z Allgood Brand--Hickory Smoked--Serve with A&P White Eggs Sliced Bacon 4 u>.SH| csun> I BONE IN, BLADE CUT IJtou Can Jf^ut IJjour ^Jrudt +Qn ^uper-l^itjlit Quality A Chuck Roast from A&P is not fust an ordinary Chuck Roast, but one that has been cut from carefully selected cattle, then trimmed the Super-Right way for top value. Here is hearty, he-mam idling at its very best wfth built-in flavor and tenderness. We think you'll 9sk@ lupsr^ighf Chuck Roast and at this money-s&vsnfg low price it's a double value. All Super-Right meats are guaranteed, your money back if you're not completely satisfied. GRADE A GOVERNMENT INSPECTED Fresh--Fancy Quality Plump Tender - Pick _ . of the lock Whole ^ „ Lb. Cut Up 33c Famous Super-Right Quality--Variety Pack Luncheon Meat Fresh or Smoked--Wonderful for Sandwiches Liver Sausage leat&i AMERICAS DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT BIRTHDAY 1859-1959 0 FISH STICKS Cap'n John's Quick Frozen 10-oz. Pkgs. I Cake Mix Sweet Peas Bel Monte Brink Luncheon Meat Ann Page Yellow, Spice, Chocolate or White Garden Fresh Pel Monte Brand Pineapple- Grapefruit Serve Chilled Taste Delicious Super-Right 4^79c 2ir'-"»0.QuKc 29' 400 46-oz. Tin 3 12-oz Tins Nutley Margarine:r„2 .&lib. 29 Pkgs. Bel Monte Corn Libby Tomato Whole Kernel Family Style 2 17r0l. This 46-oz. Tin 3 Fresl Lake Smelts Lake Pinl fillets T 2 m 19® 3* Fresh Tasty lb. LETTUCE 2 10 Headsl High in quality, picked, delivered and sold fresh crisp and green. This lettuce will perk up any salad . . . and fortify you with Vitamins too. ^liforni@ Wdlencias Heavy with richly-flavored Juice. Vitamin rich. 113 Size Plump, Golden. At flavor peak, ripe and ready for delicious eating. Regalo, heavy leafed spinach, washed, trimmed and packaged. nee iMushrooms Fancy buttons, full-flavi young, fresh. Choice qu HIGH TIME FOR... JANE PARKER K 8-INCH SIZE A&IP ipiromium-qualsQy- SQFFEE Ground! light to taste Right! Mild and Mellow EIGHT © CLOCK SPECIAL SALE SIGHT aXLQCjK COFFf 0 -lb. $ bag For All Your Wash Perfect Lfor Dishes Camif filial Soap Surf 'Detergent Dreeze Detergent Rins© ill© Detergent 2 Wisk Liquid Detergint Ivory Bath Soap 2 i* Cream Cheese 39' 2-29* 19' 25' 29 16-oz. Pkg. 5-oz. Box S-0Z. Pkg. reg. size 2 '9®* pkffs. 2X691 Ige. H pkgs. |J 12-oz. tin bath size 39* 35 limay Bath Soip Ivfrf Fasial loap Ivirf Bar Soap Ivory low Ivirf iiap Flalis Ivorf Liquid Deterge 3 bath size mad. site Personal Size Granulated Soap Powder bars 29* 29* 2 Z. 69* 88" 39* Strawberries NYLONS Grade A Large A&P Frozen 3~$|00 4 r69 FOR MOTHER'S DAY 2 pr. 51 gauge 99c Regular Retail $1.29 Hipp Saltines I Iga. i P^S 12-oz. tin Fresh Crisp Zesty Flavor Northern Brand Angel Soft Modern Colors THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY f ]859AMERICA'S DEPENDABLE FOOD MERCHANT 1959 100th Anniversary Birthday ulebration All prices effective through Saturday, May 2nd I Facial Tissue Strongheart Dig Food Nine Lives Petfood Krif Sliced Jed Sawyer Cookies Gravy Dutch Almond 1-lb. boii 14-oz. btls. 1 rolls I 400-ct. • pkgs. 16-oz. tin t6-oz. tins 16-oz. tin 9-oz. A 35 SI All Vegetable Tasty Delicious » 2? 59° 4^ Cris Shortening Fluffo llortening Hormel Spam Droadcast Dried Deef Droadcast Chili Z Broaden! Reii Meat Broadcast Hash Vienna Sausai 30- OFF All I9< Vegetable 1 3 fin -lb. tin $ Corned Beef 12-oz. tin 5-OZ. jar 16-oz. tin 12-oz. tin 16-oz. tin 49' as Broadcast Brand % 4-oz. tins 35< 45c 39c 3|c