Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1959, p. 2

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' i \ Page Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Bridge Club Meets 'secretary; and Dorothy Rein- With Marie Shrosbree ! boldt, treasurer. • The Wonder Lake Catholic i Out-goin? officers were Women's Bridge club met at!Marie McKim, secretary; and the home of Marie Shrosbree. Florence Koran. treasurer, pinners, for the evening's play Chairman to head the health Were Joanne Higgins and Mar- program is Nadme Ldrkm; mi£ Shrosbree. Other players surance. Claire Miller; Irene were Betty Selsdorf, Harriet Adams will be publicity and tfan Kanegan, Lorraine Houda, uniform exchange chairman Mildred Kersten, Doris And- and Mrs Schneider will be in itfes and Harriet McCall. . chf^e of <h t e b°oi< exchange. The hostess served a lovely A complete of room strawberry and whipped cream' pothers for the coming year delight and coffee. The group "'» be .announced later Plans, were made to hold a CLIIBMEMBBtS VISIT CAPITOL Ladies Return. Well Informed On Officials' Duties CLASS OF TEN CONFIRMED AT EPISCOPAL CHURCH A class of ten was confirmed in St. Paul's Episcopal church Word comes of the birth of j at n a.m. on Sunday, May On May 11th and 12th, thirteen members of jthe McHenry Township Republican ^Vomen's club made a two day trip to Springfield, as the .guests of Senator Robert McClory of Lake Bluff and Representatives A. B. McCoi^nell, Woodstock and John Manning of Rochelle. The thirteen were Miriam Miller, president of the club; Ruth Redman, first- vice-president; Florence Falsetti and Jerry Doran, secretaries; and members w;"meet ™Xi at the h°me bake* sale" o^heTulyVweek" j Marilyn Van^yern, Hejen Reuof Alice Condren. ^ ter, Dorothy; Miller, Ann Mil- ' i • '. • | ler, Liz Michels, Marge Ehrhardt, Lorraine Henschel, Lillian Plottner and Eileen Ord. The ladies were taken out to dinner on their arrival, which was closely followed by an of dancing and fun McHENRY GIRL , Rev. Eugene Baumhofer, sup- BECOMES BRIDE eriritendent of the new Marian CRYSTAL LAKE Central Catholic high school, w?s the puest sneaker at the Immanuel Lutheran church, evening May meeting held at St. Mar- crystal Lake, was the §cene : which will always be remema daughter, Mary Jo, on May 10 to Mr. and Mrs. John Smale of Crystal Lake at St, Jos e p h ' s h o s p i t a l , E l g i n . The Smales have three other children, Terry, 15, Sharon Ann, 12, and Sue Ann, 4. The maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Ben Justen of McHenry. Mr. "and Mrs. Edward Linnane are the parents of a son, 10, by Bishop Street of Chicago. The class, included Barbara Jane Bentley, Kathy Lorraine Klein, Kristy Joanne Klein, Leona Elsie Lockhart, Richard Donald Piatt, Alan John Robel, Barbara Arm Sawdo, Linda Sue Watson, Luther L. Watsor/ and Roy B. 'Watson. Following'-tljjfe' service, a receptidil Was" Held In the parish house, with Bishop Street, Rev. {S WL1s7,^Mem0hal Vincent••**+>• conaniand,: A son .was born May 17 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, to Mr. and Mrs. August Savalick. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Diedrich welcomed a daughter at their families and guests attending. Caret's parish in Algonquin. of a nuptiai rite on Saturday, bered. They were introduced!^ Moving pictures of the school Mav q which united Irmiard : to so many people from both ana wire naioeri i-,iptrot. CAWtfiif THANKS I Would HHe to take this means frf thanking everyone Memorial hospital on May 13.; jor their many kindnesses and A son was born May i3 at' concern during my recent mis- Memorial hospital to Mr. and() U1 p. The gifts, cards, flowers Mrs.. Paul Brendle. ,->nd financial help were great- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Wick-1 iy appreciated. My grateful man of- Wonder. Lake became thanks to All. the parents of a son, born Victor A. Hopp May 12 at Memorial hospital.! Driver of Bus 18 A daughter was born May! 13 at Memorial hospital to; THANK YOU Moving pictures of the school May 9, which united Irmjard : so many in the process of being built Marie Ballstaedt, daughter of ; the House and the Senate, and were shown to the ladies. Fa- Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Bail- j were treated royally by all. ther Baumhofer spoke on the staedt of Huemann's subdivi- To name a few, they were "education of Youth in High sj0n, and Gary Houts. son of ; Noble Lee, dean of John Mar- School and College." Copies of Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Houts, Sr., ! shall School of Law; Deneen the tentative program for the 0f Crystal Lake Manor. i Watson, Campaign manager for school year of 1959-1960 were Sandra Houts, sister of the Dwight Green and at present available. bridegroom, acted as maid of lobbyist for the Senate; Joseph Refreshments were served by honor, and bridesmaids were 1 Carey, aide to Governor Strat- Mrs. R., G. McNeeze and mem- Jo linner of Palatine and Lisa ton; Joseph Ator, editorial bers of the Altar and Rosary and Doris Osterle. j staff of the Chicago Tribune; society of St; Margaret. Alfred Ballstaedt, brother of | and many others too numerous the bride, was best man and to mention. Surprise Shower groomsmen were Cyrus Houts. There was afeo a visit to For Miss McCurdy J'"-. of Crystal Lake, Donald the chambers of Lt. Governor Miss Pat McCurdy was guest Houts of Michigan and Ken- > John Chapman, who was a of honor at a surprise miscel- neth Warren of Cleveland, i personal® friend of Mrs. Dorlaneous shower held last week Ohio. ; an*s father back in the days at the home of Mrs. Arthur a reception followed at Im- ! of the depression, and who Olsen. Assisting the hostess manuel Lutheran school hall • also had worked for many was Mrs. George Cina. ! for 150 guests. I years politically with the foun- Guests included the bride-to- The bride received her edu-1 der of the club, Mrs. Marion he's mother, Mrs. William Mc- cation in Germany and came j Carder. The visit with Mr. Cprdy. and daughter, Lynn, of to this country three years I Chapman was very interest- Crystal Lake; her aunt, Mrs. ago. She is employed at the ; ing. R; Schmid, of Skokie; the Oaks in Crystal Lake. The groom's mother, Mrs. Soustek, bridegroom was educated in his sister, Paula, and his grand-1 Detroit, Mich., and is a machinist at Precision Drill, Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mac- [ We would like to take this Lean are the parents of a boy, opportunity to thank members born at Memorial hospital, of the McHenry, Lakemoor Woodstock, on May 18. j and Johnsburg fire depart- --• ••• • i ments for the prompt and effi- MARRIAGE LICENSES j dent service given us at the Harold Jensen, Jr., Wood-! Riverside hotel fire. stock, and Audrey Thompson,' 3 Wonder Lake. | Mr. & Mrs. Charles Bergdahl Steven Lauritz and • Margie Woolverton, McHenry. Kenneth D. Medland, McHenry, and Rita M. Suplinski, Green Bay, Wis. ahd James Selsdorf CARD OF THANKS My sincere thanks to everyone for their thoughtful cards, hold offices suCh as these. We ; visits and prayfers during my from McHenry county were j recent stay in The hospital and very proud of our three menwhile recuperating at home. and we hope they know it, and we also hope they were a little proud of us, as representatives of their territory." Your kindnesses were greatly appreciated and will always be remembered. 3 Mrs. Thomas Diedrich mother from Fox River Grove. In all, sixteen guests enjoyed the social afternoon and buffet lunch served by the hostess. HONOR TEACHER Miss McCurdy will become THIRTY-FIVE the bride of Gilbert Soustek of YEARS ON SUNDAY x River Grove on June 7. I The ladies were introduced individually on the floor of the Senate by S e n a t o r McClory and in the House by R e p r e s e n t a t i v e M c C o n n e l l . They witnessed the passing of the bill concerning the educating of engineers at the University of Illinois and were very impressed by the way in which, the men vote. The fa- Sunday, May 24, will be long j mous tally board, in the House, remembered by both Miss Julia j which to quote the syndicated I Feffer and her many friendsj columnists, "never Jie^," was Dowe of McHenry. No immediate plans for the wedding have been made. Tell Engagement Ot Janet Glosson _ , , „ . Mrg. George Glosson J arMj pupils. An open house will'a mass of naime^ lights" Cooriey Heights announce , be held on that date from 2 which indicated exactly how the engagement of their daugh-: t0 5 p.m. at the Prairie Grove each representative was votter, Janet, to Gerald Dowe,, school, Crystal Lake, in Miss ing. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feffer's honor. ' j Several small side trips were Miss Feffer has been teach-|taken by. the different ladies, ing at Prairie Grove school for' a^er which they had a quiet thirty-five years, and it is in <*inner and then returned to r e c o g n i t i o n of i t t h a t the open t h e i r home b a i l i w i c k , t i r e d , house will be held. happy and a little more in- The Prairie Grove Social club formed about our State Capiextends this invitation to all *ol. The ladies feel this is a her friends, students and asso- city which should be visited ciates to come and visit her by more of our citizens, in on this day. order to really learn what Refreshments will be served, these men do while they are in and a social hour will be held, session. , One of those attending was MARRIED SATURDAY | quoted as follows: "If the voting public would Choral Club Closes Season With Dinner About seventy-five members of the McHenry Choral club and their guests gathered at the McHenry Country club Monday evening of this week to conclude their season with a dinner party. Arthur Mueller, club president, acted as master of ceremonies during the dinner, introducing a special guest. Ida Ann Quijilan of Park Ridge, former accompanist for the singers. A short program was presented, featuring spirituals sung by A. G. Lakeberg, Mervin Loper, Tom Russell and Larry Ekeroth, solos by Walter Kuhns and Irene Keim, and group singing. The club will resume practices early in September. v May 21, 1951 REVUE PARTICIPANTS 21 'C. D. of A. Social Meeting Salad Bar Luncheon -- 12:30 -- Zion Lutheran Church Basement •-- Theipe, > "^^eryear" Reyu6 -- Sjponsor&f by Ladies' Aid. May 24 Annual Music Festival -- High ' S'chodl Gymnasium -- 8:15 p.m. ' May 2fiS "Dinner is •Served" -- Sponsored by Lakeland Park ^Women's Club -- Noon. r.H.S. Past Officers' Night -- 107 Coujlt Street -- 8 p.m. Past Officers' Night, O.E.S. --Harriet and Roy Dodd in East -- 8 p.m. -- Masonic Hall. 30 Memorial Da y Dinner -- Ringwood -Methodist Church -- Benefit Building Fund -- Serving Noon to 2 pirn. ; June 9 , O.E.S. Stated Meeting (parcel post sale) 8 p.m. -- Masonic Hall. ^ June 13 Broadway Musical Cpi^fdy Revue by Ann Varese-- High School. Auditorium --- 8>15 p.m. -- Sponsored'fry McH&nry Women's Club. Taking part in the popular <Show, "Today's Fashions,' at the. Zion Lutheran chureh last week were Mrs. Catherine..- Svoboda, pianist; Mrs. Maria Guettler in evening dresS; Mrs. Terry Bfingsten in beach attire; Mrs. Virginia Schenemann in sack dress and Mrs. Beverly Younger, narrator? arid song leader. , > The show was sponsored by the Ziojv Lutheran FrietftKy ship guild, members of which entertained forty-four Iadigs5 from the congregation. The show was followed by refresh-' ments and a social hour. " "This is the fifth time you've been brought before me for speeding," said the judge *sevei'ely. "Yes, your hbrior," smiled the offender;' "w^hen I like a fellow I general^ give him all my business." Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. A SHORT COMF FOR McHenry 10 TABLE HAIRSTYLE MMER Call Us Today For An Appointment \Swedish Massage -- Steam Bath PATRICIA. STEVENS COSMETICS * v Frances Schneider Is Club President ;St. Patrick's Mothers' club held election of officers at the last meeting, Mrs. Frances .Schneider was re-elected as president; Eleanore F r e u n d vice-president; Kay Palmer, Miss Gwen Wiedenhoeft be- sit in the Senate or the House came the bride of David P. j for just one day, as we did, Lennon in a beautiful service j they could get a general idea solemnized at St. Patrick's Ca- j of how hard the men do work tholic church on Saturday, May | and how technical a knowledge 16. I they are required to have to A N1MIIW© HOME I ON PISTAKEE BAT NEAR McHENRY Home for the Aged 8ENILE BED PATIENTS 1 PHONE McHENRY 461 ^iMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHinniiiiiiiinmii|iiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii GRADUATION CARDS BY N0RCR0SS AT BOLGER'S WOULD YOU LIKE MORE CLOSET SPACE IN YOUR HOME? COMPLETE Formal Rental FOR ONLY $ 4 our all your winter woolens io us on m STORAGE PLAN and you'll be amazed how much clear closet space you'll have all summer long. ii SAH BI SUii Don't risk loss or damage. LET VAULT STORE your whole family's bulky winter clothes all season for -- $4.95 M PHONE 927 FOR DETAILS I RAINBOW CLEANERS Around Corner North of National Tea N. FRONT ST. McHENRY, IIA. PHONE 927 Open Daily 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'til 9 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING AT RAINBOW'S DRIVE-IN J! "Tony Martin" Tuxedos WHITE'S MEN'S SHOP 09 S. Green St. McHenry PHONE 19 "Will I really get automatic receipts if 9 by check?" Indeed, yes. When a check that you've drawn on your account at our bank is presented to us for payment, we "cancel" it by punching holes in it to show that it has been paid. Cancellation plus the payee's endorsement makes the chieck itself a receipt. Then we return the check, and your other cancelled checks, to you with our regular statement of your account. iJCompJetCreceipts make for better personal records, which make for better-balanced personal budgets. Come in; open a checking account here; use it often! 4 McHENRY STATE BANK Established Since 1906 . Interest Paid On Savings Deposits ' ^ Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 ave 8, T^ rou ^3t Kd, # STARTING SERVING EVERY FRIDAY 6:00 P.M. TO 11:00 P.M. Featuring the most tantalizing selection of Sea Food Dinners ever prepared. t^25 ALL YOU CAN EAT ^ # PER PERSON ^ Organ Music Featured for Dining ' yyjc^Jrenru C^ountry. C^iuL ¥ "OVERLOOKING THE BEAUTIFUL FOX RIVER" For Reservations call Bob Hurst, mgr., McHenry 1072 ...aii -aim

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