Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1959, p. 20

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5 > Page Twenty THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, April 16# lfl59 Eastwood Manor EMPOA MEETING SCHEDULED FOR BARN, APRIL 17 Dy Lois Ryan*--2510-R The April meeting of the EMPOA will be held tomorrow, April 1 at 9 p.m. at the big / barn. There will be more news about the garden contest, which was discussed at the special meeting on April 3. details on our next party, and some ideas on getting rid of the mosquito menace in our community. There will be more things to discuss and new ideas to be expressed. Please come out. We want to get to know you. Block Rosary The Tom Birmingham home will be the site of the next Block Rosary. You will find the Birminghams ready to welcome you on April 21 at 137 Mill Lane at 8:30 p.m. Faith Presbyterian j Church News On Sunday, April 19, Rev. Jack Mclntyre will give the second in a series of sermons based on the Ten Commandments. The sermon is entitled "The Necessity of Intolerance" from the second Commandment. Cub Scouts A cub pack meeting is scheduled for April 16. The parents as well as the cubs and the den mothers are invited to attend i this meeting. Kathleen Patricia Newlon was baptized on April 5. Her godparents are Manette Gilloffo and William Selgert. Twenty adults and sixteen children were present. Among those were Mr. and Mrs. Gilloffo and Mrs. Newlon, Kathleen's grandparents, her great-grandmother. Mrs. Gilloffo, and Mr. and Mrs. Knight. 4-H Cardinals The 4-H Cardinals will hold their next meeting on April 23. Linda Charbonnier is chairman of the April party. On May 7 the regular business meeting will be held.' All members are urged to attend. Any girl who misses two meetings in a row without good cause will be dropped from the I membership roll. « Girls, please do not forget to bring your talks and your demonstrations for the evening. Bring your pattern and whatever you are working on with you. You must begin to prepare for the county fair. Health club will meet on May 4. First Communion On April 5 Jackie Radner made her first Communion. To spend this happy da^with her were Grandma and Grandpa I.ightholder from Chicago and an aunt and uncle. From Palatine came Bob and Erma Kilpatrick. Welcome Wee Ones We bid you a hearty welcome. tvyo little wee ones, to our community. First to come along was David Taft. who arrived on April 3. He weighed in at 8 lbs. and 14 oz. His proud and happy parents are the Robert Kelloggs of 142 Mill Lane. The second little angel to arrive is Susan Mary, who made her appearance on April 4 at 1:45 p.m. She weighed in . a 7 lbs. .4 oz. Susan Mary' belongs to the Thomas Simpsons, who couldn't be happier aboul having her join their family group. Happy Anniversary Our best wishes for a happy anniversary arc extended to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lassard. who celebrate on April j 18, to Mr. and Mrs. Leon Hansen, who celebrate on April 19, andvto Mr. and Mrs. John Sheehy, who celebrate on April 20, The germs are really on the loose in Eastwood Manor. Everyone lias been down with something or another. The Freckman children have been ill with the flu and Linda had a touch of pneumonia. Dee Penick and Pre Lindemann have had the flu. This' is the second round for Pre. We sure hope this will be the last. It's good to see Harold Slove up and around after the operation he underwent a couple of weeks ago. Seven year old Ricky Woolwine has the mumps. Little Pam Radner was down with a sore throat and a terrible cough. Mom Betty, has had her hands full, because Cinda Lpu just got over the same thing. Please everyone get better so we can take you off this list. CIun News Helen Mathes was hostess to the bridge club for their last meeting, which was April 3. Marilyn Truckenbrod won high prize. ' - Baseball News Seven men from Eastwood Manor have joined the basesoftball dance to be held at the them practicing behind the barn any weekend. You can contact any player for tickets to the VFW annual soft ball dance to be held at the VFW Hall on May 16. Rummage Sale The Sunnyside Women's Home Bureau and the 4-H Cardinals will hold a rummage sale on Saturday, April 25. If you have any rummage you would like to contribute please call 2756 or 1471-J. The exact location will be in next week's news. Happy Birthday Pat Kellogg really has something to celebrate with her new baby and all. However, this time it's her birthday she's celebrating today. On Saturday Monica Haldeman will turn four years old. Bertha Stoll will chalk up another year on Sunday. Jerry Ryan will add one grey hair and turn one year older on April 21. On the same day Pat Couglin will celebrate her birthday. A very happy birthday to all of you. We New Neighbors On April 6 Klara McAllister and her children left Eastwood Manor for Hong Kong, China to join her husband and their father, who is stationed there. While we are sorry to lose the McAllisters as neighbors we want to wish her well and to welcome Ann and Don Meyer, who moved into the McAllister home at 307 Johnsburg Road. Welcome |o Eastwood Manor. This and That The Galbavy family left Wednesday, March 25. and returned Monday, March 30. They spent the long Easter weekend at the home of Lou's mother, Mrs. K. Galbavy. Easter Sunday they had dinner there and supper at the home of Virginia's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Guzik. While they were in Chicago they made the rounds of friends and relatives they miss since moving to Eastwood Manor. The Cisewski family was host to Pat's folks, Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Mason, and Pat's sister, Sharon and her friend, Dave, from Wisconsin, for Easter dinner. After dinner they left Eastwood Manor for Milwaukee to visit Pat's sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Siebecker. Len and Dolores Lawrence attended the wedding of Dolores' cousin in Pontiac, on Saturday, April 4. The Lawrences report that they had a wonderful tirpe arid it was well worth the long drive. Paul Cisewski had a dinner party given in his honor to help him celebrate his second birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Betke and their two girls, Mr. and Mis. Woodbury and son, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eklund and daughter, "aTia Mr. and Mrs. Eklund, joined Paul and his mom and dad Pat and Don, to give .a big party to a little boy. Mfh Hansen is very happy and nas a smile for everyone. There's nothing unusual about her smile, but there's a reason why it's extra big. Her mother Mrs. H. G. Schwegler, from Parkersburg, W. V. came to stay with the Hannsens till after the new baby arrives. We hope you have a happy stay in Eastwood Manor. Lena Cambell surprised Mim with a beautiful baby quilt she made especially for Mim's expected baby. Billy Urban had a bang up party to celebrate his seventh birthday. Grandma and Grandpa Urban came out Friday, April 3 and stayed for the party which was held on Sunday. Grandma and Grandpa Kaufman, Jean and Walter Helm and Dawn, and Helen and Frank Skie and Gary, and Aunt Martha Kaufman had a lovely dinner served by Billy's mother, Charlotte. Meet " Your Neighbors On March 1, 1959 Louis Galbavy and his wife, Virginia moved their family from Chicago to Eastwood Manor into the home at 138 Manor Lane. Louis is a printer's apprentice. They have three lovely children, Christine, who was bora August 27, 1952, Virjean, who was four last Dec. 14,„-,and little Glen Louis, who is a vct new arrival this year, Jan. 11 to be exact. Virjean enjoys watching television, and doing ceramic work. She's very expert in her work. Lou likes to fish and bowl and be lazy. Both Galbavys hail from Chicago. Frank and Delores Woolwine moved into their home at 104 Country Lane on March 9, 1957. They are the proud parents of three wonderful children -- Riciky, who was seven Feb. 15, Dennis, who was born Sept. 30, 1955 and Terry, who will be one year old July 3. Frank is a plumber. Delores likes to sew and knit. Frank's hobby is golf. Chicago is their hometown. Baptism Sick List micioud MORE WATBR . at w Sofia ant © •RIB SMMET • Qmthi-MM" . WATER SYSTEM-4^ © CAPACITIES TO 1570 GAIL PER HOUR • PUMPING DEPTHS TO 120 PEEY • EASILY AND ECONOMICALLY CONVERTIBLE FROM SHALLOW TO DEEP WELL SERVICE Dollar-for-dollar, here it your best pump buy. Heavy, durable construction throughout. Quiet, lubrication-- free operation -- only one moving part. A product of a worldrenowned pump manufacturer with over 75 year*' experience, in building water service products. The Centri-Jet HB Water System will more than satisfy you in every way. Com* In and see for yourself. JITS *7tf AND 1 Submersible Pumps ON DISPLAY SEE THEM WORK OVER 70 PUMPS IN STOCK EASY TERMS McHewy Coiiff 1 WELLS DRILLED OR DRIVEN We Repair and Service ALL MAKES of PUMPS! Located in the Village of McCullom Lake 2j&.milesJtmmMcHenry on the McGullom-Wonder LakTRd: PHONE 713 ell & Pump The Easy . . . Economical Way! • Baked Lasagna • Pasta. Fasula • Bas'-B-Cued Chicken & Bibs • Home-Made Bakery • Salads Many More Tasty Dishes To Choose From Pantry. 2)#// caciea 134 N. Riverside Dr. PHONE McHENRY 754 McHenry Shores BOY SCOUTS ENJOY TOUR OF AIR FIELD by Louise Winters--2897 Several of our Boy Scouts spent an exciting day on a recent Saturday when Troop 131 were guests of the Air Force on a tour of O'Hare Field. They inspected the installation, and climbed all over a jet fighter plane. Leaving the military section of the field, they went on board a commercial airliner. There were twenty-eight boys from McHenry, and three adults, and from all reports, the adults were left as starryeyed as the boys. Those from McHenry Shores were Ray Olszewski, Billy Lokay, Bob Schopp, and Mike and Jimmy* Whetherhult, along with Lee, who is now an assistant scoutmaster. First Communion In honor of his first Communion, last week, Michael Wetzel was host to about twenty- five guests at a smorgasbord. In addition to his mother and dad, Doris and Ferd; the Rumefins, the Wetzels from Palatine the Wetzels from Chicago, and the Webers all enjoyed themselves immensely. Won't it be nice when affairs such as this will be held outside, and they say it won't be too much longer. Happy Birthday To Freddy Stark who will be all of seven on the twentyfirst and belated regards to Barbara Weber, who celebrated on the fifth and to Bill Lindwall on the sixth and his mother, Connie, on the eighth. Many happy returns to all. News and Views Mrs. Mildred Liss is convalescing with the help of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Korte. from Brookings, S. Dqk. Mrs. Liss is doing very nicely, and also enjoying her daughter's visit. The Rods are baby sitting with their baby grandson, while his mother and daddy are vacationing in Florida. Life was so quiet and peaceful, wasn't it. Helen Smith's mother, Mrs. Hawks, hafc arrived for her annual visit with the Smiths. Mrs. Barnett's mother, Mrs. Cleveland, is off on a twoweek's trip to Davenport, Iowa. Sounds like fun. Now that the weather has decided to warm up and we see signs of outside work being done, perhaps our column will lengthen a little. We don't know what it is about a telephone that scares people, ,bi4 there must-be some reasondon't hear news. Just ask thosp who do call in, .it doesn't hurt 'a bit. * .lO'J If it will please her at her age, why not tell her she's beautiful? But don't yawn when you say it. 0 r PARENTS'; RUBS and UPH01S7IRY\ CUANEDtfie scientific way |' ^Duradeair1 * Ail work don© In your own home! # Everything ready to use same dayt • No messy soaking, no ehrinkingl ^ For FREE estimate, call McHenry 3418 DURACLEAN SERVICE by FALK In Closing The dog situation could be improved. There are some dog lovers who are going to take drastic steps if the pets aren't kept home. Please keep your pet home and safe. Bye now. See you at the barn tomorrow night. Wh© Said Taxis Are A Luxury? Add the cost of cleaning this man's rain-soaked clothes and you'll agree door-to-door taxi actually saves money. A cab can help In a hundred different ways. When you need one. Radio Dispatched McHENRY CAB PHONE 723 ? give your home For new home sparkle-inside and oiit- NEED NEW SIDING? 12"x24" White ASBESTOS SIDING $14.95 per 100 sq. ft. CLEAR REDWOOD SIDING VzxG $120.00 per 1000 S(j. ft. J/2X8 $135.00 per 1000 sq. ft. %xl0 $155.00 per 1000 sq. ft. 3/4xl0 $200.00 per 1000 sq. ft. SPRUCE & PINE DROP SIDING 1x6 $130.00 per 1000 sq. ft. 1x8 $130.00 per 1000 sq. ft, 1x12 $150.00 per 1000 sq. ft 3'4X8 DOLLY VARDEN BEVEL SIDING $130.00 per 1000 sq. ft. NEED A NEW GARAGE? 22' x 24' Double Garage • 2- 8x7 overtiead garage doors • 1- 2/6 x 6/8 side service door • %" drop siding '• 210 lb. asphalt shingles • 3- slip head windows • 8' studs -- 16" on center • 2 gals, prime coat Financing and Delivery Arranged If Necessary .. best for /IU your Home Cement Jobs I 451b. 801b. bag bag GRAVEL MIX SAND MIX MORTAR MIX .89 $1.39 .99 $1,49 .03 $1.49 NEED A NEW HOOF? 210 lb. Thick Butt _ Asphalt Shingles $7.50 per 100 sq. ft. 980 lb. Mineral- Surfaced HoIIs $3.70 per 100 sq. ft. rl. 45 lb. Smooth Roofing $2.19 per 100 sq. ft. rl. 65 lb. Smooth Roofing $3.19 per 100 sq. ft. rl. Richmond, III* SPRING GROVE CASH & C 1$ 1$ If 1 B I. O G-Kw N OR T H "OF wwr.12 SPRSN]G CR6vl7 ILL. ACROSS FROM DEPOT The NEW GROUND GRIP No other tractor fir® gives a deeper center bite . . . . No ©flier tractor tore gives so much for so low a price ] TRACTOR Chains All A COMPLETE SELECTION OP PASSENGER-TRUCK-TRACTOR 1 TIRES , DON'T BUY TIL YOU GET OUR PRICES/ Brand Hew ' firoton* CHAMPBON TIRES « 6.70x15 Only $j^93 plus tax* 7.10x15 Only plus tax* 7.60x15 Only $1625 plus tax* *AND YOUR RECAPPABLE TJRE Check That Battery Now! FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS WE ARE Dry Charge s IPIOMUSTS Batfoaries IN < AS LOW AS W® TRACTOR TIRE From $3.00 to $6.00 TRADE-IN for your old BATTERY REPAIR McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND. Prop. 526 Main Street PHONE 294 McHenry

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