Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Mar 1959, p. 6

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THE MeHENBY PLAINDEALEB Thursday, March 5. 1959 -- ~ ±g«s m Want Ads Prove That Gigantic Jobs Aie Done By Midgets RING 4,500 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 201 words, $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion • • $1.00 <Count 4 >vords per line) 25c service charge on all lind ads. Cash with order. Card of I hanks -- $1.00 minimum Want ads close promptly at a.m. Wednesday. 30ATS & MOTORS BUSINESS SERVICE LASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 si. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must in- •ude a,minimum of, one 18 pt. .ead and one 18 pt. signature ir its equivalent. 3 lines of P •t. allowed per inch. CASH WITH ORDER on foling classifications. Wanted To Rent , Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 blk East of the rivet bridge. Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sundavc: .1 a.m. to 1 p.m. ^ 44-tf 1958 PLYMOUTH convertible, 10,000 miles. Excellent condition. Will accept trade. Reasonable. Phone McHenry 3421-R after 6 p.m. 44 Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Speedicraft Gator Trailers , Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING .BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 104 ^ S. Riverside Drive ; Phone McHenry 1076 29-tf ELECTRIC*1MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercial and domestic. RRk-oi't Eitctric. 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAJdwin 3-8491. 16-tf BUSINESS SERVICE McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf WINTER'S END USED CAR BARGAINS Warranteed 1 Full Year 100% Coverage •58-PLYMOUTH $2195 bel. convert. '57 -PLYMOUTH $1395 "6" 4 dr. sedan •56-OLDS $1425 "super 88" holiday '56-MERCURY $1175 2 dr. hard top 56-HILLMAN sport tudor "55 - DODGE $875 j| lancer hard top '55-DODGE $825 4 door sedan '55 - OLDS $995 "88" 4 dr." sedan j5 - PLYMOUTH $775 club sedan *54 - PACKARD $595 clipper sedan '55-DODGE $995 154" chas. & cab '55 - CHEVROLET $995 172" dies. & cab Wide Selection of Others "A. S. Blake Motors, Inc. McHenry Phone 3100 Open Mon - Wed - Fri 'til 9 HOURLY RATES Tor jackhainmer service. Call us for the hard work Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf WASH 25c EACH 8 LBS. DRY 10c 10 MIN. SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS 202 N. Riverside Dr. Laundromat McHenry 311fS Enrolling Children Now For Day Nursery School Phone McHenry 1008 MR. BUSINESSMAN FOR SALE 39-tf WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. WORWICK STUDIO GEO. W. KOTALIK 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 275 12-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St., McHenry, 111. PUrVNTT? McHENRY 1749 36-tf P«rfcopt you don't know o thing about ut Tlw companies that w* rtpwmtf Ovr prompt claim iwviM and ytara of tipirkiw So we would like to coll ond *ay "htHo". We won't stay long, bore you to death or waste your time.'And it's possible our gray .hairs may save you some money. FIREWOOD SPECIAL -- $11 per ton. Phone Richard Duncan, McHenry 3358-W. FOR BENT THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure1 through/ this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 2800 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. GARDEN TRACTOR, sickle bar; 17^ ft. freezer; picnic table, benches; hammock and stand; lawn roller; 2 long ladders; miscellaneous tools. 630- R-l. 44 CRIB AND Chifferobe, $25; ping pong table, $5; maple j book cases, $2 each. Folding mahogany coffee table with drawer. $12. Blond coffee table and end tables, $12.>-~^hone McHenry 1471-J. "44 ROOM WITH private entrance, private bath, suitable for one 42-tf | or two adults. Country Club subdivision. Phone McHenry 1328. 44-2 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED BUSINi SERVICE Alls TUNG, u.CerT^, »>«*- e^teror. Paper hanging, wallboard taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff &. Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lakfe. Phone McHenry 3253-M. 36-tf Sat 'til 6 44 1950 % TON heavy duty Chevrolet pickup truck. 4 speed transmission. Call Kimball 6- 4756. Melvin Ehredt. *44 > FINISHED lr. Service/ SHIRTS FINISHEl 27c -- 24 Hr. Ser 1957 VOLKSWAGEN sedan. Good condition, radio, heater. Price $1395. Phone JAckson 6- 8515. 44 HOURS: 7 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. ALL DAY SUNDAY 5-tf Richard Duncan TREE SURGERY NURSERY LANDSCAPING FULLY INSURED Phone McHenry 3358-W 42-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink codding and root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hole work. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 26-tf 1957 FORD F-100 pickup V-8, 8 ft. box, new 710 high track tires, low mileage. Perfect condition. Call McHenry 1720-J. 44 BOATS & MOTORS BOATS Over 40 To Choose From Switzer, Crosby, Cruisers Inc. & Lyman lapstrake, Aluma-^ craft, Whitehouse, Glasiron, Aristocraft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Speed boats, cruisers, etc. 1959 Fibre glass 14' Runabout with steering, windshield, upholstered seats. 40 h.p. max $545. NEW MOTORS 3 to V50 h.p. Good buys on used boats and motors. TEENEE & GATOR TRAILERS Boating supplies & water skiis. ED WENDT BOATS RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 3231 Hrs. 3-6 daily -- Sun. 10 to 6 On Hwy. 12, 3 blks north of 12 & 173 intersection 44-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 or 271] Home Improvement HOWARD REINBOLDT Carpentry, Floor & Wall Tiling No Job Too Small Phone McHenry 261 36-8 Sewing Machines REPAIRED New, Used & Rentals SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES & SERVICE 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 111. Phone: Woodstock 294 42-tf LARGE WALNUT dining table with 3 • extra leaves. Phone McHenry 2831. 44 STRAW STORED in barn; stewing hens alive or dressed. Phone McHenry 1572-R. 44 AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone McHenry 1798. 44-tf FOR RENT ONE LARGE building, 5200 sq. ft. storage space.1 Several smaller buildings also available. So. Green Street at Anne. Phone McHenry 1074-R. 40-tf LIGHT AIRY room for rent. Private entrance, semi-private bath. 209 E. Elm St. 40-tf BLOCK BUIL£>ING in location zoned for industrial; on Rt. 120 east. Tel. McHenry 444 or 1422. Frank Gregory. 41-tf 4 ROOM- FURNISHED apt. for rent. Heated. Couple preferred. Phone Wonder Lake 5654. 42-tf FOR SALE FURNISHED, year 'round 3 room house, gas heat, hot wa- . ter, on river. Reasonable. Ideal • for couple or widow. Phone • | McHenry 1462-M. *44 MAINTENANCE MAN Require man experienced with general plumbing, carpentry, electrical and metal work^ New plant, good salary, hospitalization, profit 'Sharing and other company benefits. WRITE C/O McHENRY PLAINDEALER BOX 454 44 BOOKKEEPER for McHenry firm; typing necessary; shorthand helpful. Full time position. Write Box 449 in care of Plaindealer. 43-tf WANT EXPERIENCED sewing machine operator; also girl for ticketing and cutting room. Apply Magic Slacks, 600 Main St., McHenry, 111. 44 Help Wanted Lady for Notions Dept. Permanent Full Time Position Apply At Once BEN FRANKLIN 44 NEW HOT AIR gas furnaces,! „ „ 100,000 BTU's. Complete withlTWO BEDROOM aPt -' heat» all controls, Hi-Boys and count-J refngerator- range and garage er flow. $175. Phone McHenry furnished- Located in McHenry 2042 -- 40-tf! within walking distance of rail- - . ' road station and shopping dis- LOWREY ORGAN, 2 manual tricts. Available March 15. Clerk Typist (Female) , Variety of Duties including General Office Typing Essential Excellent Employee Benefits Permanent Hours: 8:15 to 4:45 BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 N. Hough St. Barrington, 111. 44 LOCAL. CONCERN wants secretary with knowledge of bookkeeping; full time, permanent position. Write Box 446 in care of Plaindealer. 43-2 Men & Women Days or Nights Solderers, multiple coil winders, assemblers, light factory work. Pleasant Working Conditions Paid Holidays & Vacation SKYSWEEPER, Inc. Phone McHenry 1090 44 SALESMAN DRIVER wanted. Excellent opportunity for married man of go-getter type. Position available March 15th. Established route with sales contacts furnished. We give high commissions and steady employment in compensation for honesty and personality. Insurance and many other benefits. Our employees know of this ad. State age, education and previous experience. Write Box 439 c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 42-4 SALES PERSON wanted: experience preferred. Apply kt Gladstone's Dept. Store. 44 TOOL & DIE MAKER Excellent opportunity . for' experienced man in our machine shop. Good Salary, .Hospitalization!/. * Profit Sharing and Other Company Benefits'. WRITE C/O 9 McHENRY PLAINDEALER^ Box 453 , j : 44 WANTED: Young married rfian to learn tire retreading aiid vulcanizing. Want man not afraid of work and willing learn. Apply Marticke & Nixon, Inc., 311 E. Elm St., McHenry. 44 REAL ESTATE WANT Research spinet. Holiday model. For sale, (Call 94-W after 6 p.m. at the McHenry Organ Center, EXPERIENCED bookkeeper & 1 typist needed at once. Call Mc-1 Henry 3502 for appt. 44 Coordinator for Educational Jfe Industrial Test Development across from the Jewel Food ° ROOM "P^irs apartment, Store. Phone McHenry 2251 '.suttabte for adults Phone or 202 41-tf Mcttenry 137-R or 149-M. 44 APPLES FOR SALE in fine ATTRACTIVE 3 room house, condition. Bargain prices, large enclosed porch, 1 bed- Oriole Springs Orchards, 4Va room, large basement garage, miles Northeast of Richmond, complete bath and big yard. |3% m i l e s S o u t h e a s t of Twin , Ph. Wonder Lake 6 8 9 3 . 4 4 - t f Lakes on state line road. Ph. ' ) . ~ ~ 42_3 1-^2 ROOM APT. kitchenette, CUSTOM SPRAY PAINTING Using flat color or the new spatter paints gives a new look to anything. Fresh, new spatter colors spatter paints gives a factory new look to anything. FREE ESTIMATE CUSTOM Service Phone McHenry 391 44 Station Box 38 38-tt Heating With Oil? CALL McHENRY 32 FOR 1. Insured Budget 2. Easy Payment 3. Automatic Delivery 4. Blue Heat Premium Fuel Thennes Oil Co. 7-tf Save Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools Phone McHenrv 1819-J Residence Fox Street W> tf Patzke Roofing Built Up Asphalt Roofs Shingling & Siding Phone McHenry^ 3413 JAMES PATSKE 615 Fountain Lane McCullom Lake McHenry, Illinois 44-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Instated Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 Richmond 3132. stove, refrigerator, shower and MAGNUS CHORD organs for | bath. Also 1 room suitable for sale from $129.50. McHenry | light housekeeping, shower & Organ Center, across from i bath. All utilities furnished. Jewel Food Store. Phone Mc-1 Buck's Town Club, 201 River- Henry 2251 or 202. 41-tf! side Drive. Tel. McHenry 3573. 44 % SIZE Steiner violin, over 100' years old; Duncan Phyfe mahogany coffee table with plate glass top. Call McHenry 1264-J from 10 to 12 a.m. or 6 to 9 p.m. 44 CARD TABLE, $8; 2 pr. drapes $12. Write c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 440. *44 GOING FAST, but a few tickets still available. Cabaret Dance Party at American Legion Post 491, Sat. eve., March 21st. In person at both 'floor shows, Danny Rio. Dance to smooth music of the Blue Notetf? Tickets available at Post now. $1.00 per person. 44 COMPLETE BULK Tank unit. Dari-Kool 200 gal. bulk tank, 52 gal. hot water heater, exhaust fan, all wiring and plumbing, ready for use. 25% down, balance in 24 months. Frank J. Green, Woodstock, 111. Phones Woodstock 63 or 1474. 44-3 DALMATIAN pups. Children's pets. Phone Woodstock 1093. Dick Neff. 44 200 FEET of belting, 1 ft. w i d e ; one I - b e a m 4 x 1 2 x 1 5 f t . ; three blacksmith's vises; two 3 h.p. elec. motors; one 1 h.p. motor; 5 h.p. Briggs & Stratton gas motor; trip hammer; 2 anvils; small assortment of steel and pipe. Diaper washing machine; approx. 8 to 10 ton alfalfa hay; two 7.50 - 10 ply truck tires. Phone Woodstock 1P10-M-2. 44 DINING ROOM table and chairs. Antique organ. Phone 44 FOR RENT or will sell warehouse building, 27x42 on large industrial lot, suitable for light manufacturing or business. One block to freight depot in McHenry. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 451. *44-2 1954 CATALINA National home. 5 miles from Woodstock or McHenry on Bull Valley Road. 3 bedrooms, k i t c h e n , l i v i n g r o o m , t i l e b a t h and f u l l b a s e m e n t . Will rent to reliable party with adequate references who will agree to vacate on 60 day notice if property is sold. Ph. Windsor 5-2763 for appt. 44 WANTED (Female) Trainee and Experienced Alpha Key Punch Operators for Full Time Days Part Time Evenings and Saturdays APPLY SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Inc. 104 Pearl St. McHenry 44 SALESMAN for part time work. Car necessary. JUstice 7-0285. 44 Floor Inspector (Male) j Graduate work in psychology and/or statistics desirable, experience in market research helpful. ! ALSO i Special Project | Coordinator | Clear thinking individual to I anticipate problems and take j timely action in processing i educational and industrial testj ing programs. | Familiarity with IBM equip- | ment helpful but not necessary. i Excellent opportunity for ad- | varicement in rapidly growing concern. APPLY SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, Inc. 104 Pearl St. McHenry 44 CHOICE BUSINESS property available % mile west of McHenry on Route 120. Also residential lots. Terms. Raymoj Weide. Phone Wonder La 6501. 29-2U McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ • REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf Must have at least 3 years recent experience in machine shop inspection. Excellent 2 BEDROOM home, partly fur- j earnings for qualified inspector, nished, gas heat. Idyll Dell Road, $65. Ph. McHenry 404, ask for Mrs. Toleson. *44 WELL FURNISHED room and garage. Hot water heat. Located on highway. Phone McHenry 1251-, s 44 NICE ROOMS on Fox Riveruse of house; air conditioning and all modern conveniences. $7 a week. Tel. 630-R-l. 44 Permanent Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 44 WE WILL BUILD YOU A >in Heme l-tf I McHenry 748. W A N T E D If you have a farm or home for sale List It With Atlas Builders & Real Estate PHONE McHENRY 430 38-tf ON YOUR LOT For as little as $7,700 $300 Down -- Balance to 30 Years ALSO REMODELLING and REPAIRS on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience FOR FREE ESTIMATES ^ PHONE McHENRY 430 AtlasBislders & Reaf Estate 2 blocks east of bridge on Highway 120 FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES" RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenrv 421-J 42-ti Looking For A Home?" Tilton Homes will build aap kind, anywhere, anytime. Complete homes, only 59r down , . qualified buyers. Model unde.r construction in Cooney Heighj^ For information or to siieje model, contact Lee Cooney Telephone McHenry 119-R 40-tf LOT FOR SALE near McCullom Lake, McHenry County. For information call GL 1- 1869 after 6 p.m. LOT ON WATER adjacent to Fox River. Ideal for boat slip^. 80 ft. frontage., Will sell or** easy terms. T. W. Lou ton, Des" Plaines. Phone VAnderbilt 4- 3035. 43-tf MERS T FOR INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Parts and Service CALL ADAMS REPAIR SHOP Johnsburg & Pistakee Bay Roads Phone: McHenry 434 28-t; GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for IG POST SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA - PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE A Complete .Farm Implement Service PHONE McHENRY 33 522 Waukegari Road Baby • Chicks Stouf fer's K-137 Kimber Chiks MATHEWS H &. N "Nick Chick" Leghorns ^ M-138 Strain Cross Leghorns M-221 Grey Leghorn ( . Cross DOUGHBOY FEEDS LOWES HYBRID SEED CORN SEED OATS Minhafer and 5 other well-known brands LEO BLAKE v FEED SALES 205 Grand Ave. McHfenry ' PHONE 899-J Call before 10 A.M. or after 3 P.M. - , FARMERS Dead and Crippled ^ Animals Removed At Once Wheeling Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0103 10-J

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