Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Apr 1959, p. 6

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Pag*Six THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday* April 16, 195S Classified Want Ads Prove That Gigantic Jobs Are Done By Midgets RING 4.500 DOOR BELLS FOR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD1 Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 20 wdrds, $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion $1.00 (Count 4 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks -- $1.00 minimum Want ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: $1.00 Col. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. Classified Display must in- 'clude a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. CASH WITH ORDER on f ollowing classifications: Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities BOATS & MOTORS BUSINESS SERVICE AUTOMOTIVE REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 Dlk East of the river oridge Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sundays: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf CONVERTIBLE -- 1958 Plymouth. Very low mileage. Excellent condition. Reasonable. Call McHenry 3421-R after 6 p.m. or call 806, ask for Mr. Kalk. , 50-tf 1951 FORD Convertible, '53 engine, new white top, perfect mechanical condition, radio, heater, white walls. Call McHenry 1662-M after 5 p.m. *50 Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Speedicraft Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING BILL'S OUTBOARD MOTORS 10414 S. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 29-tf BOATS Over 40 To Choose From Switzer, Crosby, Cruisers Inc. & Lyman lapstrake, Alumacraft, Whitehouse, Glastron, Aristocraft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Speed boats, cruisers, etc. 1959 Fiberglass 14' Runabouts with steering, windshield, uph. seats. 40 h.p. ^nhax. $545. Full Line of Boating Supplies . JEW MOTORS 3 to V50 h.p. Good buys on used boats and motors. • TEENEE & GATOR Trailers 1953 DODGE Hardtop, needs work, $50. Phone McHenry 2639. 50 1954 PLYMOUTH Belvidere, hydromatic, radio, heater, 4 door sedan. Phone McHenry 1548-J, 113 Oak Drive, Sunnyside Estates. 50 1958 BUICK Special, 2 door hardtop, excellent condition. Phone McHenry 2287 after 6 p.m. 50 See Us Before You Buy ED W;ENDT BOATS RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 3231 Hrs. 9-8 daily -- Sun. 10 to 6 On Hwy. 12, 3 blks north of 12 & 173 intersection 44-tf BUSINESS SERVICE 1950 OLDSMOBILE, 6 cylinder, hydrotnatic. Good running condition; left-fender and head light smashed. You make offer. Phone McHenry 2467-M. 50 G A R A G E S 14 x 20-ft. with overhead door, concrete floor and shingle roof. Choice of siding and 2 windows. ED'S RENT-ALL RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment Sanding Machines Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment . 704 FRONT Phone McHenry. 32 48-tf BUSINESS SERVICE ELECTRIC- MOTORS repaired. Industrial, commercipl afid' do mestic. Rickert Elcctrir 480 Center St., Grayslake, 111. Ph. BAlfiwin 3-8491. 16-t.f FOR SALE FOR SALE WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. WORWICK STUDIO GEO. W. KOTALIK 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 275 12-tf INCOME TAX SERVICE LEE J. SPIEGEL TAX CONSULTANT 510 Main St., McHenry, 111. PHONE McHENRY 1749 36-tf $695 No. Money Down - 5 yrs. to Pay WALSH 1951 FORD Victoria with '51 Home Improvement - Waukegar. Olds engine, radio, heater, 4 FREE ESTIMATES new w.w. tires. '38 Cad-La- Salle ftoor shift, aluminum' Call McHENRY 1878-W flywheel. High-lift rockers. S. W. gauges. Bill Diedrich, % ! 300 Riverside Drive mile north of Outdoor Theatre. Phone 562-W-2. 45-tf 1955 Studebaker, 4 door Champ. Automatic transmission. Radio & heater. Clean. $695. 1953 Ford V-8 station wagon. Radio & heater. $295. 1952 Ford V-8 2 door. Radio, heater, standard transmission.* $295. Also others to select from Monte's Motor Sales Phone JAckson 6-7331 Hwy. 176, Island Lake, 111. 50 Spring Specials 1957 FORD Fairlane, 4 dr. sedan -- straight transmission 1957 PLYMOUTH V-8 Belvedere 4 dr. sedan -- power steering, power .brakes. 1957 CHEVROLET 150 2 dr. sedan -- V-8 straight transmission 1957 PLYMOUTH Plaza 6 2 dr. sedan -- straight transmission 1956 FORD V-8 Customline 2 dr. sedan -- Fordomatic 1956 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 4 dr. sedan -- power steering, power brakes, air conditioned 1956 OLDSMOBILE Super 88 4 dr. Holiday 1955 fORD V-8 convertible straight transmission Established 1886 COLBY MOTOR SALES 61 North Main Street Crystal Lake, Illinois 50 50 HOURLY RATES Tor jackhain- ~ mer service. Call us for the hard work Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf SOATS & MOTORS 14 FT. ROUND bottom boats good condition. Bald Knob Resort, Pistakee Lake. Phone McHenry 9874. 49-4 CORRECT CRAFT atom skier 1955 model, 620 Gray Marine motor, 14% ft., real clean $1,375; also 14 .ft. Bergland 44 h.p. super charged, 1956 like new, $1,425. Chuck Coles, McHenry Boat Co., Tel. 303. 50 Sewing Machines REPAIRED New, Used & Rentals SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES & SERVICE 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 111. Phone: Woodstock 294 42-tf Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink rodding and root cutting equipment. Also, septic systems and back hole work. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 26-tf Patzke Roofing Built Up Asphalt Roofs Shingling & Siding Phone McHenry 3413 JAMES PATZKE 615 Fountain Lane McCullom Lake McHenry, Illinois 45-tf WASH 25c EACH 8 LBS. DRY 10c 10 MIN. SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS 202 N. Riverside Dr. Laundromat McHenry 3115 . • SHIRTS FINISHED 27c -- 35c 24 Hr. Service HOURS: 7 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. ALL DAY SUNDAY 5-tf BUILDERS Commitments Available F.H.A. -- V.A. CONVENTIONAL ALSO CONSTRUCTION LOANS CARMAL CORP. DExter 6-6765 47-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf Need "Breathing Space"? ADD A ROOM NOW Room Additions Garage Carpentry Attic Rooms Siding Sagging Floors Sidewalk Driveways Patio Call For Free Estimate NO MONEY DOWN D & F Builders McHENRY 3487 *V1., •' i Every day mony people sell their homes to a fire o lot cheaper thon they would to o buyer just because they didn't carry enough insurance. It doesn t make sense. Yoy don't want this to happen to you. And It won't if you check your policy. • ,then check-with us. Dp, it this week* t, THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 2800 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. BUSINESS SERVICE AINTING, ir.terlui e*-teror. Paper hanging, wallboard taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lata. Phone McHenry 3253-M. 36-tf McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms -- Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimates ROBERT PEISERT Phone McHenry 3590 48-tf ROTO TILLING | The ideal treat for Lawns and Gardens Phone McMahon McHenry 504-R-2 or 1579-W 49-4 Peter A. Freunci SANITARY SERVICE I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools | BOAT BUILDER or all around Phone McHenry 1819-Jh mechanic interested in manag- C. S. G. Lawn and Mower Service Lawn cutting, landscaping, yard cleaning. Sand, gravel, black dirt, roto-tilling. Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening Power $6.00 Hand $3.00 Pick-Up & Delivery Service We Finance Landscaping Call Fred McHenry 1606 49-tf Business Opportunities Residence Fox Street 10-tfl r,jing or partly owning a boat sales storage and service business. No investment unless de- I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 or 2711 Station Box 38 38-tf sired. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 461. 46-tf A & D Floor Service Also Janitor & Maintenance Work Phone McHenry 3156 & 3594 Let us do your spring cleaning • Wall cleaning • Woodwork • Floors • Rugs & Carpeting Pickup service on rugs[ and wall to wall carpet cleaning. Call Your Friendly FLOOR SERVICE Today *50 OPEN FOR BUSINESS -- Beauty Shop (across from Art Smith's Grocery -- near Merle Norman Studio). Formerly Jen's Beauty Shop, will be managed by Viola Bodenstab until this location is ready for the opening of the' McHenry School of Beauty Culture by Alice Marie and Frank Blas- ( kis. Call McHenry 3115. 50 GARDEN PLOWING and discing. Call LeRoy Harms. McHenry 3074-J. 50 SHOP IN McHENRY Tavern For Sale Ideal Location in Village of Lakemoor Fully Equipped Kitchen 4 Room Apt. Over Tavern Good Money Maker Phone McHenry 742 50-tf FULL LINE farm equipment franchise available in this area. Best opportunity in the industry. Reply c/o Plaindealer, Box 469. 49-2 LEADING OUTBOARD motor manufacturer has profitable dealer franchise in fast growing boating industry available in this high potential market. Factory provides top notch national and local advertising program plus local merchandising and service assistance. A great opportunity for the business man with ability to sell, desire for greater profit AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R), sales and service representative j E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivi-1 sion. Phone McHenry 1798. 1 44-tf IRON FIREMAN, gun type oil burner, capable of producing 200,000 BTU's; also 275 gal. oil tank. Both only 1 year old. Phone McHenry 48 or 163-R. 48-tf GLADIOLA BULBS, mixed colors, 3 dozen $1.00; dahlias, 7 bulbs, $1.00; daisies or mums, 25c each. Mrs. French, McHenry 1483-R. 50 BOY SCOUT uniform, size 14; boy's brown gabardine suit, size 12; girl's red spring outfit, size 4. Tel. McHenry 3365. 50 CEMENT MIXER; 22%/2~ h.p. Evinrude motor, 1948; man's Brunswick bowling ball; 12 ft. aluminum boat; like new salamander; 7% h.p. 1954 Elgin motor. Tel. McHenry 3346-J after 5 p.m. 50 well, here it is tuesday -- 6:30 a.m., and i haven't got around to writing an ad for the plain dealer and i have. to go to work now! i'm such a procrastinator i don't know how we really got our "filter all", but i'm sure glad we did. don't you put it off. phone the minute you read this ad for the finest automatic water conditioning equipment (water softener & "filter all" -- iron removal). call phil keith, mc-. henry 646-w-l for a water analysis and let him write your order. 50 FLY REEL and spinning rod. $12 for both. Call McHenry 625-W-2. 50 KENMORE vacuum cleaner with attachments and carrier, $10. Mouton lamb coat, size 16, in good condition, $5. All aluminum door canopy, blue and white, used 1 year, $15. Can be seen evenings or Sunday or phone McHenry 3534 after 7 p.m. 50 RAY'S BIKE REPAIR. Rebuilt bicycles and tricycles. Trade-ins accepted. Phone Wonder Lake 5251. 50-4 A.K.C. REGISTERED Irish setter female, 4 mos. old. Ph. McHenry 572-W-l, okay number. 50 PINK FORMAL -- ballerina length, strapless. Size 9. Phone McHenry 2227-R. 50 ONE AQUA FORMAL; one light blue semi-formal; one yellow semi-formal. All size 14. Call after 6 p.m. McHenry 1514-M. *50 2 COMBINATION doors. 30x 6.8. $15 for both. Phone McHenry 513-R-l. 50 15'11" HOUSEBOAT with trailer, canvas cover, $100. 210 Liakeview, Lakeland Park, McHenry 1585-J. 50 18 CASEMENT windows and storms. Reasonable. Wonder Lake 5041. 50 20 GAUGE single shot Bloch- Prince shot gun. Reasonable, tall after 6:00 p.m. McHenry 604-J-2. *50 2 RIDING HORSES with saddles. Reasonable. Call McHenry 950. 50 ELECTROLUX vacuum and attachments, also 8 cu. ft. modern refrigerator, both in excellent running condition, $25 each. Phone McHenry 519-R-2. 50 JIG-SAW, $35; 42" attic fan, $40; day bed, $10; breakfast set, $40; self propelled rotary lawn mower, $50. Phone Kent Corp., McHenry 2800. 50 GLADIOLA BULBS, white & mixed, 40c per dozen. Phone McHenry 647TM-2. 50 2 PIECE living room set -- maple bedroom set, double bed, six drawer dresser with mirror. Excellent condition. Also wallpapering table. Call 270-W. 50 WALNUT DINING room set, table, pads, 6 chairs and buffet, $35. Phone Wonder Lake 3242. 50 FOR RENT 4 ROOM FURNISHED apt. for rent. Heated. Couple preferred. Phone Wonder Lake 5654. 42-tf EASY WASHING machine, practically new. Phone Wonder Lake 3768. 50 3 ROOM FURN. apt. Laundry facilities, including washer; automatic gas heat. Phone McHenry 2452 or 97. 49 FLAT-TOP DESK, $10. Office table, $8; card filing cabinet, 11 drawers, $10; table saw,! 6", $12; roll-a-way bed, complete, $10. McHenry 571-W-2. 50 275 GAL. OIL TANK; 50 gal. oil drum with faucets. Kitchen -oil stove, garbage type, white. McHenry 1281. 50 LIVING ROOM furniture -- davenport and chair, color blue. Cheap. McHenry 905-M. *50 COMBINATION storm doors-- $16.75; garage doors, $63.50; wall paneling, 17%c per ft.; all kinds of plywoods, etc. Buffalo siding and hard Oak flooring. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg, McHenry -- 1515-J. 50-e.o.w ONE LARGE building, 5200 sq. ft. storage space. Several smaller buildings also available. So. Green Street at Anne. Phone THREE ROOM furnished apartment. Light & airy, well furnished, all utilities included. 45 Orchard Beach. 50-tf PHILCO TABLE model mahogany TV in excellent condition. Will sell or trade for gun. Phone McHenry 2434. 50 TWO 8'x7', 4 panel overhead sectional garage doors, one and a reasonable investment., j panel glass, with hardware and Do you qualify? Write to: lock, slightly used. $45 each. Box 473, c/o McHenry Plain-' Phone Woodstock 1643-J-l. dealer. 50-2 - -- - *50 Z E P H Y R All-Season VENTILATED ALUMINUM AWNINGS ROLL UP AWNINGS A DOOR HOODS Color and Style for Every Home EAGLE-PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS & DOORS _ Convenient Terms, if Desired ARTHUR BOGER 307 E. Waukegan Rd. Phone 1180 McHenry, Illinois 44-tf 3 GRADES OF DIRT POWER LANDSCAPING AND DRIVEWAYS CALL McHenry 1260 NETT'S SAND & GRAVEL 50 Build The "PAYLOADER" KNOWN THROUGHOUT THE WORLD Immediate Openings For Experienced Men RADIAL DRILL OPERATORS FLOOR DRILL OPERATORS GEAR MACHINE OPERATOR ARC WELDERS SPRAY PAINTER In addition to good starting salaries these openings offer many fine company benefits, including free family group insurance. Profit-sharing, cafeteria, etc. --. THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7TH & SUNNYSIDE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS 50 In Johnsburg 2 bedroom apartment, with two car garage. Tile kitchen & bath, gas heat $75 per month. „ For Information Call McHenry 37 JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Ph. McHenry 37 49-tf FOR RENT 2 BEDROOM modern apart-'i' ment in Solon Mills. For June 1 occupancy. Phone Richmond • 2177 after .6 p.m. or weekends. 50-2., 3 ROOM furnished, modern, all year 'round house on riven Ideal for couple or 2 men. • Phone McHenry 1462-M. 50 FOR YEAR 'ROUND or summer rental, 2 bedroom home with gas heat on Pistakee Bay. Phone McHenry 1886-J. 50-2 0 RENTAL Three bedroom home with full basement, parquet flooring cabinet kitchen, and one car garage. References required. 210 S. Green St. -- Phone 1126 50 6 ^ROOM, 3 bedroom home o^ large wooded lots. Hot water heat, full basement, 2 large screened porches; modern cabinet kitchen, wall to wall carpeting, 2 car garage. $100 month, references. Phone McHenry 1538-J. 50-tf FOR RENT A Wonder Lake 216 South Drive Modern 3% room house and garage, furnished or unfurnished. Automatic oil heat, full basement. Write or Phone H. CHURCH 4463 Ainslie St. ^ Chicago 30, 111. Phone SPring 7-2735 (evenings) or phone Mrs. Church, TAylor 9-3100 (days) 49-tf FOR RENT WONDER LAKE 216 South Drive, modern 3^ room house and garage. Attractive yard, automatic oil heat, full basement. Write or phone H. Church, 4463 Ainslie St., Chicago 30, 111. Phone SPring 7-2735 (evenings) or phone Mrs. Church TAylor 9-1, 3100 (days). 50-tf WANTED TO RENT* APARTMENT HOUSE or small farm needed badly. Will take care of premises. Reliable family -- 4 children. McHenry 2099. 50 HELP WANTED $ FARM HELP wanted for trac tor work. Hourly pay. Phone Wonder Lake 3573. 50 YOUNG MAN for work on pheasant farm. Apply in person at Oakmount Game Farm, East River Road. *50 TRADING RED CLOVER SEED. McHenry county grown. Cleaned and tested. Carl Laufer. Phone Crystal Lake 1328. 46-2 AERO-VENT DRYER fan with h.p. motor; Hedlund hay hoist, 3 h.p. motor; quantity of good quality hay. Ph. McHenry 544-W-l. 50 12 TONS HAY for sale.~Call Richmond 5136. *49-2 GEO. P, FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES & SERVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 501 Crystal Lake Road STRAW AND OATS for sale. Richard May,. McHenry 1145. *50 SEED CORN Have ,You Tried LOWE Improved Hybrids? • Stands Better • Feeds Better • Easy Husking • High Weigh-out Best All Around Performance GET THEM FROM LEO BLAKE FEED SALES 205 Grand Ave. McHeBty PHONE 899-J Call before 10 A.M. or after 3 P.M. 48-4 R. M. FLEMING & SON NEW IDEA -PAPEC DEALER TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE Complete Farm Implement Service PHONE McHENRY 33 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals 1 Removed At Once Wheeling 1 Rendering Works $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0103 10-tf

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