\ Thursday, March 26, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Page Nineteen Johnsburg NEW SLATE OF OFFICERS FOR LADY FORESTERS ^ 1 by Betty HettermanD At their recent monthly meeting, members of St. Agatha's court No. 777 held election of officers. Newly elected in office were the following ladies: Marie Oef fling--chief ranger; Rita Miller, vice-chief ranger; Virginia Pitzen, recording secretary; Agnes Schmitt K?und, financial secretary; Evn Deidrich. treasurer; Catherine Dehn, Laura Schmitt and Estelle Klapperich. trustees; Marilyn Thelen and Kathy Schaefer, Junior and senior conductors, Anita Freund and Marie Frett, sentinels; Laura Schmitt and Nancy Weber will be directors for the juvenile court. Various items of business were ^scussed at the meeting in connection with the forthcoming, banquet on April 12. The Rockford diocesan conference of the Women's Catholic Older of Foresters will meet in the community club on this date. Reservations for the dinner should be in no later than Sunday, March 29. They may bo called into either Evelyn j^jpidrich or Virginia Pitzen. Let Tls all try to attend this event and make a good showing for our court. stock hospital. Our congratulations are extended to the proud parents also to the maternal grtfhdparents, Mr. and Mrs. George Schmitt. Ladies Xljjht Banquet Plans are just about complete for ttee annual ladies night banquet held by the community club members on their regular meeting night in May. Please watch for more information concerning this event in future issues of this column. Around the Town | Mr. and Mrs. "Pete" Peterj son hosted a party last Sunday : in their home honoring their , son, Bill, who was confirmed in I Wonder Lake earlier that day. ! a The Wilfred Freunds enter ' tained relatives at° their home last Sunday- for the baptismal celebration of their fifth child. At this time we would like to ! extend wishes fpr good luck ! and happiness in their new surj roundings to the Freund fam- ! ily. In the near future they i will be taking up residence Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Heim and J their three children expect to | spend the Easter vacation vis- | iting his family in Kentucky. ! Carol Ann Stilling and Su- ! san Pitzen will be coming home ! this week from St. Coletta's | school to spend their Easter vacation with their respective families. School Bond Vote Kesults The vote on the public school bond issue held in the school and in the Slinnyside community hall resulted as follows-- 234 yes and 185 no. ® Tickets Anyone? Tickets are still available for the Firemen's dance at the community club on April 4. Any of the fellows of station 2 will be glad to supply you with any number of them. Why not buy a couple now! % Mareli Birthdays March 20 rfeems to be a com on birth date for three of our younger set. Lynn Weber entertained several young ladies at her home at Pistakee Bay last Friday. iThe girls helped Lynn celebrate her seventh birthday. John Smith observed his seventh birthday on this mutual day while Evelyn Deidrich cel- (4^)rated birthday number eight. Happy Birthday to all three! Hospital Patients Young Dale Freund, son of Stanley and Lorraine, was scheduled to enter the McHenry hospital 011 Sunday. Early Monday morning he underwent surgery to remove some very trcublosome tonsils. . He will <^'obabl.y be a Utile sore for a lew days but it won't last too long. Also entering the McHenry hospital to undergo surgery was Mrs. Connie May. We all join in sending get well wishes to Connie and hope this is the end of her troubles. Little League Meeting (^On April 8, there will be a meeting for persons interested in the Little' League this year. Watch next week's column for further details. Heavenly Bundle Mr. Stork paid first visit to Mr. and Mrs. George Mann on March 16. On this particular date he delivered a beautiful fpughter to them via the Wood- Mrs. Pam Hiller and her young daughter will be taking up temporary residence with George and Olivia Hiller. Charles will go into spring ; training after which Pam and the baby will join him. Girl Scouts and | Brownie News i Last Wednesday afternoon j found the Brownies of troop 1378 busily working on their ! Easter purses. These little ones have been getting their first j lesson in the use of a needle ^and thread and have really been ! doing quite a good job. Judy Schaefer was the hostess for the afternoon and distributed some delicious homemade brownies. Peggy Peterson and June Whiting collected dues and took roll call. | Troop 295 made bunnies out of brown paper bags at their last meeting. Betty Himplemann was cookie hostess, at ! this meeting. ' Troop 135 continue to work on their dabbler badges. At their last meeting Kathleen Thelen and Sandy Hettermann received their child care badges. A business meeting and election of officers took place at last week's meeting of troop 408. A short skit was also put on at this time. Mrs. McGregor was on hand to serve refreshments to these two troops. Scholarship Winner ! Congratulations to Ronald ! Smith who was recently awarded a state scholarship. Ron, who is a senior at the McHenry high school, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Smith. Deadline Reminder I Once again I would like to ! remind all of the readers that news must be called into me by | noon on Monday if it is to appear in that week's paper. I would be most happy to receive your news any time before this ! deadline. With the Epster holiday upon us no doubt you will have little news items. Why McHenry Shores WELCOME SON HOME FROM AIR FORCE DUTY by Louise Winters--2897 After awaiting his arrival for several weeks, Agnes and Clarence Schweikert finally welcomed son, Donald, home. He is an airman second-class in the Air Firce, and has just returned from an eighteen month tour of duty on Guam, as a member of the weather observation corps. His many tales to tell center more on his extracurricular activities as head instructor in the "South Seas Searchers," a skin and lung diving club, than they do concerning his work in the service. Naturally: Don started diving with an aqua-lung years ago up at Lake Geneva, never expecting to encounter sharks and octopuses in the South Pacific one day. He will be home for a month, and then will be stationed in Kansas. You can't get much farther from an ocean if you tried Don. kauff, Bea MacCallum, and Hazel McLaughlin from Sunnyside, tried to give winter a little shove by attending the International Garden Show at the Amphitheatre last week. The exhibitions were beautiful, but it won't be long before McHenry Shores will be beautiful, too. Men's Club Dinner The annual Methodist Men's club lady's night dinner was thoroughly enjoyed by several couples from McHenry Shores last week. The men actually cook and serve an excellent dinner to their wives, this year there were about 120 attending. Dick Barrows was one of the three cooks. In addition to the Barrows, the Dodges, Schopps, Olbinskis and the M a c C a l l u m s were p r e s e n t , with the wives especially enjoying a night free of dishes and cooking. Visitors The Muellers were hosts to Dr. and Mrs. Iwick of Lincolnwood, last week and escorted them to the annual St. Patrick's day dinner at St. Patrick's church. Wishful Thinking Helen Smith, Irene Middle- Happy Birthday To Jack Risting on Easter Sunday, and A belated happy birthday to little Susan Lamerand who was three years old on St. Patrick's day. The lucky little girl went to the circus and also saw the Easter Bunny for her birthday. Many happy returns to both. Birthday Party, Sandy Winters celebrated his tenth birthday with a supper party and trip to the show for seven of his friends. Craig Barrows, Ray Olszewski, Bob Schopp. Glen Tanner, Corky Olbinski, Michael Marchese, and brother, David, certainly seemed to enjoy themselves. The weather co-operated for a change, and Sandy was able to try out his new bike. Speaking as an interested bystander, the boys all behaved beautifully, we doubt if their mothers would recognize them, had they seen their impeccable manner. What a difference a few years makes in birthday parties. News and Views The monthly meeting of the WSCS at the Methodist church last week had a book review by Ann Varese as their main attraction, and it certainly attracked a full house. Enjoying the program and the tea from McHenry Shores were Ruth Dodge, Marion Barrows, Evelyn Tanner, Irene Middlekauff, Helen Smith, and Bea MacCallum.. Happy Easter, everyone. not call me at 1296-R and share them with all of us. Happy Easter to all! shutting off the draft. The flames^ were confined to the garage^and attic. The garage lis a total loss and will have to I be torn down and rebuilt. It j is estimated thai the damage j will total about $8,000. A eom- : plete redecorating of the entire , house is necessary because of i smoke damage. ; Mrs. Snively has been released from the hospital after I several x-rays failed to disclose I any injuries suffered in a fall j during all the excitement. The | whole community was very im- I pressed with the McHenry fire department, and the efficient ] way they handled everything. ! Bouquets to the sightseers and ' bystanders, also, Mrs. Snively's ; beautiful lawn and gardens are untouched. We all sympathize with her on 1 he loss of Tiro, her beloved parakeet, who es- ! cai>ed from his cage in the midst of the bedlam. If anyone I knows of his whei cahout,s. or 'his fate. Mrs. Snively wouid be 1 most, appreciative of the infor mat ion. K<i<i LAW j Illinois farmers ami other egg producers are exempt from all sect:ons of the new Illinois Egg Law. scheduled to become effective on July 1. the stale j D e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture pointed oui. Stillman J. Stanlard. director, in a letter to more than 7.000 egg. dealers in I the slate, said'some confusion (exists in regard to the egg law. i "The producer who sells eggs | from his own flock's production is exempt from all sections : of the new law as in the past,'.' iSt inani said. The responsihilitv of the new egg law rests with the retail dealer. ! Children have been rolling | Easter eggs down the While | House lawn since 1878. Presii dent Rutherford B. Maxes startled the custom. Lilymoor Mothers' Club Holds Meeting by Nancy Hitter--atjO-M-1 The mothers" club had a meeting on March 18. At this meeting the card party which will take place at Club Lilymoor on April 4 was discussed. Everyone is invited to attend, including husbands. Cake and coffeiAvere served at the meeting. Wanted Again The Lilymoor association is looking for someone U> act as a dog catcher for their subdivision.. Anyone interested please call Vern Ehredt any day after p.m. for all the dej tails. J Mosquito Control Fund Please don't forget your contributions to the open mosquito control fund for the Lilymoor subdiv ision.' Send all contributions to Yal Fradinardo the treasurer. No donation is too small. Garbage Piek-up The garbage will be picked up Wednesday . April 1. It would be better to put out your garbage-can the night before so it isn't forgotten. •Corrections Janice Schuler celebrated | at the party, her sixteenth birthday March i 11 and Eleanor Wins »n March ! 13. I Sympat liy Our deepest sympalhy goes ' to the family of John Clausing. • b e t t e r known by t h o s e who : loved him as "Our Daddy." who died at the age of seventy-six 1 lasl Saturday, March 14 aj the Tobey residence. ! He was the beloved father ; of Loretta, Lenon and Vern 1 : Clausing. ; The burial took place at Rund Hill cemetery in Arlington Heights. Seventh Birthday Marlene Karmel- had a party for her seventh birthday on March 1 8 . Her f r i e n d s , who. a t - . tended werp; Diane Belford, Valerie and Karen Schiavone. Susie Crawley,. Debbie Arnold. Judy F a n 1 u s and Nancy Wright. , . They passed 1 he t ime by playing pin the tail on the donkey and clothes pins in the bottle. A supper was served to the girls. It consisted of .hotdogs, buns, potato chips, ice cream, cake and candy. Marlene received many lovely and useful gifts such as toys and clothes. Mrs. Schiavone made her four beautiful outfits for her doll. The girls had a grand lime Brownie Meeting At the March 17,meeting the^ Brownies made Easter baskets out of oatmeal boxes. They turned out to be real cute. The officers for this meeting and the next, which will be March 26. are Judy Fantus and Judy Franks. Mary , Lou Sehers served cookies at the end of the meeting. Weekend Doings The Eggert family had as guests last .Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Rowland and a friend ot theirs. The flu bug stung the Rittet" family like many other families. Everyone is well on the way t o recovery, . Miss Roberts spent the weekend with the Mason, family. She returned home Sunday .with a fine memory of "the weekend activities. * Mr; and Mrs. Summers from Chicago enjoyed a pleasant day out in the country last Saturday. They visited with their many friends in and around Lilymoor. Have a w o n d e r f u l weekend and don't forget to call me if anything hap|>ens. No man has an absolute right to free speech--especially married men. The peaceful quiet of our community was shattered last Friday about noon when three fite engines raced in to quench the flames in Mrs. Snively's garage. The fire was apparent ly started in one corner by a short in a two-way circuit. The garage door was open at the time, but very fortunately, the flames burned the cable supporting the door, and the large door slammed shut, thus ! irs The Bargain Saving Grand Opening of the Centurv Watch This Paper For The Big Day Overheated Motors PacOuo Ofytfa 'R&nct A clogged radiator can .mean real damage. Inland's Factory-Method Flow Test atturet 100% cooling efficiency. RADIATOR Cleaning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATE PRICES AUCTION inspection and Estimates Our jf^atronS May We Offer an Easter Suggestion? Since our accommodations are limited, and many of you have kindly patronized us and enjoyed our Lenten specialties, we anticipate a number of dinner guests Easter Sunday. Besides our regular menujthat day we will serve Baked Ham, Lamb, and Kassler Rib.' > „ Please make reservations prior to March 29th by phoning McHenry 12. ^Jipton A ^Jown C^iub 201 RIVERSIDE DRIVE "A Bar of Note with Food to Harmonize" UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service 300 E. Elm St. McHenry Phone 788 I Having decided to discontinue farming the undersigned • will offer the following pei-sonal property-for sale at public I auction on the farm located 3 miles South of Lake Zurich, 111., j 3 miles West of Long Grove, between Routes 12 and 53 on the ; Long Grove Road, on TUESDAY. MARCH 31st Commencing at 1:00 O'clock i LIVESTOCK -- 11 Head Beef Cattle weighing approximately 500 lbs.; 2 Butcher Hogs; 6 Ewes and 1 Lamb. I TRACTORS & FARM MACHINERY -- 1957 Ford Model | 950 Row Crop Type Tractor; 1954 Ford Tractor, in excellent ! condition; Ford 2 14 plow: Ford 7 ft. pick-up disc; Ford rear ; mounted mowr; Dearborn 2-row rear mounted corn planter : with fertilizer attachment; Ford cultivator with side dresser; AC single row corn picker: 2-sec. wood harrow; 4-sec. wood i harrow; Rear mounted broadcast seeder; PTO weed sprayer; i Tractor manure spreader: Ford jack; Ford pulley; hog feeders | and waterers; chicken feeders and waterers; 2 steel water tanks; Forks, shovels and many other articles including some household goods. WM. HOEBEL. Owner Robers & Behm, Auctioneers WISCONSIN SALES CORPORATION. Clerk Fnion Grove, Wis. Phone TRinity 8-2421 STARTING A 1st WIRTH DISPOSA SERVIC RESIDENTIAL • "U CALL -- WE HAUL" The wider the track. the steadi^l|lie staiipe the better the ride! YOU GET THE SOLID QUALITY OF BOOY BY FISHER. Slide in behind the controls of this gorgeous automobile, pull away and feel what happens--or doesn't happen--at the first curve or corner. Less lean. Less sway. Wide-Track Wheel design is the reason. No other car, only Pontiac, has it. The wheels are five inches farther apart. This widens the stance but not the car. You're steadier, balanced, more secure. Narrow track cars can't rhatch it. This is a big year for Pontiac--with many more to come. It can be your big year, too. Get a bright new Wide-Track Pontiac from a dealer and take it out for a drive today. PHONE 1655 WIDE-TRACK PONTIAC! THE ONLY CAR WITH WIDE-TRACK WHEELS Dotted lines show conventional wheel positions. Pontiac's wheels afe five inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the car. Pontiac hugs tighter on curves and corners. Sway and lean are considerably reduced, ride is AMERICA'S NUMBER 1 ROAD CAR Chas. P. Wirth P. O. Box 54 McHenry, III. SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 FROMT ST. •McHENRY