^ -. V Plgi Six THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER ; ^ - i i Thursday, February 5, 1959 Classified Want Ads Prove That Gigantic Jobs Are Done By Midgets RING 4.500 DOOR BELLS FOR $1X10 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 20 Nords, $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion $lj.00 • Count 1 words per line) 25c service charge on all lind ads. Cash with qrder. Card of Thanks -- $1.00 minimum Want ads closc promptly at a»m. Wednesday. BUSINESS SERVICE BUSINESS SERVICE LASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 Dl. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must in- •ude a minimum of one 18 pt. «ead and one 18 pt. signature ir its equivalent. 3 lines of ?. it, allowed pei inch. CASH WITH ORDfeR on fol wing classifications. Waited To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers IMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 oik East of the rivet bridge. Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sunday1-. ) a.m. to 1 p.m 44-tf Eagle-Picher -Aluminum Storm Windows and Doors • Jalousies « • Porch Enclosures Written Guarantee Expertly Installed Zephyr Ventilated Aluminum Awnings and Door Canopies Convenient Terms No Carrying Charge ARTHUR BOGER PHONE 1180 307 E. Waukegan Rd. Direct Factory Franchise Dealer 25-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Avf- 47-tf WASH 25c EACH 8 LBS. Fine Used Cars *58-DODGE $2495 Royal Lancer--fully powered, practically . new j7 - DODGE $1875 4 Dr. Hardtop -- real sharp, power & •* equipped '57-PLYMOUTH $1395 4 Dr. Sedan -- 6 cyl. i equipped, economy •56-MERCURY $1095 convertible '56 - HILLMAN $895 Mark VIII tudor ?55 - DODGE $875 royal lancer '55-DODGE $825 4 dr sedan '55 - OLDS $995 88 4 4r sedan '55 -PLYMOUTH $775 club sedan '54 - CHEVROLET $745 4 dr wagon '55 - DODGE . . $995 154" wb' chas & cab 55 - CHEVROLET $995 171" wb chas & cab Wide Selection of Others A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. McHenry Phone 3100 f pen Mon - Wed - Fri 'til 9 Sat 'til 6 40 1957 BUICK Century, 2 door hardtop, white wall tires, ra- „OURS: 7 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. dio, power steering, power DRY 10c 10 MIN. SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS Enrolling Children WHEN DID YOU BUY YOUR HOME? Now For Day Nursery School Plione McHenry 1008 39-tf WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. WORWICK STUDIO GEO. W. KOTALIK 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 275 12-tf SNOW PLOWING for driveways, parking lots and skating areas. $2.00 and up. Towing service also. Call Stan at 2164-R. 38-4 INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St., McHenry, 111. PHONE McHENRY 1749 36-tf 202 N. Riverside Dr. Laundromat McHenry 3115 SHIRTS FINISHED 27c -- 35c 24 Hr. Service Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hole work. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 26-tf brakes, $1,975. Low mileage. Phone Woodstock 1643-J-l. 40 1953 FORD, 2 door for sale. $200. Phone McHenry 587-W-2. 40 7 PASSENGER Cadillac Limo. White wall tires, radio, A-l condition. Phone McHenry 742. 40 ALL DAY SUNDAY 5-tf ELECTRICr MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commerci?! and domestic. Rickert Electric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph BAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf BOATS & MOTORS BOAT Now Is The Time To Buy -- Reduced Prices Switzercraft, Crosby, Alumac r a f t , C l i n k e r b u i l t , W h i t e - house, Lonestar, Pabst, Glastron, Aristocraft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Owens, etc. NEW MOTORS 3 to V50 h.p. Good buys on used boats and motors. TEENEE & GATOR TRAILERS Boating supplies & water skiis. ED J. WENDT BOATS RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 3231 Hrs. 9-6 daily - Closed Tuesday On Hwy. 12, 3 blks. north t 12 & 173 intersection 19-tf HOURLY RATES Tor Jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 2fi-tf Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Speedicraft Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104% S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 29-tf 1959 License Plates Bonded & Licensed Wort's Sinclair Route 120 & 31 29-tf Home Improvement HOWARD REINBOLDT Carpentry, Floor & Wall Tiling No Job Too Small Phone McHenry 261 36-8 Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenry 1819-J Residence Fox Street PAINTING, interTv>i e*teror. Paper hanging, wall board taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lakfc. Phone McHenry 3253-M. 36-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 or 2711 Station Box 38 38-tf Heating With Oil? CALL McHENRY 32 Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 FOR SALE COLLIE PUPS, 6 weeks, AKC registered. Sable & white. Won HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE BEAUTICIAN, guaranteed sal-, ary, no night work. Apply at J derful pets or show dogs, house; the Claire Beauty Shoppe, 2001 broken. Also at stud, sable and! So. Green St. Telephone Mc-1 The price you paid would nol coma close lo replacing it on today's market. And If your insurance hat not kept step with riilng values, a bod fire could bond you a heavy loss. Insurance to value is just good business. It's good busings, too, when yog coll your independent insurance agent. That's ujl THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 2800 NT. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. FOR SALE FOR SALE -- Speed Graphic camera, film pack holder, flash att., complete. Also gadget bag. Call McHenry 3235. 40 FORMALS, worn once, size 12, 1 orchid, 1 white with yellow and green. Originally $35 and $45. Will sell for $15 and $25. Phone McHenry 534-R-2 after 5:30 p.m. or weekends. 40 MEN'S RINK Skates and steel case. Size 10. excellent condition. $10 complete. Phone McHenry 534-R-2 after 5:30 p.m. or weekends. 40 white and blue merle. Phone McHenry 2197-R. 40-2 Henry 10. 40-tf SHORT HOUR waitress want- TWO PC. Living room set, $35; | ed. Hours 11 a.m. until 2 p.m. chair with slip cover, $15, Ph. j Apply Mosley's Restaurant, 408 McHenry 2512-R. 40 19 CU. FT. COLDSPOT deep freeze. Chest type. $150. Call Front St., McHenry. 40 PART TIME help needed in exchange for rent on new two McHenry 1063-J or 338. 40.bedroom house on farm property in PullVsdley. Woman to baby sit feOv hours a week and man to do yard work weekends. Phone Crystal Lake 1322- J-l. 40 FOR RENT 3 ROOM apartment for rent. No children! Phone McHenry 1374. - 40-2 4 ROOM furnished apt. Suitable for couple. Ph. W.L. 5654. TWO BEDROOM, five-rm. home at McCullom Lake. $60 a month.. Tel. McHenry 3461. 40 WELL FURNISHED room and garage, hot water heat. Near highway. Phone McHenry 1251. 40 1%-ROOM apartment. Buck's Town Club, 201 Riverside Dr. Tel. McHenry 3573. 40 Weekend Special Large Fruit Pies at the McHENRY BAKERY Green Street Brand New Beautiful 3 Bdrm. Deluxe Ranch Home For Rent with option to buy NO MONEY DOWN Tiled bath -- Efficient modern cabinet kitchen $115 per month in , Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. No. 14 -- % mile west of Rte. 31. Turn South at Crystal Drive-In sign Inquire at Model Home Crystal Lake 2731 or " ~~~~ P : RAndolph 6-3907 ALMOST NEW accordion, paid' 1 40 new $359. Will sell for $175.1- Charcoal wool suit and top 2 BEDROOM first floor apt. coat, size 14, $25; blue serge near Jewel Tea Store. Availsuit (size 10 to 12 yr.) $10; able February 1. Call McHenry Dragnet rain coat, 12 yr. size, 1823. 40 $3; black father motorcycle ROOM FOR RENT, also heatjacket, size 16 $15. Phone Mc- ^ phonc McHenry 669-R-l. 40 jjg2-M oc ** Phone McHenry 190 40 Henry FIREWOOD SPECIAL 36-tf $111 „ 3 ROOM house, furnished. $75 MMcHH enry 1968. T4o0 ^Per mon'h Plus utilities. Oil and garage phone Mc_ NEW HOT AIR gas furnaces, 100,000 BTU's. Complete with all controls, Hi-Boys and counter flow. $175. Phone McHenry 2042. 40-tf Henry 3143. 40 BARBER SHOP location--only one in town. Secure information at Shirley's Lunch, Spring Grove. 40 FULLY IMPROVED lot, 1 block from Catholic church and school. Phone McHenry 875-J. 40 STOP! Iron taste & stains caused by your water FOREVER! Completely Automatic Elecjtric Filter-All Phone Phil Kieth McHenry 646-W-l 40 1-tf REGISTERED Weimaraner puppies, 7 weeks old. 3 males & 3 females. Phone McHenry 1472. 40 PORTABLE Briggs & Stratton gasoline generator. 5.25 h.p. motor, supplies 115 volts, 20 amp., 2400 watts. Price $230. Phone JAckson 6-1091. 40-2 SMALL MEAT BLOCK, 18x18. Used very little. $20. Richmond 5162. 40 2 BEDROOM home in McHenry. Gas heat. $100 per month. Phone 920. 40 ONE LARGE building, 5200 sq. ft. storage space. Several smaller buildings also available. So. Green Street at Anne. Phone McHenry/ 11 074-R. 40-tf LIGHT AIRY room for rent. Private entrance, semi-private bath. 209 E. Elm St. 40-tf HELP WANTED 5»4 H.P. GARDEN Tractor with 42-in. bulldozer blade; 36- in. reel mower; riding sulky; 36-in. sickle; cultivator; plow and disk; perfect condition. Will sell complete for $475. RESTAURANT -- located on ; Garden cart, $2.50; 2-7:60x15 Business Opportunities FOR Secretaries know a lot, but the boss knows more. 1. Insured Budget 2. Easy Payment 3. Automatic Delivery 4. Blue Heat Premium Fuel THENNES OIL CO. ~ 7-tf busy highway. Doing a fine business. Ideal man and wife situation. Living accommodations on premises. Call Mr. Heinen, McHenry 2527. Baird & Warner, Inc. 40 snow tires, 1 with tube, $16.50; 15 inch extra wheel for Buick, $9.75; wood combination door, $4.00; commercial type exhaust fan, $15.00. Phone McHenry 163-R. 40-2 W A N T E D If you have a farm or home for sale List It With Atlas Builders & Real Estate PHONE McHENRY 430 ACCOUNTANT and OFFICE MANAGER Experienced in general and cost accounting, credit and collections. Will supervise about 8 employees. Splendid opportunity for man with management ability. Good salary and other benefits. Write Box 432 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. .40 CAFETERIA COOK , (FEMALE) Hours -- 7 A.M. to 4 P.M. Permanent Position 5 Day Week Barco Manufacturing Co. Consolidate <> Your Obligations TO Purchase -- Refinance If it's a MORTGAGE you NEED, It will pay you to call us FHA -- Conventional -- VA ' CARMAL CORP. McHenry . 1126--DExter 6-6765 37-tf BRICK 2 STORY business building. Will sell on contract for $8,500 with $1,000 down payment. McHenry Realty, 532 Main street. Phone McHenry 268. 31-tf 500 N. Hough St. Barrington, 111. 40 EXPERIENCED BEAUTICIAN wanted. Male or female. Salary, commission, paid vacation and advantages. No phone calls please. Apply Riverside Hair Styling. 38-tf WOMAN UNDER 35 for secretarial work. $217 a month. Phone MoHenry 3351. 40 ADDITIONAL mechanic needed due to expanding business. Must be experienced. Apply in person, McHenry Garage, Willys Jeep Sales & Service, 600 Front St. 40 THE CITY OF McHenry will take applications at this time for employment. Applications may be filed with the City Clerk. 40 OFFICE HELP wanted full time. Typing and shorthand necessary. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 435 giving particulars. 40 EXPERIENCED Volkswagen; mechanic needed. Only exper- j ienced need apply. Write Box| 434 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. j 40 BABY SITTER daily from 4:30 p.m. to 12:30; Lakemoor vicinity. Tel. McHenry 532-M-2. 40 BABYSITTER for 3 children in my home in Edgebrook; Heights, 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p. m., 4' days a week. Phone McHenry 2655-M. 40 WAITRESS who can do grille work. Short hours, 4 days a week. Apply Lamplighter Grill, 314 E. Elm St. Phone McHenry 2729 after 12:00 nopn. 40 REAL ESTATE 3 BEDROOM ranch type home in McHenry Shores. Price $17,- 500. For information write to P.O. Box 12, McHenry, 111. 40 Pistakee Bay Road Very attractive 2 bedroom home on large lot. Fireplace, attached garage, tile bath, parquet floors throughout. McHENRY and VICINITY SUNNYSIDE -- 3 Bedroom, Large Livings-room, Tile bath and Kitchen, Oak Floors, full basement. Attached garage. V2 block to beach. Price $16,800.00. McCULLOM LAKE -- Water Front, 3 bedroom home. Tile Kitchen and bath, Oak floors, 2 oar garage. 1 year old. Price $16,500.00. LAKELAND PARg -- 2 bedroom home. Oak floors. Attached garage, full basement. Gas heat. Price $12,500.00. NEAR JOHNSBURG -- New 3 bedroom Ranch Type Homes. Oak floors, fully plastered walls, garage, lot 100x170, also 3 bedroom bilevels, from $22,500.00 up. These homes are located in Jak-Ana Heights, near St. John's church and school. 2 b l o c k s to d i s t r i c t s c h o o l . These Homes must be seen to be r^oreciated. For inspection ca.il at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 37 38-tf PRICED TO SELL, immediate possession, 2 bedroom, 4 yr. old house with garage, some furnishings. $8500. Phone Wonder Lake 7512. 40-4 House For Sale or Rent in McHenry Two large bedrooms, extra sleeping area, bath, dining area, kitchen, livingroom, fireplace, heated garage, basement, ¥2 acre landscaped, washer, dryer, refrig., range, and other furniture and drapes. Price i $16,000.00, $1,000.00 down, j $100.00 per month. Call: KIMBALL 6-2111 Antioch 589-M-2 40-tf MUST SACRIFICE! -- open to offers -- vacant corner lot, 79' x 130'. McHenry Shores subdivision. For information call ES 9-3324 or write B. Golden, 309 N. Austin, Chicago 44, 111. 40 REAL ESTATE Hi McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal nomes,' farms, vacant. Honj& sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS 7 I . J In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry ST * Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois • <!„ 10-tf Looking For A Home? 3 Tilton Homes will build a , kind, anywhere, anytime. CorfP plete homes, only 5% down to qualified buyers. Model under construction in Cooney Heights. For information or to see model, contact Lee Cooney Telephone McHenry 119-R 40-tf . LOT FOR SALE -- 100x13^ Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHenry 439-W. 29-tf Also a 4 bedroom, 2 story home on 135 foot lot. Two baths, 2 car attached garage, patio, full basement. Built in 1956. River and pier rights. We have many homes to choose from in every price range. CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 40 WE WILL BUILD YOU A SHOP IN McHENRY 38-tf >111 Co ON YOUR LOT ^ if as little as $7,700 $.300 Down -- Balance to 30 Years ALSO REMODELLING and REPAIRS , on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience FOR FREE ESTIMATES <. PHONE McHENRY 430 Atlas Builders & Heal Estate 2 blocks east of bridge on Highway 120 38-tf FOR SALE 3 bedroom home nearly complete in Cooney Heights. Full' bsmt., carport, 80 ft. lot. Will finish to suit. $15,500 completw F.H.A. and conventional financing available. May be seen a?£ time. Lee Cooney, 113 Richmond Road. McHENRY 119-R CHOICE BUSINESS property available % mile west of McHenry on Route 120. Also resig) dential lots. Terms. Raymond Weide. 6501. Phone Wonder Lake 29-22 REAL ESTATE 3 bedroom ranch, fireplac^./^ 3 car garage. Large corner lot. $17,500. $1,000 down takes this place, balance on contract. a River lot in McHenry. 200 ^ feet to shopping. Sea wall in This lot worth well over $7,000." Will take $5,000. 2 bedroom completely furnished and decorated home. "" Private boat pier on river, fill-' ly landscaped, also 12x20 gar- • age. $ 1 5 , 0 0 0 . Small down p a y ' : : i l rnent -- balance on contract We have over 50 homes priceJ from $6,500 to $60,000. We can also bu:.'d you p home on your lot for as little . as $300 down, balance on F7AA ' 1 terms. For full information Phone McHenry 430. We are located ' 2 blocks east of the bridge on Highway 120. ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 31-tf 1 ATTENTION FA Get What Your Veal Calves Are Worth. O. Sell them by the pound at Woodstock Commission Sales every Monday and Wednesday forenoon. Dairy Cows on hand at all times. W, H. RUSSEL PHONE WOODSTOCK 1891 40-2 GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road R. M. FLEMING*-SON NEW IDEA - PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES A SERVICE 4 Complete Farm Implement Service. PHONE McHENRY S3 '"i 522 Waukegan Road FOR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Parts and Service CALL ADAMS REPAIR SHOP Johnsburg & Pistakee Bay Roads Pho$e: McHenry 434 28»tf FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0103 ' 10-tf