I (* Thursday, April 16, 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag® CLASSIFIED (*IELP WANTED MAN OR WOMAN, no age limit, wanted to represent Metropolitan newspaper as sales representative in this area. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 470. *50 TURRET LATHE operator & set-up man. Engine lathe operator and all around machinist. TMustVbe familiar with all types, of ^ custom and production machining. Northern Illinois Machinist, 405 Crystal Lake Rd., McHenry. 50 TWO SALESMEN wanted -- with or without experience. Salary and commission. Paid vacation and insurance benefits. Apply in person. HendrjMks Ford, on route 14, raSas REAL ESTATE BRICK 2 STORY business building. Will sell on contract for $8,500 with $1,000 down payment. McHenry Realty, 532 Main street. Phone McHenry 268. 31-tJ 2 BEDROOM house in Hunterville Park for sale. Gas heat, plastered walls, hardwood floors. Phone McHenry 708-R. 49 HOUSE FOR SALE on Fox River, south of McHenry, on large lot, landscaped, modern 5 room house. Phone McHenry 3006 after 5 p.m. 49 Wi stock. FOR SALE - HOMES - FARMS CHOICE LOTS -BUSINESSES RESORT PROPERTY KNOX REAL ESTATE 405 Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421-J 42-ti 50, PRINTER -- experienced Kelly No. 2 pressman. Knowledge of numbering machine helpful. Union scale $119.00 per week. Permanent situation. National Press. DExter 6-2200, 1617 N. Lakeside Ave., North Chicago, 111. 50 EXPERIENCED waitress. PistaH& Golf & Country Club. Phone McHenry 9854. 50 WOMAN FOR part time work in launderette. Please apply in person, 307 E. Elm street. 50 HANDYMAN wanted part time. Preferably retired. Apply Shur Construction Co., 210 So. Green, or phone McHenry 1126. 50 WANTED: Companion to live with elderly woman and assist with household tasks. Reply c/o McHenry Plaindealer, Box 472. 50 SECRETARY with legal experience. 5 day, 35 hr. week. Good salary. Air conditioned office. Write Box 474, c/o Mchenry Plaindealer. 50 MAN TO DO yard work 2 days a week. $10 a day. Ph. McHenry 2426. 50 REAL ESTATE Water lot with sea wall in; natural gas, city water and sewerage, in McHenry.' 3 bedroom ranch, large living room, birch kit^eu, aluminum siding. $12,500. No^tioney down if qualified. 4 bedroom brick, near town Large lot, nicely landscaped. 4 bedroom farm house on 3% acres, 1 mile from town. A beautiful home and surroundings. $32,000. 3 bedroom brick ranch, full basement, large lot. $18,000.* No money down if qualified. Call McHenry 430 ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 50 ARE YOU unable to obtain a mortgage to buy, build or refinance your home? WE CAN HELP We also buy contracts of sale and junior mortgages, liens, etc. Write Box ,42, Fox River Grove 50-3 REAL ESTATE CHOICE CORNER LOT in Edgebrook Heights for sale by owner. Call McHenry 1470-M. 44-tf REAL ESTATE LOT ON WATER adjacent to Fox River. Ideal for boat slip, 80 ft. frontage. Will sell on easy terms. T. W. Louton, Des Plaines. Phone VAnderbilt 4- 3035. 43-tf 3 BEDROOM home, full baser ment, carport, lot 80x167 in Cooney Heights. Will decorate to suit. Any terms. $15,000. Call Lee Cooney, McHenry 119-R. 45-tf 3 BEDROOM RANCH~ large living room, dining area. Knotty pine kitchen & family room. 1^2 baths, attached garage, gas heat, city sewers. Lot 90x132. By owner. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 466. • . *47-2 LOT FOR SALE -- 100x130. Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHenry 439-W. 29-tf THREE BEDROOM home, full oasement, garage; on corner, 3 lots (2 wooded) fenced; forced air heat, bath and cabinet kitchen; lots of closet space. McCullom Lake Estates. Sacrifice. Phone 971 'or appointment. 29-tf WOMAN COOK; also kitchen; help. Shady Lane Farm, Mar- j engo. Call JOrdan 8-7218. 50 McHENRY CUld FEMALE Jlelp Wanted Immediate Openings General Clerical Work Full Time Days Temporary and Permanent Positions APPLY SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. r 104 Pearl Street McHenry 50 WANTED 4 Alpha Key Punch Operators ,Full Time Days 3 Alpha Key Punch Operators Part Time Nights We will train qualified individuals with typing experience. APPLY SCIENCE RESEARCH ASSOCIATES, INC. 104 Pearl Street McHenry 50 THE White Cross Plan HAS OPENINGS for full-time representative in McHenry county to call on cortacts furnished daily. Underwritten by BANKER'S LIFE CASUALTY CO. Write D. C. STURGEON Central Life Bank Bldg. Suite 307, Rockford, 111. 50 LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasonal homes, farms, vacant. Home sites. Income properties. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf We Will Build You A 2 BEDROOM COMPLETE HOME On Your Lot FOR AS LITTLE AS $7,700 $300 Down Balance to 30 Years Also REMODELLING & REPAIRS on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience For Free Estimates PHONE McHENRY 430 ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks East of Bridge on Highway 120 49-tf CLERK TYPIST for General Office Variety of Duties Excellent Employee Benefits Hours: 8:15 to 4:45 P.M. permanent Position % BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. ^ >hone DUnkirk 1-1700 / 50 .SHOP IN McHENRY HOMES FOR SALE McHENRY -- 3 bedroom home, garage, full basement, 2 lots, near Country Club. Price $14,500. PISTAKEE HIGHLANDS -- 2 bedroom home, full basement. Large living room. Price $10,500. LAKELAND PARK -- 2 bedroom home, garage, corner lot 77x150. Price $10,500, McCULLOM LAKE -- 3 bedroom, living and dining, full basement, 2 car block garage. Price $13,250. RINGWOOD --r 4 bedroom home, basement, garage. Lot 88x186. Price $10,000. 4 room all year 'round home. In Wonder Lake area. Garage. Price only $6,500. FULLY IMPROVED lot, 1 block from Catholic church and schoolf Phone McHenry 875-J. 41-tf LOT IN Lakeland Park. Lot 22 Block 15, Unit 2. Call PAJisade 5-1267. 50 1954 CATALINA NATIONAL HOME 5 miles from Woodstock or McHenry on Bull Valley Road. 3 bedrooms, kitchen, living room, tile bath and full basement. Will rent to reliable party with adequate references who will agree to vacate on 60 day notice if property is sold. Ph. Windsor 5-2763 For Appointment 50 MODERN 3 bedroom house. Gas heat, combination storms & screens, garage; $10,900. Small down payment. Terms. 215 Sheridan Rd., Lakemoor. , 48-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heat.'Also. 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. . 44-tf Homes For Sale We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. Let us know your needs ACTIVE REALTY Phone McHenry 742 50-tf Shalimar 2 bedroom brick ranch on a 100 ft. wooded lot. Full basement, attached garage, all river and pier rights. Owner's health makes sale imperative. This is a far above average home. $20,000. Edgebrook Heights 8 room 2 bath brick home, built in 1955. Ultra modern kitchen, 2 large living rooms, 2 car garage, on an 86 ft. lot. Underground sprinkler system. $32,000. Pistakee Bay Road Here is a 4 bedroom, 2 bath full basement home on a 135x 135 ft. corner lot. Patio, 2 car attached garage, full river rights. Close^in, $24,500. For these and 75 other properties CALL MR. HEINEN McHENRY 2527 BAIRD & WARNER, Inc. 50 FABULOUS!! 75 x 250 beautifully landscaped lot on Fox River with 3 bedroom house, fully insulated, two car garage. $18,550. EVERYTHING FOR $14,500! 2 bedroom home with furniture. 1 car garage. Lot 60x167. 2 bedroom home with full basement and 1 car garage. Corner lot. Exceptional value. $12,500. 2 bedroom home, screened porch, utility room. Excellent value. $10,500. For Sale'--FARMS 47 acres. 7 room home, hot water heat, near town and railroad. 160 acre Dairy Farm. All farm buildings. In Johnsburg area. A good investment. 240 acres, 2 miles to city and R.R.: schools and shopping. For inspection call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ REALTORS Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Tel. McHenry 37 48-tf LOOKING FOR A HOME 'ilton Homes will build any •»>nd, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5% down or conventional. Model at 817 South street, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. (For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY Telephone McHenry 119-R 45-tl .'10 S. Green St. Ph. 1126 BUYING or SELLING A. H. Gallagher Drastically Reduced Two flat -- right in town. Room for 3rd apartment. Gas heat. Excellent buy! 38 Channel Beach SUNNYSIDE -- Clean 3 bedroom, tile bath Ranch. Basement. Large birch cabinet kitchen. Gas heat. Only $15,000. 811 South Street COONEY HEIGHTS -- Just listed! 3 bedroom, ceramic tile bath Ranch on fine corner lot. Basement. Attached garage. Lovely kitchen. Extras. $18,400. Spring Grove Road JOHNSBURG -- Four fine bedrooms, lVk tile baths. Paneled family room. Extra large" wooded lot. Basement. 2 car attached garage. Family sized cabinet kitchen. 300 Timothy Lane EDGEBROOK HEIGHTS -- Modern, Contemporary home. Finest of everything. Thermopane windows, electric builtin kitchen. Family rm. 3 large bedrooms, 1J2 tile baths. 2 car attached garage. $23,000. Pistakee Lake BAY VIEW LANE ROAD-- 67 feet of beautiful Lake f r o n t a g e . 4 b e d . , m b a t h home, year 'round; basement. Large porch. Fireplace. 2 car garage -- plus 2 extra guest rooms. FA heat. $31,500. DO NOT DISTURB OWNERS PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. Gallagher & Associates OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 Jinny Gallagher: McHenry 1629 , James Roesch: McHenry 3549! 50 REAL ESTATE LAKE FRONT year 'round 3 bedroom home, 152 feet water frontage with own dock and boat, Wonder Lake. Natural fireplace, full basement, automatic heat, extra toilet and shower. Ideal for two families, privacy and scenic view. Only $16,500. Small down payment or discount for cash to mortgage. Immediate possession. $80 per month. UPtown 8-8444, Chicago. 49 CITY CORNER LOT ~on~ Crystal Lake road and Mill street. 81x145 ft. Reasonable. Phone 907-M. *50 REAL ESTATE TWO BEDROOM home, floor furnace, close to depot. Lot 67^2 x 135. Near wooded area. Reasonable. McHenry 871-R or! 3144 50, FOR SALE OR RENT 4 room house 3 blocks from town and depot. Possession after June 15. Call evenings, Me- ! Henry 1635. 50-tf: 3 BEDRM. home on large plotj 1 4 0 x 1 3 5 . B a t h a n d % . M e t a l j storm sash. Oil heat. Garage. I Shade and fruit trees. Large garden space. Ideally situated near lakes region and McHenry. Paved roads. School bus. Near shopping center and' churches. One hour train service to and from Chicago. Write Box 471, c/o McHenry Plaindealer. *50-2 JOB TRANSFER makes available beautiful 3 bedroom, 3 year old ranch home overlooking lake in Wooded Shores Subdivision in Wonder Lake. Phone owner, Wonder Lake 6913. 50 THREE BEDROOM home on corner lot, 82 Ms x 130 ft. Gas heat. Full cabinet kitchen. Available about June 1. May be seen by appointment. Call Richmond 3442. 50 MUST SELL on Fox River in McHenry. Year 'round 7 room home, 2 extra rooms upstairs. House has many extras. Priced below actual value. Call owner at Crystal Lake 2634. 50-tf McClJLLOM Lake, 302 Spring Road,- 2 bedroom, large utility, oil heat, ideal for couple or small family. McHenry 3283-R. 50-tf CHOICE LOT in Clement Lodge Subdivision. Fox Street close to Fox River Beach. Rights recorded for natural gas heating. Phone 3243-J. 50 3 BEDROOM HOME, beautifully landscaped, excellent location overlooking lake. $1,000 down, $75 per month. McHenry 3349-R. 50 CHOICE CORNER lot in beautiful McHenry Shores; short block from Fox river; connects with Chain O' Lakes; private beach and boat dock; reasonable. Mount Prospect, ph. CLearbrook 3-4065. 50 LOT 45x125 with double car garage which could be made into summer house. Tel. Wonder Lake 2761. 50 SITUATION WANTED LOST AND FOUND FOUND: One couch cushion lost from a load of furniture on the McCullom Lake blacktop, west of Ringwood Road. Owner may have same by paying for ad. Call 74. 50 NOTICE ANNA MILLER and G. G. Miller, or family, formerly of Box 525 McCullom Lake, or anyone knowing of them, please notify Jerome Bluhm, 9137 Ashland Ave., Chicago, Illinois about real estate matter. 50 BABY SITTING. Loving care for baby ,or toddler. Excellent references. Phone 3291-R. *50 HIGH SCHOOL boy wants odd jobs around house. Phone McHenry 1597-W. *50-2 A-l BABY SITTER. 14 year old young lady wishes sitting jobs after school, evenings and weekends. Thorough experience with infants. Phone anytime. McHenry 594-W-2. 50 YOUNG MARRIED man for yard work and gardening. Tel. McHenry 1811-J. 50 WANTED TOP PRICfc PAID for iron, metals and junk cars. Ed Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf NOTICE Have Purchased Jen's Beauty Shop Open For Business Alice Marie & Frank Blaskis This will be the location for the McHenry School of Beauty Culture Opening Soon WATCH FOR DATE 50-3 WOULD LIKE ride from McHenry to Woodstock. Leave McHenry around 12 midnite. Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tf WANT PASSENGER to share trip to San Francisco, v i a Denver. Leave this weekend. Allan Lewis, 365 Lincoln. Ph. Woodstock, 214-M. 50 MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A lot of good house for your morf|?y, has kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom and bath down, 3 bedrooms and shower up, automatic oil j heat, garage overhead door, | large lot, close to schools, [ shopping. | Brick and lannon stone house, full basement, gas heat, kitchen, dining room, living room, large bath, enclosed porch with heat, 2 bedrooms, garage, $16,000. 3 bedroom house 3 years old, h a s f u l l b a s e m e n t , g a s j heat, modern kitchen, nice liv- j i n g r o o m , b a t h , p a t i o a n d g a r -j age, only 2\k blocks depot. I $19,900. | In Crystal Lake, listings of houses, farms, vacant land, \ river properties appreciated.) PHONE 495 FOR APPOINTMENT Howe Agency ALICE MARIE is discontinuing the reducing business at 202 N. Riverside Drive! Until May 15, 1959, persons having treatments due from last year, will be able to finish them if they wish by calling McHenry 3115 (formerly Jen's Beauty Shop) -- Location for McHenry School of Beauty Culture. No treatments given after May 15, 1959. 50 NOTICE King Korn stamps will be issued on purchases of lawn seeds and garden fertilizers. We carry a complete line of garden fertilizers and lawn seeds. Lawn seeds range from 30c a lb. up. We will now be open Saturdays to 4 p.m. McHenry County Farmers Coop. 523 Waukegan Road McHenry, 111. Tel. 729 and 730 50 interested in beginning a course of beauty culture in McHenry School of Beauty Culture will please contact Alice-Marie, 202 N. Riverside Drive. Call McHenry 3115 for appt. 50 NURSES FROM DISTRICT The registered professional nurses in McHenry county have, joined with the nurses in Lake county in forming a new sixteenth district of the Illinois Nurses' association. They have set the district private duty wages for all registered nurses, including Harvard Community Memorial hospital, McHenry clinic and Memorial hospital in Woodstock, at $18 for an eighthour shift. ailllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlll" E 85 Gates St. 50 I KlWANIS CLUB I ! °f -- | McHenry Township | SUrges You To Attend TheEj If Church Of Your Choice jf = Every Sunday. j| llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllillllllllllllEi OPEN CLOGGED SEWERS WITHOUT DIGGING) Dissolves Roots, Sludgo, Groat*, Paper easily and Inexpontivolyl BOYER ROOT PISTROYER Ace Hardware PHONE 722 130 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry GIVE SALES TAX COLLECTION FOR YEAR IN COUNTY Sales and use tax collections during 1958 amounted to $2,- 166,553.93 in McHenry county. The twelve-month total represents taxes paid on various types of business in the county, computed at 1 \t \ per cent of total retail sales. Crystal Lake topped all municipalities in taxes collected with $410,626.42, followed by Woodstock with $393,824.16 and McHenry, with $331,420.14. Others included Ringwood, $6,- 844.85; Spring Grove, $13,- 666.17; Wonder Lake, $20.- 127.25; Johnsburg, $8,849.07; Island Lake, $3,551.18; and Lakemoor, $8,736.11. PEDIATRIC INSTITUTE Gov. William C Stratton last week broke ground r->r a new pediatric institute in Cliicago for mentally retarded children, the first in Illinois in 40 years, and called for a $150,000,000 building bond issue for construction of other state facilities for the care of the mentally ill and mentally retarded. In the ground-breaking ceremonies for the new $4,500,000 Illinois pediatric institute for mentally retarded children, Gov. Stratton observed that actually the new hospital will be the first Illinois construction since 1877 devoted exclusively to the care, treatment, training, education and research relating to mental retardation. A later school, constructed in 1918, was originally intended for other purposes, he pointed out, but was converted to a school for the mentally retarded. An American has more food to eat than the resident of any other country--and more diets to keep him from eating it. SHOP IN McHENrtY I" 4 th 2nd 5th rd Hi Coming Soon -- the WJ th® What?? Watch This Paper! ON DISPLAY UETNEUWOBK OVER 70 PUMPS W STOCK EASY TERMS McHoary County Wei & Pump i WELLS DRILLED OB DBIVEN lociNd In III* Village ei McCaBea Lake 2% mi. E 713 FIRST m 4-WHEEL DRIVE i vehicles lead the field! O <Bo more places m For inspection call at our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ Realtors Rt. 5, McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 37 48-tf R & L dina Stalled R I D I N G PARTIES ACCOMMODATED * INSTRUCTION AND SUPERVISED RIDES FURNISHED • HORSES BOARDED PHONE McHENRY 3531 FIRST FARM 120 ON CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP 49-tf • Do more jobs WTT. / • Cost less to owft •AMI VEHICLES BY WILLYS MOTORS:..WORLD'S LARGEST £•^5 VV# MANUFACTURER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES ^ •• iu^,...one of the (rowing KAISER Industries Come In for a demonstration McHiNRY GARA©E 600 Front St. McHenry, HI. PHONE 403 Tune-In MAVERICK Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. Snua ^Jlarbor pxoudly presents Wis* Jeanne ^andoiph to play your favorite ORGAN MELODIES Friday, Saturday and Sunday Evenings Starting Friday, April 17th EXCELLENT COCKTAILS -- DELICIOUS FOOD PHONE McHENRY 2671