Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Feb 1959, p. 11

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'f Thursday, February 5. 1959 THE McHENRY PLATNDEALER Page Eleven Pisiakee Highlands THE SIELISCHES REPAIR DAMAGES FROM EXPLOSION % , Hazel Morley 640-J-l Kay Sieliseh 689-M-l Kay and Wally Sielisch of 102 N. Meadow Lane are recovering from the after effects ( of the explosion that ripped out their front door and large picture window early Saturday morning, Jan. 24. Kay was visiting her mother in Cadillac, Mirfi. when it happened and lucWly Wally escaped injury. The interior of their home was badly damaged and a new furnace had to installed. We all extend our sympathy to Kay and Wally and hope that they won't be inconvenienced too long with repair work. It is too bad that something so terrible had to happen to such nidi? people as Kay and Wally. The heavy snow forced a cancellation of the figure skating events and the hockey game between the 'teen agers and adults. All in all everyone who joined in or just stood by and j watched had a good time. Our ' thanks to Don Dobeoki, Ed i Pfingst'en and Ed Dowd for I their efforts. W omen's Club Meets The Women's club met last Wednesday at the Community j center. After the regular meet- ! ing colored slides were shown ; of various countries that Mrs. ! Haeflinger's son had visited, j The February meeting will be j interesting, there will be the j 'cherry tree' and pre-Easter j'hat sale. Refreshments were 1 served. • Wins Blue Ribbon Congratulations to Lynne Ann Murray for winning a blue ribbon in the poster contest for the Marion Central Catholic high school. Sixteen out of one hundred were chosen with the three top winners receiving scholarships and the remaining thirteen ribbons. Lynne Ann was the youngest winner an|| represented St. John's school. Bishop Lane of Rockford made the presentations. Ice Carnival News The ice carnival held last weekend was very nice with the weather man helping out a bit. The contest started with the sled races. Roy Fellows placed first and Mike Conway sec^id in the under 14 year ola^ Craig Thoren and Ron Spankuch placed first and second respectively* in the 'teen group of races. Ted Finger won the adult r?ce with ole Jim Bales running a close second. The toboggan races were loads of fun to watch and finally the judges came up with the rightfill winner. The learn of Bob Messel, Lee Johnson, Ron Sr^kuch and Jim Messel took first followed by the second place winners who were Missbach. Messel. Fletcher, Cino, JBeamer and Thoren. The Snow Ball took place Saturday evening at the Community center. There weren't too many there, but a few brave souls ventured out for an evening of fun. The skating events were held onflhe ice just behind the Stewart's home on Nippersink channel. Barney and Cletus Stewart opened their garage to the skaters to keep warm during the events. Coffee, hot chocolate and hot dogs were available. ^ Here are the winners of the Sunday events. Ice skating, 8 toHO years, girls, Linda Dobectci; boys, David Fletcher; 11 to 13 years, boys, Ken Fletcher; 14 and up, girls. Janet Peloquin, boys, Don Bentz; long distance race, 14 years and over, Craig Thoren. Don Dobecki placed first in the men's long distance race. Here and There Muriel Peterson spefit this past week visiting with Harold in Syracuse, New York. She ; went there to be ,.with him for his birthday and won't be seej ing him for quite awhile. Hazel ; Rogde took care of Muriel's ; children while she enjoyed her trip. George and Marilyn VanZe- | vern attended a Toastmasters' j meeting in'Chicago last week. I George was given an award for ; the speaker of the evening. ! Before a delicious dinner was I served everyone enjoyed a session of table topics. j Dick Madock and Norbert ; Lewandowski are new mem- ; bers of the Moose Lodge in | Woodstock. They were taken ; in as members on Jan. 25. Sponsors for them were George Lammert, Reb Sisk and Don i DobeckK i We hear our ex - president | put a few wrinkles in the front 1 end of his car. Dick Morley attended a sales meeting last night at Wheeling. Don't forget the Valentine dance at the V.F.W. in Mc- Henry on Feb. 14. It is sponsored by the Republican Women's club, and starts at 9 p.m. Blanche Haeflinger spent last Monday in Chicago gabbing with friends. We are sorry to hear that Joyce Heir was laid up for a week with a sprained ankle. Her mother. Mrs. Hansen, came out from Chicago and helped out. Happy birthday to Kenny Fletcher last Sunday, Feb. 1. He celebrated his eleventh birthday. The Misavice family helped celebrate the birthday of three cousins in Grayslake last Sunday. Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Lester Hurckes and Lorraine's mother, Mrs. Rix, came out from Chicago to help Lorraine celebrate her birthday. We have heard reports of some 'teenagers jumping over property owners fences and I trampling rose bushes and hedges. No one likes to get j angry but evergreens and nursery stock cost money. Hazel Rogde and Mary Mueller spent Tuesday in Waukegan shopping and having a nice lunch. The Sisks, Bales and Dobeckis had quite a time tobogganing one evening last week. Dee Gregg had a good time playing poker last week at Meryl Fletcher's home. Seems she got laughing so hard, she ended up crying. Joining in the fun were Audrey Misavice, Marie Schlick, Pat Jackson, Toots Spankuch and Ann Szypelbqum. Tlie Janquarts and Shivelys had an evening of bowling last week. What's this about Janice getting her finger stuck in the hole. "Teen News" Barbara Schlick, Don Bentz, Erna Rockel. Ron Spancuch went tobogganing Sunday after a strenuous day of skating. Kirk Merley and Barbara Schlick were busy working on posters for the school dance af^ ter the big game Saturday. A gri^at honor has been bestowed on one of our 'teenagers. Don Bentz was a guest at the Rotary luncheon Thurs^ day. We are proud of the 'teenagers; in the Highlands, they do many things worthy of praise and this is an example. Thfee 'teenagers walked off with trophies at the ice carnival, they were Janet Peloquin, Don Bentz and Craig Thoren. All the 'teenagers are looking forward to the ice hockey game Sunday between the men and the boys. Bets anyone? A great big thanks to Barbara Schlick for her 'teen items every week. It is appreciated very much, and as in the past she never lets us down, thanks Barb: "News Briefs" Marcia Dowd, Delia Wesselink and Lorrainne Erdman spent Thursday afternoon with Sally Bruenchenhein to give her moral support. Her six weeks old son, Bryon, entered McHenry hospital for surgery. Our best wishes and prayers are with you all and hope to hear good news about Bryon soon. The Taylors still have the Baron baby and while they were taking care of her she came down with the three day measles. The Barons will return from Florida and pick up their bundle, Monday. "News Briefs" The M. J. Healeys of Acorn • Lane are happy to have their son, James, home for a week, the university is closed for inbetween semesters. Our best wishes to Mrs. Weingart of Broadway for a speedy recovery to her mother who recently underwent a serious operation. We hope she is well soon, We are very happy about the enthusiasm'being shown about the new church in the Highlands. If these reports prove true, the Pastor will have a very big congregation and the whole - hearted support of its new members. We wish you much success and an ever growing membership. Here and There - The Harts of Ann street have been very busy of late. Saturday thev went to Chicago to their dentist, then they went to Betty's father's, to help him celiebrate his eighty-eighth birth^ ! day, Jan. 24. Betty had baked a birthday cake and they enjoyed the luncheon with the family and Grandpa, still hale and hearty, blew out all the candles. Sunday the Harts' daughter and family came out for the day and enjoyed ice skating and sliding down the hill. A good time was had by all especially Betty and Howard. , Lorainne Lindemann, Marge Moreth and Vi Schubble were luncheon guests of Betty Hart. The girls enjoyed a pleasant afternoon, and made plans to go to Waukegan to spend the day next Wednesday. They will enjoy luncheon. The four girls have decided to form a little club, where they will meet once f month for a luncheon and get together. Hope it proves enjoyable girls. Saturday evening will find the Lewandowskis, Madocks, Wilsons, Sisks. Spankuchs Johnsons. Wesselinks and Bales attending the Moose affair in Woodstock. Everyone is looking forward to the usual good times at these affairs. Eddie Dowd's mother from Chicago will spend the weekend with the Dowds. She will enjoy a visit for the first time since before Christmas. They conquer who believe they can. | ^akeland Park Welcome Party Changed, Feb. 10 j Vickey Bottari . | 2262-J or 1524-J 1 The date for the coming welcome committee party lias had i to be changed from Feb. 12 , to Tuesday. Feb. 10. It will be ; held at the home of Mr?. Joe < Rizzo, 323 Home avenue at 8" p.m. Invitations will be mailed to new members of the community as we have them, but if you do not receive an invita- I tion this may be due to the i fact that we did not get your names so please contact either : Mrs. Lyda Radisch. our chairman. at McHenry 2754 or my* : self at McHenry 2262-J. This ! does not necessarily go for only new residents to our community but also for any old neighbors who may never have at- ; tended a party, you too are to contact either of us. Again if you do not have any means of ; transportation for this affair, vou should contact Mrs. Jean Parisi at McHenry 2252-J and she will see to it that you are picked up and returned to your homes. Try to call immediately so that we will know just about ^ how many we can prepare for. Women's Club There will be a meeting of •------ the Lakeland Park Women's ciub this evening, Thursday, Feb. 5 at 8:30 p.m. at the Rizzo home at 323 Home avenue. Come on let's have a nice turn out for this, our first real business meeting of the new year. Scavenger Dues Don't forget the fourth and last quarter dues for this fiscal year on your scavenger dues were due on Feb. 1. Again we are asking you to please try to get this final fee to your block captain at the earliest possible date. a In Hospital William Colman of Pleasant avenue was confined to the Edgewater hospital in Chicago where he underwent an operation. By the time this issue of the, paper reaches you he will probably be at home where he is to convalesce for about a week and then he will return to work. tune; Poll} Li(.astio, Dolly on Jan. 30. Noewell. Jean Glover, Dorothy Glorch, Dorothy Humphreys and myself. Happy Birthday to Rosemary Krupinski who celebrated her ninth birthday on January 29. to Bob Humphreys who celebrated his nineteenth birthday Short of News It seems, our column is getting shorter and shorter everx week. Ho>v about calling in your news so we too can have a nice lon^ column like some of the other subdivisions around us. Come on now, let's have your news for next week's issue! Thanks.. READY-MIX S3 MPHenn a RBAOY MX CO. tNC Mc HENRY 920 ^ ANJIOCH •J=C>& 7o^L. 7%UU4 G&AYSLAKE m £A/7hr/?/0/?/^£T9200 MCHENRY WELCOME ABOARD• get Take your -turn at the wheel ^ We'd like to introduce you to a delightful new experience! It's the grand and glorious feeling you get when you first step into an Oldsmobile. We call it That New Olds Feeling! You'll sense it in the alert, ultra-quiet performance of the Rocket Engine. You'll discover it in the solid smoothness of Oldsmobile's "Glide" Ride . . . the sure control of precision-ease steering. This car has balance . . . poise! f-ik<* your comfort king-sized? These 1959 Rockets are the roomiest ever in leg and hip room. But best of all is a total feeling of quality . . . the kind of quality that starts on the drawing board and extends to the smallest detail of manufacturing. Isn t this a fine time to come in and find out for yourself? Chances are you'll be ready to join the thousands who know there's a Rocket for every pocket ... a style for eivry taste! NHim-MHT MOUOAT flCSMpOUPC @[1(1 YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED MOBI Q U A L I T Y D E A L E R R.J. OVERTON MOTOR SALES 403 Front St. McHenry, III. -- T H E R E ' S A ROCKET TO F I T Y O U R P O C K E T . . . A STYLE TO F I T YOUR T A S T E ! All Gone Jo Ann Rizzo can now join the rest of ht?V little girl friends and toil them all about her first operation. She underwent a" tonsillectomy last Friday morning at the ""McHenry hospital. Demonstration A-demonstration was held at the home of Mrs. Marge Franklin last Wednesday night at which time the following ladies played games, and had a swell Surveying Instrument Re pa i rs TRANSITS A LEVELS NEW Of USED DISTRIBUTORS FOR: David White Instrument Co. Buff and Buff Instrument Co Eagle Optical Instrument Co Rolatape Prompt Repair Service Instrument Sales Co. Phone Richmond 2153 Wm. \V. Guffey, Sr., Sales Rep. -- Phone 3653 jor your PROJECT: FAMILY FUN! 1UBLD AN SIR- YOU SAID IN SIX PARTICULAR PEOPLE DO 8U61NESS WITH CERTAINLY I SAID IT MONTHS 1 WOULDN'T AND I WIGHT ADD PART WITH MY NEW you HAVENT- PLACE FOP HAVE VOU T> McHENR $50,000! AS THEV KNOW THEY STAN© SACK OF EVERY SALE. ~s$ddih 00m ion We'll Be GB@d To Help You Plan It WE CAN SUPPLY ALL MATERIALS A Few Simple Tools Can Mean Lasting BEAUTY - UTILITY - VALUE RENT IT OUT FOR ADDED INCOME . . . and for finislsinsi use GLIDDEN PAINT PRODUCTS ( ) RICHMOND Q\ll*OWOO» M'HINIT S. FINEST voio 4 / CMv«R<«Ally 31 •in S»roo» THE VERY OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE BUILDER" On Highway 31 -- Souft of Maim Stet -- McHenry, Illinois PHONE "ALWAYS FIRST . . . SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS" * , &

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