Thursday, February 5, 1959 SUPPLEMENT TO THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Sevttn mm Wtism msmz MEN'S JACKETS CAR COATS and SUBURBANS Some Hooded $35 to $39.95 values *29.95 $30 to $35 values $24.95 $22.50 to $29.95 values *19.95 $15 to $22 values *12.95 McGEES BOYS' SWEATERS Long Sleeve Pullovers were $4.95 to $6.95 , *2.95 BOYS" Sleeveless Sweaters were $3.50 to $4.50 s 1.95 MEN'S & BOYS' JACKETS values $15 to $22.50 $ 12.95 values $9.95 to $20.00 *8.95 SPECIAL GltOUP 54.95 $ 10 Off any regular stock TOPCOAT SPECIAL GROUP MEN'S SUITS reg. $49.50 to $69.50 values Most Sizes $29„50 $10 off Any Regular Stock Suit BOYS' SUITS Ages 8 to 18 were $15.95 to $24.50 $ 12.95 WARM CAPS Men's and Boys' Sizes were $1.50 to $2.95 *1.00 MEN'S PAJAMAS Cottons -- Rayons -- Knits from our $4.50 to $5.95 ranges $2.95 FLANNEL SHIRTS Men's and Boys' sizes were $2.95 to $3.95 *1.98 $4.00 to $5 values *2.95 |§p MEN'S SHOES M y S Most Sizes. From our rPt Jll $9.95 to $15.95 groups ill *5.95 BOYS' |TJ SHOES Slzes *$"*95^ ^^7 $3 0g MEN'S KNIT SHIRTS Long sleeve models $4 to $5 values *2.9B • MEN'S SOCKS Were 45c to $1 3 Prs- for ^ 1 SUEDE JACKETS $25 values $19.95 MEN'S SH8RTS Patterns -- solid colors -- stripes & white broadcloth from our $4 to $5 ranges $2-95 ' ' Men's Heavier SPORT SHIRTS Corduroy -- wool -- nylon & wool were $5.95 to $9.95 *4.95 ' HA^DBCERCHIEFS Colored borders -- some patterns were 55c to 75c 3 FOR $ 1 .00 LEATHER JACKETS $25 to $29.50 values $ 1 9 9 5 TIE RACKS Were $1.50 Now * 1I •0 x^y ©vzs/ MEN'S SLACKS tjjjfM valuees to $12.95 s5.95 BOYS' Corduroys - gabardines were $5.95 to $6.95 $4.95 values $3.95 to $5.95 SPORT COATS mlwBi*^ Wool or Corduroy were 22.50 to 32.50 ^EihkMmP $ 1 @) g DENIM WORK JACKETS Blanket lined were $6.95 $S-45 BOYS' SPORT COATS ages 8 to 18 - were to $16.50 See our bargain tables for additional articles of 1 of-a-kind not mentioned in this ad f n MEN'S Underwear and Athletic Shirts were 85c to $1 2 FOR *1.00 MEN'S Underwesr and icier Shorts $1 to $1.50 values 2 PRS. FOR $ 1 .00 GYM SHOES regularly $5.95 *3. MEN'S TIES reg. $1.50 to $2.50 2 FOR$ 1 Ivy Twill Slacks & Western Jeans $4.95 value Electric SHAVI Famous makes were $24.50 kto $29.50 no trade-ins $ 10. MEN'S SPORT SHBRTS Long sleeve models solid colors - patterns from our $4.50 to $6.95 ranges McGEES STORE FOR MEN STORE HOURS: Open Daily 8 A.M. io 6 P.M. Friday nites until 9 Sundays 9 A.M. to 12 Noon 117 So. Green Street PHOME 47 inois