Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1959, p. 16

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Page Sixteen THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Wednesday, May 27, ,1959 j McCullom Lake HONOR VETERANS AND WAR DEAD MEMORIAL DAY i Eve Levesque ; In memory of those who .served their country, special : Memorial Day services will be held at the beach with the 1 parade beginning at 11:30 a.m. I The program is being given under the auspices of the Cullom- Knoll association, with Mrs. Theresa Schultz as the permanent chairman. Our memorial park is a i beautiful one, erected some ' years ago, honoring the local ! servicemen who made the sui preme sacrifice. | All scouts, (girl, boy, oub, •and, brownies) are cordially incited to march in the parade iin uniform. Those planning to 1 march are requested to line up, ,at the beachhouse about 20 'minutes before the scheduled [time. • Colors, rifle squad, and drum ^and bugle corps will comprise I members of the McHenry ?American Legion post. Invocation will be delivered by the •Rev. Burton Schroeder, pastor 'of Nativity , Lutheran church. Wonder Lake amd the Benediction will be ^iven by Father JJohn Reuland of St. Mary's •church, McHenry. The m^tin speaker will be "William Althoff, past commander of the Legion Post. Lt. Col. John Fox will place the memorial wreath on the stone. All residents, their guests and friends are cordially in- Ivited to attend the ceremony. Ambulance Summoned Mrs. Bud Brandle, wife of one of our- police officers* required emergency treatment at McHenry hospital Friday night. She was suffering complications after the birth of her fourth child, two weeks ago. No report on her condition as of Saturday morning. Another member of the community, Mrs. "Laura Jackson, the aunt of Mrs. Earl Murray, was transported to McHenry hospital on Sunday, May 17 about 4 p.m. Because of the delightful weather, the family was gathered in the yard, when Mrs. Jackson was stricken. When she could not be revived, the ambulance \Vas summoned. Mrs. Jackson returned to the Earl Murray home on Thursday, feeling much better. ' Howling Dogs 'Are fine in mystery stories, lending a great deal of suspense, but when you have to listen to them in real life, they can be mighty unpleasant. A ccmplaint has been received from the area of the beach about howling cafiines. Perhaps a word to the owners in PRINT will convince them that the neighbors are being annoyed. Surely something can be done about it! Several garbage cans have been knocked over by dogs running loose. This is in strict violation of a village ordinance. Confine your pet before he costs you money! "Tasty Pastry" ' And duds for all ages will Tbe offered for sale1 on Saturday, June 6 when the Ladies of the Lake hold their ever .popular bake and rummage isale in the beachhouse. Merchandise will be available after ;10 a.m. The women of the comtmunity are requested to bring 'articles of clothing or other '.items to the beachhouse on Thursday afternoon or evening, so that all of it may be sorted jand catalogued. Bakery goods may be brought in early Saturday morning. The funds realized from the 'sale has been earmarked to ^purchase larger and better 'gate signs. We want to ADVERTISE our village. Will you Shelp? * Mrs. Mary Kantorski is the ^chairman in charge with all the other women of the organisation assisting. Should be a huge success. Ladles of the Lake The women will have a meeting and social on Thursday, tomorrow night, May 28 at 8 p.m. in the beachhouse to make final arrangements for the bake and rummage sale. All women of the community are cordially invited to attend. . Sorry to Report That Mrs. Pete Nichols, (Evelyn) is gravely ill in McHenry hospital. She was taken to the hospital Friday morning. The Nichols' who reside on Fountain Lane have no children. No Place Like Home Pearl Nersted and her two growing children, Karen and Rickie, were house guests at the home of close friends, Jean and Bill Reid last week. They arrived from the city by bus on Thursday, and returned to Chicago on Saturday night, preparatory to returning to their home in Florence, Ala., on Monday morning. According to Pearl's own story, she never realized how "Homey" McCullom Lake was--until she McHENRY FIRE DEPARTMENT'S STATION NO. 1 4th ANNUAL ANNIVER DAN( FRIDAY, MAY 29. 1959 9 P.M. -- 'TIL E Round and Square Dancing Music by BOB FREUND and his Orchestra McHENRY AMERICA IE Food & Refreshments Public Invited URIKHANHE HIT (SW3) STORM-SCREE.1. WINDOWS O CLEANS FROM THE INSIDE -- Washing windows is a snap. Tilt-in construction permits cleaning of each section from the inside without removing inserts. • COMPLETELY SELF-STORING -- Ends back breaking changeovers from winter to summer and eliminates storage problems. You get winter and summer comfort in one compact unit. • ALCOA RUGGED EXTRUDED ALUMINUM -- Finest aircraft aluminum to last a house-time. O STREAMLINE DESIGN -- Designed for beauty and durability. Silver-satin finish harmonizes with every style of architecture. Enhances the beauty of your home. • TRIPLE CHANNEL CONSTRUCTION -- Each insert rides smoothly in its own channel. Excellent ventilation from top or bottom. O GLASS REPLACEMENT -- Glass inserts sealed with vinyl plastic. Broken glass can easily be replaced. e SCHLEGEL WEATHKRSEAL -- Noise free, wear free, draft free operation. Reduces condensation. Saves up to 40% on fuel bills. Silicon treated schlegel for easy gliding smoothness. It lubricates itself ... is completely water resistant. 0 WELDED CORNERS -r-- For maximum strength and complete weatherproofing. For Beauty, Long Life, Las' Prelection, install Sesssra All McHENRY WINDOW, ttt. had to move away. The Nersteds have completed the transactions on seljing their home on East Lane. That was the reason for the jaunt. While Pearl was here, she and Jean "did the town" which included getting a most becoming new cioffure for Pearl. Must obtain the name of her hairdresser! Happy To Report That Mrs. Fran Liston returned home from McHenry hospital last week--minus the cumbersome cast that she has been wearing since her automobile accident the end of January. Still a long way to recovery but she is making- remarkable progress. Little League The preliminary organizational meeting was held last Tuesday at the beach with almost thirty young lads ready and willing to "play ball!" Managers include Bill Hyatt, Ed Crick and Mervvyn Schmitt. More men are needed to help guide the youngsters. There will be a practice game at the beach tonight (Wednesday) at 6:30 p.m. If your young boy wants to play, there is still time to get him registered. Call Bill Hyatt at 3123 for further information. Off fX The Deep Woods Torsten (Whitey) Bjork and Harold Jensen left on Monday for some serious fishing in the game region of Canada. Their destination was Konora or Sioux Narrows. They plan to be gone about 2 weeks. Here's hoping they bring home the "bacon", and watch out for wild bears! ed the K.G. convention whicfc included all of the Illinois area. Present .were about rtoio. gates arid approximately 350 wives. Art, who is a' Past Grand Knight, was a delegate. During their absence, young son, Stevie, made himself right at home with maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Chris ^vore of Maple Hill Drive. Daughter D. D. Levesque proved an admirable patient on Friday when she. required an "operation" on her finger for an infection. Her mother was most proud of her behavior. D. D. had a "ball" showing off the bandage to all her chums! Spring Grove iri.--ilAO ^ RECEPTION FOR NEW MEMBERS by Mrs. Charles Freund They Were "Clobbered"!! After a wonderful start in which the McCullom Lake Softball team was ahead with a margin of 4-0 something "hoppened". Their opponents were 'Bimbo's team (a hary adversary) and they played last night at the V.F.W. field. The final score--ugh! was 16- 7.Their best just wasn't good i enough that night!, Here's hoping we see a great improvement in the next game. We're still counting on that trophy, fellows! Suffers Dog Bite David Hyatt, 9 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hyatt of Maple Hill Drive, was bitten under the arm by a dog in the village last Thursday, after school. He required treatment from a local doctor. According to the tags the dog was wearing, he had been inoculated for rabies. It seems as though the pet had been tied, but had been released by one of the owner's children. Attend K.C. Convention Marge and Art Nelson drove to Rockford last Sunday and remained until Tuesday night during which time they attend- Members of the Christian Mothers' sodality met for their May meeting at St. Peter's parish hall on Thursday night. Installation of officers was held and reception of new members. The new members are Mrs. Tony Lombardo, Mrs. Norman Krieske, Mrs. Aon Miller and Mrs. Brandt of Fox Lake. Plans were discussed for a bake sale to be held' May 31, Sunday morning from 7 a.m. to noon in the parish hall. A card party and luncheon was also announced for sometime in June. Services were held in church after the meeting. A delicious pot-luck supper was served in the hall at the beginning of the evening. Special Occasions Mrs. Elmer Kanak, a summer resident, marked her natal day on Tuesday, May 19. Lil and Mark Ringelstetter chalked up 13 years of wedded bliss on Friday, May 22. As usual, the "groom" was on the road, but arrived home on Saturday. Mark presented his beloved with a gorgeous wide wedding band, which was made over from her two rings. Lovely setting! r Happy birthday is in brder for Mrs. Marge Olsen and Ben Gates who are Memorial Day children. It will be 17 years in "double harness" for Virginia and Frank Parkhurst also on Saturday, May 30. Natal day greetings are in order for 'teenster Cynthia Tomasello and Mrs. Bill (Petey) Schmidt of Fountain Lane on Monday, June 1. Twins Gerald and Gregory (daddy) Burg will be genuine "39ers" also on Monday, June 1- x. - ' • The Ronald Wilsons wilj be observing their wedding anniversary on Tuesday, June 2. Best wishes to all. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Robert May are the happy parents of a baby girl weighing seven pounds born Tuesday, May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Charles May are the proud grandparents. Happy Birthday Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monhardt who botji haVe birthdays this month. Mr. Monhardt on the seventeenth and Mrs. Monhardt on the eighteenth. Happy birthday too, to Pat Rinda, Richie Mc- Govern and Charles Hofmann. (Last Week's News) A large class of first communicants received their first Holy; Communion during the eight o'clock mass at St. Peter's church Sunday morning. Bishop Loras T. Lane will confer the Holy Sacrament of Confirmation to children and adults of the parish ~who have not as yet been confirmed. This solemn service will be held on Wednesday night, May 20 at 7:30. OPClf mPTIC SWFIil FAST NO DIGGINGI Christian Mothers Meet On Thursday night members of the Christian Mothers sodality will meet at St. Peter's parish hall. Reception of new members and installation of officers will be held at this meeting. New officers to be installed will be Mrs. Arthur Kattner as president and Mrs. • Dlfi«lv«t ilvdgt, grease, or waste • ©pens (Itggid ®?0!nSlolds • Easy t« apply ©IT o I BOYli Septic TanEk turner ACE HARDWARE PHONE 722 ISO X. Riverside Dr. McHenry DR. HENRY FtEUNB OPTOMETRIST At 136 S. Sireei, McHenry (Closed"A&rs&ay Afternoons) EYES EXAMINED - GLASSES FITTED VISUAL TRAINING -- VISUAL REHABILITATION COMPLETE VISUAL ANALYSIS HOURS: DAILY j) TO 12 A.M. and 1 TO 5 P.M. FRIDAY EVENINGS: 6:00 TO 8:30 P.M. EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT PHONE McHENRY 452 Rt. lio - Kent Kd. Phone: 2055 Kent Acres McHenry, 111. DO YOU WANT • TO MAKE M0MIY? • An interesting pr©f@ssi@on? • To be assured of a steady ine@sne? x - • To have an independent future? ^ Of course you do! What person does not? We all want these things and here they are within easy reach at McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE. This is the one and only profession that offers all these advantages in great abundance, in good times or in bad, and is the most profitable profession open to Men and Women which can be learned vin the shortest pericd of time. There is a definite shortage of Beauticians. Why not take advantage of this golden opportunity? Here at McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE we prepare you so that you can command the very best of positions. Your training is very thorough and practical and for that reason our graduates are in great demand. Your earnings as a Beautician will depend upon your training; therefore at our school, you will receive the best and finest supervised training for the least cost. ;i i - TRAIN AT McHENRY SCHOOL OF BEAUTY CULTURE FOR A PROFESSION OF LIFETIME SECURITY! mJ4.nrv •School o/ $eautty (Culture Phone 1403 or 3115 Alvera Borre as secretary. Services will be held in church after the meeting. A pot luck supper will be served, all those attending are asked to bring a dish to pass. . Ushers Meet Rev. John Dalieden and the ushers met at the home of Norman , Schneider on Wednesday night. It was announced that the bowling banquet would be held on Wednesday, May 27 in the parish hall. There were cards and refreshments were served. Birth Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hofmann are the happy parents of a baby girl, weighing 5 lbs. 12 oz., born at St. Therese's hospital, Waukegan, on Friday, May 15. The baby has been named Dorothy Louise. Club Meets Mrs. Anne Huff entertained members of h®- club on Thursday afternoon. Cards were played and prizes went to. Mrs. Anne Huff, Mrs. Mame Tinney, Mrs. Mary Nimsgern, Mrs; Josephine May and Mrs. Emma May. A delicious lunch was served after cards. Visitor Mrs. Rose Winn of Chicago is spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Stevens. Graduation Graduation exercises for the graduates of Spring Grove school was held Tuesday night, May 19 at the auditorium in Richmond- Burton high school. This year's graduates are Bob Lay, Jack Gritzuk, Wayne Roeder and Georgianne Sanders. Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Freund of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scheil, son, Bobby, of North Chiacgo were supper .VOW". . . It s (rone Modem BIRD SEED IN CANS (Vacuum Packed) ^ The modern "look" -- cans ^ § that won't leak, get soggy, ^ ^ fall over, spill out, squush-- ^ ? that seal in the freshness, ^ j- flavor, natural oils, vitamins. ^ Evr-Fresh ; Top quality seed for your ^ ? parakeet or canary as fresh ^ .as* the harvest Just punch ^ ;(with any beverage can open- ^ : er) and pour. ^ your Birds Will Love If/, BOLGER'S guests in <the George Waspi home. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gathman and baby daughter of Chicago spent Sunday with the Frank Tinneys. Some of those who entertained in honor of their first communicants were the Ray Mays, the Roy Borres, and the Bob Amores. Guests in the William Shotliff home were Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stevens of Maywood and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wiltgen of Chetek, Wis. House Warming A group of friends pleasantly surprised Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nimsgern at their home on Sunday evening. A potluck supper was served and a social evening was enjoyed. Those to make up this gathering were the Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brown, Lawrence Nimsgern, Allen Pierce, Bob Lent, Shim Karls, Dan Miller, Royce Bosselman and Frank May. Picnic The patrol boys and girls of Spring. Grove school enjoyed a picnic at Woodstock park on Thursday, May 14. PTA Members of the PTA and the teachers of Spring Grove school were entertained at the home of Mrs. Charles Class on Wednesday, May 20. TAX EXTENSION Extension of taxes in some townships in the county was completed on Tuesday of this week. The rates in McHenry were not released until after the Plaindealer deadline on Wednesday. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice of Proposed. Change In Gas Schedule NORTHERN IL L I N O I S GAS COMPANY hereby gras notice to the public that it Ms filed with the Illinois Commerce Commission on May 12, 1959, proposed rate revisions .which provide for: "(\1) A $1.00 Tminimum monthly charge for general residential Rate 1 customers and general Rate 4 customers using very small amounts of gas and now paying a minimum charge of 70c per month, and ^ (2) a general rate reductroi in the Company's Bloomington District. Further information with respect thereto may be obtained either directly from this Company or by, addressing the Secretary of the Illinois Commerce Commission at Springfield, Illinois. A copy of the proposed change in the schedule may inspected by any interested party at any business office of this Company. NORTHERN ILLINOIS GAS COMPANY By W. J. Crowley Vice-President and Comptroller (Pub. May 21-27, 1959) HOLD HEARING - On June 2, at 3 p.m. in the city hall of McHenry, Arthur and Margaret Eberhardt will seek a variation to remodel a home which is now non-comforming. The property is located on Pistakee Bay. Your Savings Do Better AT MARENGO FEDERAL Above average Dividend rate 3%% All accounts insured up to $10,000.00 by# Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation Stability of Principal always -- no fluctuations All customers and dollars are treated alike. There is no special or preferred class. Open an account any time, in anjr amount SAfinrof Mar igo Federal Savings AND LOAN ASSOCIATION MARENGO, ILLINOIS 102 N. Stale Si. Phone JOrdan 8-7258 Total Assets^ Over $10,000,000.00 Jeep 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES 00 MORE PLACES.. . because they're completely engineered for 4-wheel drive "go-anywhere" traction, not just 2-wheel drive conversions or modifications. DO MORE JOBS... Haul heavy loads on or off the road, even in bad weather! With power take-off, they supply mobile power to operate special equipment COST LESS TO OWN ...Long life, low upkeep and high resale value save you money. A 2-year-old Universal 'Jeep' commands up to 90% of original factory list price. W E3P5 mil i LlZVEHICLES BY WILLYS MOTORS...WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURER OF 4-WHEEL DRIVE VEHICLES .. .ont of Iht graving KAISER tadustrlw Com© lira f@r a demonstration. Tune-In UAVIBI^ Sunday Evenings, 6:30 P.M. McrSHINlY ©MAGE 600 Front St. PHONE 403 McHenry, I1L

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