A ursday, February 26* 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nine Wonder Lake VOTE ON BOND ISSUE TO EXPAND SCHOOL by Jane Ducey -- 2731 Betty Barns--5501 chairmen are asked to be present. The polls will be open from noon to 7 p.m. at Harrison school Saturday, Feb. 28, for Wonder Lakers to vote on the $78,500.00 bond issue needed to provide classroom space for students next fall. Cars will be fl^ishe<L4o transport voters td the polls by phoning either Wonder Lake 2731 or. Wonder Lake 4294. It is not necessary to be a registered voter to cast your ballot in a school election. Voters must have resided in the precinct 30 days, in the county ? 90 days, and in the state 1 year, property owners and renters alike. ,#he current proposal is for four classrooms, lavatory facilities, and a teacher's room; and their furnishings, in addition to improvements of heating and ventilation of the present structure. The school board expects this enlargement to take care of the present community for five years, based on a census of pre-school childnsn. The "Gallivant" McHenry Township Kiwanians had the rare opportunity to glimpse the motivation of a master projector, at their meeting Monday night, when boat builder, Eugene Kane of McHenry, who has spent 20 years in the construction of his 50 foot cabin cruiser "Gallivant" was the guest speaker. Launching date is expected to be in 1960 from Waukegan and the St. Laurence waterway is the aim for her maiden voyage. Mr. Kane extended an invitation to all to stop in and have a closer look the next time they pass, before be gets off 5n his world cruise in 1960. The Kiwanians also heard Frank Higgins outline the figures of the proposed bond issue for Harrison school which comes to a vote Saturday. The l&dies non-league bowling groUp which plays;, at noon on Tuesday at the McHenry recreation is still going strong. The group invites anyone who likes to bowl to join them. The Wooded Shores canasta group met at the home of Tiny Ruzicka Feb. 12. Winners were Dolores Wines and the hostess. Others playing were Jean Motulewicz, Prudence Grabovy, Helen Reuter, Dorothy Michels, Ann Weretka and Hedda Bird who subbed. lected by Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. John for their new baby boy born Feb. 17 at Woodstock Memorial hospital. The baby has one sister, Sharon. The paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. William John, live in Highland Shores and the maternal grandfather, Joseph Brabec, resides in Mt. Olive, 111. Christ the King Church News Rev. James A. Vanderpool baptised Therese Mary Ruggero, Sunday, Feb. .15. Therese is the daughter of Santo and Mary Kiss Ruggero. Godparents are Mary Jean Berner and John Mctntre. in the event of future rapid growth such as would result from the development of new subdivisions, it is the opinion of the board that it might be better to have two schools, the second one to be built at either the north or south end of the take, depending upon which d i r e c t i o n t h e g r o w t h t o o k place, to facilitate the transp^ tation problems. In discussing future additions over the present one, the board has considered three possibilities depending on the rate of growth of the community. 1. Extending the present wing south at the site of the proposed addition, 2. removal of the frame structure and replacing it with a fire resistant wing notching the one on the west, oW3. an additional wing running east and west beyond the present all purpose room. First Area Rally For Youth Campaign To Be Held Sunday, March 1, the first area rally for the "United For Christ's Tomorrow" campaign will be held at Wilmette Lutheran church, strating at 4 p.m. As many of the members of Nativity Lutheran church as possible are urged to attend this rally. Cars will leave from the church at 2:30 p.m. Extra Holiday There will be no school at Harrison Friday, February 27, which is visiting day for the faculty. High School Discussion Meeting "Going Steady" is the next subject for discussion when the young men and women of high school. age meet at the school hall of Christ the King schurch, Monday, March 2, at 7 p:m. Blessed Event Shower Mrs. Richard Backus of High- | land Shores was the guest of I honor at a baby shower held at ; the home of Mrs. jim Laing. ! Pink and blue rosettes sur- | rounded the baby shoes centerj ed in the decorated cake en- ! joyed by guests, Mrs. Orv. [Yaeger, Mrs. Don Laird, Mrs. j Ray Bernacchi, Mrs. Henry 1 Welch, Mrs. Joseph Beiers, Mrs. Bruno Gliva, Mrs. Harold ; Kalleck, Mrs. Patrick Baudin, i Mrs. Manuel Macaluso, and Mrs. Helen Asmus. Mrs. Wil- ; liam Dicker and Mrs. A1 Ma- | caluso sent gifts but were linkable to attend. ty, Mrs. Ruth Kolar, Mrs. Lois Haak and Mrs. June Keller who also serves as secretary and treasurer. Highlight of \he evening was the display and description of Indian craft by Hugh Kirk of McHenry. The closing prayer was said by Rev. William Wright. POST 491 by Mary Ein spar Rescue Work The rescue squad of Highland Shores was quick to aid Carl Raymann when he slipped i and fell off his front porch last week. He was rushed to the hospital in Woodstock and after some switches were taken in his head he was kept there for observation. » Nativity Lutheran Church News The "Women of the Church" will have a pot-luck dinner Tuesday evening, March 3, starting at ?:30. This will be for the officers and all the j members of the appointed com- : mittees to outline the program and goals, of this new auxiliary of the church. Pre Cana Conferences In order that young people j may receive a better underj standing of Our Lord's plan j for marriage, pre Cana conferi ences are being held at St. | Mary's in Woodstock March j 15-16-18-20. All young couples ! contemplating marriage should ! call Woodstock 722-J or 1533 j for reservations or ask the I ushers at Mass on Sunday. Santo Ruggero. M.D. will give the medical talk at the Cana conference on Wednesday, March 18. Troop 490 Girl Scouts A combination valentine and surprise party was held last week in honor of Mrs. Knack - stedt with a gift for her expected heir or heiress. Mrs. Gordon Pedersen will assist Mrs. Renk, troop leader. Mary Katherine Rankin was invested as president for 1959. Sharon Browne is the troop reporter. Sodality j The Altar and Rosary is ; serving a corned beef and cab- ! bage dinner from noon until 4, j at the Christ the King school I hall on Sunday, March 8. Everyone is welcome to attend the family style home cooked country dinner. j Wonder Workers - 4-H Group j Tne Wonder Workers will i have a display in the window of Paul's Hardware Store at ; Wonder Center from Feb. 28 ! to March 7. The theme being i "Improvement of Family and j Community Living", in com- ! memoration of "4-H" week. Cookie Sale Leaders of troops not receiving the necessary equipment for the Cookie and Peanut sale, March 9-20, are asked to contact Richard Pickrum, neighborhood cookie chairman, ^Wonder Lake' 5972. Legion Auxiliary Unit 1169 At the Feb. 19 meeting of the auxiliary, it was voted to again send a Wonder Lake girl to Illini Girls' State. Beth Wilkinson represented Wonder Lake at last year's session. Heart Fund Drive A successful canvass of all subdivisions was conducted last Sunday for the Heart Fund, according to Mrs. Pat Dusthimer, Wonder Lake chairman. Although the final figures are not yet in Mrs. Dusthimer would like to thank the captains for their support. They are the Mesdames Clara Meyers, Eloise McCafferty, Joan Schwegel, Joyce Specht, Stella Brenner, Ethel Van Kanegon, 11a Wasielewski, Jane Walitzer, Millie O'Brien, Ruth Woodward, S. Simon and R. Dvorak. Home Bureau District Meet The Ringwood unit of Home Bureau met with the Greenwood unit and the Solon-Richmond afternoon unit at the Greenwood church last Tuesday to meet the new home advisor, Mrs. Olsen. The lesson was "The Living Area Fashioned for Living". Following the lesson each unit had itis own business meeting. Refreshments of cookies and coffee were served. News In Brief Ann Weretka and Neva Fuhrer had high scores at the Memorial hospital auxiliary canasta party Thursday night. Grace Markel was hostess and others playing were Pat Gallas, Melvina Knackstedt, Marlene Gallas, Helen Gallas and Sigrid Eltoft. The Sew-N-Sews met at the | home of Mrs. Betty Fiala last week. After the meeting the ; hostess served a variety of dej licious home-made cakes and I coffee. Bridge Club The Wonder Lake Catholic Women's bridge club met at the home of Mildred Kirsten. Top and low players were Alice Condren and Mildred Kirsten respectively. Others present were Betty Selsdorf. Lorraine Houda, Marie Shrosbee, Mary Ann Cristy, Marion Freeman and Harriet McCall. Next month's meeting will be held at the home of Betty Selsdorf. Fifth Daughter Patricia Gail, the new baby daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Potter of Shore Hills, was born Feb. 16 at the Woodstock Memorial hospital. Four sisters, Thelma, Dianne, Ellen and Jean, welcomed the baby home. The maternal grandmother, Mrs. Thelma Balphande, and the paternal grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. D. C. Potter, reside in Chicago. Baby Boy James Carl is the name se- Cub Scout Blue and Gold Banquet A wonderful turn out of parents and cubs made the Blue and Gold banquet .one of the most successful held in recent years. The invocation was said by Rev. James A. Vanderpool. Kenneth Crothmann introduced the speakers; Rev. Burton Schroeder, Rev. Eddy Robert Sweetjand, Stan Hunt, Wilbur Haak and Hugh Kirk. Recognition was made of the committeemen, Rudy Jirousek, John Doherty, Orville Lichty and Sam Lamont. The Den mothers introduced were Mrs. Judy Rasmussen, Mrs. Louise Johnson, Mrs. Helen Pedersen, Mrs. Maxine Lich- Twelfth Birthday Several classmates enjoyed a partv given for the twelfth birthday of Linda Gallas $t her home in Shores Hills, Feb. 23. More Birthdays Dan Indelicato, Larry Wenkel and Roberta Dicker all share the twenty-fifth of February as their birthday, Millie Indelicato enjoys her natal day on Feb. 18. Coming birthdays are those of Marilyn Marke, Patrick Burns and Peter Brenner. OFFER BOOK ON PROPER DISPLAY OF AMERICAN FLAG "The number of good American citizens that aren't familiar with the rules for the proper display of the American flag is surprising," commented Marine Recruiting Sgt. Ralph Satterwhite in McHenry last week. Sgt. Satterwhite. who stops at the city hall in McHenry each Friday from 10:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., said that he has a limited supply of the "Our Flag" booklet which is published by the Marine corps for free distribution. The attractive booklet gives a short authentic history of the American flag with rules for its respect and display. It should be of interest to all Americans, but especially to merchants, school teachers and civic and patriotic groups. Copies of the booklet may be obtained from Sgt. Satterwhite any Friday, or by writing to office, the Marine corps recruiting office, 325 Washington street, Wauktgan, 111. McHenry Unit 491 of the i American Legion auxiliary held | its regular monthly meeting j Feb. 16, President Dorothy | Diedrich presiding. ,, New members attending were Janice Bauspies, Florence Krieger, Marge Endres, Pearl Cooper | and Barbara Erb. Guests at the j meeting were Lee Hachmeister and Mildred Leisten. j Ways and Means chairman i Marge Mikota is again selling : the steak knives and carving | knives which proved so popular | before. Mrs. Mikota may be contacted at 1813 if you wish to purchase any. Lillian Miller, chairman for Elgin hospital, reports there is still a need for white or light shirts at the hospital. If you have any shirts size fifteen through eighteen, leave them at the Legion home or call Mrs. Miller at 403. The annual department patriotic conference will open at 9:30 a.m. Thursday, March 19 in the ball room of the Morrison hotel, Chicago and will continue throughout the day< Plans for an interesting and instructive program are well under way. Mrs. Ledgard B. Hakes of Laurens, Iowa, national vice president of the central division, will be an honored guest and principal speaker at the luncheon. Honorable Carlos P. Romule, ambassador from the Philippines, and orator without peer, will address the morning session. Subjects of Americanism, National Security and Civil Defense will be covered. Delegates to this conference from McHenry Unit are President Dorothy Diedrich, Ruth Mrachek, Marie Howe, Mary Einspar, Sue Wirfs and Lauretta Homo. pot luck "supper in celebration of the American Legion's birthday on Saturday, March 14. Supper will be served at 7 p.m. Please try to attend and bring your favorite dish to pass. Frances Matchen, sunshine chairman, sent a sympathy card to Ilaverne Gregory on the death of her brother. Baby congratulations went to Dorothy (Mrs. Anthony Noonan, and Luella (Mrs. Lee) Braidman. Get well wishes "went to Irene Guffey, Grace Murphy and Mary Kantorski. Contributing to the birthday bank for this month were Ruth Wohnrade, Betty Nugent and Kay Stephenson. i Veteran's craft chairman. !> Eleanor Creutz, reports we are leading the district in the sale of craft. Let's help Eleanor keep our unit on top by checking the display of veteran's craft in the lobby of the Legion home. You may find just1 what you need yourself or a nice gift for someone else. In this way you give the veteran an opportunity to make use of his talents and in return he receives the entire purchase price of the article that has been sold. The American Legion auxiliary assumes the shipping and handling charges, plus the overhead of the exchange. In honor of George Washington's birthday, cherry pie ala mode was served by Delia Freund and her committee. Our next meeting will be March 16. Social Chairman Pearl Pietsch will be assisted by the following members: Marie Diedrich, Anna Miller, Mary Meyer, Donna Belle Glosson, Nettie Fleming, Rose Frisa, Dorothy Weichman, Bess Grobel, Katherine Weber, Collette Justen, Signe Miller, Eddie Meyer, Miriam Miller, Ethel Magee and Gertrude Weber. SHOP IN McHENdY EED w WORRY! I SAVED ... • MONEY • TIME • BOTHER and by seeing: McHENRY AGGRAVATION on my TAX . . . NG & TAX 308 N. Elm Street TELEPHONE: McHENRY S4S nd A. IAttorney at Law n Executive Committee Meeting The Harrison P.T.A. executive committee meeting will be held in the Library at the school Monday, March 2, at 3:15. Plans will be finalized for the regular meeting-March 10, -M which a film depicting creative family living will be shown. All standing committee N Wishes to Announce the opening of his New Office Open to General Practice on March 1st J ILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 lA mile east of Fox River Bridge Ph@ii McH@iry 976 New homes available for immediate Occupancy The auxiliary will serve a prosbiv fresh the day they're made! NOW AT BOLGER'S McHENRY PHONE 40 Located at 308 WEST ELM ST. Aft - WL P aue avinad McHenry Savings and Loan Ass n. McHenry, 111 I Would Like To Open A Regular Savings Account Enclosed Find My First Deposit, (Check or Money Order) • Individual Account • Joint Account Name Name Address City CURRENT ANNUAL RATE SAFETY SAVINGS SAVE BY MAIL We Pay Postage Both Ways aue r uour - JomorrowA - ^1JoLclciIJf. SAVE BY MAIL SAVE BY MAIL T ELM ST E McHENRY 3000 eHiirnY