Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1959, p. 9

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. May 27. 1959 THE McHENBY PLAINDEALER McHenry Shores S.S.A.C. HORSESHOE ;TOUBNEY WON BY CARL KLEINE by Louise Winters--2897 A roar went up on a recent Sunday afternoon that was heard thru-out the subdivision as spectators and twenty-five defeated contestants alike acclaimed Carl Kleine the winner and champion of the first horseshoe tournament sponsored by the S.S.A.C. His last two ringers nosed out Art Cicchini, second place winner, a score of 22-13. Sam Zeimet came in third when he "lost to Art 21-18. Look for the coveted trophies to be hanging in a prominent place in their ijpmes when you visit them, -incidentally, Fred Stark and Jack Schmitt " have promised us another contest in June. When the tournament was over, the men. were surprised "tp find that the cheering sec- Had prepared a good old fashioned barbecue--- and so the day ended as one big hapfamily affair. tii More S.S.A.C. Notes ^ Four new members were .welcomed at the last meeting. The June meeting, weather permitting, is to be held down at the beach as a family out- M •^am Zeimet is accepting entries for the fishing tournament to be held June 6, 2 p.m. to June 7, 2 p.m. The club is onsoring a separate contest "or the youngsters sixteen and tinder. Anyone over sixteen Wishing to participate may call $am at 2010 for further details. This is another affair $tiat will wind up as a picnic n the awards will be preed. So far eight couples have signified their intentions to play in the two-ball foursome golf tournament. One does not have to be a pro. Let Art Cic- Chini or Clare Mueller know that you would like to join in on the fun. Don't forget soft ball on Sunday mornings, a little workwill do you good. Church doesn't have to suffer, they all have several services. other year on June 1. Congrats, all. Hospital Party Daisy Smith, Marie Hinz and Stephanie Korszyk, along with six other members of the VFW auxiliary entertained the veterans at Downey Veterans' hospital on Wednesday evening the twentieth. It is a regular monthly affair, and the more the merrier. Aloha The dance at the American Legion with an Hawaiian theme on a recent Saturday night found eight couples from McHenry Shores having a good time. The Sohramms, Schmitts, Hattans, Starks, Olbinskis, Cicchinis, Olszewskis, and Lindwalls are now dreaming of a trip to Hawaii someday. Lakeland Park BOARD MEMBERS ENJOY ANNUAL DINNER PARTY Vickie Bottari--228'2-J . 1524-4 •ift, Birth Announcement aMr. and Mrs. Joseph Moravec are proud to. announce the arrival of their third grandchild, Daniel Jerome Moravec. What makes this so special is that he was born on May 17 in Munich, Germany; to son, Jfe, HI, and his wife, Dorothy. He weighed in at 6 poundis, 15 Ms ounces, when he made his debut at the base hospital there. How soon is your next leave, Joe? Grandma wants to know. The Prom Prom night at the high school saw three of our youngsters all decked out in their f^-ry- Nancy Lbkay was escorted by Skip Meiling, from ^Wonder Lake, Pam Munroe went with Mike Lowe, and Allen Dilg took Gail Sundberg -(from Crystal Lake as his date. Need we ask if they enjoyed themselves? Happy Birthday Agnes Schweikert seems to be the only one willing to admit she has a birthday this week. She'll be blowing out the candles on Memorial Day, May 30. Belated greetings to Diane Clark, who celebrated last Saturday, May 23. Demonstration Thanks to all the publicity and work by the ways and means committee, there was a wonderful tournout for the demonstration at Agnes Schweikert's home last Thursday night. There were forty-five women out to enjoy themselves. Everyone looked so nice in thett summer things, at long last. Visits and Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kleine are hosts to Mr. and Mrs. A. Linn who are here for a two week stay from Orlando, Fla. .John and Daisy entertained Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kazmeirski from Chicago on a recent Sunday. Our guests should be a lot more numerous from now on, we'd appreciate a call about them. URGE PUBLIC TO LEARN IDENTITY OF GAS EMPLOYEES You won't hurt the feelings of any gas company man if you ask to see his identification card! "We realize people must be careful about admitting anybody without proper authorization," H. J. Etchison, district superintendent for Northern Illinois Gas reported. "Our employes, including inspectors, meter readers and servicemen, will be happy to show their identification card before entering a customer's home." Etchison urged customers to insist on seeing and examining the man's identification card before admitting him to eliminate the possibility of unauthorized people entering the premises. The Lakeland Park Property Owners new and old board of directors had. their annual dinner on Saturday, May 23. Attending the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. L. Strandquist, Mr. and Mrs. A. Heggeland, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rode, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Glorch, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Leone, Mr. and Mrs. George Leone, Mr. and Mrs. William Radisch, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ellmer, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rogers and Dr. and Mrs. L. Bottari (that's me). The retiring members were Dr. Len B o t t a r i , W i l l i a m R a d i s c h a n d Helen Strandquist and new members are George Leohe, Alfred Heggeland, Audrey Ellmer. A wonderful time was had by all of us with a great deal of gabbing and laughing going on at all times. Page Nine jcerned over the illness of Joe Cina that he is reported doing real well and his family is hoping that he will soon be back home with them. Late Celebration Mrs. Lee Gldrch celebrated Mother's Day a little bit late this year, but as the old saying, goes, "It's better late than never". Both her sons and their wives and children vtere there, namely Mr. and Mrs. Robert Glorch and son, Gordon, and daughter, Gail, and Mr. and Mrs. Foster Glorch imd their two sons, Larry and Donny, of Lakeland Park and also helping in the celebration were old friends of hers, Mr. and Mrs. Gusman of Chicago. Her children presented her with a grandmother bracelet w i t K charms and the names and dates of birth of each of'her four grandchildren. First Native Born The first baby ever to be born right here in Lakeland Park made her appearance on Sunday, May 11 at 8:10 a.m. She is Desiree Ellen who weighed ]8 lbs. 11 ozs. and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gimse of 91 Shore Drive. They have an older daughter just 11 months old named Cheri Michelle. Christening On Sunday, May 24 at St. Patrick's Catholic church at 1:30 p.m. little Michele Marie Casey was taken to be christened by her Godparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Casey. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Casey of Oak Drive. Attending a party in her honor after the christening were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beck, maternal grandparents, Mrs. Margaret Casey, her paternal grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Mat. Casey and sons, Jimmy and Robbie, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Gillespie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gillespie, Miss Dianne Gillespie, Billy Wagner. a friend of the family, and Danny Casey, son of the godparents. Attendants at Wedding .Mr. and Mrs. W. Hansen were attendants at the wedding of Mr. Hansen's cousin, Dorothy Ann Pohl, who became the bride of Mr. Val Church on Saturday, May 23. Mrs. Hansen was dressed in a blue ballerina length gown of nylon and lace with a small blue hat and carried white carnations with red tea roses. The bride wore a white ballerina length gown with a lace jacket and fingertip (veil and she carried white roses and lily of the valley. Visitors At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Strandquist on Sunday, May 24 was their son, Larry Jr., and his wife and their three children, of Wheaton. Belated Birthday Wishes To Mrs. Lyda Radisch who celebrated her birthday last Saturday, May 16. To Kim Casey on the occa~ sion of her second birthday which she celebrated on May 13 and also a happy birthday to her daddy BflK who celebrated his over "21" birthday. Greatly Improved I am happy to report to all of you who have been con- A Hearty Welcome 1 To Joan and Bill Dostal, over on Park avenue, who r£ved out from Chicago very recently. There's also little Biliy, who is three. We know ypu'll enjoy living here as taiuch as you must enjoy that view. Anniversary Greetings Jt's anniversary week on Gregg drive, both the Starks $nd the Middlekauffs will celebrate. Irene and Trent on May and Dolores and Fred on 'June 3. Dick and Marion Barrows will also chalk up an- Has a man gained anything who has received a hundred favors and rendered none? A husband is a man who knows that his wife's reasoning is largely sound. ED'S RENTAL RENTS Chai »aws to Sanders HONE 32 STONE For Driveways s FLAGSTONE FOR WALLS - WALKS - PATIOS WE DELIVER Elgin SHerwood 2-6060 Demonstration A demonstration was supposed to have been held at the home of Mrs. Marge Franklin last Monday night. I say supposed to have been because the demonstrator never did show up. Those who did show up were Mrs. Dorothy Glorch, Mrs. Polly Licastro and Mrs. Dorothy Humphreys. Several others were unable to attend so Marge had loads of cake left over so she called on Lee Glorch, Daisy Krupinski, Esther Cygan, Dorothy Humphreys and yours truly the next day to finish up the very delicious cake. It's a Boy Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Linnane are the proud parents of a baby boy born at the Woodstock Memorial hospital on I&ay 17. Little Vincent Andrew as the bay has been named tipped the scale at 7 lbs. 13 ozs. There are three brothers and one sister at home besides him, namely Maureen, Michael, Edward and -.Tommy. Tonsils Gone On Friday morning May 22, little Donny Prazak had to part with his tonsils at the Bethany hospital in Chicago. Swims For Hub Cap About two weeks ago Joe azak lost a hub cap off his r when he was on his way to Chicago and Friday morning on the way there again taking his son, Donny, to have his tonsils' removed he saw a hub c&p which he thought surely njust be his, so, he put on his iligh boots and started to wade -through a puddle of water and before he kne\v it he had sunk, down to hiS^Waist so' h& ' got into Chicago rather wet and with Agnes along side -trying not to laugh. On yes, by the way it was not the cap off of his car after all but it was off of a car similar to his so he was able^tp use it after all. Keep looking Ed. you may find yours yet just by sinking a little bit lower next time say about half way between your waist and your neighbors. Cub Scout News Den 4 Pack S61 Mrs. Laverne Okal and Mrs. Berniece Boyce sure were proud of their group of eight boys last Thursday night when at the pack meeting they all received their wolf badges, gold and silver arrows and denners badge and assistant denners badge. The one receiving the denners badge was Kenny Prazak and the assistant denners badge was presented to Bruce Okal. Also receiving their wolf badges and gold and silver, arrows were Raymond Barle, Phillip Bucaro, Jimmy Bates, Jimmy Hansen and Raymond Bottari. The awards were presented to these boys by their new Scout Master, Dr. Leonard Bottari. FREUND AUCTION ED VOGEL & WILLIAM RlSSEL --• Auctioneers Due to lack of help, I am forced to sell my dairy at public auction on the farm located 2 miles north of Johnsburg and 3 miles south of Spring Grove on the Johnsburg and Spring Grove blacktop road on SATURDAY. MAY 30, 1959 st 1* P.M. Sharp 58 HEAD OF HOLSTEIN COWS & HEIFERS 42 Head of Milk caws, consisting of 4 fresh the last month, 8 springers, due in June and July, balance'milking good and bred to freshen in August and September. 6 Holstein first calf heifers due to freshen in August and September. 4 Holstein heifers eighteen months old, open. 2 Heifers ten months old. 4 Holstein calves 4 months old. All heifers are Calf-Hood vaccinated and this herd has been free of Bangs disease since 1945. Inspection is invited before sale. FEED 8' of silage in 14' sdlo. 2 plastic silo covers. r' MILKING EQUIPMENT Groen Bulk tank 275 gal. complete with hot water heater and fan; Surge pump and motor with pipe line for 40 cows; Universal single cylinder pump and motor; 2 Universal stainless steel double unit milkers; 1 Universal stainless steel Surge type milker; 1 Universal single unit; 8 milk cans, stainless steel pails and strainer. NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACCIDENTS TERMS: All sums of $25.00 and under cash. Over this amount one-fourth down and the balance in six monthly payments. Make arrangements for credit with clerk before sale. JOE E. FREUND AUCTION McHENRY STATE BANK, Clerking Women's Club The last meeting of the season will be next Thursday night, June 4 starting at -8:30 p.m. at the Rizzo home, 323 Home avenue. Let's try to make this meeting as the new officers will take over their duties and we would like to have as many of you out as possible. Dog troubles I have had several calls this past week about dogs running loose again. There seems to be one in particular, a large collie. If you happen to have a dog of this type, you who own him must surely know that he is quite a roamer and you better get a larger and heavier rope to keep him tied up. He is known to have growled at several children at different times and just the size of the animal alone is enough to scare even the children who may not usually be frightened of dogs. So let's not forget, if we really love our dogs we should take good care that they do not run loose or they will be picked up and they will cost you money. Den 4 Pack 454 At th<j monthly Pack meeting "Frank Moran and Steve Criscuolo received their bob cat pins and Donald Sesko received his wolf badge. The last den meeting for this den will be on Friday at the home of their den mother, Mrs. Dorothy Garrison. Last Saturday morning Edward Fesanco. David Garrison, Martin Mahoney, Frostie Vitta, John O'Brien, Steve Criscuolo, Frank Moran. Donald Sesko and Kenny Spencer were taken on a tour of O'Hare Field by Major Byers. Ljlymoor RESIDENTS MUST KEEP DOGS TIED OR IN OWN YARD Nancy Ritter--560-M-l Do you have a dog? Do you keep it chained up and in your own back yard? If the answer to both of these questions is yes, you may overlook this article. If you do not own a dog, you may also over look this. But if you do own a dog and the answer to the second question is No, please read this article. A few children have been bitten by stray dogs. Don't allow your dog to run loose and bite a child, this can be very dangerous. Please keep . your dog chained up in your own back yard. There is a hundred dollar fine for any dog picked up by a Lifymoor dog catcher. I hope soon you can answer both of the questions "Yes." / Garbage Pick-Up This is a reminder that the next garbage pick-up will be Wednesday, June 3. So your garbage can isn't forgotten, place it , out the night before. New Addition - Mr. and Mrs. Smith are the proud parents of little Russell Boyd Smith, who made his first appearance on April 14 in Memorial hospital in Woodstock. Congratulations to you from all the readers. Visitors Mrs. Lillian Fantus from Petaluma, Calif., came to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fantus of Lilymoor for ope week. Mrs. Riley*! father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Gobstig from Minnesota, came to visit for a week. I'm sure these visitors enjoyed their visit and will, stay longer next time. Two Weeks Vacation Mr. Flynn spent his two weeks vacation doing spring cleaning and decorating. Newcomers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Knighton just moved from Louisiana to Lilymoor. They have two boys, Ben and Lawrence, and a girl, Jeanette. Another woman, Mary Jane, is staying with them. She has a baby girl Ruth, 8 months old. |iiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiimiiini^ I VILLA NURSING HOME 1 8 S { ON PISTAKEE BAT NEAR McHENRY | B = £ S Home for the Aged 1 SENILE * BED PATIENTS | PHONE McHENRY 461 | illlllllllHIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllli mne a L Special! CHAMPAGNE NEW YORK STATE -- 5lhs Purchase 2 Bottles at $3.00 each and receive third bottle compliments of NYE DRUGS, Inc. SPECIAL CASE PRICE AVAILABLE P.S. Also Available to "Second Honeymooners" Burton's GIN 5th Briorcliff Blended Whiskey $' Sth Tvs & Serakov B EC A OLD Straight Bourbon -- 8 ffear Old Reg. $4.89 5th NYE DRUGS, Inc Do Save - Wk ere Saul nad The Secret Is . . . PAY Y©P!SiLF FOIST! LET THE MONEY YOU WORK FOR . . . WORK FOR YQU! TREAT YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT EXACTLY AS YOU WOULD YOUR REGULAR BILLS PAY FRSELF 206 WES i SAVE BY MAIL REET SAFETY OF YOUR SAVIN6S VZ INSURED IIP TO t/e tor Hour ^_JontorrowA oncti*• 1/0/ /O'O CURRENT ANNUAL RATE SAVE BY MAIL IENRY 3000 , II IS 9

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