Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1959, p. 2

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Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER W.S.C.S. Meeting "Honors Our Women" The Women's Society of Christian Service will meet on Thursday, April 16. at 12 o'clock in the church dining room. A salad luncheon will be served by the Elizabeth and Deboiah circles. . The theme. "Honoring Our 'Own Women," to be presented •by Mrs. George DeBeer, vicepresident of the northern district, is most timely as menibcrs present the slate of new Officers for the coming year. Mrs. DeBeer will teil members of the curriculum , for W.S.C.S women which is taught at Elmhurst college. Dolores Thiol Married April 4, in a pretty wedding cere- .mony performed at St. John Ihe Baptist church. Johnsburg, on April 4, Miss Dolores Thiel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Thiel of Johnsburg. was married to Donald Babarsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Babarsky of Sunny side. The couple was attended by her sister. Miss Joyce Thiel, as maid of honor and his brother, Frank Babarsky, Jr.. of Chicago as best man. The newlyweds will reside in Chicago, where the groom is employed at Western Electric. The bride attended the Mcllenry high school and has been employed at Tomasello's in Johnsburg. Baptize Son Of Karl Barths The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Barth of Chicago w:is christened David Earl in a baptismal rite which took place at the home of his uncle. William Barth, Jr. in Huemann's subdivision. Rev. George Martin of the Community Methodist church officiated at the service. Sponsors for the couple were Mildred Altier of Chicago and William George Barth, Jr. A buffet luncheon was served after the rite. Guests included the maternal grandfather, Walter Dobson, and wife, Jeanetle, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Thompson of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Mangold and daughter of Johnsburg; Mr. and Mrs. Paul O'Leary and daughter of Volo; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sonne. Mrs. William Barth, Jr., and children, Kathy, .Neal, Billy and Scott Joseph, and the sponsors. David Earl was born Jan. 17 in Chicago. His parents are former residents of McHenry. things all sprinkled with stardust, and duty-free from Outer Space. , The children will find all sorts' of games to test their skill and ingenuity, and all with i prizes. This can be a real outing for mother, too, as supper will be served from 4:30 on, at one of the space stations. Bar-b-que; chili, hot dogs, chips and beverages are on the menu. The high point of the whole trip will be Ihe NIKE missle exhibit loaned by the U.S. Army. Experts from the base will be on hand to demonstrate its launching and firing (blanks . of course) and to answer your questions. WOOF To Hold Installation The Women's Catholic Order of Foresters will hold installation on April 23 at the McHenry Country club at 6 p.m. Dinner reservations should be made by calling Helen Williams at 896-M by April 20. DELTA KAPPA GAMMA HOLDS 24TH CONVENTION Farewell Party For Jim Frennd Friends, relatives, schoolmates and co-workers gathered at Club Lilymoor last Saturday evening to surprise Jim Freund, who is leaving for Army service. Making the party possible were Barbara Becker, Arlene Wijas and Ted McNish. Talent Scout Robert Hay discovered the "personality plus" twoscme, Jerry and Les, who supplied the music for the evening. Miss Becker designed the cake that said goobye in six languages through the tiny soldiers which served as a centerpiece on the buffet. The twenty - fourth annual convention of Deita Kappa Gamma was held in Rockford last weekend at the Hotel Faust. The Illinois chapter, Lambda State, was founded on March 16, 1935 with the late Ethel Coe as one of its founders. Registration took place Friday evening, followed by a meeting of the executive board. The general business session was held Saturday morning, followed by the birthday luncheon at 12:30. In the afternoon, discussion groups met, and at 7 in the evening all enjoyed the president's dinner held in the grand ballroom. All state and chapter presidents were honored as the processional preceding the dinner was made up of the fiftyeight state chapter presidents. Faith Harrington of Crystal Lake is president of the local chapter, Alpha Theta. Dr. Vera L. Peacock of Carbondale, outgoing state president, presided at the dinner and introduced the newly elected state president, Carolyn Nones, of Rockford. Dr. Minnie Miller, head of the foreign language department at State Teachers' college, Emporia, Kas., addressed the group on "South America Four Years Later." ( On Sunday morning the founders' breakfast was held in the grand ballroom. Miss Genevieve Knox of McHenry was chairman of the table decorations for the breakfast. Members from McHenry who attended were Mesdames Bolger, Foley, McGee and the Misses Nellie Doherty and Genevieve Knox. Haydam-Evans Vows Exchanged St. Peter's Catholic church in Volo was the scene of a lovely wedding last Saturday which united Miss Joan Haydam, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Haydam of Volo, and Gene Evans of Woodstock*, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Evans of Quitman, Ark. Miss Karla Haydam of Volo, sister of the bride, acted as maid of honor, and Mrs. Laura Evans of Gary, Ind., sister-inlaw of the bridegroom, Miss Marjorie Haydam of Volo. sister of the bride, and Miss Beverly Meyer of Waukegan were bridesmaids. Donald Haydam, brother of the bride, served as best man. Groomsmen were Dick Lindquist of Lakemoor, friend of the groom, Robert Fink of Whittlesey, Wis., a cousin, and Rolancf Evans of Gary, Ind., a brother. A reception for 250-.guests was held at 4 o'clock at the V.FW. hall. The cou^'e lef\ late on a wedding trip through the West and on their return will reside at Ingleside. The bride is a graduate of the Wauconda high school and a bookkeeper for R. J. Westphal Concrete Contractors at Round Lake. The bridegroom is employed by the McHenry Readv Mix Co. OSRITAL HOLD REGISTRATION FOR FIRST GRADE, KINDERGARTEN Kindergarten registration will take place Friday. April 24. from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the kindergarten building at 202 W. Waukegan road. Children must be 5 years old on or before Dec. 1 and a legal birth certificate is necessary for registration. A three dollar charge for supplies used during the year must also be paid that day. Parents are asked not to bi ing children when registering. The first grade registration will take place on the same day and at the same hours. The p!ace will be the Edgebrook school office. Children must be 6 years old on or before Dec. 1 and for first graders, as for kindergarten, a legal birth certificate is necessary. Supplies used by the .first grade will be purchased in the fall. Only those not attending kindergarten are to register April 24. Parents are asked not to bring children when registering. SHOP IN McHENRY McHenry Hospital *' Patients at-McHenry hospital this past week included Anita Sommers, George ^Smith and Ann Hughes of Wonder Lake; Emilie Fjellstedt and Thomas Lauritz of Ingleside; Margaret Gavin, Lucille Prips, Pearl Smolinski. Kathleen Smith, Mary Rash, Richard Rehberg, Lillian Powers, Marie Schlick, Kevin Drurfil, LaMarr Williams. Robert Orthwein, S h i r 1 e y Klapperich, David Druml and Othele Brady of McHenry; Joy Bettis of, Fox Lake; Edward Przybye and Clarence Allen of Crystal Lake; Marjorie Hussission of Tower Lakes, Barrington; and Husey Hunter of Hinsdale. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospi*- tal, Woodstock, this past week included ^Walter Sheahan, Rob'? ert Wagner, Carol Justen, Thomas Byrnes and Agnes Schaefer of McHenry; "\Tune Oxtoby and Colleen Harvey of Ringwood; Marilyn Marke, Geraldine Whitman, Joseph Lundborg, John Smith, Charles Sullivan, Ann Lucky and Archie Bigger of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Mary Cowherd, Elmer Lossman and Mrs. Vincent Adams were patients at Harvard hospital this past week. Mrs. A. P. Freund, Mrs. Nick Weingart, Mrs. Alfred Weingart and Mrs. Peter A. Freijpd were Chicago callers last Sfttr urda.v. Mrs. Etta Reed of Napa, Calif, is spending several weeks visting her sister, Mrs. George Lindsay, having been called here by the recent death of Mr. Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence of Chicago visited in McHenry last weekend and called on Miss Ann Frisby, who i§ a patient in the local hospital.' Among those extending jSQipgratulations to Mr. and *Mks. Gilbert Harris in Woodstocl? on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Math Schaefer, Miss Christine Adams, Mrs. Anna Miller and Mrs. Nick Young. CARD OF THANKS I would like to express my thanks to those who sent cards, gifts and flowers and offered prayers for me. I am grateful for the help of neighbors and friends while in the hospital. 50 Mrs. Alby Adams JOINS SORORITY Patricia, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert S. Blake, has been initiated into Pi Beta Phi sorority at Northwestern university where she is a freshman. Observe Future Teaeher Week Gov. Stratton has proclaimed April 19 to 26 as Illinois Future Teacher Week. Local F.T.A. members, under sponsorship of Mrs. John Bolger, is planning a program in observance of the week. On Monday, April 20. Delta Kappa Gamma will entertain all members of F.T.A. clubs in the county. The speaker will be Mrs. Norma Woosley, admission counselor from the National College of Education, whose subject will be, "Is Teaching the Career For You?" Entertain Public At PTA Expedition Isldnd Lake's P.T.A. sponsored expedition into Outc Space will begin at 3 p.m. on Saturday, April 18. They will return to earth not later than 7 p.m. There will be all sorts of things to see and buy at the Super Saucer Market, Atomic Plant Market and various other space stations. There will be "white e 1 e p h a n 1 s," aprons, home - baked goods, growing r 4* 2 nd 5* rd 6 lh Claire Shoppe 200 S. Green St. McHenry 10 A SHORT COMFORTABLE FASHIONABLE HAIRSTYLE FOR SPRING Call Us Today For Your Appointment Swedish Massage -- Steam Bath PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS Coming Spon -- the 7 th* What?? Watch This Paper! L for ge Don't Risk Damage to your Precious Furs Protect them from moths» Rainbow Cleaners Around Corner North of National Tea N. Front Street Phone 927 Open Friday Evenings 'til 9 Always Plenty of Free Parking at Rainbow Drive-In WORLD WAR' I VETS INSTALL NEW OFFICERS • On Thursday, April 23, the McHenry barracks of the World War I veterans will install their newly elected officers. E. Cannon, Jr., vice commander- elect, will start his unofficial duties earlier in the evening by preparing a spaghetti dinner for members and their ladies; in fact, Mr. Cannon said members may bring their families and he would like very much, too, to have them invite any Worlcl War I veteran they may know. The ladies of the American Legion auxiliary will serve the dinner. The officers to be installed are Ford Hanford, commander J. J. Gruenfeld, senior vicecommander; E. Cannon Jr., vice-commander; Geo. Knight, quartermaster. E. Kane, by appointment, will be adjutant and Mr. Pouse, judge advocate, also by appointment. Mr. Cannon would like members and their guests to arrive «t 7 p.m. if possible so that the dinner may be enjoyed, at its best. Don't miss this interesting meeting. HOME SHOW The Fox Lake Chiamber of Commespe Announces the seventh annual home and fashion show sponsored by the Lotus- Big Hollow ; and Fox Lake P.T.A, groups;' It will be held two days, Saturday, April 18, and Sunday, April 19. There will be special entertainment Saturday evening. Exhibits open at 7 p.nj. Saturday and 1 p.m. Sunday. The shows will be at 8 p.m. Saturday and 3:30 Sunday. SILVER ANNIVERSARY McHenry friends and relatives attended the solemn Mass of thanksgiving for Rev. Fr. Lucius B. Delire on the occasion of his twenty-fifth year in the priesthood. The rite took place in Iloly Rosary church, Chicago, last Sunday. Fr. Delire is the brother of Mrs. James Powers of McHenry. IN MEMORIAM Tn loving memory of Paul J. Eizik, Sr., who passed away April 11, 1956. Mrs. Paul J. Eizik, Sr. 50 and family To be impressive, generosity must be impulsive and unexpected. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritthaler of- Griswold Lake are the parents of a son, born April 10 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A son was born to Mrv and Mrs. Richard Rad at Memorial hospital on April 11. Mr. and Mrs. Bert . Patterson - of Wonder Lake welcomed a daughter at Memorial hospital on April 11. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Buss of Wonder Lake at Memorial hospital April 12. A daughter was born at Memorial hospital oh April 12 to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Johnson are the parents of a girl, born April 8 at Memorial hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew KnackstoJt or Wonder Lake "re the parents of a boy, Dorn April V at Memorial hosoital. Mr. and Mrs. James Wright are the parents of a son, born April 13 at Memorial hospital. A son was born April 13 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Rauscher. A boy was born last week in Bel ton, Mo., to Sgt. and Mrs. Lyle Ladefoged. They have two other sons, Bobby, 6, and Jeffery, 4. Mrs. Ladefoged is the former Joan Heilman of Wonder Lake. CARD OF THANKS I would like to thank all those who voted for me in the recent township election. 50 Albert A. Adams HARDEST BUSIEST CHELAPES1 WORKERS IN HOWN PLAINDEALER WANT ADS April 16 C. D. of A. Social Meeting April 21 .Rjverview Qamp, R.N.A. -- Regular Meeting--K. of C. Hall --8 p.m. April 18 Bake Sale--Huppy and Leo's Store, Green street--Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Episcopal Church. April 21 Catholic Order of Foresters --8:30 p.m. April 23 Altar and Rosary Card Party -- 8 p.m. -- Christ the King Church Hall, «Wonder Lake. April 24-25 Rummage Sale -- Ringwood 'Church Basement--9 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday; 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday. April 26 Bake Sale--Noon to 4 pm. --Zion Lutheran Church, Rt. 120 West. May 2-3 McHenry Choral Club Spring Program--High School Auditorium-- 8:15 p.m. May 3 C. D. of A. Communion Celebration-- St. Mary's church May 5 Catholic Order of Foresters --8:30 p.m. Thursday* April 16, 1939; May 7 C. D; of A. Business Meeting. May 8 Women's Club Luncheon-- Chapel Hill Country Club--1 p.m. May 11 _ ' ^ C. D. of A. Mother's. Day Banquet--High School. May 21 f- C. D. of A. Social Meeting Dee Ann Hester Named Registrar Of Sorority Dee Ann Hester, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hester, Timothy Lane, McHenry, wa«| elected registrar of SigmJr Kappa, national social sorority at Illinois Wesleyan uriiversity^ yBloomington. Miss Hester is a sophomore at the university, majoring in sociology. She was recently initiated into the sorority. SHOP IN McHENRY Floor Sanders to Rotary Tillers 32 COMING S@ON TO McHENRY Smith-Graft nnouncement THE McHENRY MEDICAL GROUP ANNOUNCES THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A HEARING CENTER. COMPLETE FACILITIES ARE AVAILABLE FOR TESTING HEARING LOSS, EVALUATION AND FITTING OF HEARING AIDS. THE HEARING CENTER IS UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE DEPARTMENT OF AUDIOLOGY AND FUNCTIONS IN CONNECTION WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OS30SKM a loaoc. 1 i ONLY BAN CAN GIVE YOU BANK service and BANK protection BE SURE YOU KNOW WHY! As a matter of public interest, the Illinois Bankers Association publishes the following information. Only i BANK insures deposits for prompt payment The Federal Deposit? Insurance Corporation insures only Bank deposits up to $10,000 each. That insurance becomes due and payable immediately in case any insured bank could not pay depositor's money when it is due him. The Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Corporation is the insuring agency for savings and loan associations. Its insuring agreement is entirely different. If you don't know the difference, be sure. P McHenry State Bank ESTABLISHED 1906 MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM ~ ~ Phone 1040 lOEftOl IOP9I ipnaoi

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