Thursday, February 19, 1959 McHenry Plaindealei Phone 170 - 171 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Five * Published every Thursday al McHenry, 111., by the McHenry Ipjblishing Company, Inc. JATIONAL EDITORIAL IasJPC^TQH W. BURFELVDT, Genl. Mgr. ADELE FROEHLICH, Editoi SUBSCRIPTION KATE In MttHenry County n 1 Year $3.5c ® 6 Months $1>.00 3 Months : . $1.25 ' Outside McHenry County *"* 1 Year $4.00 6 Months "..... $2.25 3 Months $1.50 Entered as second-class mat ter at the post office at McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8. 1879 IK-BEES HAND WARRIORS FIRST 1.73 TO 67 Victory String Is Broken At 17 By ^ Sharp Zion Team By Ronnie Smith turning point in the contest. Matt stole the ball and as he was in the air, the referee called steps, which gave rhe ball to Zion with 2 minuted to go. This just aboi t iced the game for the happy Zee-Bees. The Warriors snot only 33.5'f for the game, but surprisingly, Zion shot only 38f<-. We grabbed only 39 rebounds and had 19 violations. Robenson. Murphy and Nelson all took a big part in the Zion victory, Robenson displayed fantastic ball-handling and jump shooting while contributing 20 points. Basil Murphy, a sophomore, mad? good1 on many drives through the center and also collected 20 points. Nelson, who fouled out midway in the final quarter, scored 16 points and did a beautiful job of floor plav. Pearson. Zion's top scorer, was held to only 3 points. The Zee-Bees were really up for this game. and. although McHenry helped the cause considerably. they deserved the victory. / For the unhappy Warriors. Mike Creighton played the only outstanding game of the night. Mike scored 1? points, grabbed 15 rebounds, shot 54.- 5 r'f, and recovered t he ball 5 times which amounts to a very fine performance. Matt Eichinger scored 15 and had 6 assists. Al Cajthaml had 13 points and grabbed 9 rebounds. John Moss, Schaefer, and Hester The whole town is" talking j camc off the to^nch to kmd about the game that shook hands in fine stym, McHenry last Friday night as Lake Region Sports Car Club the cocky Zion Zee-Bees broke the Warriors' victory skein at 17 games by defeating us, 73- 67. The victory also kept Zion in the race as the Zee-Bees (jtfill have a chance for a tie "'•W the Warriors lose to Dundee and Woodstock while Zion beats^Libertyville. The loss, especially rough because of Parents' Night, made our record 17-1 and our conference mark, 9-1. It just wasn't McHenry's night for a basketball game. The team was tot) tight out , there and wasn't playing alert ®>asketball or shooting well. There are no alibis needed because the team just wasn't sharp at all. The 'Warriors started their downfall in the first quarter and never fully recovered. We made only 5 of 22 shots in that quarter and were on the short end of a 20-11 score. Fulton's men gained^. ground in the second as we outs.cored them, 21-16 to 'come" within 4 points at halftime. Many fans thought that the team would recover in that second half, but it was just useless. 2ion jumped back to a 46-36 lead and it was just too much to overtake despite a valiant effort in the final period. McHenry did pet as close as 2 points when the 'jjtfjteore reached 69-67 but then a very poor call on Matt Eich but their efforts were useless. The loss broke probably (in fact. I'm sure) the school's longest victory string in basketball. The defeat came as a •shock-err but it vvil 1 probably take some of the tremendous pressure off of the players and coach. Nothing was lost except some valuable prestige and pride. The conference title is still ours for one r^ore* victory and there will be no finer time than next Friday at Woodstock. McHenry (67) Cajthanjl Creighton Eichinger Vycital . Steinbach Moss Schaefer Hester Zion (78) Robenson Zoephel Pear soi} Edgar Nelson Murphy FG FT PF 25 17 15 FCi FT PF 8 4 4 Feb. 22--The Lake Region Sports Car Club presents the "Friendship" Memorial Rallys in memory of Hal and Jeanette Friend of LRSCC who were killed in their Airplane, Dec. 28. 1958. All proceeds'will be donated to the Florence Siddal FrMend Scholarship at Northwestern University. Rally will originate at Flowerwood Intersection of US 14 & 176. northwest side of Crystal Lake. Entry Fee S3.00. ^Safety Inspection and sign-in at 10 a.m. Drivers meeting at 10:45 a.m. First car off at 11 a.m. sharp. Trophies to drivers and navigators in 1st three places. Dash plaques to all entries. Reservations for dinners will be taken at smarting line. This is an open event. Any sport ear driver interested contact: Bill Doty 1802 Morrow ^\;e. North Chicago. 1:11.' GIVE RULES FOR SAFETY AGAINST FALLS "Falls continue to account for the lion's share of deaths and injuries to farm residents," state Ringwood Happy Clovers 4-11 club members. Because everyone is susceptible, regardless of age, and because falls can result from so many and varied activities in work or play, the existence of danger is often either carelessly overlooked or foolishly gambled on--foi--the--sake--of j expediency. But the serious- , ness of danger from falls is ' still there. A glance at the ! statistics will bring new res- j pect for that danger. ; Farm people are urged to ; give constant heeds to these j precautions: i 1. See that stairways are ad- ! equately lighted and kept clear of boxes, mops, brooms and tools. • 2. Eliminate such stairway • hazards as weak handrails. ' loose rugs at top or bottom, ! worn treads or covering, ice- j coated steps. Immediately re- i place worn or broken boards and coverings. | 3. Refrain from dangerous \ personal practices of running 1 up and down stairs and carrying objects which obstruct the view while climbing or descending stairs. 4 ;\void using makeshift climbing aids such as stacked boxes and chairs. Use a ladder and select the right one for the job. Maintain ladders in good repair. Face ladder when either ascending or descending. Select stepladders high enough to permit standing at least two steps from top when working. Make sure stepladders are fully spread and locked, with all four legs resting on a leve base, before using.' If you follow these simple rules you , shouldn't have to worry about broken bones. INCREASE IN AID | Seasonal layoffs in agricul- ' ture and construction work plus j continued unemployment in inj dust rial areas increased during 1 December the number of persons receiving public aid. This increase with corresponding rise in costs was reported to Gov. William G. Stratton by Peter W. Cahill, executive secretary, Public Aid Commission. TO GOOD ESS $ READ THE WAN! ADS Give HEART FUND FIGHT HEART DISEASE STOREWIUE CLEARANCE SALE I P TO 50% OFF Geo. R. Justen & Son FITRNITI RE Corner Green & Elm McHenry 2 1 0 2 2 13 Zion McHenrv 30 20 16 21 16 11 21 16 19 -- 67 We suspect that the major ity of the human race each week manages to slip in a couple of dozen hours of sleep or its equivalent, which is not pubinger could be considered the i licly or privately accounted for. Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 A N Vs. Call for a Reconditioning For your Hair Swedish Massage -- Steam Bath PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS 'I TOLD YOU I'D FIND IT!" Your Doctor*# ordor Is ovcj I • • tr "You didn't believe me, huh? You know how I did it ? I just looked it up in the Yellow Pages." McDONA find it fast in the" Yellow P@§ es CTION LIVESTOCK AND FEED • ••we'll compound It without flaw) • Bring your Doctor's prescriptions to this professional pharmacy where predos compounding is a specialty. SHllod HogiotQwd Pharmacists and ampio oeaxsko Gmablo ©a to compound all proosstpdosis promptly and exactly as th« Doctor dkem. Each osog doubl«-check«d for accuracy. Yat, our pricas arc always fair. Try as oast timal BoIfpET S Drug Store 103 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr VVM. RI'SSEL -- Auctioneers -- EDWIN VOfiEL The undersigned, having decided to quit dairying, will sell at public auction on the farm formerly known as the KlcConnell Farm on McConnell Road 1 l-j miles East of Route 47 it the viaduct. 21- miles East of Woodstock, 7 miles North and West of Crystal Lake, the following personal property, on: FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 20th, 1959 COMMENCING AT 11:00 A.M.v 156 Head of Livestock as Follows: 34 Holstein Cows; 6 Guernsey Cows (a number of which will be fresh by sale date); 6 Holstein Heifers, springing close; 4 Guernsey Heifers, 2 yrs. old (bred for Fall fresheningi; 1 Guernsey Heifer. 1 yr. old; 1 Holstein Bull, 2 yrs. old; 31 Holstein Heifers. 2 yrs. old (bred for Fall freshening); 16 Holstein Heifers, 1 yr. old; 16 Holstein Heifer Calves (from 2 weeks to 4 mos. old); 1 Guernsey Bull, 2 yrs. old (registered 1. (THE ABOVE HEIFERS ARE ALL VACCINATED) 40 Feeding Pigs; 400 Yearling DeKalb Hens. MACHINERY Meyers Mower and Hay Conditioner; Letz HammermiH, Power take-off, R.T.; Knight Heavy Duty Manure Spreader. PTO: Dairi-Kool 250 Gal. Bulk Tank; Allis Chalmers Field Chopper with Sickle Bar and Corn Attach.: Three Section Rotary Hoe; Toastmaster Hot Water Heater. 80 Gal. FEED 137 Ton Mixed Hay; 25 Ton Baled Straw; 28 A. Standing Corn; 40 Ft. Silage in 14 Ft. Silo; 3000 bu. Oats; 2500 bu. Corn; 45 ft. Silage in 12 ft. Silo; 16 ft. Silage in 16 ft. Silo. AS THIS IS A LARGE SALE. IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO START PROMPTLY AT 11:00 A.M. USUAL BANK TERMS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS LUNCH WAGON ON GROUNDS LEWIS McDONALD and the Estate of WM. R. STEPHENS by WM. R. STEPHENS, JR., Owners FIRST NATIONAL BANK of WOODSTOCK, Clerking Member Federal Reserve System Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Del Monte Sale Del Monte CATSUP 6 for $1.0Q D.M. TdMATO SAUCE 6 for 49c D.M. StewVd- TOMATOES 2 for 45c f" D.M. SWEET PEAS 2 for 35c It's the truth--you chop down food bills when you shop at CERTIFIED because you save by the cartful of fine foods--not by just a handful of "specials". Here, every price is a hjtjv price--- and MORE LOW PRICES throughout our market just naturally mean MORE HONEST TO-GOODNESS savings all along your food list. By George!--that's why CERTIFIED is first for quality, first for value, first in the hearts of thrifty shoppers! I'.S. GRADED SIRLOIN STEAKS 891 r.s. GRADED D.M. CREAM CORN 2 for 33c PORTER D.M. Cut GREEN BEANS 2 for 39c r.s. GRADED D.M. PEACHES 303 tin 2 for 45c CHUCK STEAKS D.M. Pineapple Juice 46 oz 2 for 69c D.M. Pineapple G'fri 46 oz 2 for 55c E STEAKS 985,. 69f, SKINLESS WEINERS 395,. I'ATRICK-CRDAHY RED LABEL SOLID BRICK SUTTER 59c u>. SMOKED BUTTS THE TALK OF THE TOWN C lb. A King-Size Bottles PLCS DEP. RIPPIN GOOD COOKIES 36 VARIETIES FRYERS 79 Each Red Label TUNA MILNOT Fould's SPAGHETTI Pillar-Rock SALMON Planter's PEANUTS 2 - 1 -lb. Rossi SPAGHETTI RY-KING 4 for $1.00 ... 6 for 59c 2 for 19c 79c 35c 31c ... 8-oz. 27c While Supplies Last Log Cabin 12-oz. btl. SYRUP 29c Certified COFFEE lb. 59c Certified FLOUR 5 lbs. 39c Broadcast 16-oz. ean CHILI CON CARNE .... 29c R.A. -- R.S.P. CHERRIES 2 for 45c 25 lb. Certified FLOUR $1.69 '2 -CJjil. ICE-CREAM -- T.C 79c Beech Nut Strained 1 - 10 lb. Vent Vu Baa RED POTATOES and 1 - 11 qt. Plastic Pail BOTH FOR 9t Dy rows 6 Jars 39c Plus FREE Jar Opener with each purchase Box Fresh Mushrooms 25c each 3 lbs. Yellow Onions 25c each 10 lbs. Red Potatoes 39c Seedless Grapefruit 6 for 33c Ifrlll'lIiIirc^F' Vegetable Soup .... 3 for 39c Heinz V2 Gal. Milk 37c Mushroom Soup .... 3 for 49c 2 Lb. Cottage Cheese HUl* 6 07 Jar Plastic Container 413 Instant Coffee $1.09 1 / y 1 c*ia j Hills 2-oz. jar /a Lb. Sliced Instant Coffee 43c American or Pimento Cheese ' &&&) Marshmallow Fluff 25c Qt. Orange Juice 39c Gallon Bleach 43c V2 - ' -2 Cream 33c Kraft Dinner 2 for 35c iff 3 Lb. Tin Combination Sale Thank-You Cherry Pie Filling Jiffy Pie Crust Mix BOTH FOR 33' USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR NEW SUPEK CERTIFIED FOOD STORE Cor. Green & Elm Sts. Phone 80 McHenry, 111. IT PAYS TO SHOP LOCALLY