Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Mar 1959, p. 12

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Page Twelve Wonder Lake SCHEDULE OF DATES SET BY j HARRISON BOARDj by Jane Ducey -- 27811 I At the meeting of the board education Tuesday night a schedule was set up with the aim of breaking ground for the new addition as soon as possible. All architectural drawings are to be submitted by March 17, which will allow the board a week 10 go over them. March 124 the final plans will be opened and April 21 the job let. THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 12, T959 Wheaton Gospel team will be in charge of this meeting. ; Good Friday services will be | held in the church from 1:30 to ; 3 p.m. Special music medita-^ lion and inspirational messages i by Pastor Grayslake will make t h i > service wel worth vour attendance All couples of the church are invited to the next meeting of the Couples Club to be held Sunday evening, March 15, at 7:30. There will be a special program presented by the pas- Robcrt Peterson, of J ,0»'- and P'a»s wil1 bc niade ,l) and Pastor Wright ( further organize this group Come and help in the spirit of ser\ ice and fellowship. O Tuesday evening, March 17, the teachers and officers of the Sunda\ School will meet for an important session of instruction on basic Christian' doctrines, and to complete plans for Award Sunday on April 5. "The Way of Mystery" is the title of the sixth sermon in the series "The Way to Calvary" of Wednesday evening Mid-week Lenten services, to be , given March 18. 4-H Mother Daughter Meeting Sunday, March 15, at 4 p.m. the girls of the 4-11 Wonder Workers and their mothers will meet for a "kaffee-klatch" at Harrison school, according to better acquaint the mothers with the activities of the girls and the scope of 4-H work. The club will receive a "Participation Award" for their window display in Paul's Hardware. All window0 displays made by 4-H clubs in the county will receive the same award, according to Mrs. Hansen. Reason is that judging day was so stormy many windows were not viewed bv' the committee School Board Kleetion Time The deadline for filing petitions by candidates for the board of education is Saturday. March 21. To date no jxMitions have'been picked up from the Harrison school office. The terms of three membe?'s.j °^ jl,dKes of the grade school board expire this'year, those of F. O Marion, Mrs. Jay Hansen and I A "Day of Recollection" for Dr. Rayjrion'd Watkins. Mrs. \ all the men of the parish will Hansen and Mr. Marion have I be* held Sunday. March 15. at said that they do not intend to I C*hrist the King church. Farun a g a i n ; Dr. W a t k i n s nol be reached for a statement Christ the King Church News at this writing. On the McHenry high school board incumbent Fred Marks will be a candidate from Wonder Lake this year. Election day is April 11. and Harrison school will be the polling place for both the grade and high school this vear. Snowplow Accident Mrs. Joe Lundborg and Barbara Ann Grochocki were passengers in the car. driven by Mrs. Helen Kline, which wafe hitH)\ a snow plow on Hwy. 120 west of the Greenwood curve Friday morning jit H:30 a.m. The plow which \Vas coming east hit a bump and veered into the Kline ear breaking all the glass on the driver's side. The passengers were cut by the splintered glass and bruised couid ' ther Cnarles O'Brien, formerly j and shaken but released from of McHenry and now assigned j Memorial hospital the same to St. Mel's in. Chicago, will be 1 day. speaker. Every man of 1 ho J parish is encouraged to take | Nativity Visitation Committee this time for spiritual medi- J The visitation committee of tation. | Nativity Lutheran church will March 19. SI. Joseph's Day, J have- its quarterly meeting a special Mass w ill be said at ! Tuesday afternoon. March 17, « < «% /- *•* n . I n • f) *-» 'l'V\»o t »>•* r\r\r»4 anf rrt'/Min the cheerleaders this time, who were awarded the Lakes Conference Cheerleading Award at Gavin school Saturday night. The girls are Sharon Hoffman, Ann Pliner. Pat Grabovy, Leslie Decker, Donna Setzler, Kay Kostp.1, Lorrie Vacula, Dianh McMahon. and Kathy Bruscato. 'I he Lakes Conference includes Big Hollow, Gavin, Einmon, Freemont, Channel Lake and Harrison schools. Home BUreau Craft Day Ringwood unit of Home Bureau met at the home of Mrs. Donald Swanson March 3, for a craft day. Everyone brought a "crafty" idea for exchange. The lesson was given by Mrs. Pat Spindler of the Sunnyside unit, titled "The dining area fashioned for living." Roll call was answered with "How often do you use your dining room." Fourteen members and one guest were present for the potluck lunch. High School Student Discussion Group Monday evening. March 16, when the discussion group of high school students meets in 11:30 a.m. Following the MASS ! at 2 p.m. This important group' a "St Joseph s Table" will be visits the sick and shut-in in set at the home of Mr. and | the community and also makes Mrs. Jerry Luciano. This old ; regular visits to the McHenry Italian custom COMMEMORATES 1 County home at Hart land, the "Last Supper." Thirteen They are working in cooperaaltar boys receive Holy Com: tion with Superintendent Howmunion together in portrayal aid Nehlig and other service 1" ' • I Come to the Plays I Director Randall Josserand has two plays in rehearsal "Eh" and "Kill the Old Rooster". Opening night will be Thursday, March 19, in the Harrison Jgym, at 8 p.m. Cast for "Eh" includes Kathy Bruscato, Doug Sellek, Rog Ensmi nger, George Sorensen and Rosalinda Blatter. "Kill the Old Rooster" will feature, Lorrie Vacula, Larry Willis. l£athy : Kostal, DiAnn McMantt^' and Phil Hastings. The eighth grade class will conduct a bake sale at /school the night of the plays tp- further help raise funds for^heir ' Springfield trip. the school' hall at Christ the 1 of Our Lord and the twelve di- | groups in the county, to bring King church, the theme "Sex" will be discussed by Father Vanderpool and Dr. Ruggero. The girls will have their group meeting at 7 p.m.. and sciples. After Mass they par- cheer to the residents there on1 take of several types of food 1 a 365 days of the year basis, which has been set out on the i Many more are needed to table the night before and help in the ministry of love and blessed by the priest. Follow- j mercy, and anyone interested thp boys wil 1 meet from 8 to jng this there is open house for in helping is urged to attend 9. Every girl and boy of high school age in the parish is expected to attend these important. informative discussions and it is imperative that the parents see that they attend this week, particularly. all the families, neighbors. friends and • this meeting. Bible Church News Visitation week has been set Nativity Lutheran Church News | Sunday, March 15. will be 1 "New Member Sunday" in the church and everyone is welcome to come and rejoice with r tv/i v, ic .u u -the congregation as new memfor March 16 through March 20 ; ^ WIN B<? RECEIVED BY CONat the Bible church and special j firmation, ietter of transfer, vlsUatio" f:)r and renewal of faith. A recepthef Christum layman will be , tion is p]anned from 3 t0 5 in conducted m the church every | the afternoon for (he new night next week beginning at I bers. sponsored by the , QR Dai- T u«Un., 1* f 1 "Women of the Church" and t h e E v a n g e l i s m c o m m i t t e e . They extend an invitation to come and welcome the new 7:30. Rev. Luther T. Cook, home evangelist, will be con- \ ducting these classes and will ! share with al! who attend some 1 of the experiences and bless- 1 ings of this unique field of Christian service. Membership Sunday has been delayed one week and will be obsei-ved in the morning worship service Sunday, Marcl&15. There will also be dedication of children at this service. A Bible class is being taught every Tuesday afternoon by Pastor Wright. The time is • 1:30, the place, the church, and much can be obtained by those who attend. Prayer follows the class. 1 Youth for Christ meeting at Barrington on March 14. Those needing transportation should be at the church at 6:30 p.m. for a ride on the bus. The members. Crippled Children's Lily Parade Mrs. Harry Davidson is town captain for the Easter Seal tag day in Wonder Lake, assisted by Walter Borman of Highland Shores on the West side of the Lake. March 21 has been slated for tag day in the county and subdivision captains to date are Mrs. Dan Tomano, Miss Ruth Osterlund. Mrs. Mel Sellek. Harry Pierce, Mrs. Marge J Healles and Mrs. Marius Han- : sen. Cheerleaders Win Award J Another trophy has been brought home to Harrison I school to keep for one .year, by She's A Colleen Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Palko of Wooded Shores have named | their daughter Colleen Ann. ; Born Feb. 27 at Memorial hospital she weighed R lbs. 6'L> OZ. at birthday and has been doing s p l e n d i d l y at home. O t h e r Palko children are Helen Joanne, Debra Ann, and Gerald | Francis, Jr. Maternal grand- > parents are Mr. and Mrs... Peter Priest of Riverside, 111., and paternal Frailk Palko of Forreston, 111., and Mrs. Royal Wienkle of Beloit, Wis. Of Cabbages and Kings Sure and the cabbage will be served with corned beef a* Van's Wonder Lounge Maxell 17 for the wearers of the green. M u s i c , f o o d , f a v o r s and fun will be the order of the day at the St. Patrick's supper, according to Ethel. Hair will be worn shorter says Leah Cormier who just returned from Chicago where she attended the Beauticians' convention four days last week. She also had a visit with her sister from Lake Charles, La., who was in the windy city attending an- advertising convention. Two local girls with parts in the senior play at McHenry high are Joyce Schimke and Jill Gustavson. "Cheaper by the Dozen" is. the production ind performance will be given Friday and Saturday night. Mrs; Dorothy McEachren was one of the hostesses at the district meeting of B. and P. \V. clubs in Woodstock Sunday. The district Comprises eleven Business and Professional Women's clubs. Jeanne Marion will be home for ^he Easter vacation from the ty. of Wisconsin in two wee^sf She has been learning hovv^tb snow ski (they've had the weather for it) and finds it easy after water skiing. Extended Sympathy The- heartfelt sympathy of the e&inmur.ity is expressed to the bereaved parents of Lee FuHr&r who dined Friday night in Children's Memorial hospital in Chicago. He would have been 11 years old April 24. Pastor Richard Wright conducted last rites Monday afternoon with burial in Woodland cemetery, where he was laid to rest beside sister, Joy, who preceded him in death in January, 1956. The women of the church and community prepared lunch Village of Sunnyside URGE GOOD TURNOUT FOR MONTHLY SOCIAL Irma Gunther--1577-J Our monthly social will be on March 21, at the home of Ed and Betty Lehman and we hope the turnout will be as great as last month, especially because we will be voting for replacement of officers. Those nominated were George Schuman for president; Jackie Cios for vice-president; Kay Fredr i c k f o r s e c r e t a r y ; Mrs. Schultz and Mrs. Mackinson for treasurer; Ed Lehman, Joe Metzger and Leah Fritz for sergeant-at-arms and Eugene Kalmes for publicity chairman. So all you members, please, come and you are also assured of. a good time. money for shrubbery and work hard to hatfe nice lawns it isn't fair for a neighbor's dog to come over and ruin it and there have Deeft many complaints about the dogs so let's all work together on this. All cars' that don't have new vehicle tags will also be subjected to fines. test. The test for junior bars was also passed by Susan and by her sister, Jeanniejo. Pehr W. & Son OXYGEN EQUIPPED ry 63 No Tickets Wanted This heading applies to every one in the village because I know nobody wants to receive one. If you have not obtained your tags for your pet dog you better before you get fined, the minimum is one dollar and the maximum is twenty five dollars, also if any dogs are found wandering around loose they will be impounded and you will have to bail them out. When people pay good Home Bureau Our monthly meeting will be held at the home of Lee Beier in Pistakee Terrace. Sylvia Obstfelder will give the local leader lesson on "The Dining Area Fashioned For Living." The meeting will be held one week earlier on March 18 instead of the last Wednesday of the month. Everyone is asked to bring a decorated egg. We can all show off our talents to see who brings the fanciest egg. Birthday Greetings Mrs. Harrington Sr., had a birthday last week, shall we say 36 years, young???? I guess we will put her with Jack Benny and forget a few years. Day Off X Last Saturday I took the children into the city. My brother took the boys to ffce the Sport Show which they thoroughly enjoyed and while they went their way I took my daughter to see Sleeping Beauty which we thought was just grand. I\ know when it comes to McHenry I won't mind seeing it again, there's nothing like fairy tales. Luncheon ^ I almost forgot to mention that our Home Bureau Unit is having a luncheon to raise some money. This luncheon will be held at the Johnsburg Community house on April 2, at 12:30 and you may get tick-, ets from the members or fEpm the chairman, Mrs. Frank Mac- Laughlin, 1654-M. afterwards for out of town mourners. In addition to the parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fuhrer, he is survived by maternal granparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Yates of Ames, Iowa, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Fuhrer of Chicago, all of whom attended the funeral. , Sick List Little Lynne Schuman is recuperating just fine and has been playing outside with her sisters. Nancy Fritz should be home from the hospital when this paper comes out after some quick surgery. Dance ft Don't forget to get your tickets for the dance given by the Johnsburg Rescue Squad. These men do some wonderful work and we should all help them when they need our support. o WEATHER OBSERVES Future Skating Stars Last week the children that have been going to the skating rink to learn all of the fancy steps had a chance to try them out on the judges who come around yearly to test the youngsters. Susan Benoche won in the "Class C" figure con- READY-MIX Va McHenri fi 4&AUDPAPPY ^ WAS POP KIDDING WHEN HE SAID YOU ONCE HAD J HE HALF? LIKE / WASN'T SNOW? F (ODDTN6 KIDDO " THEN, WHO SHOVELED IT OFF? OFFHAND WE'D SAY WW OF ALL PEOPLE APPRECIATE 6000 BARGAINS THATS WHY THE MAJORITY OF FOLKS FLOCK TO The Illinois State Water Survey is seeking volunteer wither observers in central Illinois to assist in a study of severe storms this summer and fall. Slated for,special study is an area around Urbana- Champaign, bounded on the north by a line through Kankakee and Streator, on the east by the Indiana state line, on the south by a line through Lawrenceville and St. Lo^p, and on the west by the IIHinois PROFEUIOflRL DIRECTOR V, ii READY-MIX S REA0Y MfX CO. tNC • /=&»c? 7&CM-LC. HFG£N££R $V£ 69?V2/C0£ ^ GRAANYTSIO LACKHE • £/st7£GPR/&£<$2.00 MCHENRY FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLI KOENEK JN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRUE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, I1L Phone McHenry 667-W-l You know you need a dryer.. . and here's why you'll be happier with an ELECTRIC!?! DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHJX Chiropractic Physician ™ Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. A Frl 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743 j FRESH... CANDIES 0 l?RESH the day they're mad©! NOW AT OLGER'S McHENRY DRUG STORE PHONE 40 »V ELECTRIC DRYERS EVEN ESS TAKE THE WRINKLES OUT OF "WASH 'N' WEAR .. . and an electric dryer costs you $30 to $50 less to buy! An Electric Dryer can save you hours of ironing on all those modem fabrics. To de-wrinkle, all you do is set the control provided especially for "Wash 'n Wears." This control is fully automatic (as are all controls on Electric Dryers). There is no pilot to light, no igniting device needed. And clothes dry cleanest in fume-free Electric Dryers, come out fluffy and sweet-smelling. An electric dryer is economical to use--costs less to buy. So get the best--an Electric Dryer--and make washdays easier for your wife for many years to come. See your electric appliance dealer and learn how little it costs. V SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER Whan your dryer is Electric, then you're sure it's automatic! Public Service Company ©Commonwealth Ediaoa Company DR. C. R. SWANSOf Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursda, 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:3i. Mon., Wed., St Fri. EventMfc* By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 1<K . I EARL R. WAWH | INSURANCE iFire, Auto, Farm & Life t i Representing j RELIABLE COMPANIES , When You Need Insurant | Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Greet. & Elm McHenr>, SCHROEDER IRON WOE ** |Ornamental & Structural Si' * Visit Our Showroom? S Miles South on Rt. 8 PHONE 950 % Expert PIANO TUNING and Repairing A. G. SKALA o/o Steffan's Jewelry Store PHONE 123-J 514 W. Main > Street jk DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 12B So. Green Street Office phone MeHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 • • Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 . 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAR1 Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitte* Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs & Frl 7 to 9 p.m. j, Saturdays - 3 to 6 p.m. Phone McHenry 2262-J Loop office - 108 N. State St Phone DEarborn 2-2096 £ GEORGE J. CASTLE. Agent The Prudential Insurance Ca of America Life, Retirement, Sickness A" Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, III. Phone: McHenry 2533

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