Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 26 Feb 1959, p. 3

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Thursday, February 26, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Three Name Committee For Community Club The regular meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held on Monday, March 2, at 8:30 p.m. at the comnyjiity clubhouse. The members are reminded to pay up their annual dues at this meeting to avoid pay-1 ment of genalty of $2, which will be added after March 1. The following members will, serve on the refreshment committee: Lloyd Freund, Richard Freund, Robert Freund, Frank Freund, Anthony Freund, Peter M. Freund, Joseph Frett and Wd§ter Frett. Schopp-Ambrose Vows Exchanged In a marriage ceremony which took place Saturday afternoon, Feb. 21, at 2 p.m. in the Community M e t h.o d i s t church, Miss Sandra Schopp, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Schopp of McHenry Shores, became the bride of Mr. Guy Ambrose, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Ambrose of McHenry. Rev. George Martin officiated at the ceremony. home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey, where they helped her., mother celebrate her birthday Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jackson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Newkirk of Woodstock, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Doherty and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams were guests in the home of Robert Newkirk, Sunday, honoring Judy Newkirk who was confirmed at St. Mary's church on that day. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson entertained on Feb. 15. honoring their son. George E. Johnson, on his birthday. McHENRY MAtf HAS ROLE IN COUNTY F*LAY The Little Theatre of Crystal Lake will present the satirical comedy, "Visit to a Small Planet" by Gore Vidal, Friday and Saturday, March 7, 1959, at 8:30 p.m. at Central school auditorium, Paddock and McHenry streets, Crystal Lake. Bill Stepek of Crystal Lake is director of the show. Ralph Madsen, Crystal Lake, stars as Kreton, a visitor from The young people were at- Guests "were Mr. 'and ^MrT'O . ! *"0},he? P*anet_who arrives on tended by her sister, Linda. j ^ i ca,'th <""» lying saucer/ clad besTlLn"" """H*.. GeorSe * E Johnion. STe-i » »~CM' War gentleman, Ja™es- as best. n130- Iven and gusan, of Skokie Mrs. bocaus,e he wanted to enjoy our The attractive bride wore a F ^ q of rrVstal Lake and Civil War and wante<1 to dress ~ •"*** "•*' •" ami Mrs Frank Johnson ! ?>«* period. Finding he mis- I of McHenrv. i Juclsed hls travelling through beige dress and an orchid cor sage. The newlyweds will reside! PATRICIA ANN FINK Continue C.D. of A. <r Card Tournament On Thursday, Feb. 19, the C D. of A members continued Rlctlard Bate. To their card tournament at a Wed Lake vula Glrl meeting held in the evening. Mr and Mrs Harold Fink Frances Schmitt, Jean Dns- of cedarcres, Drive, Lake ViUa, coll and Joyce Weber were announce t1le engagement of winners in canasta. Elvera Nye ,heir daughter, Patricia Ann, ani Helen Dobyns won in t0 Mr Richard Bat son of bruige and Laura Weber, Rose Dr and Mrs Norman Bates of Freund and Ethel make re- McHenry. The wedding will S?* r J,P'"ochle- take place June 27. Madeline Mayfield will preside at the business meeting! _ to be held March 5. I ^ne Pro&ram | Planned For P.T.A. I The regular monthly meeting i of St. Mary's P.T.A. will be held in the school hall on Mon- . Tvyr^TT c, Mrs. Michael Justcn spent a : Vmf, ab°ut a century, he m McHenry Shores. The groom ,few days at Wauk f last doc.des to churn up a bigger 1S employed in Meadowdale. week where she acJ war appropriate to the 20th quainted with her great-grand- i century, just for his own enterdaughter. Cheryl Marie Sand, i tainment. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- i Bob Barclay of McHenry is vey Sand. I 3 member of the cast, Mrs. Irene Guffey accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Irving Pope of Woodstock, visited a PERSONALS Mr. aijd Mrs. Norbert Kuchenmeister of Almena, Wis., visited relatives here last week j relative. Joseph Fitzgerald, who enroute for a, vacation in Florida. j The Roland Ekstrom family j of Elgin visited her parents, j Mr. and Mrs. Louis Stoffel, • Sunday. Mrs. Robert .Thompson and Miss Maud Granger attended j NAME ! Guest Day of the D.A.R. held I i in the Elgin Room of Y.W.C.A has been ill in the William I Mitchison home in St. Charles j Sunday. 1 OSftlTAL Mr. and Mrs. Walter Schroeder are the parents of a son, b o r n F e b . 2 0 a t M e m o r i a l h o s -j p i t a l , W o o d s t o c k . j A bqy was born Feb. 21 at j Memorial hospital to Mr. and M r s . C e c i l K a n t e r T j Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Thelen! are the parents of a son, born Feb. 20, at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Potter of Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter on Feb. 16 at Memorial hospital. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.-'Henn* Jafit. of Wonder Lake at <Memorial hospital on Feb. 17. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kolbinger are the parents of a daughter, bom at Memorial hospital Feb. 23. . A daughter was- born Feb. 23 at Mefnorial hospital to Mr.' and Mrs. Ralph Schmall ""of Wonder Lake. March 24, and a special invitation was extended to Ann Rodenkirch. who is our college of regents chairman. We still have some candy and soap left and these projects should be completed soon so anyone who would like some candy or soap please contact Imogene Grist at McHenry 2070 or phone me at McHenry 866. Moosehaven Hazel Bowman chairman and her commitee will be in charge of next month's meetings. Please do not forget your secret pal. Ritual Chairman Imogene Grist and her committee served a delicious lunch. See4 you next meeting March 3. Olga Johnson, Publicity Chairman. COOKS CORNER £mh£4ry MOOSE LODGE Women of the Moose I McHENRY HOSPITAL j Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included | Anna Frederick, Kenneth Roby, Catherine Kurbyun, Elona Vos- ! ylius, Doris Brecht, Charles The name of "Kachjna" was ^ 'r&inia Posthunia, John GIRL SCOUT GROUP GIVEN KACHINA" Sew-ority Club Enjoys Outing The Sew-ority club of Mc- , . , „ Henry enjoyed dining out on ay evemng, March 2, at 8 Fejlf 12. Besides the regular: , ... members, Mrs. Joan Freund , musical recital will be and Barbara Cook enjoyed the «»nduct«l ^ Slster Andreella day as guests of the group. ' as part of the P^gram for the water. Fla I m ^ °nJueb 14' th,Gy i decided upon for the north ^"Keln- Mary Ann Wil saw Miss Sharon Curulewski, ha]f Qf Neighborhood 7 of Girl Heimer- Charles Millei" McHenry high school senior. ! gcouts at a meetin he]d last and Catherine Wozniak of Mcreceive her senior girl citizen , Wednesda at the Richmond Henry; Gail Lindholm and Theaward. She was accompanied Community church. "Kachina" Lindholm of Lake Villa; ,bv her mother. Mrs. Francis , meaning mtle doll wag the John Sabo and Mitchell And- 'U™ ews 1. unanimous selection of the 1<?jS W°°dstock. John Crispe I Mrs. Peter J. Schaefer re- ; adult Scouts present. other and Curtls Mltche11 of Gary; turned Sunday by plane, from j narnes suggested were "Waw-1 Bohl an<i WillinS Cossi a few weeks vacation in Clear- 1 beek", meaning rock and " of Crystal Lake; Judy "Kaw," meaning happiness. The Jr. Huemann of L^kemoor and The next regular meeting £vemn&- A talent show will will be on Thursday, March 5, PUi.u°n °°^I childat the home of Jean Maddock. JJn., fot th!ihere Wednesday evening. j Wonder Lake, Richmond" and MEMORIAL HOSPITAL • Miss Penny Nye was home j Spring Grove, had been with- 1 Patients at Memorial hospifrom her studies at Barat Col- \ out a name since neighborhood Woodstock, this past week lege. Lake Forest, to spend the I 7 had been split. included Carl Reymann and R.N.A. Camp Plans For Dinner Party I year. | President Leonard Pawlikow- •c o- tt n ski states that plans for the Fox River Valley Camp No. dance on A n 25 are 32|, is planning for a dinner ressing nicel Tickets ran ^ .k k 0 6 camp s procured from members of St. fifty-third birthday anniversary., Mary's p t A It will be served at the Legion ' ' home for members and guests „ at 6:30 o'clock Tuesday, March ' ®!™en 2 Plan Meeting Reservations may be made! A regular meeting of the by calling McHenry 63 or 93-M' McHenry Township Republican by Saturday, Feb. 28. : Women's club was held Tues- ! day evening, Feb. 17, at the Observes Birthday i V.F.W. clubhouse in McHenry. Adversary March 4 < Mrs- Robert VanZevern, chair- Friends are extending con-1 man ?{ the ways and means gratulations j- to Eva Ritter ^m^l tee: reported that the Wells of Wonder Lake in ad- i ? " Valentine s dance sponsored vance of her birthday anniver- by D 4 u, W3S & f,ne Recess Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin north half of Valley View Louise Jones of Fox Lake, of ^aukegan visited relatives ! neighborhood, which comprises here Richmond | Our Feb. 17 meeting was called to order by the senior regent, Mable Thomas, with ten "officers, six chairmen and two escorts present. No doubt the weather had a lot to do with the poor attendance, but hope that all co-workers will he at our next meeting March 3. Monthly reports were read by the chairmen as follows: R i t u a l c h a i r m a n . I m o g e n e Grist; library chairman. Bertha .lager; hospital chairman, June Banker and publicity chairman. Olga Johnson Imogene Ruckstul. Crystal Lakes college of regents chairman, has invited our chapter fo visit them on February 27 Grand Opening of Pink Lady Shoppe -- Green Street -- Operated by Women's Auxiliary, McHenry Hospital. March S Fox River Valley Camp. R.N.A., Annual Birthday Party. March !' Corned Beet and Cabbage Dinner -- Christ the King Church -- Noon to 4 p.m. -- Christ the King School Hall -- Sponsored by Altar and Rosary Society of Christ the- King Church. March 10 P.T.A. Parent Education Meeting--High School--8 p.m. If the Lenten season has taken you by surprise, menuwise, the following recipe is a simple one to use while you look up your other favorite recipes for this season. Escsilloped Salmon l ' a c u p s a l m o n 3 tbsp sweet pickles, chopped fine 1 tbsp lemon juice ^ cup cracker crumbs 1 egg l4 tsp paprika '•a tsp salt U cup milk 2 tbsp fresh bread, crumbs 1 tbsp melted butter Pick the salmon >$part with a fofk and add the pickles, lemon juice, cracker crumbs, egg, paprika, salt and milk, using .a fork for mixing. Place in a well buttered baking dish. -Melt the butter, add the fresh bread crumbs and spread evenly over the top. Bake 20 minutes in a 350 degree oven. Baked potatoes may be started about 45 minutes earlier. The salmon will serve 4. WANT MORE FOR YOUR DRY CLEANING DOLLAR? GRANTED DIVORCE Elaine F. Nelson of McCullom Lake has been granted a divorce from William F. Nelson. sary, which she will celebrate Republican women interested March 4. A native of Chicago. ^ orgamTt?n are: she has been a resident of thf/^11 ^ &**** contact Mrs.; area for the past sixteen years. Nel1 for membership, or, attend one of the meetings held the third Tuesday of every month at the V.F.W. clubhouse.; Interesting and informative topics for discussion are being included weekend with her parents, Dr. i Mrs. Danley was a guest ^a^>e' Sartwell of Wonder Lake and Mrs. William Nye. , from Girl Scout headquarters. anc* ^ranccs Bauer of McHen- Mr, and Mrs. H. B. Schaefer. , and showed colored movies ofi1^" the Donald and Robert Schae- ; the activities of Girl Scoutsi fer families helped Mr. and here and abroad. She also dis- HARVARD HOSPITAL Mrs. Lj le Broughton of Wau- tributed cookie sale informa- Mrs. Clarence Gath and Marconda celebrate their twenty- tion and materials at the meet- eel Karcher were patients in first wedding anniversary at ing ' Harvard hospital this past their home on Feb. 15. ! . week. ! The dates for Camp Rotary; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Glosson McQueen were announced as: ~ visited relatives in Kenosha. , jujv -iq through August 9Q ! CARD OF THANKS SMurd»y. ;Cc leadership Mr. and Mrs. Winter Mrs. Martha Feltz and Mrs. , held in Wonder Lake April, wish to thank their many Pearl Patzke spoilt a few days , j ^ 21, 28 and May 5. The friends, especially Mr. and Mrs. recently, in the Ralph Patzke j jjme and place will be announc- I-annes, Mr. and Mrs. John home in Champaign. j ^ ia^er Arbogast and Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Whiting 1 Mrg yelma Sinclair request- John Bonder, who helped us in and children and the Merv.n ; ed the ]ea(Jers tQ determine our recent trouble. Staines family of Woodstock the number Qf ir,s whQ ^ 43 were Sunday v.s.tors m the to attend day camp ^ year and to phone the information CARD OF THANKS to her at Wonder Lake 4751. I would like to thank friends Entertain Veterans At^Downey Hospital J^veral women of the McHenry V.F.W. auxiliary enter-; p^n~ned~ by "The"program corn tained the veterans at Downey rpj^ce hospital at a Valentine party | Members are anxious to have on Wednesday, Feb. 18. 1 the pUb]ic become better ac- Gert Barbian Genevieve quainted with the men for Bradley. Judy Diednch, Eliza- whom th vote and would ^ beth Thompson. Dorothy Rhein-! hdppy tQ be of service to the boldt, and Daisy Smith helped Republican voters of the townw i t h c a r d g a m e s a n d s e r v e d i ^ home baked cakes. They dis-! ' ' wh^e^oek's^that were very CEREBKAL PALSV BENEFIT much appreciated, candy, and William Staines home. Mesdames A1 Grever. Julius Roeder and Fred Bienapfl- were Old Orchard visitors Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton, son, Teddy, and Mrs. Laura Minteer of Maywood were M c H e n r y v i s i t o r s S u n d a y , where Mrs. Minteer's birthday was celebrated. Mrs. Frank Bergsma of Rich- and relatives for the get-well mond offered to provide the wishes, cards, prayers and viscookie depot for the neighbor- its during my stay in the hoshood this year at Chrysler- pital and while convalescing at Plymouth Motors in Richmond, home. -- *43 Dale Thomas CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank, every- Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway. one for cards, prayers and gifts a Valentine card for all. Next month a St. Patrick's Day party is being planned. Honor Son on Confirmation Day Mr. and Mrs. Elmer W. Jenson entertained at a dinner partv at their home on Waukegan »street Sunday in honor of their son. Ted, who was a member of the Confirmation class at St. Mary's church. Ted's godparents, Mrs. Edward J. Buss Sr., and Norbert Yegge were present, as well as Mrs. Yegge and Jack who acted as his sponsor. A benefit for the cerebral palsy fund will be held at the Crystal Lake Moose hall on Sunday, March 8, from 2 to 5 p.m. The parents' group of the county organization is sponsoring the event. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my sincere thanks to everyone for cards, prayers and visits during my stay in the hospital and while convalescing at home. Your thoughtfulness will always be remembered. *43 Louis J. Stoffel READ THE WAN! ADS CARD OF THANKS I would like to take this son, Michael, and Donald Giv- while I was in the hospital, opportunity to thank everyone ens were Sunday guests in the an(i special thanks to Fr. Reu- for cards, visits and gifts while Harry Lawrence home in Chi- land for his kindness. Your I was in the hospital. Your en go. thoughtfulness was greatly ap- thoughtfulness was greatly ap- Guests in the Volnev Brown preciated. nreciated. home, Sunday, to honor their *43 Mrs. Elizabeth Freund I 43 t James J. Freund son. Thomas, on his Confirmation Day were Dell Freund of Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tonyan, daughter, Therese, Mrs. A. P. Freund and daughter, Margery. Miss Coleen Doherty was a weekend guest of her aunt. Miss Mercedes Bojger. in Woodstock. Sunday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home were the Robert Brugger family of Kenosha, Wis., Mrs. Richard Sedar and children of Waukegan; Mr. and Mrs. George Merkt and Mr. and Mrs. Wilfikm Riggs of Silver Lake, Wis. Mrs. Jack McDonald and son of Glenview are guests in the Claire Beauty S 200 S. Green St. »h@pp® McHenry 10 It's Time To Think About a Spring Permanent Swedish Massage -- Steam Bath PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS sMi' "I'M A HOUSEWIFE--AND PROUD OF IT!" She may well be proud: Few occupations requite more in the way of organizational ability and managerial genius than that of homemaker. Like all good organizers and managers, of course, she is quick to seize upon every tool and method at her disposal that will help her to run her business even more efficiently and economically. The name of the American housewife who uses bank checks to pay bills --who saves time, effort, and money, sending checks by mail? Her name is -- legion! WHY NOT PAY YOUR BILLS THE CONVENIENT MODERN WAY: WITH CHECKS, DRAWN ON US? BANBC Established Since 1906 4 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 Then Try RAINBOW'S DRY CIMilNG Your clothes will be cleaner than ever before . . . even ground-in grime that wears out fabrics is gently floated away. That's why they sparkle like NEW again. Sanitone makes garments last longer--look newer. Try it and see the proof for yourself! Same Day Service SAVE 10% Cash 'N Carr R A I N B O l f CLEANERS Around Corner North o' National Tea North Front Street PIIONF 927 Open Fri. Eves. 'Til 9 Always Plenty of , Free Parking at Rainbow Drive-In * C. 0. F. STATE BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT 7 6 12:30 2:00 3:00 4:30 5:30 6:45 9:00 Junior, Ranger, Senior & Heavyweight Division Special iNHtTABNiyiiiT 8 P.M. NIGHTLY SUNDAY MARCH 1-8-15 McHENRY HIGH SCHOOL TICKET^ CAN BE PURCHASED AT THE DOOR

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