Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1959, p. 9

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T&irsday, May 21 . 1959 THE McHENRY PLAXNDEALER Ringwood W.S.C.S. INSTALLS OFFICERS COMING YEAR Ruby Shepard Woman's Society of CtilTstian Service met at the church Wednesday evening. Mrs. Mary Butler had the meditation and installation of officers followed. Officers for the coming year are President, Shirley Cristy; vice-president, Phyllis Rasmussen; recording secretary, Mertie Harrison; treasurer, Althea Walkington; p r o m o t i o n s e c r e t a r y , C l a r a Ctigty; secretaries missionary egm:ation, Iona Hood; christian society relations, Bobette Fossum; local church activities, Jean Decker; student work, Viola Low; Youth work, Ila Hogan; children's work, Gloria Harvey; spiritual life, Bessie Cruickshank; literature and publicity, Doris Low; supply •Work, Dorothy Jepspn; status of women. Rose Walkington. Sjhe 1960 nominating commfftee mehibers are Clara C r i s t y , M e r t i e H a r r i s o n a n d Jean Decker. Dinner The W.S.C.S. will serve a roast beef dinner on Memorial day. Serving to be from 12 to 2 p.m. Tickets can be bought at the door. This will be served family style. ^ Home Circle The Home Circle was entertained in the home of Mrs. Lester Carr Thursday with Mrs. Oscar Berg as co-hostess. A 12:45 luncheon was served. A fine program in charge of Mrs. John Hogan followed. Each one made Mother's day greeting cards and they were sent to Mrs. Cora Woods at IV^ine; Mrs. Flora Harrison at Round Lake; Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., and to Mrs. Lena Piet who were former members. Married 28 Years Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brennan were married twentythree years May 16. Congratulations. % Birth Mr. and Mrs. An tone Wieser are rejoicing over the arrival of a new granddaughter April 12 born to their daughter and husband,- Mr. and Mrs. James Schneeweise of Chicago. They have a little son' to welcome the new baby sister. Trip , The pupils of the fourth, fsixth,-seventft and eighth grades with Mr. Williams, Paul Walkington, Mrs. Merkleburg, Mrs. Holcomb, Mrs. Walter Low and Mrs. S. Jepson, visited Great Lakes Training station and Glenview Navy base on Saturday. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington and Mrs. Paul Walidngton ^fcnt Tuesday in the Frank Walkington home at Libertyville. Mrs. Louis Hawley spent OPCN STPTIC smwams FAST NO osstmi • Dissolves sludge, yjwaw, or wast* • ©pons dotgwl SMitftaMa • Kmy I* apply GIT BOYER Scptlc Tank Cleaner ACE 1ARDWAH PHONE 722 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry Wednesday in the Ernest Reinwall home at McHenry. Mrs. William Hepburn and Mrs. Ruby Shepard visited Mrs. Yoeger at . Richmond Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright spent Mother's day with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Wiser at Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peck of Elgin spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Ben "Walkington. Mrs. Laura Smith of Crystal Lake spent the past week in the Roy Harrison home. Miss Pat Hogan attended a district meeting at Garrett and the election of officers for the district. She is now the representative of the district to the conference. Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Strand and family of West Allis spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Carlson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harrison and son, Loren, Kathy Holdorf and Mrs. Laura Smith spent Monday evening with Mrs. Flora Harrison at Round Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fisher of Huron, S. Dak. spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright. Mrs. Fred Meyers has returned home from North Carolina where she was called by the death of her mother. Mrs. Louis Hawley and Mrs. Ernest Reinwall spent Thursday in Elgin. Mrs. Ruby Shepard, Will Claxton and John Dreymiller spent Sunday in the Alan Ainger home near Hebron. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby spent Thursday evening in the Dohald Butler home in McHenry. The children of the lower grades in our school visited the McHenry bakery Thursday. Mi's. Earl Smith of Woodstock and M. L. Hutson of Rockford were callers in the Mrs. Emily Beatty home Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Sowers spent Sunday with her sister at Wheaton who has just had major surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson of Glenview were callers in the Dr. Hepburn home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby attended a birthday party for Bobby Oxtoby at Spring Grove Sunday. Quite a few of the young people of Ringwood attended the Prom at the McHenry high school Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Atwell and daughter of Lake Villa were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bishop and daughter Joan and Judy of Pad® Nine Chicago, spent Saturday in the Earl Kunz home. Mrs. Minnie Ghilain of Atchinson, Kansas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Hepner, in the Ernest Winters home. Mr. and Mrs. S. Duttko and son of Bensonville, 111., were visitors in the Dr. Hepburn home Saturday. Mrs. Catherine Vogel, Mrs. Jean Bourenski and Mrs. Dan Laurence and daughter of Elkhorn called on Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Waldon aftd Mr. and Mrs. Russel Soddy of Kenosha visited Dr. and Mrs. William Hepburn Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ehlert and family of Kenosha spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert. Mr. and Mrs. William Hatton and family of Wilmette spent Saturday afternoon and evening in the Dr. Hepburn home. Mr. and Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, of Sycamore spent Sunday afternoon in the Fred Wiedrich, Jr., home. .Mrs. John Skidmore, Mrs. Fred Bowman and Mrs. John Ehlert were visitors at Meadowdale Monday. V. F. W. Auxiliary News A regular business meeting was held on Monday, May 11, at 8 p.m. with president, Daisy Smith, presiding. We were pleased to welcome Miss Ruth Ann Schoenholtz as our newest member. Plans were discussed for Poppy Day, May 22 and 23 and for our carnival in July. There will be a meeting on Monday, May 25, for both the auxiliary and the post. This will be a pot-luck supper, after which plans will be made for the Memorial Day celebration. Hospital chairman, Barbara Becker, announced that there will be a party at Downey Veteran's hospital on May 20. This year we served about 300 at the Post-Prom Breakfast bright and early Sunday morning, May 17. Marie Diedrich is now home from the hospital convalescing. Drop her a card to cheer her. Coffe and cake were served and a short social hour followed. Our opinion of people depends less upon what we see in them than upon what they make us see in ourselves. McHenry Shores "Hanky" Social Well Attended by Louise Winters--2887 The women's "Hanky" social was thoroughly enjoyed last week by all of those who attended. There were twentytwo of us not, as many as we'd like to see, but plenty enough for a good time. Most pf the "blow" hankies were every bit as pretty as the "show" ones. Demonstration Friday evening. May 22, there will be a demonstration at Agnes Schweikert's home. One and all are invited, as the proceeds are to be shared by the entire community. Come out and have some fun, to say nothing of going home with some useful items. ^ how much Is it worth? More,' undoubtedly, than the^dayyoa bought it Replacement costs have gone up more than 19% In the last five years; more than doubled sinoe 1941. For a tsmdiiaddkiflaial gKaamfaam yon up-date (your. Inswaffi®/smd *pfio^: yosausclf against today** high septacanent-C08ta. frwmwlion, wriihoMt obligation, 112 E. Elm St. PHONE 43 McHenry, 111. SSAC NEWS "Fishy, fishy on the hook'* will be the theme along the banks of the channel during the first weekend in June, as fishermen of all ages will be on hand to participate in the first fishing tournament of the season. Anglers will be out competing for the, various prizes-- there'll be one for the largest fish caught, another to the person catching the most fish, and yet another to the persistant but luckless follower of "Izaak Walton. All youngsters in the area will be able to compete against their moms and dads. They'll show the folks how to bring home the prizes, as the children will have their own special tournament. We'll have more details next week, and also a summary of the horseshoe tournament. Mexico Trip We were wondering if the M a c C a l l u m s w o u l d make i t home in time to enjoy their beautiful spring flowers, and they did. Bea and Mac are glad to be back after covering 7500 miles in a month. They travelled through the southwest, down to Mexico City and on to Acapulco. Their experiences were many, from struggling with Spanish to meeting the president of the new university. And, of course, the thrill of feeling like „ a millionaire when they cashed in their traveler's checks for pesos. Their only advice to those contemplating such a trip--go, you'll have a wonderful time, but fly down. McHenry Shores Picnic Maybe we're a little early, but the ways and means committee would appreciate the money for the picnic by our June meeting. The date, again, is June 27. Members only. ' Sick List By now, we're sure" little Michael Stark has forgotten all about those tonsils that came out last week. Let's hope the earaches are gone for good, too. Ruth Dodge is in Passavant hospital in Chicago recovering from a serious operation. Your prayers, thoughts a n d cards would be most welcome. Mother's Day Celebrations Gus and Helen Smith went to Delavan Lake, Wise., .to celebrate both their '* anniversary and Mother's day. How romantic after thirty-nine years. Mr. and Mrs. John Hinz had a family reunion on Mother's day. They entertained Mr. and Mrs. William Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hinz, and Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Tongue, and their respective children. Mr. Tongue had never been in this part of the country before, and was favorably impressed. Lucky it isn't January. Sandy Winters escorted your reporter to the Country Club for the Cub Scout Mother and Son banquet, for Mother's Day. We all enjoyed the program with Chief Thundercloud and his family complete with war bonnets. Visits iind Visitors Glori Schramm attended a luncheon in Elmwood Park at the home of Mrs. John Cleary recently, with five of her school chums. They all had a good time catching up on all Potonf Drugs? Wt km a ws^Sfih •« • ooG® <9#t yon if firei and <p®@rd your health I • Our large prescriptions volume permit! a* to maintain ample stocks, including many rare drugs and the newest specialties. Thus, we are prepared to compound all prescriptions promptly--and precisely as directed. As a spedal precaution, we double- check each compounding step. Yet, you'll find oar higher than else* where. Try us, next time. Boiler's Drug Store 108 So. Green Phone 40 McHenr the news. Marie Hinz had her turn to entertain her birthday club from Chicago last week. Nine of her friends came out to speijd the day with her . OBITUARIES CLARA WEIDEMAN Mrs. Clara Weideman Fredricks, 61, of Elgin, a McHenry resident for many years, died May 13 in Mercy hospital, Chicago. Mrs. Fredricks was born July 1, 1897. She was preceded in death by her first husband, Eugene M., in 1929, and her second husband, Harry, in 1949; also by a son, Eugene, who died while serving with the U.S. Navy in 1943. Survivors include two sons, Rev. Fr. Adolph H. Weideman, an assistant pastor at St. Patrick's parish, Rockford, and Robert of Allentown, Pa.; two daughters, Mrs. Marie Hubbell and Mrs. Lois Downs, both of Charlotte, N.C.; two sisters,. Mrs. Mazele. Miller of Oak Park and Mrs. Henrietta Aarons of Chicago; two brothers, Gerard Berthold of Arlington Heights and Harry Berthold of Toledo, Ohio; and eight grandchildren. A solemn requiem Mass was sung at 10 o'clock Saturday in St. Laurence Catholic church in Elgin in the presence of Most Rev. Loras T. Lane, bishop of the Rockford diocese, by the diocesan priests' choir. Bu- HI'S RENTAL RENTS Floor Sanders to Rolary Tillers PHONE 32 rial was in Mount Hope cemetery. ROBERT ORTHWEIN Robert Orthwein, 56, of S h a 1 i m a r subdivision, died Thursday morning, May 14, while enroute to McHenry hospital. The deceased was an electrical engineer for H. E: Boyington Consulting Engineers, Chicago. He came to this country in 1^24 from Germany, where he was born April 17, 1903, and had resided in the McHenry area for nine years. Surviving are the widow, Catherine; two daughters, Mrs. E l l e n H u t c h i n s o n o f F o r t Wayne, Ind., and Mrs. Carla Zimmerman of Indianapolis, Ind.; a brother, Daniel, of Chicago and his father, Heinrich, and three brothers and two sisters, all in Germany. The body rested at the George R. Justen & Son funeral home, wnere services were held S a t urday afternoon at 1 o'clock, with Rev. George Martin of the Community Methodist church officiating* PROCLAMATION Saturday, May 23 has been named Poppy Day and all citizens are urged to observe the day by wearing memorial Poppies in tribute to the nation's war dead in a proclamation issued today by Mayor George P. Freund. The proclamation states: "Remembrance of those who gave their lives in defense of our country and its freedom being an inspiring part of our American heritage, and all of us having personal memories of young men from our city who died in war service, it is fitting that we keep those memories bright by wearing on one day each- year the "Memorial Poppy". I therefore am proclaiming Saturday, May 23, 1959, to be Poppy Day in the city of McHenry and urging all citizens to observe the day by wearing the Memorial Poppy." Wear the little red memorial flower. Honor the war dead and help the needy living. Re member Poppy Day Saturday, May 23. Please give generously. YES. We Have SATURDAY Delivery! STOP FUSSINJ1 SO. ^ REMEMBER/'TIME IS . THE GREATEST HEALER MAYBE SO- BUT IT CEPTAlNLY IS NO -- S> LOCAL TRADEMARKS. IF TOO WANT A FIRM THAT SPECIALIZES IN QUALITY, : BOTTOM SERVICE, QL McH, ^,5 -, 3A i *• 1 Mc/knif/ .f> READY MIX CO. fNC. "r^td MCM£N3Y 920 ^ ANTIOCH • f=c>/3 Ten-'- Frf?££^£A?V/C£ rfyulW <5RAYSLAKE • 9200 MCHENRY greater stability! X \ • •• * Wheels are five inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the car, gives you road-hugging stability, less lean and sway. Only Pontiac has Wide-Track Wheels! BEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER OVERTON CADILLAC-PONTIAC CO. 400 Front Street McHenry, 111 $ Bi$ <£n) oui ^erue %^ou . . . £*nouc^li ^Jo now OFFICERS t DR. U. V. COMES, President J. J. NEUHARTH, Exec. Vice-Pres., Treas. ARNOLD J. RAUEN, Vice-Pres. EARL J. KRUKOW, Secretary LEROY WELTER, Legal Counsel 206 WEST ELM STREET SAFETY SAVINGS que for if our ^tomorrows - VJo Jdc iJu. PHONE MeHENRY 3000 OR 302 qu DIRECTORS DR. U. V. COMES J. J. NEUHARTH ARNOLD J. RAUEN EARL J. KRUKOW RICHARD W. FREUND JAMES C. DOWNS, JR. HARRY H. HANS CLYDE H. BAILEY DR. S. A. DOWIAT McHENRY, ILLINOIS 9 r

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