter at the post office at Me- ... Henry, Illinois, under the acl of May 8, 1879. I Twice Told Tales FIFTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Jan. 29, 1909) Don't forget to wear a red carnation, on Jan. 29, "Carna- •^ion Day," the birthday of the ikte President McKinley. J. C. Ladd of Ringwood purchased the Patrick McGarry farm of 110 acres at a masters' sale last Saturday. The price paid was $75 per acre. In the presence of a large gathering at the Volo Catholic church Jan. 20, Miss Eva Lawrence of Ringwood and Mr. Joseph G. Wegener of Lily ' Jlake were married. Some great improvements are being made^ at the local boat factory. Several new hands have been taken on of late, among them Joseph Rothermel and Emil Peterson. A stranger giving his name as Fred Maet was captured at Pistakee Bay last Monday after an exciting man hunt which followed a break-in at a cottage. A posse of men consisting of Philip Schaefer, Ben Stilling, Capt. M. J. Pitzen, Fred Justen, John Pitzen and Sons and Peter J. Freund was made up in a lively manner and a man hunt started. FORTY YEARS AGO (Taken from the files of Jan. SO, 1919) Memorial services arranged , by McHenry Lodge, AF & AM, were held at Ringwood M. E. church for their deceased brothers, Harry Vernon Stephenson and John J. Mitchell, who gave up their lives while in the service of their country. Chuck full of pep, Walter "Sf-'Fay arrived home from Camp Grant last Friday with an hon- >*• jfc>rable discharge. Since leaving ^McHenry May 1, 1917, he has covered at least 5,000 miles. He ;*«*was at Buzancy, a short dis- 1:" tance northwest of the Argonne, when the Armistice was signed. Vern Erickson, who hails from Holctein, Iowa, has rented the Brefeld barber shop on the west side and will open for business Feb. 1. V1 Robert, son of Mrs. Nick Martin, was seriously wounded Oct. 6 of last year. The wire ' was received Friday. Dr. J. E. Wheeler has purchased the Mathias Steffes ; place on Main street now occupied by the Peter W. Frett 4 family. Be Wise--Use the Classifieds WS^pilfupwiril HARD WATS V L«t us install a New "Neco" RENT-O-MATIC Automatic Water Softener • Nothing to buy • Softens both hot and told want • Works automatically-- • no exchanging of tanks • low service charge covered by savings Mail Coupon TODAY! ALTHOFF'S GAS 700 Front St. McHenry, 111. Phone 2gS ~ NAME. AOMESSThe American Legion auxiliary of McHenry Unit 491 held their regular monthly meeting Jan. 19. New members, Serena Erjavec and Rita Zimny, were introduced at this meeting. C h i l d w e l f a r e c h a i r m a n , Elaine Gray thanked all those who contributed clothing and food for the Christmas baskets. Mrs. Gray also thanks all those who gave their time to help her with the project. Marie Howe read a thank you letter from the district rehabilitation chairman for the cooperation received from McHenry Unit- in their various programs. Lillian Millet is very grateful to the following members who baked cupcakes for a recent party at Elgin hospital: Kay Stilling, Sue Wirfs, Anna Miller, Margaret Scharf, Roslyn Volpendesta, Christine Hanford, Ruth Mrachek, Lauretta Homo, Frances Matchen, Dorothy Diedrich, Eleanor Creutz, Delia Freund, Mary Ann Neuman, Dorothy Miller, Marie Howe, Pearl Pietsch, Delia Weber, Helen Schmitt, Joanne Swegle and Myrna Strohmeir. Those who attended this party with Mrs. Miller were Delia Freund, Anna Miller and Stanley Diedrich. Junior chairman, Roslyn Volpendesta, reported the Junior Auxiliary held election of officers at their meeting on Jan. 17. New officers are Mary Pat- Mrachek, president, Charlene Reid, vice-president, Betsy Kiiday, secretary, Debbie Kuhlman, chaplain, Jennifer Kuhlman, treasurer, Sergeant of arms, Diane Volpendesta, and Janet Homo, assistant sergeant of arms. The girls decided at this meeting that in the future they will have their own refreshment committee for their meetings. Mrs. Volpendesta requested that if the Junior member is very young that she be assisted by her mother in helping with the refreshments. Carol Ann Zimny will head the committee for the Feb. 21 meeting and will be assisted by the following: Charlene Reid, Noelle Reid, Eileen Homo, Janet Homo and Theresa Ballowe. One hundred tray favors were completed for Downey hospital. Our annual membership dinner will be held Feb. 7 at 7 p.m. If you care to have your husband join you after dinner, you may do so. Initiation was held for new members Se$ia Erjavec, Rita Zimny and Helen Goldbeck. If you have not yet been initiated and were unable to attended this meeting because of the inclement weather, aonther initiation will be held at a future meeting. Sunshine chairman, Frances Matchen, sent sympathy cards to Pearl Nerstad, Kathryn Weber, Adele Weber, Gertrude Weber. Mary Weingart, Anna Miller and Stephanie Waynne. Get well wishes went to Helen Schmitt and Gladys Soucie. Congratulations were sent to | Bernice Peterson on the birth j of twins. A mid-winter convention will be held Feb. 7 at Elgin Amer- I ican Legion Post No. 57. Dele) gates to the convention are I Marie Howe, Ruth Mrachek, J Delia Freund, Ann Kane and Elaine Gray. The following j members will act as alternates: ; Sue Wirfs, Lauretta 7 Homo, I Marge Hiller, Marie Diedrich | and Frances Matchen. j Birthday congratulations were i extended to Lauretta Homo, Dorothy Diedrich and Marge : Hiller. j Social committee for Febru- | ary is Delia Freund, chairman, j Rose Lee. Marge Endres, Anna Hay, Meta Fryer, Dolores Hunt, Lorraine Smith, Gertrude Barbian. Myrna Strohmeir, Joyce Weber, Kay Stephenson, Kay Stilling, Roslyn Volpendesta, Minnie Meyer and Ruth Voeltz. ASK RESIDENTS TO PETITION FOR FOX DEVELOPMENT SHOP IN McHENRY The first step in a statewide campaign to ^convert the Fox river into a 200-mile water playground "for fishing, boating, conservation and flood and sanitation control was launched this month by a group of Illinois recreational, government and business leaders. Immediate objective of the group, the Commission for Development of the Fox River, is the signatures of Illinois citizens on a petition to be submitted to the state legislature early in 1959. The petition "respectfully requests members of the Illinois Senate and House of Representatives to vote immediate appropriations for planning^ and constructing necessary locks and dams on the river from the Wisconsin state line to its junction with the Illinois River at Ottawa." The petition calls attention to the growing need for more recreational facilities for Illinois families and urges the legislature to take "immediate steps to provide for reasonable navigation of the Fox river, to improve its purposes for health, iltation, water conservation, flood and flow control, the restoration of fish and. wildlife, the preservation of its beauties and outdoor recreation." Thousands of Illinois citizens and many, organizations have already indicated their support of the campaign, the commission reports. Copies of the petition have been sent to hundreds of boating, sportsmen, business, recreational groups and individuals throughout the state. The commission plans to present the petition to the state • legislature when it convenes | early in January, 1959. "In view of the great increase In the number of smallboat owners and the steadily mounting demand for additional recreational facilities, our commission believes there should be no delay in starting actual work," Clifford D. Carlson of Geneva. 111., chairman of the group, stated. "We are certain that our petition, bearing the names of thousands of Illinois citizens, will do much to convince our legislature of the great need for additional recreational facilities in the Fox river area " 1 Carlson urged that every II- ! lfnois citizen interested in ! cleaner water-ways and better j outdoor recreational facilities | support the campaign by signjing the petition or indicating i their approval of the project in j | a letter to the commission. ^ I The commission, appointed i by Gov. Williiam G. Stratton, j began work on the prc^ject \ early in 1958. A comprehensive j 1 study of the liver was conducted by the commission in cooperation with the Illinois de- 1 partments of Conservation, Public Health and Public Works and Buildings. Petitions will be available for signing at sporting goods stores, marine dealers, etc., and also at the Outboard Boating Club of America's bodth at the 11959 Chicago National Boat j Show in the International Am- Jphitheatre in Chicago, Feb. 6' j through 15. „ Organizations or \ persons interested in supporting the campaign are urged to, , contact the commission at P.O. ! Box 551, Aurora, 111. *EAD THE WANT ADS OOTMOIS n M1UJQIIS gl THE BYWORD AT YOUR CERTIFIED STORE CERTIFIERS INCOME TAX SERVICE McHenry Accounting & Tax Service 123 Riverside Drive SECOND FLOOR PHONE: McHenry 343 -- Wonder Lake 7211 For an Appointment Chinese or American Food z / z sicfcu ^ry@memciher Sate, NO COST - NOTHING TO BUY FREE - FREE - FREE 3 Lots To Be Given Away WIN A 3 Lots To Be Given Away FRIDAY SPECIAL Fish Plate Dinners $1.25 "The Finest of Cocktails" Phone your order for takehome Chop Suey WE INVITE PARTIES LARGE or SMALL ' Special Arrangements for Club Luncheon Meetings Open 4 P.M. to 12 P.M. (Except Mon.) Sunday -- 1 P.M. to 9 P.M. Chapel Hill Courirf Club Vi Mile No. of Skyline Theatre On East Johnsburg Road McHenry 2040 GO IN SNOW WITH 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES DREAM LOT IN FLORIDA PLUS 25 NORGE AUTOMATIC WASHERS Simply Deposit Your Name Each Time You Enter Our Store THE TALK OF THE TOWN PAN READY -- LARGE SIZE FRYING CHICKENS WHILE THEY LAST UNIVERSAL 'JEEP' FORWARD CONTROL 'JEEP' FC-150 If you've got to get through, only 'Jeep' 4-wheel drive double traction action will do. Bulls through, even in blizzards. Quickly clears snowbound driveways, lots, service areas, with snowplow attachment. Jeep VEHICLES BY WILLYS MOTORS... ONE OF THE GROWING KAISER INDUSTRIES Come in for a demonstration / Tune-In 600 Front St. EAVERICK Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. McHENlY GARAGE PHOME 403 McHenry, I1L Try Our Own 100% Pure COUNTRY FARM SAUSAGE 59 c lb. Made from Pure Lean Pork Shoulder Special Sale -- Oscar Mayer WIENERS or SM3ICIE I KS •v 55 Freshly Ground A REPUTATION FOR BEING THE BEST Made of 100% PURE LEAN BEEF 49- Oscar Mayer -- Thick Sliced BACON For Real Tasty Eating 2 lb. pkg CERTIFIED RED LABEL COFFEE CO 0ilw7 # lb. Raggedy Ann Pineapple or Grapefruit 46 ok. tin DRINK 4fw'1.8J Kraft Strawberry ^ oz- B,ass PRESERVES 4 SUNKIST Navel 113 size 0RANGES39 Lean Tender Beef Chuck STEAKS 69* Raggedv Ann -- Sliced or Halves 2\t tin PEACHES 3 for Moil Raggedy Ann 46 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE . . 4 for *1 Country Fresh Grade A Medium FARM Doz. 39 EXTRA FANCY y^eIra¥@sEi 3 lb. cello bag APPLES 25 USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR NEW SUPER CERTIFIED FOOD STORE ~ Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Phone 80 McHenry. 111.