Vfednesday, May 27, m MiCBnt PLXINDEALEH Wonder Lake Louder lake GIBL CHOSEN QUEEN "by Jane Ducey -- 27S1 Carolyn Green, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Green of Highland Shores, was crowned Junior Prom Queen at the Woodstock Community high School last Saturday night. One of the queen's attendants was also a Wonder Lake girl, J'Anne Wrede, daughter of Mr. Mrs. Gail Wrede of Woodecr Shores. The Prom theme was "Orchid Island" and the atmosphere was provided by tall palm trees, a volcano; and a grass shack, With two large orchids flanking the stage entrance. Harrison SchooJ News At1 a meeting of the Illinois Association of School Boards iH£Sycamore Thursday night, Dr. Raymond - Watkins was elected vice-president of the newly formed district. Harrison school is no longer in the Tri-county district. The new district is the Kishwaukee and comprises Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, DeKalb and Kane counties. M. L. Thomas also attended the meeting. Tuesday night the eighth gwde class had their graduation banquet in Crystal Lake. Mr. Wightman's band furnished the mii&ic for dancing. Both morning and afternoon sections of the kindergarten will assemble Thursday morning for ceremonies of graduation into first grade. Mrs. Emma Stork will confer bachelor of rhyfhes degrees on her small purges. Friday night at 8:15 comm e n c e m e n t e x e r c i s e s f o r t h e eighth grade class will be held in the school gymnasium. Friday is the last day of the school year. Ground was broken for the construction of the addition to the school last week. Nativity Lutheran Church * News ^>n May 31, Memorial Sunday, special observance will be made of this day to honor departed heroes, pray for peace, and give thanks to God for preserving, our great land. The sermon for theVday will be, "The Strength of a Nation". A hearty welcome is extended by Pastor Schroeder to those V^ho are coming back for th| Sj|njmqr to ,atte{id any. of. tfle worship services and meetings. Helping with vacation church school materials is the program and project for the "Women of the Church" Circle meetings for the month of June. The evening Circle will meet Monday, June 1. at 8 p.m.,, and the daytime Circle wili meet Tuesday morning, June 2, ^9:3°. jThe last session of the vacation church school workshops will be held on Tuesday evening, June 2, at 7:30. This will be for all departments and alt teachers and helpers are asked to attend. The vacation church school wiil again meet for two weeks starting Monday, June 15, and all •children in the community f0m the ages of 3 through 13 are welcome to attend. Bible Church News Daily vacation bible school at the Bible church will be conducted from June 3 through June 12, from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. The children learn so mudi in these daily sessions. They. learn Bible stories, new songs, handicraft, and there is time for play and refreshment. Altar and Rosary Society A pot-luck dinner is planned for next meeting night, Thursday, June 4, and all the women are asked to bring a favorite dish with them to the parish hall at 7:30. Plans are in the making/ for the penny social and bazaar to be held for the whole family Saturday, June •20. All homemade articles and goodies wiil help to make this event a success,' and donations are being requested. Christenings Sunday, May lQj, Rev. Raymond Hubers, O.S.B. baptized Randplph Patrick Buss, son of Robert and Dolores Kane Buss, at Christ the King church. Godparents are James Bitterman and Rosemary Buss. David Brian Crook, son of Donald and Jacqueline Jacoby Crook, was baptized by Father Hubers on May 17. Godparents ire Dorothy Walters and Carl Wagnet; by proxy Kenneth Crook. A. Diamond in the Rummage Unforeseen excitement at the rummage sale conducted by the Wonder Woods Women's Association Friday and Saturday, was caused by the finding of a "diamond" ring in one of the donated boxes. Do you suppose it could have slipped off the donor's finger as she packed the box, and really be a diamond? If genuine it must surely weigh a carat -- look at the blue fire in its depth there in the light. (Cold chills at the thought of having sold it for a buck as a zircon, before the anguished owner discovered the loss). Thus our amateur jewelers speculated as they removed the treasure from display. The women starts ed a systematic run-down of the whence of the box, which led round about to the origin. Nope, 'twas not a precious stone, but a very handsome ring, none the less. Oh yes, the women were gratified with the results of their sale and wish to thank the community for their patronage. Rescue Squad Calls You The Highland Shores rescue squad is asking for your discarded household appliances, furniture, and rummage of all kinds, in preparation for their second annual auction and rummage sale to be held August 16. If you have anything of value, call Wonder Lake 7812 or W. L. 6262 to have it picked up. The committee handling the fund raising project is composed of Don Condit, chairman, Orville Yeager,, and Bob Asmus. News Briefs The annual wind-up-of-theseason party which the Wonder Woods Women's association enjoys before it disbands for the summer, was held in Lake Geneva Tuesday, Ma^ 19. Eleven members were present for dinner. Collectors of wild flowers will be interested to know that there are acres of white tril- Hum in Wisconsin, according to the B. R. Redmans, who returned Friday from a week spent circling the state. The cherry blossoms in Sturgeon Bay area were also a sight to see. Another tripster is Mrs. Vesta Switzer, who returned last week from California where she spent 6 weeks. She made 1he round trip by plane, visit- :ng a sistet1, Mrs. C. C. Black and family in Los Angles as well as cousins of Mr. Switz- ED'S RENT CemoM Minors to Paint Sprayers PHONE 32 er's. *The bus trip from L. A. along, to* coast to Sacramento was very Beautiful and colorful. Another sister, Mrs. A. M. Fogel and family of Sacramento, were visited before Mrs. S w i t z e r c o n t i n u e d t o S a n Francispt) and home., A surprise home coming was planned by the Wooded Shores neighbors of Mrs. Robert Norton who came home from the hospital with her new born son last week. Tuesday mornisrig the girls came J calling , with their home made long johns and coffee, pre-school children and gifts for Master George Carl, (which included a wee pair of saddle oxfords). Present were Mrs. Richard Bland, Mrs. Clarence Andrews, Mrs. Robert Bird, Mrs. Andrew Nemsick, Ml®,. Jack Faljtenthal, and"Mr6..-Iieo Wines.' • Thursday night, Mrs. Joahne Higgins entertained the Wonder La^e bridge club at her Wonder Center home. Ruth Woodward and Simone Fuller had high scores, and Velma Sinclair, wpn the consolation prize. Others were Greta Weisenberger, Harriette McCall, Alice Condren, and Martha Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Weisenberger observed their twentieth anniversary Wednesday, May 20, with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Jacobson. Daughter, Mary, brought cake and ice cream and they had a quiet celebration. The Johnny Wines family is enjoying- a visit from his mother, Mrs... Leo -Wines «f Rogers Park, who spent a week at the Lake. Get well wishes to Donna Pickell who is confined in the M e m o r i a l h o s p i t a l . C h e e r y notes would ipeed her recovery. The Roy Swanson family spent the weekend in Streator as guests of Roy's brothers and sisters for what they had been told was a family reunion. The thirty members of the family had _ ^athprepl to celebrate. the" twenty-fifth anniversary of Roy and Isabelle, however, which was observed jointly with Roy's brother's anniversary. Nancy and Cecil Vogts and son. Eddie, will be residents of the Lake now that Cecil is out of service. They are looking for a house Carol Swanson received her gold pin for four years of playing in the school band at the banquet held Tuesday night. A week ago at the choral banquet she was awarded a four •year chorus; pin- «nd blue and red ribbons for state and district contests. DRIVER LICENSE ACTION Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier has announced the following actions by the drivers' license division of his office, affecting residents of McHenry county: Revocations, James Caples, Cary. driving while intoxicated; suspensions, Hans Braaten and Warren Rowe, Woodstock, and Ralph Porter, Crystal Lake, three offenses; Betty January. Crystal Lake, caused or contributed to an accident resulting in death or injury. Hans Braaten was granted a probationary premit. Ringwood Baby Shepard 500 Club The women's 500 club was entertained in the home of Mrs. Viola Low Wednesday. A one o'clock dessert luncheon was served. High score werit to Mrs. Pete Sebastian and low to Mrs. Oscar Berg. Farewell Party ., Mrs; Wolf Shadie; ^entertained Mr! and Mrs. Arnold Reinke and son of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ludwig Ortlieb and family at dinner Sunday as a farewell to her, husband, Wolf Shadle, who will leave May 30 for a trip to Germany to visit relatives. Party a Month 4-lH 'Tit The party a month 4-H $fu(i met at the church Thursday evening. Mrs. Swanson, chairman of the Ringwood Horn? Bureau, helped the girls make rag yarn negro dolls as one of their handicraft articles for this year. Susan Fossum, Donna Low and Ida Mae Walkington gave talks on baby sitting. Susan Fossum and Susan Low had table decorations. Their theme was graduation and their nut cups were like mortar board caps. Bonnie Bruce had charge of invitations. Donna Low and Linnea Larson had refreshments? Donna Holcomb brought ice cream to her birthday. This will he t^ie last meeting of the Riiujwtjpd Happy Hour 4-H club. forGthis year. The next meeting of Jthe Ri rig Wood Happy" CI over club, which is foods club, . will meet at the Hogan homoTM&y 29. Any boy or girl int<g£pted in joining must do so before June 1. Basketball C o a c h A r n o l d H a r v e y ' s Ringwood basketballers won the 1959 title of the Wonder Lake basketball lgagtie. The team members were Charles Sowers. Ed Skidmore, Russ Carr, Jerry Hpgan, Harry Hogan and Jay Walkington. Winning the title for the, year in a row the Rlhgwodfl team gets to keep the trophy permanently. Banquet Speaking at the Wonder Lake Basketball Leagues, ond annual banquet last| n e s d a y e v e n i n g a t t h e wood Methodist church, ^ Andy Cvercko, all tackle at Northwestern university. Mr. Cvercko, an electrical engineering student at Northwestern, told the young RENT YOUR Formal Wear for A' ll % Occasions at cJht 5tor<? •for t'l en EEM^STQVML WOODSTOCK, ILLINOIS * Jos. Fiett & Son BUILDERS $ Estab. 1926 AY ¥QIi CELEBRATION Celebrating our 50 years of RACE TIRE LEADERSHIP i Since 1909, Firestone tires have set the performance records that made racing history. Constant research and exhaustive testing on (he race track have developed the only tires that are safety-proved on the speedway for your protection ca the highway. Firestone Champion plus tax and rocappable tir» 6.70-18 BLACK, TUBE-TYPE YOUR CHOeCS [> 1f£98 • plus tax and rtcappable tir* 6.70-15 TUBE-TYPE SATt'TY CHAMPION BLACK WAU RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 VA mile east ol Fox River Bridge Phone McHenry 976 Deep Tread Ground Grip TRACTOR TIRES ALL SIZES WE ABE SPECIALISTS IN -flif-t SL FIRESTONE'S FAMOUS As Low As MY CHARGE ^TTEliY .TT^U.OO From $3 to $6 Trade-In for your Old Battery McHenry Tire Mart WALT FREUND, Prop. 526 W. Main St. PHONE: 294 McHenry, 111. men ^nd their parents of his college athletics and engineering studies. He told them that they must educate their minds as well as develop their bodies. He is entering law studies next year after playing in the All Star game in Chicago in August and with the Greenbay Packers in the fall. The league under the guidance of Rev. Burton Schroeder of Wonder Lake includes four church teams--McHenry Methodist church, Nativity Lutheran church in Wonder Lake, Greenwood Methodist church and Ringwood Met h o d i s t church.. Personals Mrs. Ben Walkington, Mrs. Louis Hawley, Mrs. Agnes Jencks and Mrs. Ruby Shepard were visitors in the JErnest Rein wall home at McHenry anH called on Mrs. Flora Harrison at Round Lake Monday afternoon. Mrs. Ansel Dewey came up from Armstrong, 111., Thursday and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walkington, went home with her to attend graduation exercises for their grandson, John Dewey, which will be Tuesday night. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brever of Lake Geneva spent Sunday with Miss Lona Brever. Pete Sebastian and Lester Carr ar^ serving on the jury at Woodstock. Mr. a {id, Mrs. Andrew Butler of Ch^tttfo spent the weekend in the B,vT. Butler home. Mrs^,.^tlfln Ainger and son, David ;q§? Hebron, spent Thursday morning with her mother, Mrs. Ruby Shepard. Mrs. B. T. Butler with a group of teachers from McHenry enjoyed dinner Thursday evetpg. R a n d a l S o n r i e m a k e r o f Champaign is visiting h i s grandparents, Mr. and Mrs- John Hogan. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and Margo helped Mrs. Tom Huemann celebrate her birthday Friday evening at her home in Johnsburg. Mrs. John Skidmore and daughter, Jackie, Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, and Trudy Oonk spent Monday evening in the Fred Bowman home, and celebrated Fred Jr's., birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Andreas and daughter, Margo, went to the Prairie Grove school Sunday to attend open house for the principal Miss Julia Pfeffer, who has taught in the same school for thirtyfive years. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel and Mrs. John Skidmore and. daughter, Jackie, spent Wednesday evening in the Russel Ehlert home at Richmond. Mrs. Ehlert remained until Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leonard of Lake Geneva, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Winn and Charles Brennan spent Friday evening in the Fred Wiedrich 'Jr., home. Mrs. ,Eugene Oxtoby spent Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Magnus Nelson at Crystal Lake. Norbert Lisk of Duck Lake was a supper guest in the Earl Kunz home Friday evening and celebrated his sister's birthday. Mr. and "Mrs. Henry Aissen and family spent Tuesday in the Ronald Rowe home at Woodstock. Mrs. Ruby Shepard was a visitor at Grayslake Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ehlert and daughter, Mabel, spent Saturday afternoon in the Tony Senkerik home at Sunnyside Estates. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Oxtoby were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pierce at Richmond. Roger Kunz spent Friday evening with friends at Woodstock. Mrs. Phelps Saunders and daughter, Georgia Mary, .returned to their home at Sycamore Friday evening after spending a few days here called by the death of her mother, Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr. Those to attend funeral services for Mrs. Fred Wiedrich, Jr., came from Brodhead, Wis., Elkhorn, Kenosha, Ft. Atkinson Lake Geneva. Anti- • ioch, Waukegan. Sycamore, Woodstock, Marengo, Harvard, Crystal Lake, Richmond, Solpn Mills, McHenry, Wonder Lake and McCullom Lake. RED CROSS WATER SAFETY PROGRAM IS DISCONTINUED jtlVERSIDE BAKE SHOP will be open from 7 a.m. til Norn DAY on You do not have to be a resident to trade in McHenry tout it helps. If things ever get back to normal we'll probably wonder what's wron£. ' Announcement was made this week that the water safety program, conducted, in the county for the past decade by the Red Cross chapter will not be held this year. According to Fred Ferris, county chairman, the program has been discontinued because the - $27,000 campaign quota was not met. According to provision of its charter, the American Red Cross is supported entirely by volunteer subscriptions, with only two mandatory services. In addition, the .organization conduct^ many permissive programs, including nursing services, first aid, water safety, etc. The latter programs can only be conducted -if the community is willing to support them. The mandatory programs include service, to the Armed Forces and dependents, veterans, and dependents, and service in tifrie of disaster. edical Mirror WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT: Note to readers: Thanks for all the nice letters. As many questions as possible will be answered in this column, but for obvious reasons replies must be brief. . f . Q. "What eon t do for bad t "SAouM a person nith glntf b r e a t h / « t h e r e a n y c u r e ? c ? m° * i v , e "P c o f f e e ? " -- H . S . Please help.'* -- An Arisona A* Pe°P,e who are untJer treatreader. merit for glaucoma should follow A. Bad breath (halitosis) is al- instructions of the attending phymost always due to some abnor- Slc,an-. . c doctcir may or may mal condition in the mouth or T0* adyise against coffee. An breathing passages. In locating . wa City physician lets his pathe trouble the physician or den- ^,en|s drink coffee, provided the tist will usually start with the ?ot, amount of fluid consumed teeth. The tonsils may then be "P1 excessive. One strong cup examined for infection. Another . ^,ee'• sa^s' ls more P®r* frequent cause of bad breath is miss'ble than several cups of infection in the nose or in the ^ea„.c0^ee- , , space behind the nose. Some " ' thought glasses tcould cases of halitosis may be due to j0**, UT. "™"ache* but they chronic disturbance in the stom- ?n L' ^ reader. ach and intestines. People trou- r' So-ca,<ed eyestrain headache bled by bad breath should seek '1 often due .to something other medical advice than mechanical conditions that Q. "Can you inherit syphilis?'* cfn be_ corrected by proper --i\o name. glasses. One eye doctor asked 50 A. No. While instances of con- P^P1® who wore glasses but still genital syphilis occur, "congeni- , headaches to cooperate in a tal" means that a condition is experiment. Ten minutes present at birth but not neces- out °J each J hour of close work sarily inherited. What usually JYas ®^v'OJe<' relaxation. Some happens in syphilis is that the l'sten^d to soft music; others just baby becomes infected from the *?. J^es a „ , mother before birth. "Prenatal" S ? monJ" or so; °/ 50 syphilis might be a better term , sufferers obtained al- •since it indicates without ques-> mQSt c°,e/- The doctor tion that infection takes place concluded that the headaches had some time before birth. " been due.t0 anxietY' tension, or stress rather than to eyestrain. Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's personal physician. Questions directed to Dr. /. D. italoEom, Science Editors, P.O. Box 396, Madison Square Station, JV. IT. 10. IV, will be incorporated in then columns when possible, v . e*A DRUG STORE GREEN ST. McHENRY. ILL. UP TO 102.73 over Foras nttrnt competitor on a fairlan* 500--any model --with heater, radio and automatic transotakMu ON WAXING with Miaimi new Diamond Lustre Finish. Its brilliant Blow is baked on to keep its beauty bright without waxint «v«r. SAVE UP TO 62.00 MORE on other accniorln. And it you mint a completely equipped car including air conditionini, save up to {219.85. SAVE ON ALUMINIZED MUFFLERS tbat mift corrosion krttar Umn aluminum itself, normally last twice as low at ordinary mufflers on other cars. SAVE WITH 66-PLATE BATTERY instead of the usual 54-ptate batflftry standard on other cars. Surer starting at no extra cost The savings were never bigger... the deals were never longer... now during BIMDEliB muss at your FORDDSMKM'S sum am THE Cconomy mym loofcvd to gtod as ths Ford Custom 300 Tudor (above) beautifully demonstrates. And the Galaxie Club Victoria (foreground) has the exciting Thunderbird kind of glamour all America goes for. Because Ford is selling the most cars, Ford Dealers are giving the best trades now during Dividend Days I Check the. dividends you-get in Ford-like those-on-the ^fiig^ Board" above and you'll agree--Fords are built for savings! Then, check the dividends you get in comfort -- like wider doors, full-depth seat springing and easy-to-reach trunk space. You'll see why tliey say, "Fnrds are-, hnilh fnr yipapfe!" N0W7- check the better deal you can get on the World s "Best Seller" during Dividend Days at your Ford Dealer'sl YouTl go Ford. 'Bond on a comparison of manufocturtrt' tuggesttd mtoil oricei Mam - EipAraRiiiY CMS ffOUD DIVISION, ^onL M0TQR COMPANY BUSS MOTOR SALE 531 Main Street Pkeae McHeaxy Check your car V* Check your driving CHECK ACCIDENTS' •t. 'iaw|a'»