Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1959, p. 16

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Pagi SIXIMIK n THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wonder Lake >• CAST RECORD VOTE IN SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION by Jane Ducey -- 2731 A record vote for a school board election \v;is polled at Harrison school Saturday to return incumbents Mrs. Jay Hansen and Dr. Raymond Watkins to another three year term jof membership on the Harrison board. Of the 345 votes cast Mrs. Hansen received 213, Dr. S. L. Ruggero, 204. and Dr Watkins 189. Defeated were George Burns with 171 votes and John Harris with 159. Frqd Marks, incumbent candidate for the high school board, yvas well pleased with the response of the community to his appeal to get out and vote. We assume that the response will assure the continuation of the high school polling place at the l.ake. However, observation of the crowd that turned out on election day would indicate that, too large a part was made1 lip of residents who ho longer have children in school. Tis a sad commentary that the parents of children in school do not reflect their interest in their child's education by taking pnrt in the election of the members of the board of education. 19, at the St. Patrick's church in Rockford. Registration is at fl a.m.- Dinner at 5 p.m. All CFM couples are invited to attend. Christening Raymond Eugene Foy, son of John and Mary Good in Foy. , was baptized Sunday April 5. by Rev. Ravmo'ftd Hubcrs. at Christ" tne King church. Godparents are Ray and Viol; Rochowicz. New Babies James Andrew is the name chosen by Melvin and Andy i Knacksteadt of Indian Ridge 1 for the 7 lb. 3'- oz. boy born April 7 at the Memorial hospital. Sister Judy's complaint is that he sleeps too much-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buss of Sunrise Ridge are parents of r 7 lb. 13 oz. boy born Sunday. April 12. at Memorial hospital They have named the baby Randolph. Paternal grandparents are the Leon Busses of Highland Shores and materna' grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Kane of Chicago. A girl was born Saturday. April 11, at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Pedersofi. No vital statistics are available at this writing. Lake pbst office. Application forms can be picked up at the post office, stating the qualifications for the job. The civil service examination will be written in Woodstock, the date to be announced. The route of Jay Cristy has been filled since his death by the temporary tulewicz, Ann Weretka, and Beverly Wines, who subbed. Cake and pie were the refreshments and the ladies collected $6 for the Memorial hospital. Thursday, April 16/ 1959 The Driver's Seat A couple of years ago the states almost lost their independence in the field of highway safety. At that lime a conNews Briefs gressional subcommittee was • 4 r ! tyr>eX*ent*c condolences to !•'conducting a sweeping inquiry appointment of Gordon Fos- Dick Cope of Wonder Wondc i : whose mother died of a Wt1 n'° lhc """" and CUI0S lor ' rh„eMldC kiFrr "idIa yh Cnri guh°t. mC ln Piain' "oath toll. annual auto Bible Church News The Choralaires have come and gone but all who heard them will long remember their beautiful music. The choru sang to a fu'l house and report ed that of the nineteen churches thev visited, the Wondc Lake church was ou.^tand'r.s in their warm welcome and hospitality. Calls have been coming tr the church asking about the newspaper collection. The drive is still on, and the procedure for small amounts is to tie in bundles and leave at the ren? entrance of the church. I.irue accumulations of papers will be picked up. Pastor Wright's father. Rev T. M. Wright, will be at the Bible church Sunday. April 26 He will be conducting a prophetic conference in both services. Keep this date open nnd more details will be antounced later; Nativity Lutheran Church News April 16, will be dedication Sunday for the workers in the "United For Christ's Tomorrow" campaign being carried on now in the church. All couples are invited tc this next meeting of the Couples club. Come and hel£> this newest auxiliary in the church with your presence, and enjoy the program, entertainment, and fellowship thnt will be there. The time--Sunday. April 19| at 7:30 p.m. Vacation Church School Workshop The 1959 training school and workshop for the vacation church school will be held at North Austin Lutheran church in Chicago, Saturday, April 18 All vacation church school teachers, and anyone desiring to teach but feel they need more experience, are encouraged to attend. Obituary Wonder Woods subdivision has been shaken with the tragic loss of two youngsters we!' known to the residents. The community's heart felt sympathy is extended to the J,IC!; Moores whose T1 year o:.' daughter. Sharon, succumbed to i-ncephalitis at Illinois Research iospital last Thursday, after an illness of two weeks. Funera1 services were held Sundrv with burial in Woodland cemetery McHenry. The Rev. Burton Schroeder officiated. Brad Duncan, 9 year old son it Mr. and Mrs. Rouen Duncan of Richmond, and former resi dents of Wonder Woods, wa:- killed Sunday afternoon when le fell into an open excavation n a new subdivision in Richmond and was covered by loose dirt. He was the grandson or 'he H. E. Robinsons of Wondei Woods and had been coming back to the Lake in the summer to play with his forme' friends. Services were held vesterday at the chapel in Richmond with burial in Mount Emblem cemetery, the Rev. Stanley Schmidt officiating. The community sustained the third loss in a week with the passing of Linn Loshbough, o! Route 1, Woodstock, who died Sunday at his home. He wa? born July 23, 1888, at Redbluff. Calif. The Loshbough family figured prominently in the establishment of the Bible Church at ihe Lake, and has been active n its support and participation through the years. Survivors include son, Jack, well known missionary to the Belgian Congo, sponsored by the Wonder Lake Bible church. Sei vices were held yesterday •it the Bible church with Rev. Richard Wright officiating, assisted by Rev. Frank Anderson of Wheaton, former pastor of the Church. Burial was in Memorial Park cemetery in Woodstock. | Rummage Sale Success | The unofficial figure of $150 I w a s r e p o r t e d a s t h e p r o f i t made on the eighth grade rumj mage sale held at Harrison school Saturday to raise funds for their Springfield trip. Call Little League Meeting Thursday, April 16, at 8 p.m. in the dining room of LaGrecas there will be an organizational meeting of all Little, League managers to make plans for the coming season. Paul Marke asks last year's managers and anyone else interested in working with the boys this season to be present at this meeting. There is a need for adult leadership to m&et the demands made by the steady growth of Little League at the Lake.. Christ the King Church News The diocesan convention of the Christian Family Movement will be held Sunday, April WATCH REPAIRING \ AT ITS FINEST J McHenry's * Oldest, ^X Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J Dairy Tales MILK IS SO Rural Carrier Examination April 21 is the deadline for filing applications for the rural carrier position at the Wonder Birthday Parties Edith Grabovy, daughter of the Clemence Grabovys of Wooded Shores, celebrated her tenth birthday April 6, with twenty-two fourth graders and three seventh graders attending. Edith had another celebration in Chicago on the fifth given by her aunt for all the relatives. Laura Kiddell, daughter of the Robert Kiddells of Wonder Center, celebrated her eighth birthday Saturday, April 11, with a party. for her classmates. Two 11 year olds with parties to celebrate the day are Patty Hansen who entertained her girl friends at the home of her parents, the Muss Hansens, on Friday, and Ricky Ruzicka, son of the R. L. Ruzickas. who had a party in his Wooded Shores home Thursday, April 16, for the boys and girls in his class. News of the Ray Mack family, former Wonder Woods residents, now with the U.S. embassy in South America, is that they have fifteen more months of residence there and will be glad to get back to cooler country. Mr. Mack retires at the end of his South American assignment. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Abel and daughter, Connie, of Deep Spring Woods, found the weather too cool for their liking at Cedar Hill resort, near Celina, Tenn., where they went to fish over the Easter vacation. The Harold Coursen family of Wonder Woods had a wonderful vacation through the Smokies, visiting her mother in North Carolina. Harold and Kay took side trips and report the spring flowers were in bioom, but the weather chilly. (We think it must the lastest of all late springs). Lyle Davidson, son of Mr. After producing one of the finest available source books for highway safety action, the congressmen came to the proper conclusion that at best the federal government can only help those states that wish to j help themselves save lives on their roads and streets. Presented here are a few well - documented areas where immediate legislative safety action can save many lives and win public recognition for responsible state government. 1. More rigid driver examinations, re-examinations and impartial suspension of driving privileges -- Only ten of forty-nine states achieve even 85 percent of the driver screening and improvement accomplishments recommended by the National Safety Council. Twelve per cent of all auto accidents are caused by drivers with defective vision who should have been weeded out long before .they climbed into the driver's and Mrs. Harry Davidson, is scat Two Canasta Parties Velma Sinclair was hostess to, the Wonder Woods Canasta group last Thursday, serving delicious strudle at refreshment time. High scores were K a t h e r i n e W u r m a n d R u t h Woodward with the consolation prize going to Mary Sandgren. Others were Ann Miller, Leah Cormier, Helen Sullivan and Helen Cope. Jo Pryor will have the May meeting. The Wooded Shores canasta group met at the home of Helen Reuter last Thursday. Winners were Prudence Grabovy and Dolores Wines. Others playing were Dorothy Michels. Tiny Ruzicka, Jean Mo- ED'S KENT-ALL RENTS Cemeni Mixers to Paint Sprayers PHONE 32 the recipient of a national science foundation scholarship awarded to high school science teachers whose academic standing in college qualified them., He will spend the summer session at the University of! Washington State, working toward his Master's degree. Lyle and his wife, Irene, will return to Hebron, Ind., in the fall where he will again teach in the high school there. 2. Compulsory vehicle safe^ TyTnspection- --A national voluntary vehicle safety check prog; am Inst year found about one in every five vehicles injected iii need of safety attention. i'et only two of the forty-nine states have provision for compulsory state motor vehicle inspection. 3. Adoption of "safety" license plates -Seven states out of forty-nine already have adopted safety "license plates, made of a reflective-type material which gives off a warning "shine in headlights. They are responsible for reductions in nighttime rear-end collision accidents and fatalities, the most frequent of all lypes ol vehicle collisions. 4. Uniform traffic laws, ordinances, signs, signals and rules of the road -- Surveys reveal that our national traffic law and sign uniformity manuals, responsible for saving manj lives through safety standardization, are being largely igT nored by state government. These are just a few of the things that demand our attention now. And it takes just one conscientious lawmaker to start the ball rolling for greater highway safety. VA ASSISTANCE A Veterans administration representative from the Rockford VA office will be on duty at Woodstock, Tuesday, April 21, to infoim and assist veterans, their dependents, and the general public regarding all benefit programs of the VA. Their representative will be on duty from lO^t.m. to 4 p.m. at the U. S. p<ist office building, second floor, in Woodstock. The tongue is a rope by which many hang themselves. < Character is what yoiij^re when you think nobody i§, looking. ' «. SHOP IN McHENRY O. COMING SOON TO McHENRY Smith-Craft Your savings are available It is a permanent policy at MARENGO FEDERAL to honor all withdrawal requests immediately in any amount without question. This policy is backed by large holdings of Government bonds, cash reserves, and the credit resources of the Federal Home Loan Bank System. SAVE AT stfJWj SAFW SAVINGS Marengo Federal Savinric AmL@ANN jSBLVings associatioi MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. Stale Si. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 Current Dividend Rale 394% Total Reserves $795,333.00 PROFEmonni DIRECTORV DR. JOHN C. C.OETSCFIEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathic Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 804 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Frl 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Phone McHenry 743 DR. C. R. SWANSOP Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursda 9 to 12 -- 1:30 to 5:3. Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evenly. By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 161 » T ' S A 2 Y2 OUNCES L I G H T FOR ALL YEAR ' R O U M D ! OF ENERGY IT MAKES US FEEL THAT TV'/*/ MSV\ vl EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE l ire, Auto, Farm & Life K Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 (irea\& Elm Mcllenrj, SCHROEDER IRON WOE """ Ornamental & Structural • Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 3 PHONE 950 DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 12P So. Green Street Office phone McHenry 186 Res. phone McHenry 604 M-l Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5?00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdayr Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service C LOCAL TRAOCMAHICS. 1 The Champ FEATHERWEIGHT is the world's largest selling hat of its class. It packs more style and satisfaction into its 2Vj ounces than any hat made. Except for admiring glances from both sexes, you won t even know you re wearing a hat! Pre-creosed for shape permanence, in a host of handsome colors. «j.g jq DAI RY INC*; -HfcnKT\coTr*&£ Cfgese mchen ay's local daiay^ 117 S. Green St. PHONE 47 McHenry, 111. DR. LEONARD L. BOTTARI Optometrist Ryes examined - Glasses fitte* Contact lensos 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Tliurs & Frl 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 8 to 6 p.m. Plione McHenry 2*>fi2-J Loop office - 108 N. State SI Phone DEarborn 2-2096 GEORGE J. CASTLE. Agenl The Prudential Insurance Co of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHoncy, IH. Phone: Mcllcnry 2533 ROLAND A. HERRMANN Lawyer 308 W. Elm St. Open Daily 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. - Fridays 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 9 a.m. 'til 12 Noon Phone McHenry 1609 Our baby ' department has a complete line of nationally advertised formula foods, skin-care products, everyday health needs and many other nursery necessities. So, why not baby your budget by shopping at BOLGER'S - we've got a store-full of BIG BUYS FOR LITTLE GUYS. inmiiiiiininiinHimiimm JOHNSON'S BABY 30tf SIZE FREE Regular 65c Value 5f STOCK UP ON THESE SPECIALS Johnson's CASTILE BABY SOAP 19' MENNEN BABY MAGIC Plastic Dispenser Bottle 60* i POSITIVE | PROOF OF BIGGEST BUYS FOR BABY MULTIVITAMIN DROPS 30 CC. vl-DAYLIN c« 04 SYRUP ABDEC DROPS ZYMASYRUP ELECTRIC BOTTLE DIAPER RASH OINTMENT NOW NESTLE'S BABY H CURL TREI1MENT Glycerin Suppositories 49c Zinc Oxide Ointment 23c Prophylactic My Blair Brush 98* Revlon Btsby SiSicw@ Powder ........ 85* Nylon Bristle iottSi irush 50c IgpMiip WEST BEND ALUMINUM STERILIZER H 8 BOTTLE CAPACITY UNIT NIPPLE, COVER 25* PLASTIC TRAINER AT PULL-ON STYLE rktcHptims cut spetioJtu BOLGER'S DRUGSTORE 103 S. GREEN STREET PHONE 40 JOHNSON'S Pyrex FORMULA IN TOWN! U AND FOO0S CASE OF 24 CANS $6.00 9 Eiomu MALTOSE PABLUm CEREALS RECTAL TYPE mometer *1J NO-SPILL BABY < TRAINING CUPS CHIX 9g€ Diaper Liners PIui 10% Fedcrol Eiciia Tai on Toil«tri*i McHENRY, ILL. / ^

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