Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 May 1959, p. 7

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Thursday, May 14. 1959 McHENRY PLAINDEALER ) CLASSIFIED * FOR BENT 5 ROOM HOUSE, with garage. 1 mile south of McHenry on blacktop. Reasonable rent. P.O. Box 22. West McHenry. *2-2 4 ROOM FURNISHED apt. for rent. Heated. Couple preferred. Phone Wonder Lake 5654. 1-tf HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED waitress. Mi Place Restaurant. Phone McHenry 9877. 2-tf HELP WANTED OFFICE GIRL -- small office typing necessary, some knowledge of billing helpful. Apply 520 Main Street, McHenry. 3 4 AOOM HOME with 5 acres of^land. Year lease. $85 per month. No children. Phone McHenry 268. 1-tf 2 BEDROOM heated apt. on river. Phone McHenry 773. 3 1 ROOM apartment suitable for light housekeeping. Shower & bath. Town dub, 201 Riverside Dr.," McHenry. Phone 3573. « -- 3 4 ROOM apartment with bath. Jdhnsburg. Upstairs. $50 per month. Available now.. McHenry 1795. 3 VACATION AND year 'round apartments. Cottages and large house. References required. On lake near beach. For sale, 3 b e d r o o m h o u s e , s m a l l down payment*. Phone McHenry 1079. .. .• .. 3 4 ROOM HOUSE with fencedin yard. Ready for immediate occupancy. Call McHenry 511- R-2 or 590-R-2. 3 Brand New Beautiful 3 Bdrm. Deluxe Ranch Qome For Rent with option to buy NO MONEY DOWN lv/z baths -- Carpeted Modern kitchen Loads of Extras $115 per month in ^Crystal Lake Manor on U.S. 14 -- % mile west of Rte. 31. Turn South at Crystal Drive-In sign. Inquire at 112 State St. Crystal Lake 3340 or RAndolph 6-3907. *3 MAN WANTED for shipping and receiving clerk by progessive manufacturing concern in Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditions! Paid holidays and vacation, Apply Skysweeper, I n c., Johnsburg. McHenry 1090. J 3-2 WANT YOUNG GIRL to live in my home for summer, to assist with children and baby sit a few hours each day. No housework. Phone McHenry 1214-J. 3 WANT WOMAN to do cleaning in nursing home near McHenry on Pistakee Bay. Phone McHenry 461. 3 EXPERIENCED CO O K -- INJffle or Female. Apply Red Star Inn, U. S. 12 and Hwy 31. 3 HELP WANTED PART TIME waitress wanted. Oak Park Hotel. Call McHenry 176. 3 WOMAN TO HELP in kitchen weekends. Pistakee Golf course. McHenry 9854. 3 REAL ESTATE LOT FOR SALE -- 100x130. Country Club Estates, bordering McHenry Golf Course. Phone McHenry 439-W. 29-tf HEAL ESTATE MAN TO READ water meters. Tel. McHenry 2485, or evenings, call Crystal Lake 2305- J-l. 3 MAN WANTED -- Part time in small grocery store. Phone 1338. *3 WOR RENT OR SALE To Reliable Person YEAR 'ROUND HOME Fireplace - Furnace Balcony Knotty Pine Interior OAKHURST SUBDIVISION 2V2 miles south of McHenry bridge on road to dam. East hank of Fox River. Can be seen Fridays to Sundays JOHN LANDGRAF *3 WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT House or small farm needed badly. Will take care of premises. Reliable family - 4 children. McHenry 2099. m 52-tf RELIABLE FAMILY desires year 'round river front home with option to buy. JAckson 6-8300. *3 HELP WANTED TYPIST WANTED -- no shorthand. Full or part time. Write c/m Plaindealer, Box No. 494. LOCAL OFFICE wants girl for general office work. Experience necessary. Some insurance experience desired. Reply Box 496. c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 3 MALE Help Wanted Excellent employment opportunities are now available in our modern plant engaged in the manufacture of nationally known high quality industrial fastening devices. Visit our Personnel Office, open weekdays 8:15 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. xperience Required ie Makers Die Repairman Draftsman Milling Machine Setup Man Engine Lathe Setup Man Cold Header Setup Man No Experience Required Punch Press Operators Heat Treat Helpers Platers «eighmen . achine Setup Trainees General Factory SHAKEPROOF DIVISION Illinois Tool Works St. Charles Road ^- RTE. 25 >:nat SE corner of Elgin 3 'yj % Permanent Position in Ladies' Fashion Department 40 Hour Week Group Insurance Other Benefits* Apply in Person at Montgomery Ward in Woodstock See Mr. Johnson or Mr. Erickson PART TIME & SUMMER POSITIONS FOR TEACHER We need 3 representatives for educational sales work in the McHenry area. Start now and be ready for a profitable summer. Phone OLiver 8-7262 2-2 DRIVER - SALESMAN wanted for local retail milk route. Ludwig Milk Co. Rt. 31, McHenry. 3 SITUATION WANTED IFOR SALE OR RENT -- 4 I room house 3 blocks from j town and depot. Possession afj ter June 15. Call evenings, Mcj Henry 1635. 50-tf CARPENTER WORK wanted. Remodeling, additions, garages, porches, kitchen cabinets, roofing and cement work. Free estimates. Call Wonder Lake 3754. *1-4 BABY SITTINcTin my home during the dav. Phone McHenry 503-M-l. 3 3 NURSES AIDES to work, with doctors. Experience preferred but not necessary. Excellent salary and employee benefits. McHenry Medical Group. Ask for Mr. ^Atelenbrook. Phone 1050. 3 GIRLS WANTED lor light assembly work by progressive m a n u f a c t u r i n g c o n c e r n i n Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditions. Paid holidays and vacation. Apply Skysween°r Inc., Johnsburg. McHenry 1090. 3-2 OUTSIDE PAINTING -- roofi n g - s i d i n g -- i n s u l a t i o n . F r e e estimates. Weldon Andreas. Ringvvood, 111. Phone Wonder Lake 3637. *3 | HILLTOP corner and adjoining i lots for sale. Beautiful full view of lake and surrounding territory. All lake rights. 80 1 ft. by 125 ft. Quiet section. Very little traffic. West Shore \ Beach, McCullom Lake. Reaj sonable. Terms if desired. I Phone McHenry 1560-J. 52-4 i De Luxe 3 bedroom brick | home in Edgebrook Heights I subdivision. Living room, dinj ette, kitchen, 1 baths, full | basement, gas heat, on large high lot. BY OWNER, McCullom Lake front - property 'in Lakewood Subdivision. Year 'round, 7-room residence, 3 bedrooms, 1V_> baths, large panelled living room and dining room, patio garage plus outside patio. heat. Phone McHenry 1219-R. 52-tf REAL ESTATE BEAUTIFUL shaded lot for sale in McHenry. Water, sewer, telephone, gas & electric lines are all available. For information call 2541. 3 HEAL ESTATE EXPERIENCED bartender desires work. George McElroy, j Rt. 3. Box 250, Lake Geneva, Wis. 3 REAL ESTATE Time Study Engineer Tool Designers Draftsman Positions offer excellent potential to right individual. Employment office open Saturday, May 23 9 a.m. to 12 noon The Frank G. Hough Co. 7 th & Sunny side Libertyville, 111. MALE -- FEMALE Help Wanted Punch Press Operators General Factory Help High wages, paid vacations, profit sharing, hospitalization plan. Modern plant. Apply In Person JOHN STERLING CORPORATION Richmond, Illinois POSITIONS now open due to promotions for silk finisher and pants presser. Excellent working conditions--our pressers have been with us for many years. Full time, steady work. Paid vacations. Air-cooled plant. Will consider training right person wanting to learn good steady trade. Inquire in person to Dick Peterson, Sup't. Rainbow Cleaners, N. Front St., McHenry 3-2 Inspection Clerk (Female) Previous factory clerical experience desirable but not essential. Permanent Position Hours: 7:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Monday thru Friday BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 TYPIST For Purchasing Department Permanent Position Fast accurate typing essential Excellent Employee Benefits Hours: 8:15 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. BARCO Manufacturing Co. 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 $2,000,000 Employee Profit Sharing and Retirement Program Now Is APPROXIMATELY $2,000,000 IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR Arc Welders Assembly Mechanics (Garage Experience Required) Internal & External Grinder Turret Lathe Operators Radial Drill Operators Floor Drill SEVERAL OPENINGS FOR QUALIFIED BEGINNERS Good Starting Rates Plus FREE Family Group Insurance Employment Office Open % from 9 a.m. to' 12 noon on 1 Saturday, May 23, 1959 THE FRANK G. HOUGH CO. 7th & Sunnysltfe -- Libertyville, 111. FOR SALE OR RENT. Small house, 4 rooms, situated on West and Center St. in Lilymoor. Ideal for retired couple. Inquire next door Sunday through Thursday. 1-tf BRICK 2 STORY business building. Will sell on contract for $8,500 with $1„000 down payment. McHenry Realty, 532 Main street. Phone McHenry 268. 31-ti 5 ROOMS, full basement, lot 60x160 ft. year 'round home by the lake. Lakeland Park, McHenry. Write Dr. Michael Musacchio 8523 Stony Island Ave., Chicago 17, 111. or Phone Saginaw 1-7751. 52-3 We Will Build You A 2 BEDROOM COMPLETE HOME On Your Lot FOR AS LITTLE AS $7,700 $300 Down Balance to 30 Years Also Roto-Tilling, Lawn Rolling and Black Dirt $ REMODELLING & REPAIRS on FHA TERMS 21 years of building experience For Free Estimates PHONE McHENRY 430 ATLAS BUILDERS & REAL ESTATE 2 Blocks East of Bridge on Highway 120 3-tf FOB SALE - HOMES - FARM f CHOICE LOTS - BUSINESSES RESORT I'ROFERTV KNOX REAL ESTATE 40b Richmond Road McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 421 -J 42-t McHENRY and LAKE AREA Year 'Round Homes. Seasona nomes, farms, vacant. Horru sites. Income properties:" JACOB FRITZ REALTORS In Johnsburg, Ph. McHenry 37 Rt. 5, McHenry, Illinois 10-tf 3 BEDROOM home, full basement, carport, lot 80x167 in Cooney Heights. Will decorate to suit. Any. terms, $15,000. Call Lee Cooney, McHenry 119-R. 45-tf 3 BEDROOM HOME for sale. Living room with fireplace. All large rooms. Attached garage, gas heait. Also 4 room furnished apt. attached, provides additional income. Call Wonder Lake 5654. 44-tf LOOKING FOR A HOME 'ilton Homes will build any %ind, anywhere. All types of financing. No money down, 5c/c down or conventional. Model at 817 South street, Cooney Heights. Open Sundays. For information or to see model on weekdays call LEE COONEY Telephone McHenry 119-R 45-tl Homes For Sale We have exclusive listings. McHenry Shores, Country Club Subdv., Lakeland Park, Sunnyside, Pistakee Lake, Wonder Lake. $6,500 to $53,000. Let us know your needs ACTIVE REALTY Phone McHenry 742 50-tf Also ranch type and split level homes at $18,500. THE KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over 29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe PHONE 2800 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, 111. 3 FOR SALE New, 3 bedroom ranch home located end of North Riverside Dr. 1% baths, recreation room 13x38 ft., basement, attached garage, birch cabinet kitchen, hardwood floors, natural gas heat, alum, storms & screens. Lot -- 70 ft. on river, 110 ft. facing road, sea wall. PRICE $25,000 Call GEneral 8-7175 Cliff Benjamin Constr. Co. Lake Zurich, 111. 51-2 FOR SALE McHENRY 3 bedroom home, large living room, tile bath, large kitchen, near railroad, shopping, and schools. Price includes range, refrigerator, washer, dryer, and water softener. Full price only y $13,500. For appointment call at .our office in Johnsburg. JACOB FRITZ Realtors . Rt. 5, McHenry, III. Phone McHenry "37 2-tf First Time Offered 6 room 1% story frame residence, 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, full basement on landscaped lot. 60x145. Oversize 2 car garage. Blacktop driye^to street. House complete, storms, screens, colored stone patio, brick barbecue, plus many more desirable featur?s. Immediate possession, excellent mortgage available. Owner ;vill give consideration to contract saie or other real estate in trade. Asking price $15,370. 110 Pleasant Ave., Lakeland Park. Phone McHenry 2252. •3 FOR SALE BY OWNER Modern 2 bedroom home. Gas heat, storms and screens. Paneled living room, sliding door closets, many extras. Full basement, basement garage Scenic view, lake and beach rights. Lot fully landscaped. Many evergreens. Six miles from McHenry. Phone HYatt 7-3235. 1-tf BUYING or SELLING A. H. Gallagher McCullom Lake 2 bedroom, year Jround home. FA oil heat. Screened porch. Tile bath, shower stall. Low taxes. New jet pump. $8,500. McCullom Lake On Greenwood Drive. 3 bedroom year 'round home on lovely large lot. Outdoor B-B Q. FA oil heat. Expandable 2nd floor. Garage. Only $12,000 Sunnyside 3 bedroom Ranch, attached gar. Full basement. Birch cabinet kitchen, dining area. Tile bath. FA gas heat. $15,000. Country Club Subdivision A lovely 2 bedroom shingle home, plastered walls, ceilings. 18x20 living room. Large birch cabinet kitchen with dining area. 2 car garage. Fenced back yard. Water rights and pier. 220 line. FA oil heat. This home is in excellent condition and very tastefully decorated. Carpeting is included. Possession can be immediate. Priced right at $16,500. Cooney Heights Charming Redwood & Stone corner Ranch home with full basement. 3 nice bedrooms. Ceramic tile bath, shower. Lovely modern birch cabinet kitchen. Unusual fireplace. Attached garage. Many extras. „ Johnsburg Fine home for a large family! 4 bedrooms, IV2 tile baths. Paneled Family room and 1 bedroom on 1st floor. Full basement & 2 car attached garage. Asking $21,000. McHenry Investment 2 flat with room for a 3rd apartment. HW gas heat. 2 car garage. Full basement. Best location. Now -- $28,500. Pistakee Lake 4 large bedrooms, 1 Vz baths, screened & glazed porch. Year 'round English architecture with full basement and 2 car garage, plus 2 extra guest rooms. Fireplace in 25 x 30 living room. Over 66 ft. frontage. $31,500. WATCH FOR THE GALLAGHER SIGN A. H. Gallagher & Associates OFFICE: FOrest 9-6700 Jinny Gallagher: McHenry 1629 James Roesch: McHenry 3549 3 FOR SALE The Home Beautiful!! Has location and everything for good living. Living room fireplace, nature's beautiful view looking through the picture windows. Just can't be beat. 2 bedrooms, TV room could be 3rd bedroom. Basement, gas heat, 2 car garage, electric eye for your convenience. Kitchen that every woman dreams about. Lot 132x 132. Price $43,000. Shown by appt. only. RIVER FRONT, 6 room home, 60x200 ft. lot. River terrace. Natural gas heat, bored well. Fred A. Reeves, Chicago, SPaulding 2-9221. *1-3 FULLY IMPROVED lot, 1 block from Catholic church and school. Phone McHenry 875-J. 41-tf CHOICE CORNER lot in beautiful McHenry Shores; short block from Fox River; connects with Chain O' Lakes; private beach and boat dock; reasonable. Mount Prospect, phone CLearbrook 3-4065. 1 52-tf IN JOHNSBtURG by owner, 7 room brick veneer tome, 3 bedrooms, TV room with natural fireplace. Full basement, 2 car garage. Corner lot, near school. Phone McHenry 2526. 3 BY OWNER: 5 rooms, 2 bedrooms; attached garage, full basement, natural gas heat. 2 years old. Millstream waterfront. Phone McHenry 3147 Saturday or Sunday. 3tf COUNTRY HOME -- Country Club Subdivision. 4 room house, gas heat, full basement, attic, 2 car garage; large lot; many fruit' trees. Wonderful place to live. Priced to sell. Kent Corp. Riverside Drive. Ask for Mr. Draper or( Mr. Green. 3-2 NEW 3 bedroom home on Fox River at 203 Riverside Drive, McHenry Shores. Phone owner, LUdlow 5-2563. 51-tf McHENRY, ILL. Will sell all year 'round 2 bedroom (expandable) house and garage. Patio, breezeway, oil heat, private beach, 200 ft. Fox River, fireplace. Low price. Call owner for appt. evenings. VAnderbilt 4-205?. *2-3 HOMES FOR SALE: 3 bedroom ranch and 2 bedroom ii n. en>v terns. Binrher's Real Estate, phone McHenry 3349-R. o LOT 105x125 in Holiday Hills. Terms. Phone DUnkirk 1-4420. 3-3 4 ROOM HOUSE in Wonder Lake, bath, hot water gas heat, 2 lots, new septic tank, half basement. 218 Birch Drive, ask Beaman's to show house, or call Chicago -- BI 7-6387 after 6 p.m. or see Lascola on weekends. Sunset Drive, Wonder Lake. 3 4 ROOMS, bath, garage, "Doit- Yourself" and have 2 more bedrooms, large living room with fireplace, concrete driveway, screened porch. Phone Wonder Lake 2171. 3 Office Ph. McHenry 1655 Home Ph. McHenry 121R 2-2 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Owner transferred -- Must sacrifice this beautiful 2 bedroom home with natural fireplace and sun porch. Fully carpeted. Full basement. 1% car garage. Many other features. $19,100. Two story 5 bedroom older home on beautifully wooded lot 200 x 200 ft. with water rights on Fox River. $11,200. Very attractive 2 bedroom home, fully insulated, on lot 85x150 ft. Gas heat and IV2 car garage. Price includes electric stove and refrigerator. $12,500. Immediate occupancy. 2 bed' room home with full basement and 1 car garage on corner lot. In excellent condition. $12,500. ilO S. Green St. -- Phone 1120 3 Pistakee Terrace SELL OR TRADE All Offers Considered Beautiful RANCH HOUSE located on large channel lot. Has huge living-dining room combination rimmed by cathedral picture windows. This LOVELY HOME features 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, large recreation room, fireplace, patio, kitchen with built-in refrigerator, freezer, range and eye level oven, thermopane windows thruout and attached 2 car garage. ENJOY FISHING from your own boat pier. Ideal for children. CALL McHENRY 2665 FOR APPOINTMENT OPEN HOUSE SAT. & SUN. 12 NOON to 5 P.M. DIRECTIONS: From McHenry take 111. 120 to Johnsburg Road, left to center of Johnsburg, right 1 mile to May Ave., FOLLOW SIGNS TO OPEN HOUSE. 3-tf BEAUTIFUL brick ranch, 2 bedroom, plastered walls, large family room with fireplace, 2 car garage, fully landscaped, lawn furniture and garden tools included. Lot 120x135. Furnished or unfurnished. Located in Country Club Subdivision, 620 Virginia St., McHenry. Phone 1840. 3 3 BEDROOM HOME, living room, dining-kitchert comb., utility room, washer & dryer, forced oil heat. Garage and extra lot. 3465. 3-2 LOT FOR SALE -- block east of McHenry Recreation. 2 fruit trees, large oak. gas heat permit. McHenry 3465. -3-2 BY OWNER, 2-bedroom ranch style home; gas heat; aluminum combination storms and screens; attached garage and breezeway; beach rights on Fox river; on corner lot; shown by appointment only. Tel. McHenry 2866-W. 3-2 BRICK 2 Flat, Austin, Texas property for lakeshore. Property in McHenry. Inquire 82 Prairie Ave., Lakeland Park, McHenry. 3tf ^WANTgD^TO^Bl^ WANT GENTLE riding horse for children. Call McHenry 27a, before 6 p.m. 3-2 CASH IN YOUR attic and basement. We want articles of all kinds for our resale store: Anything from antiques to modem. Bring them in or phon^ us. Royal Oak Sales, Hwys. 14 & 176, Crystal Lake, I1L Phone Crystal Lake 4278. 1-tf WANTED TOP PRICE PAID for .ron, metals and junk cars. £d Marsh, phone Woodstock -- 1610-M-2. 43-tf WOULD LIKE ride from McHenry to Woodstock, J-eave McHenry around 12 midnite. Phone JA 6-7140. 45-tf 4 ROOM HOUSE, gas heat, full cabinet kitchen, electric s t o v e , 2 c a r g a r a g e . Y e a r 'round. Located West Boulevard and Center corner. Lilymoor, McHenry. Shown Sunday through Thursday. *3 LARGE CORNER LOT locat ed in beautiful Holiday Hills Subdivision with fishing, boating and swimming privileges in Lake Griswold and Fox River, within just a few hundred yards. Owner transferred, must sacrifice at $1,700. Write W. C. Hiltner, 8500 Madison <t. (C'irrollton) Hyattsvil'^ Maryland. 3-2 FACE BRICK ranch on corner lot. 3 bedrooms, fulfbasement, aluminum storms and screens, gas heat, birch cabinets, 4 yrs. old. $16,000. Phone 705-W. 3-2 1 VERY DESIRABLE water front lot by private party. Orchard Heights Subdivision. Call Mr. or Mrs. Allen, Idlewood, 2-5515 or write P. O. Box 124. Ravinia Station, Highland Park, 111. *3 VACJANT 82x120 ft. corner lot across from channel in Holiday Hills. This lot "is priced for quick sale at $2,100. ALSO 103x120 ft. corner lot in Lakeland Park. Owner will sell for $2,600. RIVER PROPERTY One of the finest properties on the river has a frontage of 200 ft. all fenced, an 8 room home, combination boat and fun house and garage, completely furnished. Price reduced to $42,500. A very desirable large 3 bedroom home with full basement located on a 110 ft. wooded lot, close in, furniture included in price of $23,500. For a particular couple we have a very fine 2 bedroom frame and brick home with full basement and attached garage located on a 100x150 ft. lot, nicely landscaped and treed. Illness forces owner to sell. For homes in all locations and in all price brackets CALL MR. HEINEN McHenry 2527 BAIRD & WARNER. Inc. REPUTABLE McHenry business firm desires names and addresses of 1959 high school graduates living in the McH e n r y t r a d e a r e a who a r e graduating -from schools other than McHenry Community high school. Please send name, address and school. Graduate to receive gift certificate and will not be obligated in any way. Write Box 491, c/c Plaindealer. 2-2 HwiscEiX5QiEods ~ WANTED Used Featherweight Singer Sewing Machine Call McHenry 1681 This weekend or write Box 495 c/o McHenry Plaindealer WANTED Attractive manufacturing plant, 6,000 to 12,000 ft., to lease with option to buy. Light, clean assembly. Write giving details and enclose a photo to McHenry Plaindealer, Box 493. 3 FISH FRY ON FRIDAY NIGHTS 75c per Dinner Plate -- Perch or Haddock -- Lobster -- $2.50 Shrimp -- $1.50 CLUB LILYMOOR Route 120 CHAIN O' LAKES German Shepherd Dog Training Club is pleased to announce their third annual all breed training class. Interested parties please call: JUSTICE 7-4634 •3 LOST AND FOUND LIBERAL REWARD for Return or Information leading to return of 2 small dogs. A blonde cocker and a Boston bull. Strayed from the Merrill Woolen Store on Route 12 at Volo, at noon on Tuesday, May 12. Call McHenry 682-M-2 mm J TO BE GIVEN AWAY TO BE GIVEN AWAY-- • • PUPPIES -- Phone McHenry 1930-W. 3 KITTENS to be given away. Phone McHenry 3084-J., *3

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