Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1959, p. 5

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(b • Thursday, April 16, 1959 McHenry Plaindealei Phone 170 - 171 Published every Thursday ai McHenry, 111., by the McHenr> Publishing Company. Inc. ** ~ jlATIONA'l editorial THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER A S(S 0 CM-A T l(Q|N W. BURFEINDT, Gen i. Mgi ADELE FROEHLICH, Edito> SUBSCRIPTION RATE In McHenry County 1 Year $3.5L Months $2.00 3 Months $1.25 Outside McHenry County 1 Year $4.00 6 Months $2.25 3 Months \$1.50 Entered as second-class mat ter at the post office at McHenry, Illinois, under the act of May 8, 1879. V E G A L S NOTICE OF CLAIM DATE Estate of JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, also known as JOSEPH S. WOJNOWSKI, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons that May 4, 1959, is the claim date in th3 estate of JOSEPH X. WAYNNE, also I»>wn as JOSEPH S. WOJNOWSKI, Deceased, pending in the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, and that claims may be filed against the said estate on or before said date without issuance of summons. STEPHANIE WAYNNE Administor Alexander J. Ross, Attorney ' VM W. Randolph St. Chicago 1, Illinois (Pub. April 9-16-23, 1959) MASTER IN CHANCERY'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTY OF McHENRY) ss In the Circuit Court thereof in Chancery, General No. 36459 MARENGO FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA T®)N, a corporation of the U n i t e d S t a t e s o f A m e r i c a , Plaintiff vs. WESLEY P. WAHL and PATRICIA M. WAHL, his wife, et als, defendants. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in pursuance of a Decree made and entered by the said Circuit Court of Mc&iehry County, Illinois, in t]y above entitled cause on the ^Rh day of March A.D. 1959, I, CHARLES T. SMITH, Master in Chancery of the said Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois, will on the 1st day of May, 1959, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock in the forenoon thereof, at the East front door of the McHenry County Courthouse, in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Willis, sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for Cash all and singular the following described real estate in said Decree mentioned, or so {gu^h thereof as shall be suffietent to satisfy said Decree, pp situated in the County of jfifcHenry and State of Illinois, taiwit: ^ Lot sixteen (16) in Block ar.three (3) in Hunterville J^Park Subdivision, a Subdivision of part of the Southwest quarter of Section twenty-five (25) and of the southeast quarter of Section twenty-six (26), Township forty-five (45) North, Range eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded March 30, 1929 in ^ Book 7 of Plats, page 4, in * McHenry County, Illinois. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 2nd day of April, A.D. 1959. CHARLES T. SMITH Master in Chancery F. R. KELLEY Marengo. Illinois Plaintiff's Attorney (Pub. April 9-16-23, 1959) MCHS TRACK TEAM OUTRUNS GRANT IN PRACTICE WARMUP McHenry's track team, in a practice warmup, defeated Grant by ail unofficial score of 56-53. The meet was run at Grant last Thursday in a 36 degree temperature. Results are as follows: 120 high hurdles, ' Mike Creighton, 3rd, 18.9. 100 yard dash, Bill O'Brien, 1st, 11:2, Butch Espey, 3rd, 11:6. 880 yard run, Mike Creighton, 1st, 2:12 8/10 (school record), Tom Creighton, 2nd, 2:24 8/10. 440 yard dash, Bill O'Brien, 1st, .58:5, Henry Houck, 2nd, 59:0. * 180 yard low dash. Sonny Hocin, 3rd, 25:4 (school record). Mile run, Jim Jones, 2nd, 5:10 5/10,. Jay Walkington, 3rd, 5:24. 220 yard dash, Mike Creighton, 1st, 25:8, Butch Espey, 2nd, 26:0. 880 yard relay, Sonny Hocin, Jim Creighton, Tom Fisher, Henry Houck, 1st, 1:44- 5/10 (school record). 440 yard relay, H. Steinspring, Butch Espey, Ron Freund, Bill O'Brien, 1st, 51:7 High jump, Mike Creighton, 1st, 5 ft. 2 in. Broad jump. Henry Houck, 2nd, 16 ft. 7 in. Shot put, Frank Scolaro, 3rd, 36 ft. Discus throw. Rich Mercure, 3rd, 86 ft. 10 in. FOX VALLEY RIDERS The Fox Valley Riders held their regular weekly meeting at our club house. The club banquet was voted on to be held at "The Willows" irt Island Lake on April 25th at 8:00 p.m. The trophies for the highest point standings and the most active member of the year will be awarded., Sunday, April 12th, the club met at our track on "Pa" Raven's farm on County N road ^nt of McHenry to complete the building of our track for all the summer activities. For those interested in competing J or just watching the thrills, i races and entertainment, watch for our news reports of coming ! "vents. We have a big exciting j summer ahead. \ The Northern Illinois Motor- ; cycle Association held their j monthly meeting at Forest Park, Illinois. It was decided ' upon tfiat any N I.M.A. memh^ r will be eligible for club trophies at all events, but nonmembers will only be eligible for A.M.A. trophies. The N.I.M.A.. which was originated by our past president. Robert Me^tins. is raoidly expanding and becoming a motorcyclist's must. l<l>lllill|l|lll|ill|||||||!|l|l|l|||1|1l|!|!|ll!illiil|||ill|||||||||||||l|||||l| The Great Outdoors By Jack Walsh illlllUDIIIIllilll;l!lllllllillIIIIlill|ittlll!ttilJ!liM||!|Dl|||||!|lll|l|ili|, Chicago smelt fishermen are going great guns, but those who work their nets in the Waukegan area are not doing so well as yet. Some fellows from McHenry drove to Waukegan earlier this week and said twelve to fifteen smelt were the most they brought in at a time. If the weather stays warm, the smelt should be running full force by the middle or end of next week. The McHenry Sportsmen's Club voted in a motion to put in cement walks with yardage markers on their trap ranges. This will benefit all the shooters and will also prevent confusion in the handicap shoots. Night-trap-shooting is on the agenda at the McHenry Sportsmen's Club again this year. Details will be printed as soon as the night shooting schedule is drawn up. Bass are hitting in the lakes now and reports of some pretty fair catches have reached us. Bluegills and crappies are also hitting in the channels. A fellow told us his nephew caught a five pound trout in the creek west of McHenry. The uncle did not see the fish, but commented that the boy's father, a very religious man, backed up the story. BEAT BRONCHOS IN SECOND WM FOR SOPH TEAM By Jack Yegge DAVID BOGER WILL TEACH IN OLSON SCHOOL st 1 M t h 2 nd 5ih 3 r d 6 th Coming Soon -- the 7 th* What?? Watch This Paper! David A. Boger of McHenry has been employed to teach social studies and language arts at Clarence Olson junior high school, Woodstock next year. This year he. has been teaching at Gavin school, Ingleside. The McHenry man is a 1957 graduate of Loras college. Dubuque, Iowa. He is doing work toward a master's degree at Northern Illinois university, DeKalb. VANDALS CAUSE DAMAGE Overhead doors ar the Clinton B. Sheldon home, northeast of Spring Grove, were found damaged when a repairman came to do some work and found the doors had been pushed in by a car. The caretaker was notified and it was discovered that a large window had been broken and full length glass doors and lamps were damaged. Edwin Garcia of Round Lake Park was apprehended and has admitted his guilt and is being charged with breaking in and malicious miscief. The McHenry sophomore team chalked up its second victory last week by beating Barrington 5-3 at the Johnsburg diamond where the sophomores play all their home games. Hitting stars of vthe game were Sanford, Gates, Klapperich and DeCicco each with one hit and Bob Hiller who hit safely tjwice. Buddy Reid was the starting pitcher, allowing one hit and three earned runs. Bill DeCicco replaced Reid in the last half of the second inning, allowing two hits and holding the Bronchos scoreless. In the sixth inning Paul Morenz relieved DeCicco and retired the last four batters to end the ball game. The little Warriors scored t h e i r w i n n i n g r u n s i n t h e fourth inning when Yegge, Bennett, Sanford and Klapperich scored. The rivalry between McHenry high and Barrirgtcn has always been keen not only in basketball; but in baseball, therefore Coach Mandli was v e r y h a p p y w i t h t h e f i n e showing of his boys. On Friday, April 17, the little Warriors play the Blue Streaks from Woodstock on the Johnsburg diamond. Box Score McHenry (5) AB R H RBI J. Sanford, lf-cf Klapperich, ss B. Gates, rf B. Hiller, 3b B. Reid, p B. DeCicco, p P. Morenz, p H. May, 2b J. Yegge, lb G. Meyer, cf-lf E. Stedman, If C. Bennett, c R H E McHenry 0014000-5 6 0 B a r r i n g t o n 12 0 0 0 0 0 - 3 3 1 SO -- Reid, 2. DeCicco, 8, Morenz, 4. Winner -- DeCicco 1-0 . Loser -- Lahti 0-1 / SHOP IN McHENRY Page Five TO McHENRY Smith-Craft f-^eter Iff ^udten & >on OXYGEN EQUIPPED AMBULANCE SERVICE le McHenry 63 • OBITUARY Anna Larson A -heart attack claimed the life of Mrs. Anna Larson. 81, of F ernwood subdivision, southeast of McHenry, who died in McHenry hospital on Friday. ApYil 10. Mrs. Larson was born in Sweden Feb. 7. 1877. and moved 0McHenry from Chicago eleveri'^ ears ago. Her-only survivor is the widower. Andrew, to whom she had been married fifty-seven years, t Services were held from the P^iter M. Justen funeral home to 1 -.30 Monday, with burial in Mount Emblem cemetery. Elmhurst. • HOBBY SHOW --Plans are being completed for the hobby show to be sponsored by the Clay Street PTA, ""to' be held at ()lson school in Woodstock, April 19 from 1 to 8 p.m. The show will feature the antique dol! exhibit of northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin, containing some 1.- 000 dolls. 0 The above picture was taken at the Grade School Basketball Banquet, sponsored by the Loyal Order of Moose McHenry Lodge No. 691, last Thursday night in the high school cafeteria. The speaker of the evening was our MCHS varsity coach. Cliff Fulton, who received his early education at Mooseheart. This picture shows Governor Win Hagberg presenting most valuable player awards to John Rourke (McHenry Junior High), Rex Hester (St. Mary's), William Jorgerson (Johnsburg), John Corso (St. Patrick's), and Stan Wenck (Harrison). The Drivers Seat You're driving down a highway at night. The bright lights of the oncoming car blind you If you're smart you (a) counteract the effect of the. other car's brights by flicking on yours, cbt speed up so you can get past the other car quicker, (c> slow down and keep your eyes on the right edge of the road.-. If you picked "c" you're hep to the safer points of driving, the National Safety Council says And if you didn't? Well, see if you can't do better on these questions: 1. Good drivers know they should brake (a) before entering a curve, (b) on the curve. 2. It's advisable to slow down below the posted speed limit when (a) other traffic is whizzinng past you, (b) it's raining, (c) a police car is behind you. 3. If the wheels of your car go off the right side of the road and onto a soft shoulder, you should (a) jerk the wheel to the left before the tires have a chance to sink down in the soft ground, (b) hit the brakes to stop the car quickly, (e) take your foot off the gas pedal and wait till your car slows down before returning to the highway. 4. On a steep hill, before ANNOUNCIN®!! STEREOPHONIC SOUND IN YOUR HOME FROM YOUR PRESENT HI-FI By Tri-County Electronics 'Convert your present Hi-Fi set to fabulous Stereo for less Stereo Conversion -- Custom Installations Call Collect KIMBALL 6-4821 or 6-1993 . Round Lake, I1L your car gains too much momentum. it's wise to (a) use your brakes so the car won't pick up too much speed, (b) shift into a lower gear and use the motor for braking, (c) pull your parking brake on periodically. Answers: 1 . ( a ) N e v e r b r a k e on a curve, the National Safety Council says. It can cause * skid. Good drivers cut their speed enough before entering a curve so they can accelerate very slightly as they round the curve. 2 . ( b ) I t ' s a l w a y s s m a r t t o slow down below the posted speed limit in bad weather. Speed limits are set for norm-' al, good-weather conditions. 3 . ( c ) K e e p a f i r m g r i p on the steering wheel and your car slows down. Then--not before turn the wheel sharply toward the pavement. 4 . ( b ) I f y o u p i c k e d , " a " you're a good bet to need some new brakes soon- maybe when you most need to stop your car! Riding the brakes in other words, braking constantly-- on a hill is a sure way to burn them out. And parking brakes, the Council says, are for one purpose--parking. Card of Thanks My r e c e n t b e r e a v e m e n t ? leaves me with a grateful] heart toward neighbors and? friends. Your helpfulness and! comforting expressions of sym-j pathy will always be remem-' bered. J 50 Mrs. George Lindsay* - | LAKE VIEW RESTAURANT Opening April 17th Formerly Lake View Ice Cream Parlor : Homemade Luncheons & Dinners Served Daily and Weekends We will continue serving our Homemade Pizza Please come in and try us 109 East Elm Street McHenry, Illinois TWIN INSURANCE FOR NATIONAL BABY WEEK April 26th thru May 2nd I We will duplicate any layette item purchased in our shop if you should have "Twins or Triplets" born during National Baby Week. Also we will include a gift Free with every purchase in our Infant Department during this time. ~ Oven Ready 4-5 Lb. Avg. ROASTING ICKENS 59 lb. All Meat Smoked POLISH iusa< 59- 100% Pure GROUND 55 lb. Fresh Cut CHICKEN 55 lb. v\ < sPe\ V>°\ *0^ 0^°° yAe^ V \0 jtW** ^ to* ^ o*1 \fl°\ -j'S0" * * < 0 " ^• x o T * < > • " to< oe°*oJ\\^ ^ \e\°° .f eA c .v *0^ * .we<c v tv\e c ,.«S° . - V>eS %.kf V- e V e09VVoO *eVV **>< 9 oJO^ AC.©*\' .coo^\0c*S <H<Oo»* A o' o° ,„c® Fresh Braunschweiger LIVER S9i Fresh Sliced 29i Raggedy Ann TOMMO JUICE 46-Oz. Tin 4 For 'I00 Carnation MILK Tall Tin 8 For *1®° Raggedy Ann APPLE SAKE - 25-Oz. Jar 4 Fot n°° Frank's Fox Deluxe Country Delight SAUERKRAUT HEAT PIES C0TTA8I CHEESE 300 Tin Chicken, Turkey and Beef 2-Lb.°Otn. 8-Oz. Pkg. 10° 5 For *la0 • •A IBc v Raggedy Ann CHM PINEMLE 303 Tin <§) For §100 Hume Freestone SLICED PEA0ES 24 Tin 3 Fot 88® Country Delight B" lO-Oz. Pkg. 6 FO, H00 USE OUR FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AREA YOUR MiW SUPiil CERTIFIED FOOD STORE OWNED BY LOCAL PEOPLE Co?. Greesi & Elm Sfts. Phone 80 McHenry. 111.

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