ft Page Fourteen THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, February 19, 1959 Lakeland Park Welcome Given New Residents Vickcy Batturi--'.2262-J - 1524-J Even though the nighl was quite bad we sure had a wonderful turnout for our welcome party which was held last Tuesday night. All together there were twenty-one women who ventured out to have a real good time. Those attending were: Fran Budil, Flo Root, Shirley George. Dolly Nowell, Jo Street. Marie Hayden, Mary Dauro, Vera Baumgartner, Winifred Jumper, Veretta Gerstad, Mary Jane Bowker ^and Laverne Okal. Krupinski and Marge Franklin ; Let's open up our hearts for came in a little.later (for cof- this drive and give, no matter fee and cake. ho\v large or how small your dofiation may be it will be A Friend In Need greatly appreciated because As the old saying goes "A after all when it s all added up Friend in need is a friend in- together it can amount to a deed." well this is certainly great deal. tiuo of a barber here in our community who has been keeping another member's hair in trim during his long illness. Keep Thetti Tied Up I have been getting several calls during the past week that the dogs are on the loose again. Now that the weather will be getting' better and the dogs just like people will want to be out more, how about keeping them tied up so that they Members of the committee j do n°t ™n about the communand also three of the officers of . '*>' getting into everyone elses the Women's club, present'. yards. We all love pets, so lets were: Mrs. Lyda Radjscn. ! keep them in their place, chairman, Jean Parisi. Fraq j 1 Cina, Louise McEnery, Gean Brownie Troop Gagnon and myself of the com- • A new Brownie Troop' has mittee and Berniece Boyce. ; been formed here in our compresidenf. Lillian Glosson. our | munity and it. has as their treasurer, and Jo Rizzo, our Headers, Mrs. Jackie Hagen and second vice president, All mem- ; co-leader Shirley Ozog. Their bers of the committee and the first meeting will be held this three officers wore beautiful -coming Saturday morning at white spider mums corsages. 11 a.m. at the home of Mrs. Ha- Our oldest member present gen at 315 Shore drive. Furthat evening was Mrs. Marie : ther information on this will be Hayden and she was presented had later, such as who the with one of the mums and our girls are, etc. youngest member was Mrs. ! Fran Budil and she too was presented with a mum day, Feb. 14,, at which time she turned 10. to Beverly Grote who celebrated hers on Feb. 12. Demonstration Mrs. Richard Brod of West Shore Beach entertained four- ; because he thought that nothing teen women at the home of her . was going to be done to help A surprise birthday party was held for Bruce Okal who celebrated his ninth birthday on Friday, Feb. 13. He came home from school a little upset mother, Mrs. McMann, at 604 Hunter Drive with a„demonstration. She served a salad, coffee and cake.* Increased Population Before becoming a mother again, Marge Casey says she. is now a grandmother: Her dog presented them with nine puppies last week. Christening L ittle Tomara Darleene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Rybak, born on Jan. 25 was christened at St. Mary's church having as her godparents, Mri." Darleene Wagner and Sam Cart ozza. There1 are three other children, Paul 4, Michaelle 3 and Bibianna 20 months old. celebrate his birthday. He sure was surprised when, at 4 in the afternoon he and his mother decided to come over to my house with a half gallon of milk which I did not need, he found the following boys, (I had a grand time trying to keep them real quiet so they could surprise him) Jimmy Laursen, Phil Bucaro, Kenny and Donny Prazak, Ray Barle, Warren, Dale and Norman Woods, Mike Kmg, Ed. Gilbertson, Billy Bates and Ray Bottari. iliage OfSunnyside Complete Plans For Quiz Show Irma Gunther--1577-J to Roger Gerstad who will be two years old on Saturday, Feb. 21. her 8 month old daughter, Judy. Operation Robert Idstin spent last week in the hospital where he under- Valentine Party A valentine party was held Other games played were the \ last Saturday night at the home bean guessing game and Mrs. of Jerry Rogers by the Jun- Marie Hayden guessed the ; ior 'teens. Members of this number right on the head 999. j club who turned out for the Then we were all given slips of . dancing, singing and game paper with the first line of a ; playing and the hot-dogs and went a minor operation. He is nursery rhyme on it and believe j all the trimmings were Judy now on the convalescing list, me our ages almost showed Reining. Ed Anderson, Mary _ that night, and the winner of Ann Borchert. Jim Kujak. Mar- Belated Birthday Wishes this was Mrs. Veretta Gerstad. I garet Jean Parisi, Joan Hix, to Sharon Ozog who cele- | Adriana Ozog, Elaine Piasecke, brated her birthday on Jan. Mary Therese Sweeney and 29 and Mary Ann Borchert who Visitors Spending the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Humann were Mrs. Audrey Neuenfeldt, Carole's mother, and her sister, Mrs. Susan Schwaba, and streets with their sleds ahd Complaints I have had several complaints again due to the youngsters using the streets to both skate and slide on and you know this can be a very dangerous thiftg to do. Will the parents please stress to their children that when they are playing on the Luncheon Served Mrs. Lee Glorch entertained Elaine Jett and Daisy Krupinski one day last week and then the following day she had Con- Barbara Murphy. celebrated hers on Jan. 30. to Norbie Kwiatek who celebrated his sixth birthday on Operation Mrs. Bebe Leone was rushnie Giacomo, Mary Filsinger j ed to the McHenry hospital Monday with Robbie and Davie and Daisy Krupinski. Wea- last week for an emergency Wickencamp and Janet Barle. appendectomy. By the time this His birthday fell on Ash Wedpaper Reaches you she hopes to J nesday this year and that is be home with her family. j why mother had to have it a few days before time. He's Heart Drive still young enough to do this Some time next Monday. Feb. you know. 23 the ladies will be around i from door to door taking up a | to Valerie Franklin who celthe fact that Lee was having j collection for the heart fund, ebrated hers on Valentine's guests the same day she made it over the next day and Daisy ther doesn't keep these .gals at home. Last week's weather was bad, but not enough to keep Elaine J e t t . D o r o t h y H u m p h r e y s , Marge Franklin and Esther Cygan at home when I asked them over for lunch and due to P m !udlen & *Son THERE IS NO BETTER BALANCED FOOD •"HAN THE GOOD MlUC OF FREUm'S DAIRY OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE skates to keep an e.ye out for the cars and when they do see them to get' out of their way because it's hard for the driver to see the real little ones and it sure would be a terrible thing for one of them to be Injured in any way. So please try to get them to stay off the streets and try to keep in the empty lots just as much as they possibly can. REVOKE LICENSES Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the revocation of the licenses of Nick Palaichuk of Rt. 3, McHenry, for driving while intoxicated, and John D. Saracino of Rt. 2, Richmond, for three offenses; also the suspension of the license of Robert D. Eshbach of Rt. 2, Marengo, for vttS^ lating restriction imposed on a license. t < Everything good comes to those who wait, and now their reward! The night of Feb. 21. is the date, Dean Cios residence is the place, and the villagers of Sunnyside will be the entertainers. Everyone has had time to reread their primers, overhaul their multiplication tables, and ask their children who discovered America! For the chance has come for fortune, and, who knows, we may have apother Van Doren or Frieda Von Nordoff in our village. Dr. Little I. Q. is coming all the way from JohnsbUrg with questions that, answered right or wrong, will rewardHhe contestant with valuable prizes. Don't miss this opportunity, for the food will be good, the liquid refreshments plentiful, and the card players, each and everyone, will consider themselves Bart Maverick with the pasteboards on hand to deal! As that smiling gentleman on the Arthur Murray show says "Put a little fun in your life, attend the social, and bring your wife. See you all there. where there are more than one child in the home. The Williams home has all four children sick and I guess every home has some one in it with the sniffles. Little Peter Kasperski is McHENRY COUPLE LEARjSIS HOW SOME OF WORLD LIVES by Marie Schaettgen The strangest part of it all was that just about every house had a fairly good-looking car and a neat and usually good looking man of the house energetically polishing the car. The only business place ii the community is the "corin*- any store." Wre did not enter this but what we could see So many "of us live in "Ivory home from the hospital and is Towers" and hardly realize how recuperating just fine. some of the rest of the world Irene Garrity is back home lives. On a recent vacation in and is getting along nicely. Arkansas I was amazed to see from the outside gave us a fair When this copy comes out how some Americans live. estimate of what the inside little Jimmy Kaiser who should While driving along a moun- 'must be like. The "company" be home from the hospital, he tain road not far from Hot in this instance was a lumber is only fifteen months old and j Springs or Little Rock, we company. Economics is not my that is such a young age to be , came upon a community of best known subject, but I fail spending time in a hospital. : shacks built on "stilts." Be- to understand why people live Harvey Murray is recovering ' neath the stills was mud and in McHenry hospital from ser- | debris of every kind. ious surgery. "T " ' like this when, apparently, . . . _ _ T h e r e t h e y a r e f a i r l y r e g u l a r l y e ^ We wish him a | vyere no sidewalks--no drive- j ployed, judging by the cars ara speedy recovery. Birthday Greetings Irene Garrity celebrated her Surprise Joe and Elizabeth Metzger sure were surprised last Saturday when they opened their front door and found some of their neighbors wanting in. La- Marr and Chris Williams, Dean and Jackie Cios, Rich and Kay Fredricks, A1 and Leah Fritz, ways--no garages, just mud clothing of the inhabitants. The and dirt. Each back yard boast- j community school and church ed a cow or pig and mud-cover- | were clean and modern in apbirthday last Wednesday, a day !• ed dogs, several to each dwells 1 pearance. This was even more late, with the help of Chris ing. O course, as you may puzzling. Tlie people living in Williams, Florence Linden and imagine, there were no sani- this area were mostly white, yours truly. We had lunch and I tary •'facilities" indoors; each some highly qaloried cake j "house" has its own outhouse which was delicious. which seemed to be in better Mrs. Eugenie Tucker was ! repair than the main house. made very happy when her j The children were fairly clean cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Jack But- [considering the surroundings. ler, and daughter, Lolly of Mt. i There were no alleys as we Prospect stopped in for a be-. know them, but there was latedly birthday visit. Ronnie | Garrity joined in the festivi- !some type of ditch separating ties and then took Lolly and j the rows of houses- The ditch Pat Tucker around the village too was of soggy mud and for a ride. Lolly models higty school fashions. Christening George and Sue Schuman bundled up their children and , mainstav went in to Glencoe last Sunday i etary mainstay to have baby, Patricia baptized. Rev. Mueller who had married George and Sue and had baptized the other Schuman children also did the honors for little Patty. Mr. and Mrs. worse, filled with discarded tin cans. In a climate where vegetables and fruit should be grown easily and abundantly, the population seemed to depend on canned foods as a di- Ed and Betty Lehman, and ' Adam Phillips of Glencoe were George and Sue Schuman came the sponsors. After the services with all the needed refresh- ' everyone went over to the home ments and told the Metzgers j of Sue's parents for dinner, they were there to celebrate law, Mrs. Julia Packard of Elmhurst. their becoming citizens. Joe said that A1 Fritz should have been the guest of honor oecause this was the first time he had been in his home because being a polio victim the weather usualy keeps A1 at home. Saddened Hearts Our condolences are offered to Mrs. Eugenie Tucker upon the death of her mother-in- New Church For those of you who may be looking for a Methodist church for your Sunday worship there is one in Pistakee Highlands and it welcomes any faith and you don't have to live only in Pistakee Highlands. This church is for all surrounding communities. many of them blond and attractive and happy. A few miles past this community there was the Mt. Blakely power dam, a hu^ marvel of engineering. When compared with the community just passed, the dam seemed like an anachronism - something these people would think of as an unbelieveable science^ fiction story of some future century. HARDEST BUSIEST CHEAPER WORKERS IN TOWN PI. ATNDE A I,E IWANT ADS Sick List Well I guess those mean old virus bugs are all over the village and are the meanest READY-MIX SERVICE T LOCAL THADLHAR Phone DR. HI tY FRE1D OPTOMETRIST Al 136 S. Green Street, McHenry (Closed Thursday Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED -- GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY 9 TO 12"A.M. and I TO 5 P.M FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 ~t\M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 WHEN NAY OLD MAN USED TO JERtCME AROUND BY MY TOPKNOT I OPTENl WISHED 1 > DIDN'T HAVE /ANYTHING TO PULL LIP MY CHILDHOOD HOPES NEVER MATERIALIZEDDID r, YOURS? blast M°Henn a IF YOU'RE WISHIN6 FOR THE PERFECT SPOT TO SHOP AT TRY McHENRY READY-MIX AND YOUR WISH WILL COME TRUE I K I'01 1 - (J-? READY CO- ,NC 7&SM4 M=HENRY 920 -y Antjoch • &A/7E&PR/SE. <?200 MCHENRY STOREWIDE CLEARANCE SALE UP TO 50% OFF * Geo. R. Just en & Son FURNITURE Corner Green & Elm McHenry AND sams Snfcnantbl* ON OBSPLAY7 SEHmiMWORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry E@ssra§y W@ll & Pcsrap (,* WELLS DRILLED OH DRIVEN We Bcpair and Servtr* ALL MAUKS of PUMPS! Located la Use Village oi fiScCaflom Lak* 0 ^/o m i frQni McH*nry on tbe McCuUokd * and wonder Lake Road PHONE 713 LITTLE FARMER By KERN PEDERSON Wht| put up HAPVAT Let us install a New "NeCO" RENT-O-MATIC Automatic Water Softener • Nothing to buy • Softens both hot and eofd wator • Works automatically -- mo exchanging of tanks • Low service charge covered by savings Moil Coupon TODAY! ALTHOFF'S GAS 700 Front St. McHenry., III. Phone 283 NAME. ADMES&- Releawd bf Mnith Servtct Ocmirtw, N. I m OFF MAIN STREET By JOE DENNETT WHAT 'C HA LEAAME TASTE f OOOOoooH! WHAT USHJAWKK/ mmm DEEMS By TOM OKA ReJcated hy Dem GRANDPA'S BOY BRAD ANDERSON J 90NNY' YfouR. FINGERPRINT'S ARF ON TH\I9 nn/A 11 AG-AIM THEV'PE W F/N6££PR'MTb W HOWDlpy^LJ WOW' THEY WC.PG MJNjr ILL AAV 6 To HMMwM cuecK ARE If CHlh RJfc GooPPET&CTlVge,' AN \yoUKE" RIGHT MOM Uncle Talkin' won't cure our troubles, in fact that's what started them. * • 4> Our idea of a good luck piece is a dollar in your pocket. * f.* * The mail man says if Tubby Tyler don't start payin* his bills he's gonna quit his job. • • • Tobe Hinch's wife says her greatest interest is Jr. and her greatest problem is Tobe. * • • AitT't it the cats to rush out to a party right on time and find there's nobody there? * • * Some fellers seem to be awfully nice, then they git married Jr. Hinch is fast learnin' draw his own confusions. • • • Aint it fun to brouse around in the junk up in the attic? * • • Nothin' kin make as silly readin' as old love letters that have been tied up in ribbon. • * • All that some fellers have is muscle.s. • • • Some folks who never reach the hfill of fame are pretty good eggs just the same. • • • Little Johnny was caught shootin craps and the teacher shamed him by sayin' they had a right to live too. --REV. CHARLEY GRANT. A12-S6 ACROSS 1. Winged 5. Advantages 9. Bend from the waist 12. Salary 13. Look pryingly 14. Part of to be 15. Ancient stringed instrument 16. General effect 18. Dash 20. Frolicked 21. Rapidity 2°». Is sick 21. Three pronged weapons 26. Deposited water sediment "0. Electrified particle •>1. Parts "of shoes :W. Modernistic* . Kury :ifi. Sends out rays :',8. Large tulis 10. Frock 41. Highest angel 11. Prophet <1.">. Church projection 47. Bird's home 50. Viper 51. Great lake 52. Bewildered 5.1. Wager 54. Break suddenly 55. Let it stand 19. Fruit drinta 21. Rile 22. Malayan caftoe 23. Book of maps 25. Toward the north 2-1. Concern 28. Dregs 29. Throw 12. Lateral 35. Boy's name 37. Amphitheatres 39. Church recesses 41. Pierce 42. Gaelic 43. Enthralled 44. Pace 46. Brain part 48. Observe 49. Make lace 1. Boring 2. Deposot 3. C oinciding 4. Spun 5. Unclosed ".Hated 8. Incantation 9. Infant 10. Shield bearing 11. Unwanted plant 17. Wad Solution