Pag» Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday. April2, 195S? Plslakee Highlands Scouts Observe Parents' Night by Hazel Morley--640-J-l and Kay Sielisch--698-M-l The Parent Night held March 24 at the Community center was well attended with approximately seventy - five persons present. It was very gratifying for the leaders. Stan Hunt, assistant commissioner, was there to present the new charter for 1959 to Floyd Johnson and Joe Murray. Scout Master.- Hugh Kirk gave a very interesting talk on Indian lore and displayed an interesting collection of Indian craft. Every one enjoyed this very much. At a court of honor presentat ion, Jim Palmer received his first class badge. Tom Palmer received'his second class badge. Everyone seemed 1o have an enjoyable time and after the meeting refreshments , V'cr'e served, always a welcome-it em. Sunday night in River Forest. Joan and John Weingart came home Tuesday for the day, Joan returned tp Chicago, where she is patiently awaiting a visit from Mr. Stork. Mrs. Mike Healy spent Friday shopping and enjoyed a day out. Kay Sielisch finally got the car so she took along a few neighbors. If you're wondering why Marcia Dowd is lame and sore ask Hazel Morley. It is a most interesting story. Hope by now you're all limbered up, Marcia. Hope everyone is enjoying all the robins who have braved the cold winds to come back and spread joy. Spring fever was p r e v a l e n t u n t i l T h u r s d a y when our spring weather departed for parts unknown. We all hope. it will soon return and lawns and yards will once again be beautiful after this long winter. Box Social Date Changed The dale of the box lunch social and dance has been changed to April 2:"S. Mafk .it ! ..... , ,. on your calendar so you will |enj^-vr, ^ ti^pand^ dinner not miss all the fun of an evening out. r 'Teen Xews and Patter The 'Teenagers are enjoying their Easter vacation this weeK. They all are busy catching up on things they didn't have time for. Barbara Schlick and Ron Spankuch went to Milwaukee Saturday for dinner and to .see an ice revue. They had a most Loral Gossip A birthday party was held in the home of Harold Peterson in honor of A1 Chalaki. Betty Griesbach, German Martinez and the Peterson family were on hand lo help him celebrate and it was a big success. The Sunday school teachers for the Mount Hope Methodist church met last Saturday night Delores Formella had her girl friend. Honore from Crystal Lake, spend the night with her Monday. Tuesday, Honore went to school with Delores as a guest. Next Monday Delores will attend Crystal Lake school with Honore as her guest. -- • Due to a flu epidemic at high school. Lee Johnson, Delores Formella. Linda I^lapp, Chris Thode. Irma Rockel, Judy Jensen, Pat Johnson. Joe Reily. the home of the Sarvers who j Mai ion Lller and Biuce Noopened their home to them. vak were home from school. Happy birthday to Muriel hope the> are all well and Peterson who celebrated her [.able to be back in school, birthday on March 31. Harold! The prom and preparations is on his wav to Mississippi. |are ra2ing topic of the He is a °oin<^ '^uy • Teens at this time. Big plans. Dot ErbirT hasn't been feel- I dates, dresses, etc. Oh, those ing too well the last few days. Seems that the old cold bug and upset stomaches are making the rounds in the Highlands. George and Marilyn Lammert spent Easter in Chicago visiting with their grandparents, the Lammerts and Delroys. Johnny and Kevin had quite a time with all their Easter baskets and the Easter bunny was very generous with them. Mr. and Mrs. Heineman were happy to have their daughter and family for the Easter holidays. They are Mr. and Mrs. Groeninger, Chuck, Bill and Linda. Dot and Jack Erbin spent Easter with Dot's folks, the Schuraks. Also on hand to celebrate were Dot's sister and hubby, the Russes. Happy birthday to Missy Dobecki who celebrated her fourth birthday with a party for a few of her friends. A hearty welcome to Mr. and Mrs. Leuth and their daughters, Linda and Susan, who moved into their new home at 210 Meadow Lane. They purchased the Clayton Dodge home. The Dodges have moved back to Canada. The Lou Tomaos spent Easter with Dot's family in Ingleside. It was a big gathering with eight children and a job for Easter bunny to fill all the baskets. Mrs. Cohrs spent Easter with her grandchildren in Mundelein and enjoyed a big dinner happy carefree school days. Thank you, Barb. Schlick. for being so prompt every Wednesday evening calling in your news. It is such a big help and without it. there would be no 'teen news. Incorporation? To be or not to be. that is the question in the Highlands. It is a most heated topic nowadays and if we would all remember we are American citizens and as such, we have the right to vote and to be heard and you can not do that by griping to your friends and neighbors. It can only cause bard feelings. Go to the meetings and when it is time to vote on this topic, be there and vote. Let's all take the time to find out the good and bad about it and then act on it. family goes unshod, your reporter was so busy writing up the news about others she forgot to wish her co-writer, Hazel, a happy birthday. Hazel celebrated her birthday, March 25. Sorry we missed it but you know we all wish you a most happy belated birthday with many more to come. Judy Krumweide had a cyst removed at McHenry hospital Saturday morning, and is doing fine. She has been having bad headaches. A cyst on top of the head is painful and she was most happy to have it taken out. The Carl Haefligers have been having a most wonderful time of late. Saturday they spent the afternoon with friends in Round Lake. Sunday friends from Meadowdale spent the day with them. Sunday night Blanche's son called and told her to meet him at the airport. Monday night. Needless to say they were there with bells on. Monday afternoon Blanche's sister from Roselle, paid them a visit. We are happy for you, Blanche, and we hope your visit with your son is a grand one. Blanche deserves a lot of happiness. She is a hard worker for the association and does many wonderful things for others without any credit and she is always ready to give a.little happiness to others, so we wish you a lot of it. Blanche. A heprtv welcome to the Darmondv family who recently moved into their new home at 407 W; Ann St. We wish them much luck and happiness in their new home. Bill Bright is feeling much better after a severe illness and operation. He is able to be out again and in time to enjoy some nice weather. Kav Sielisch has been busy looking for a place to rent for her girl friend. Lorna. Kay says she has been parted from her long enoueh and is doing something about it. She misses her more than she misses the city. Mrs. Frank Krumweide, Sr. arrived Tuesday evening to spend a few days with Frank and Judy. She will spend her time playing with her grandchildren, ft is so seldom she sees them. Judy is very happy to have her for her wonderful company. Lorraine Lindemann had a luncheon for her friends, Vi Schuble, Betty Hart and Marge Moreth. They played bunco and had a couple of nice prizes for the girls. Happy birthday to Betty Hart who will celebrate her April 1 birthday by going to Waukegan with her friends. Betty will have a full week. Easter Sunday her daughters and families will have dinner with Howie and Betty. There was an executive meeting held in the home df President Floyd Johnson Thursday evening. Most of the members were present. Easter Sunday Marcia Dowd's folks, along with all of Eddie's folks, will gather the home of Eddie's folks, the Larry Dowds. It will be a big get-together. Marcia Dowd held an impromptu card party Tuesday evening. They played royal rummy and Sally VanBreuenchenhein, Lorraine Erdman and Jeannie Baron enjoyed the evening playing cards and enjoy irij£- coffee and cake afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Dickman of Chicago spent Sunday with their daughter and family Marcia Dowd. As always the childreti enjoyed their grandparents. Here and There The Howtons have purchased the model home at 102 N. Acorn Lane, and are all settled and we all wish them much luck and happiness in their new,, home. Last Sunday the Bentzes had a big party in honor of their children's baptism and all their relatives from Milwaukee attended. The Wally Misavices spent Easter Sunday with Audrey's parents in Chicago. Toots Spankuch was taken to dinner Easter Sunday by her ever loving hubby. It was a guess as. to where they would dine. Let's hope it was a delicious meal. People all over the Highlands are busy working in their yards and Bill Schlick was burning trash and went into the house for a minute and he and Marie made a mad dash to the yard for it had caught dried weeds and grass afire. Luckily they got it out. Not so with Mr. Gartner, his beautiful lawn, along with an empty lot, caught fire when he was burning trash. Both fires were put out without help. Hope every one in the Highlands had a most enjoyable Easter and that it "will mean the start of many new and good things in your lives. the last Monday in May, there will be more news in the paper before the next meeting, »o please plan to attend. v News Items The Zilliken baby was taken into a Chicago hospital for minor surgery and mother and dad will be in the city to be with her. Every one is happy that Kenny Thoren is home from the hospital and it will be a month before they know if the eye will be normal again. All the parents are praying this accident will make an impression and that their preaching about throwing stones will take effect. It would be a sad thing to lose an eye this way. Mrs. Ullo is very happy, she is the proud aunt of a new niece and she has been extolling all her virtues. Let's don't spoil her so soon. It has been called to our attention that there ate a lot of news items folks would like to see in print. To which we reply, we would love to print any news at any time. All it takes to have an item ih the news is a call. So please if you have any news you want in call us, we shall be happy to accommodate. Margie Osborne will spend Friday with her grandparents in Fox Lake, it is most enjoyable for her grandfather who is not able to get around too much. St. John's P.T.A. News : St. John's P.T.A. held theSr meeting Monday. Father Rutland from St. Mary's in Mfc- Henry gave a very inspiring talk on "Religious Vocation;." There is a very poor attendance from the Highlands at these meetings and some of the officers feel if there was a little publication in the news jit might remind some tv. come out. The next meeting will be What Your Neighbors Have Been Doing Like the adage a shoemakers' UNBELIEVABLE BA§t©AtNS Plus Many Prizes Will Defeatured At Our Great GRAND OPENING Watch This Paper For Date SEE US WE HAVE THE <1!1» Armstrong VINYL CORLON FLOOR ^ IN THE > FUTURESQ SERIES mmm Futuresq Corlon is a vinyl plastic flooring that is so different ... so beautiful . . . that a black and white picture cannot come near describing its . beauty. You simply must see it--that's why we extend this invitation and urge you to visit our display room and see this floor of the future in all its splendor. NIESENS FLOORS 528 MAIN ST. McHENRY, ILL, PHONE 38 or 787 A Sliut-In Bill Moreth is doing fine, buf will be confined to the hospital for a few weeks, so if all his friends would send a card it would help pass the time. It has been quite a stay for him and Marge never misses a day seeing her honey. ' Happiness in marriage may depend upon whether the parties consider a wedding ring a symbol of love and affection or a place for staging fights. . ED'S RENT-AU RENTS Electric Hammers Wheel Chairs PHONE 32 McHenry Shores Residents Look Ahead to 'Spring' by Louise Winters--2897 Those two days of springlike weather last week have spoiled us, now we want more. Our seven .year old daughter wants to know why spring just visited this year. Perhaps by the time this is in print, it will be here for good, we hope. And green grass will be the rule, and not something to behold in wonder. Congratulations Are in order for one of our busiest residents, Daisy Smith. Last week she was elected president of the VFW auxiliary, with no opposition. They know a good thing when they see one, Daisy. Recently, Helen Risting and Daisy had the opportunity of meeting the national president of the VFW auxiliary, Belle Myers, of Kansas, at a banquet in her honor at a loop hotel. American Legion Dance Four couples from McHenry Shores danced to the music of the well known orchestra and enjoyed the antics and patter of comedian, Danny Rio. at the American Legion hall .^n a re- BUCHgMtPLUMBlR® (we ARE THE ONES ] > TO SERVICE VOD, J 1 FOR PLUMBING IN THE HOUSE TJ, THAT'S :e.r\ I NEW f\ . TRADEMARKS, If* H. E. BUCH <x*cci SONS '3LL'MBING-HEATING2TJJ| AlR CONDITIONING yQFrjR $kti*L M'HENRY 48 ^ cent Saturday night. Getting away from it all were the Schopps, Starks, Cicchinis and Schmitts. Happy Birthday To Ruth Dodge on April 7. And a belated happy birthday to Jack Schramm whose birthday was March 19. Glori had a dinner for about twenty relatives. The Carl Schramms, Sr., the Carl Schramms, Jr., and son, the Don Shramms and son, Mr. and Mrs. G. Stowe and sons, Bill Schramm, and Mr. and Mrs. R. Nagele enjoyed themselves. Don't Forget To Vote Be sure to vote Tuesday, April 7. Voting hours are from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Polling place is at the corner of Routes 31 and 176. All for now, and we hope you didn't take any wooden nickles on April Fool's day. Please call us about your Easter guests. Shifting the cargo turns a dream-boat into a battleship. LEGAr LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given tji<2 the following persons have filpd^r for the said offices in the village of McCullom Lake. LOCAL PARTY q. 3 Trustees For 4 Year Term 1 Clayton Nelson ' William E. Creutz Frank H. Passalaqua 1 Trustee For 2 Year Term Charles H. Koch , PROGRESSIVE PARTY 3 (Trustees For 4 Year Term Robert C. Zahn f Arthur R. Nelson Charles V. Thacker 1 Trustee For 2 Year Term Arthur J. Stuhlfeier Dated at Village of McCullom Lake this 27th day of March 1959, A.D. EMMA B; PYRITZ Village Clerk Village of McCullom Lake * (Pub. April 2, 1959) FREE Gifts like this for TOP VALUE STAMPS given with... Antco Raadyfloth Camera Outfit laMifsrAMW^ Alias Ircwtng Co. Chlcago/Hi, E WJ^TER tuwsxfiacMi with a R1 JA ET WATER SYSTEM-^ CAPACITIES TO 1870 GAL PER HOUR PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 FEET EASILY AND ECONOMICALLT CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO OGGP WELL SERVICE Dollar-for-dollar, here It your b»it pump buy. Haavy, durable construction throughout. Quiat, lubrication -- Ira* operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 years' experience in building water service products. The Centri-Jet "HB" Water System will more than satisfy you in every Come in ond see for yourself. AND Submersible Pumps Michael Schaefer Carl J. Hallstrom James (Jim) Althoff Charles J. (Chuck) Miller PARTY McHENRY TOWNSHIP ELECTION TUESDAY APRIL .7, 1959 ^3 LAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHenry tarty Wei I Pump WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS*! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2Va miles from McHenry on the McCullom-Wonder Lake Rd. PHONE 713 James "Jim" Althoff ASS'T. SUPERVISOR Born -- 1928 Attended grade and high school in McHenry. Is member of McHenry Fire Dept. for five years. Past president of Kiwanis Club. Has been operating a business in McHenry for twelve years. Engaged in servicetype business which gives him an excellent opportunity to meet both new and old residents of the community. Carl Hallstrom ASS'T. SUPERVISOR Born -- 1890 Attended grade school and graduated from Dixon College. Farmed for twenty years -- now engaged in real estate business. Ably served eight years as assistant supervisor., of McHenry Township and should be reelected on his record. (x) Independent Party SUPERVISOR [x| Michael Schaefer ASSISTANT SUPERVISOR (VOTE FOR TWO) [x] Carl J. Hallstrom [x] James (Jim) Althoff HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER Charles J. (Chuck) Miller YOUR VOTE WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED Vote Straight Indtepepidfent- Michael Schaefer SUPERVISOR * BORN -- 1912 Attended grade school and high school in McHenry. Farmed for twenty-five years. Is now president of School District 12 -- also, president of Johnsburg Community Club. Charles J. "Chuck" Miller Highway Commissioner Born -- 1921 Has served as Road Comm i s s i o n e r f o r t h e p a s t twelve years. Has constructed many miles of hard surfaced roads without indebtedness to our township. Has been active in Civic functions for many years. His experience as Road Commissioner and as a successful business man is certainly an asset to our community.