Page Eighteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, March 26, 1959 Lakeland Park HOLD EGG HUNT AT 1 P.M. ON EASTER SUNDAY Vfckey Bottari--2262 1524-J The annua] Easier egg hunt as usual this year will be held on Easter Sunday. The time has been changed to 1 p.m. instead of 11 a.m. as prev iously stated. Children between the ages of 6 through 12 will hunt for their eggs at the East Beach (old beach) and the West Beach (new beach) will be for children from the walking stage through 5 years of age. Put boots on the children because the beaches are still quite wet. Leave the pretty Easter clothes at home so they can really hunt and enjoy themselves without having to worry about getting all dirty. Please deliver your colored eggs at the very latest early Saturday evening to the following people: Shirley Ozog - 217 No. Meadow Lane. Elmira Kujak- -414 McHenry Road (120) and Barbara Malinkowski --- 122 No. Knoll. If you have no way,of j delivering the eggs to the men-1 tioned women, call Dorothy I Meineko^ at 2506- J and she j will be glad to pick them up. i Junior 'Teens The new officers of the Junior 'Teens elected at their meeting of March 18 are President, Marge Parisi, secretary. Mary Ann Borchart and treasurer, Judy Reining. Women's Club The Lakeland Park Women's club will hold their monthly meeting this coming Thursday, April 3. at the Rizzo Home at 323 Home ave.. starting at 8:30 p.m. Don't forget to call the following girls and get youi candidate slated for the cornin April: Claudia Gam. 136: Beverly Wickenkamp. 3069-J; Gayle Laursen, 2254-R; Mickey Gladman 2543-J and Dorothy Glorch 2044-R. Baby Shower A very nice baby shower was held for the new little heiress at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Malinowski and the following ladies were there with many lovely gifts and in trun were served cake, coffee and several kinds of jello-molds: Bunnv Thelen, June Gilbertscn, Joan Krater, Lois Anderson. Katherine Bute, Gertrude Jessup, Lyda Radisch, Merna Strohmaier, Polly Lieastro, Joan Kane, Angie Amici, Mary Filsinger, Connie Giacome. Marianne Gorniak, Gert Krug, Laverne Okal, Alyce Kowal, Hubert and Jackie Mortimer, Edna Aevermen Olivia and Joan Bauer, Pattie ana Lorraine Hiller. LuAnn Smith, Mary Murphy, Bill and Tootsie Lewis and the group of girls wno have named themselves the "Bunco Squad" Jackie Hagen, Marge Franklin, Jean Potocki, Charleen Mueller, Dorothy Meineke, Elmira Kujak, Dolores Rogers and Shirley Ozog and this group presented her with a very beautiful playpen. The shower was held in tHfe Rogers' basement and the girls had it all decorated with pink streamers and the playpen was opened up and the gifts wer* all placed in it with a very beautiful doll right in the center which unfortunately belonged to Jackie Hagen's little girl, so Barb didn't get to take that home for Rita Louise although with the things she did bring home she will be the best dressed little lady around for quite some time to come. On Vacation • Mr. and Mrs. Roy.. Meineke and their two daughters spent a week on a trip to Florida going to Daytoma Beach, Silver Springs and St. Augustine. On one of their days there they crossed the Sw'annee River at White Springs with the main purpose of seeing the Steven Foster Memorial, but, due to three floors being under watei this was quite impossible. Please note the amount of water they have there and we will feel a lot better about the small amount we may have had around here in our own subdivision. Belated Birthday Wishes This time belated birthday wishes are extended to Frankie Moran and Butch Jett. In Hospital Dale Woods had to be rushed to the Hospital due to a very bad infection in his legs. II seems he was playing with his brothers and evidently was scratched on the leg in one way or another and this caused him to get blood poison and never saying anything to anyone until it got so bad he could hardly walk and as soon as his mother saw the leg she knew just what was wrong because you see. she is a nurse. Even though he has been a pretty sick little boy he has been having a grand time for himself. Cub Scouts The following Cub Scouts of Den 4. 361, received honors at I the last pack meeting held last I Thursday night: Ray Barle. denner, Phil Bucaro, assistant denner and Jimmy Hansen received his Bob-Cat pin. The boys also put on a skit about Canadian Indians which was written by Mrs. Berniece Boyce who is a Den Mother with Mrs. Leverne Okal. It was also their first attempt at posting the colors and even though Ihey did get a little mixed up upon retiring the colors, they did quite well. Happy Birthday to JoAnn Rizzo on her eighth birthday which she - celebrated on Friday afternoon with the following little girl friends: Valerie Franklin, Josephine Cina, Kathy Becker, Julie Fenwick, Tina Thellen, Mary Lou Miller, Janet Weber, Mary Hagen, Mary Pintozzi and of course big sister, Paulette. The girls played games and then were served cake, ice - cream and grape juice. Ringwood Ruby Shepard to Tommy Przetacznek who celebrated his ninth birthday on Saturday. The following boys and girls were invited to help him celebrate with cake, ice-cream, etc. JoAnn and Paulette Rizzo, Barbara and Peter Murphy, Josephine Cina, Johnny Reineke and Kevin Lavin. Visiting For the past two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krupinski have been entertaining Daisy's two brothers, Tom and Dr. Fred Maroni, from Bovey, Minn. Sewing Circle The Sewing Circle met at the home of Mrs. Lena Peet Tuesday afternoon. The women sewed and embroidered. 500 Club Mrs. Lester Carr entertained the Women's 500 club at her home Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score went to Mrs. Viola Low and low score to Mrs. Oscar Berg. LEGAL NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed proposals will be received by the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry until 8:00 o'clock P.M. (C.S.T.), Monday, March 30, 1959 for the construction of a s a n i t a r y s e w e r i n C o u r t Street, North from Washington Street to the City Limits. Copies of documents may be obtained from W. A. Rakow and Associates, Consulting Engineers, 202 E. Chicago Street, Elgin, Illinois. A proposal guarantee not less than 10% must accompany all bids. A bid bond will not be acceptable as a proposal guarantee. The Mayor and Council reserve the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive technicalities. By order of the Mayor and City Council of the City of McHenry. EARL R. WALSH City Clerk (Pub. March 19-26, 1959) Spring Luncheon The annual Spring luncheon meeting will be at the church April 8. Our speaker Will be Rev. David Butler who has been a missionary in the Middle East, and is now Professor at Garrett. Rev. Butler was also on the staff at the school of Missions at Elmhurst last year. Neighboring societies will be invited as guests at a 12:45 luncheon to hear Dr. Butler. Since this meeting falls on the date of the regular meeting the business meeting has been moved up to April 1 the first Wednesday. The rummage sale will be April 24 and 25. Mark your calendar. 4-H News The 4-H Party a month club hold their meeting . at the church Friday evening. Canasta Club Mr. and Mrs. Russel. Rasmussen entertained their canasta club at thgir home Saturday evening. Personals Miss Lona Brever and Mrs. Lester Carr attended a card party at Spring Grove Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent Monday with her daughter and family, the Ernest®Reinwalls at Cooney Heights. Mrs. William Cruickshank, Mrs. Ruby Shepard and Mrs. Russel Rasmussen were guests of the McHenry W.S.C.S. guest day at the Methodist church on Thursday afternoon and enjoyed' the book review "The Scarlet Lily" by Mrs. John Varese. Among those from here to attend the Retreat at the Alden RUBS an CLEANED fIs scientific way \ • All work done in your own homal • Everything ready to use same dayl • No messy soaking, no shrinking! for FREE estimate, call McHenry 3418 PARENTS DURACLEAN SERVICE by FA1LK I CE J OAK PARK HOTEL PISTAKEE BAY -- PHONE McHENRY 176 (faster dblnnerd SERVED IN THE PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE OF OUR NEWLY DECORATED DINING ROOM' SMORGASBORD ON EFI1DAYS AND SUNDAYS *1.50 Methodist . church Saturday were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Walkington, Mrs. Russel Rasmussen, Art Lau, Alice Peet, Rev. and Mrs. John Eddy and Rev. James McChesney. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Butler spent Sunday in the Andrew Butler home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Ainger and family of Hebron, Will Claxton and John Dreymiller of McHenry, were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mr. and Mrs. William Heine of Chicago were callers in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roland McCannon of Normal, 111. spent from ^unday until Wednesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington. Mr.- and Mrs. Walkington returned home with them for a few days visit. Mrs. f^oleomb and children and Dick Aissen visited Mr. Holcomb at Hines hospital Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Weldon Andreas . and Mrs. Tom Huemann were visitors at Woodstock Friday evening.' Mr. and Mrs. Robert ; Low and son of McHenry were Sunday dinner guests in the BeattyaLow home. Afternoon callers ^were Mrs. Walter Wilcox of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olsen of Richiftond. Mr. $nd Mrs. Earl -stromas and family of Hinsdale 'spent. Sunday in, the Wa'^r Lowhome. Mrs. William Hepburn attended the wedding of her niece Kay Madison and Ilenty Garbers, at the Grace Lutheran church at Kenosha and reception at the American club Saturday evening. Mrs. William Glawe and mother, Mrs. Emma Wagner, of Woodstock, spent Sunday afternoon in the Roy Harrison home and they with Mis. Harrison attended the flower show at Flowerwood. Mr; and Mrs. Don Smart of Waukogan speni Sunday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich Jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and Mrs. Fred Bowman spent Friday afternoon in the Cyril Pacey home at Wilmot. and the Russel Ehiert home at Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Duff and family of Dundee spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Lena Peet and daughters Alice and Marian. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter of Sycamore spent. Sunday in the Fred Wiedrich Jr., home. Jim Pearson is spending his Easter vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Ehlert and son, Jeff, of Burlington spent Sunday afternoon, in the Fred Bowman home. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Dowell attended the flower show at Flowerwood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Rasmusson and daughter arid' Art Lau visited Mrs. Flora Harrison at Round Lake Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Skidmore, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, spent Sundayafternoon in the Dean Ehlert home at Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. I.ouis Ilawley spent Sunday afternoon in the Ernest Reinwall home at Cooney "Heights. Charles Yanko of Genoa Cityspent Tuesday in the Oscar Bevg N;ino. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hinze of Crystal Lake spent Thursday evening in the Mrs. Lena Peet home. Mr >nd Mrs. Mike Freund of McHenry were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. L E G A L NOTICE OF ELECTION Public notice is hereby given j that on the 21st day of April, | 1959, in and for the Village of J Island Lake, Lake and McHenry Counties, Illinois, an election will be held for the following Village officials: 3 Trustees -- 4 year term 2 Trustees -- 2 year term (to fill unexpired term) That for said election the Village of Island Lake has been divided into two eleotion precincts, and the boundaries of each election precinct and,the name of the polling place designated for each precinct is as follows: ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 1, shall consist of all that part' of the Village of Island Lake which lies in Lake County, Illinois. Polling place is the Island Lake Auto Service, N.W. Corner of-Route 176 and Woodlawn Drive in the Village of Island Lake, Illinois. ELECTION PRECINCT NO. 2, shall consist of all that part of the Village of Island Lake which lies in McHenry County, Illinois. Polling place is the Village Hall, South side of Route 176, approximately 2 blocks west of Gate 3, in the Village of Island Lake, Illinois. The polls at said election will be opened at 6:00 o'clock^, A.M. and will be closed at 6:00* o'clock P.M., Central Standard Time, on the day of said election. Legal voters of the Village of Island Lake, Illinois must vote at the polling place designated for the election precinct within which they resjfb. Dated this 26th day of March A.D., 1959. Helen M. De Wire Village Clerk (Pub. March 26, 1959) SPONSOR CIRCUS The Island Lake Lions club is sponsoring a three-ring circus in that village on May 31, with two performances to t{*p place on the grounds of the Island Lake grade school. One doesn't have to live alone to feel lonesome. ' IT'S COMINGS The Bargain Saving Grand Opening' of the Century Waich This Paper For The Big Day j Our Own Advice: When anyi body asks you about your ' health, don't take it seriously. (^£)eiicioud rru. The Easy . . . Economical Way! •' Baked Lasagna • Pasia Fasula • Bar-B-Cued Chicken & Ribs • Home-Made Bakery * Salads Many More Tasty Dishes To Choose- From Pantry. 184 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE McHENRY 754 cacite*. McHeftr Jos. F RETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east of Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry 976 New homes available for immediate occupancy ' » i You know you need a dryer.. . and here's why you'll be happier with an ELECTRIC 1 OFFICIAL BALLOT To be voted at the Township Election, Township of McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, to be held TUESDAY, APRIL 7,1959 H. WALTER ANDERSON Township Clerk 1 PMTOY For Supervisor • LeRoy M. Smith For Assistant Supervisor (Vote For Two) • Albert A. Adams • Walter J. "Wally" Dean For Road Commissioner O IMPENDENT MY For Supervisor • Michael Schaefer For Assistant Supervisor (Vote For Two) • Carl J. Hallstrom • James "Jim" Althoff For Road \\CfMom missioner • •Charles "ChuckI n Eurrnir DRYERS EVEN ••I f a ••• i . 3 v. ^3 t' •••" -*» TAKE THE WRINKLES OUT OF "WASH 'N' WEARS . . . and an e l e c t r i c d r y e r c o s t s you $30 to $50 l e s s to b u y ! An Electric Dryer can save you hours of ironing on all tjtiose modern fabrics. To de-wrinkle, all you do is set the control provided especially for "Wash 'n Wears." This control is fully automatic (as are all controls on Electric Dryers). There is no pilot to light, no igniting device needed. And clothes dry cleanest in fume-free Electric Dryers, come out fluffy and sweet-smelling. An electric dryer is economical to use--costs less to buy. So get the best--an Electric Dryer--and make washdays easier for your wife for many years to come. See your electric appliance dealer and learn how little it costs. . Wh^i yoyr dryer •*. Electric, then you're «w it's automatic! SEE YOUR ELECTRIC APPLIANCE DEALER (J Public Service Company © Commonwealth Edison Company t)