Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 14 May 1959, p. 2

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Sd&--v.r I* *age Two McHENRY PLAINDEALER Thursday, May 14. 1! Tell Engagement land special awards will be Of McHenry Girl [given to the first fifty who Announcement has been attend the card party. The made of the recent engage-! public is invited. The regular meeting of the group will be held preceding the party, at 7 o'clock sharp. All members are asked to be present. NEWLYWEDS RETURN FROM TRIP TO OZARKS PERSONALS A spring wedlding solemnized in Zion Lutheran church on Saturday, May 2, united Miss Esther M. Eshoo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. John Eshoo, 2744 N. 75th Court, Elmwood Park, and Harold E. Walter, Christen Son Of Jos. W. Wagners The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Wagner was christened James Urban by ,x Rev. Fr. J. Reuland at 1 o'-: I i clock Sunday at St. Mary's l church. The sponsors were Urban Wagner and Mrs. Louise j' Godwin, uncle and aunt of the' ! baby. - • I The Wagners have five other, v sons and one -daughter. Little Jfmmie" was born May 4 at! 602 Mill street, son of Ernest Kotalik Studio Photo Memorial hospital. GAIL BREFELD ment of Miss Gail Brefeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Brefeld, to Arnold ]£T Drumm of DuQuoin, 111. Miss Brefeld is a graduating Freund-Smith Vows Exchanged Walter of McHenry and the late Mrs. Meta Krepel Walter. Altar bouquets adorned the church for the 4 o'clock double ring ceremony officiated by the Rev. Carl A. Lobitz. The dark haired bride, who A wedding of interest was i was given in marriage by her solemnized at St. Patrick's father, was beautiful in a floor Catholic church in Saturday.; length gown of white lace over May 9. at 11 o'clock when Miss taffeta styled with long sleeves, senior at the University of j Josephine Marie Freund be-J Mrs. Juanita Watkins, Chicapie the 0f Mr. Thomas! cago, was matron of honor, at- E. Smith. Rev. Fr. Edward C.; tired in a gown of shrimp pink Coakley officiated at the 11 i taffeta with sheer overdress Illinois and is a member of Sigma Sigma Sigma sorority. Her fiance did his undergraduate work at Oklahoma State o'clock Mass which united the and is presently working for • daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Johis master's degree in educa tion. No date has been set for the wedding. seph M. Freund of 129 Freund in ballerina length. Nieces of the bridegroom, Miss Shirley Doweli, McHenry, and Miss avenue, McHenry. and the,,son Dolores Walter, Crystal Lake, o f M r . a n d M r s . G e o r g e C . 1 w e r e b r i d e s m a i d s w e a r i n g Name New Officers For Catholic Daughters Eleven C.D. of A. members visited the Downey hospital May 6, bringing with them refreshments donated by the members. One hundred hours awards were presented to Bobby May, Rose Staines, Olga Freund and Helen Heuser. Grand Regent Madeleine Mayfield presided over the C. D . o f A . b u s i n e s s m e e t i n g Thursday, May 7. Nominees submitted by a nominating committee were voted upon and elected. The following officers to preside for the coming year are grand regent, Madeleine Mayfield; vice-regent, Barbara Leight; prophetess Smith of Woodstock. Joseph Monahan played the organ, and Ann May was soloist, singing "Panis Angelicus" and "On This Day O Beautiful Mother". The pretty, dark-haired bride chose a dress of embroidered tulle over taffeta, styled with short sleeves and chapel train. Her queen's | crown held a double illusion fingertip veil. Attending Miss Freund as maid of honor was her sister, Carol Jean Freund. Bridesmaids were JoAnn Miller of Wonder Lake, a friend, and Virginia Smith of Woodstock, sister of the groom. The flower girl was Elizabeth Jane Freund, the bride's sister. Jean DrisooiSi^ l^CTjttrer, Alvera Nye; finailSCS""'Secretary, Rita Martin; historian, Helen Smith; treasurer, Helen Nuber; monitor, Van Diedrich; sentinal, Bette O'Brien; organist, Dorothy Weber; trustees, Ann Rodenkirch, Bertilla Freund, Irene Guffey, Joyce Weber and Helen Young. The evening's special prize was won by Margaret Blake. Refreshments were served by Joyce Weber, Adele Weber and their committee. In charge of refreshments at the social meeting May 21 will be Helen Smith, Isabel Thompson and their committees. gowns styled similarly to the matron of honor. Frank M. Sedlacek, Jr., Crystal I^ake, served as best man. Ushers were Richard Walter, Crystal Lake, nephew of the bridegroom, and Edward C. Wagner, Jr., McHenry. A reception at 6 o'clock for 200 guests was held at the VFW hall. Guests attended from Sheboygan, Milwaukee, Wis., Cary, Elgin, Crystal Lake, .Woodstock, Wauconda. Fox Lake, Richmond, McHenry and the Chicago area. The bride graduated from Waller high school in Chicago and was employed at Wilson's Sporting Goods in River Grove. The bridegroom graduated from Adult attendants "%hose tur-1 the local high school in 1951, quoise ehantilly lace over taffeta sfheath dresses, with nylon overskirts and matching picture hats. They carried pink carnations. The little flower girl wore a pink, floor length dress of s i l k o r g a n z a , w i t h p u f f e d sleeves. James Smith of Woodstock served as best man, and g r o o m s m e n w e r e R i c h a r d Croak of Chicago and Walter Sweetman of Dunlap, Iowa. Mrs. Freund selected a pink lace dress over taffeta, with transparent shoes and white accessories. Her corsage consisted of white cymbidiums w i t h m a r o o n t h r o a t s . M r s . Smith wore a blue lace dress over taffeta, white accessories and a white gardenia corsage. About 100 guests gathered for a wedding breakfast at the McHenry Country club, after which the couple left on a short trip, destination not revealed. Upon their return, they will reside at 414 S. Madison street, Woodstock. The bride graduated in 1957 from the McHenry high school and has been employed by Card Party, Penny Illinois Bell Telephone corn- Social For R.N.A. pany in McHenry. The groom Riverview Camp, No. 6818, graduated from St. Mary's R.N.A., will hold its annual' hieh school in Woodstock in card party and penny social 1955, attended Marquette union Tuesday evening, May 19, versity and is now employed at 8 o'clock in the K. of C. bv the State Bank of Woodhall. There will be table prizes, stock. Tell Of Approaching Wedding In McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wever of Chicago Heights announce the approaching marriage of their daughter, Monica Joanne, to Ronald Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker of Riverside Drive, McHenry. The wedding will take place on May 23 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon at the Community Methodist church. Served two years 'in the Army and is employed at the Northern Trust company in Chicago. The newlyweds have returned from a week's honeymoon in the Ozarks. They will reside on Waukegan road. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schmitt have returned from St. Petersburg, Ela., where they spent the winter months, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Conway and son, Mike, spent a few days the past week in the home of Mrs. Conway's brother, George Howden and family, in Appleton, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Co^irier and daughter, Mary Lou, of Marengo, visited her mother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon, Saturday. Miss Nancy Krenz, of Eclir son Park spent the weekend in the Carl ..Weber home. Donald Givens spent Sunday in the Harry Lawrrtice home in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey have returned from a several weeks vacation in Florida where they called on several friends and visited many places of interest. Mr. and Mrs. William Neumann Jr., returned Monday from a few days trip to Mackinac Island and. Holland, Mich. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gustafson and daughter, Karen, of Chicago, were Mother's Day guests in the home of her mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes. Mrs. Ruth Dawn and friend, Mrs. Woodard of Kenosha, Wis., visited the former's mother, Mrs. Zena Bacon, Wednesday. Mrs. Carl Hiatt of Waukegan, was a visitor in the Bacon home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl attended the funeral of the iatter's uncle, Frank Tesoh, at Harvard Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Zena Bacon, son, Bob, and Mrs. Hazel Lange visited Kenosha relatives Sunday. Mrs. Robert Conway and daughter, Judy, accompanied by her sister, Mrs. Stella Calbon and daughter, Maria, of Crystal Lake, visited their Mother, Mrs. Carl Blanner, in city- Rocklord Mother's Day. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Whiting of Lake Geneva, Wis., spent Sunday with McHenry relatives. The Richard Sedar family of Waukegan and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl were Mother's Day guests in the Glen Dixon home. ' . vi Mr. and Mrs. Richard droak of Chicago were Sunday visitors in the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Nellie Bacon. A gathering was held at the home of Mrs. A. P. Freund on Mother's Day. Those present were the Del FreuBd- family? Wauconda; the Ralph Freund, Donald Freund' ajid Rlchprfi Frett families, Crystal take: the Art Tonyan, Irvin Freund, W i l l i a m H e r m a n n , V o l n e y Brown and Elmer Smith families of McHenry. The Joseph Petitclair family of Waukegan called on Mrs. Freund Saturday evening. Mother's Day guests in' the George H. Johnson home included Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children of Eder of Evanston; Mrs. Ollie Greer of Crystal Lake, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson of McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Amo and daughter, Kathleen, of Kenosha, Wis., visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Among the McHenry folks who attended the annual May luncheon, of the McHenry County Past Oracles club held at Harvard last week were Mesdamps Holggj; federsen, J. C. Tffplly, . George Mollenkariop, Georg^, Worts,. Kathr ryn Pechart, Ktenneth Peterson and George H. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Seepe of Evahston wete Weekend visitors in McHenry. v Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, daughter, t-Qi^, and Mrs. Irene Guffey usere guests in the Leslie Bun^ird home jafi fjlmhurst on Motor's Mrs.' 1 Robert\ Thompson and Miss Mati«'Granger attended a D. A. R. luncheon held at Braeburn on the Fox Saturday. Mrs. Carl Johnson is spending a few weeks with relatives in California. Among the- McHenry folks who attended the open meeting of the McHenry Deanery Council of Catholic Women held at St. Margaret Mary rectory hall in Algonguin Wednesday evening May 6 were Mesdames Maurice Clark, Williana Boeitsch, LeRoy Conway and Misses Nellie Doherty and Genevieve Knox. Robert Conway, who is undergoing treatment at Hines Hospital, spent the weekend at his home here. Dr. and Mrs. Glen Wells of Los Angeles, Calif., are proud grandparents for the first time. A daughter was born to their daughter, Mrs. James Smith and husband, of Los Angeles, last week. Dr. Wells, son of the late Dr. D. G. Wells, is an old time resident of this CARD OF THANKS My sincerest thanks to every one for their thoughtful cards, gifts, flowers and prayers during my recent stay in the hos- M_ __d Mrs 0 G pital and while recuperating at j ^KoKie> Mr" anq wrs- U home. Your kindnesses were I greatly appreciated and will always be remembered. 2 Mrs. Vincent Adams CARD OF THANKS My heartfelt thanks to the personnel of the McHenry hospital for the many, kindnesses extended to me during my stay in the hospitalfcl am also deeply grateful to; all those who visited me or remembered me with gifts, prayers, cards, etc. Everything was very much appreciated. Ann Frisby WATCH REPAIRING AT ITS FINEST Mike Mergen, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Reed of McHenry, who is now residing in Los Altos, Calif., with his family, spent last week visiting with his folks. Mr. Mergen is serving as a detective with the Mountain View police department. •-s Dinner guests in the M. L. Schoenholtz home on Mothers' Day were Mr. and Mrs. Ben Freund, Loren Freund and Judy 4Iollenbach, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Freund and son, Dale, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jackson and son, Denny. - Mr. and Mis. Neil Foster of Beloit, Wis., are the parents of a son, born April 23. He has been named' Richard Nell. The couple has two other chil- °Hen, Betsy, 4, and William, 2. Mrs. Foster is the former A'lida Page, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Page of McHenry. Mr and .Mrs. Victor Bassi are the parents of a daughter, borri May 8 at Memorial 'hospital. A son was born May 9 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. David Kraus. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norton of Wonder Lake at Men^orial hospital May 10. Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Freund welcomed a daughter at Memorial hospital on May 6. , A boy was borfi to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Schmitt at Memorial hospital on May 7. Mr. and Mrs. Kester Titus of Wonder Lake became the parents of a girl,'born May 5 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born Jyl^v 5 at Memorial /hospital to .'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killman of Island Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawson are the parents of a' girl, born May 6 at Memorial hospital. A daughter was born at Memorial hospital May 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehl. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Gallas of Wonder Lake are the parents of a son, born May 11 at Memorial hospital. A son was born M?v 11 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thelen. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Jackson are the parents of a daughter, born May 11 at Memorial hospital. Lake CountyCouple Married In McHenry Rev. George Martin of the Community Methodist church officiated at the Saturday marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Weeks. Attending the couple were Mr. and Mrs. William Thompson of Lake Villa. Mrs. Weeks, the former Lois C. Smith of Waukegan, is secretary to' Dr. Merle Kauffman, superintendent, at Waukegan Township^ ' high school. Mr. Weeks is a former resident of Topeka, Kas. BRIDAL COUPLE 0SRITAI Kotalik Studio £hoto THE WALTER FRETTS St. Mary's Catholic church, McHenry, was the scene of an early May wedding which united Miss Carol Godina of Lakewood subdivision, McCullbm Lake, and Walter Frett of Johnsburg. The ceremony was performed on the second of the month. ON CONCERT TOUR Paul Borchardt of McHenry was a member of the concert choir at Northern. Illinois university in DeKalb which enjoyed a three-day tour of six northern Illinois cities. This is the first part of the annual t o u r t a k e n b y t h e m u s i c a l group. The final portion will start May 20. One doesn't have to live alone to feel lonesome. McHENRY HOSPITAI*; Patients at McHertry hafitiital this past week inchtfpd Annamarie Pick and Anpfette Sorenson of Cary; Peter KaSper and Anton Lennart ot^Ap- Cullom Lake; Dennis Charles Gohl, John Koerfer, Jeffery Baumgartner, Kathtyn Scholtz, Agnes Swenski, Ralph Bostler, Patricia Blake, Maude Weber, Joseph Cina, Fred Fradinardo, Flora Parks, $arlene Williams, Larry JoHjfebn, Celia Albert and Thelma ermel of McHenry; Mi^ael Yaeger, Linda Nemchock •'and Alice Holley of Wonder Lake; Frances Seibel, Ruth Rowe and Steven Boswell of Woodstock; Robert Noelte of Algonquin; Frank Church of Crystal Lake; Elyse Garland of Lakeland Park; Mustosa. Kareen of Chicago; Richard Mitchell of Ingleside; Frank Helkel of Round Lake aGd Eleanor Nelson of Emerald Park. MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week included Geraldine McPherson Of Wonder Lake; David Kellog and Dolores Belohlavy of McHenry. HARVARD HOSPITAL ~ Anthony Willig and Airo Lisakowsky of Wonder Lake and John Lawrence and Mrs. Howard Mortimer of McHenry have been patients at Harvard hospital this past week. Most Reliable Dealer STEFFAN'S JEWELRY STORE 514 W. Main McHenry Phone 123-J *Sst6- (aire 200 S. Green St. oppe McHenry 10 MOTHER SEND YOUR SCHOOL GIRL TO US It FOR A SUMMER PERMANENT MONDAY AND TUESDAY SPECIALS Swedish Massage -- Steam Bath PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS edical Mirr Hem Kmkdqe. Polaroid Film TYPE 31 -- 99 TYPE 41 -- $|29 TYPE 42 -- 69 TYPE 44 -- $|79 IW AT BOLGER'S Note to readers: Thanks for all the nice tetters. As many questions a$ possible will be answered in this column, but for obvious reasons replies must be brief. Q. "Is it true that doctor» are spots are very large and quite u*ing cortisone to restore hair noticeable. Can anything be growth?"--^C.H.K. done and if so, what kind of A. Yes. Reports have appeared doctor should I see?"--Mrs. M. in medical journals describing re- "f have dark spots on my suits obtained with cortisone in hands which look worse when a special kind of hair loss. The J tan. Tanning also leaves white condition treated is called alope- spots on my face, is there any cia areata, in which there is loss remedy?"--Mrs. F. of hair in patches. The scalp and A Milky-white skin patches may beard areas are most often in- anytime during adult life, volved. So far as is known, corn- ^ cond'ition (doctors call it sone js of no value in treating vjt« ;_|j' g0j seems to run an the common type of male bald- jrregular course, spreading for ... ,, awhile and sometimes clearing up Q. Do girls learn to talk ear-, a ^it without treatment. Doctors her than boys? ' have ways of treating vitiligo. A. Yes, on the average (Girls: One of the newest is through use 17 to 18 months. Boys: 19 to 20 cf a chemical, taken by mouth, months). . . * that helps darken the skin upon Q. "I would appreciate mfor- exposure to ultraviolet light. Conmation on dropsy and a chronic suit your family doctor or a der- PRINTIN AND DEVELOPING 24 HOUR SERVICE AT >; * dUM t cough due to bronchial trouble"-- A reader. A. Dropsy means water-logging matologist (skin specialist). Dark skin blotches resembling large "freckles" tend to occur in later life. These skin changes are usually accepted as part of the aging process. as a result of ^ tlswer;s do noi necessarily reflect ronic cough is 0pjnj0n 0f fl// doctors. The dia%- of tissueS^orthe excessive collection of fluialrTbody tissues. It is rot a disease but rather a condition that some disorder. ^ ^ ^ _ pi etty much ift 'the same class. flosjs att([ treatment of disease is the i t s a s y m p t o m . A p e r s o n W 1 ' n function of the patient's personal dropsy and a chronic cough physician. Questions directed to Dr. should heed these warning signs j „ Raht Science Editors, and consult a physician. p Q Rox 396 Mndhon s ; Q. Several years ago small Statio„f ^ y. 10, IS. Y. »ili be tvhite spots appeared on my incorporated ir< these columns when chest. I am note Jo and the pOSSjbie DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY, ILL. 3 SO § It's all-around protection. In homes, thieves do break in, fires do start, curious folk do sometimes peer at private papers. In a safe deposit box with us, your valuables are safeguarded against fire and theft by our steel-and-concrete vault with timelocked door... against curious eyes, by the fact that none but you or persons authorized by you have access to your box. What is the cost of this threefold protection? A few pennies weekly! Come in -- reserve your safe deposit box with us now! McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 WOULD YOU UM MORE CLOSET SPACE IN YOU! HOME? FOR ONLY $495 9•. Send all your winter woolens to us on our BOX STORAGE PLAN and you'll be amazed how much clear closet space you'll have all summer long. BE SAFE ... BE SURE Don't risk loss or damage. LET us VAULT STORE your whole family's bulky winter clothes all season for -- <4.95 PHOi^g 927 FOR DETAILS RAINBOW CLEANERS Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, ILL. PHONE 927 Open Daily 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'til 9 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING 0 <1 c AT RAINBOWS DRIVE-IN o

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