®Pag® Two THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER gfPfffPIP1! Wednesday, May 27, 1^9 Patricia Greig's Engagement Told Mr. and Mrs. Sam Tomasello of Pistakee Bay last Sunday announced the engagement of her daughter, Patricia Greig. to Dennis Ansell. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ansell of Sunnyside Beach. There are no immediate plans for the wedding. Miss Gr£ig is a senior in the local high school and her fiance is stationed in Savanna, Ga., with the Air Force. abel Thompson and their committee. ; Because of other activities occurring during the first week in June, the gathering on June 4 will be social instead of the usual business meeting. Clare Olson and Theresa Steffen will be in charge. MONICA WEVER, RONALD BECKER WED SATURDAY Community To Meet June 1 The next meeting of the Johnsburg Community club will be held Monday, June 1, at 8:30 p.m. At this meeting, arrangements for the annual carnival consideration and all members are urged to attend. Refreshments will be served The Community Methodist church was the scene of a lovely wedding at 3 o'clock on Saturday, May 23, when Miss Monica Wever of Oakhurst subdivision, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wever of Chicago Heights, became the bride of Mr. Ronald Becker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker of 123 Riverside Drive, McHenry. Rev. George W. Martin officiated at the ceremony. Mrs. Verna Schlofner presided at the organ, with Earl Conway as vocal soloist. Church , h Qb Joaine Fedders^ decorations included vases of | c. ^ , ^ • McHehry Hospital r_ Patients at McHenry hdspital this past week were Theodore Ebert of Skokie; Salvatore Fanella of Hometown; M a u r i c e G l a d s t o n e , H a r r y Brady, Patricia Chrisman, James Miller, Katherine Worts, David Patryas, Carol LaBay, Scott Wilhelm, Roberta Houck, Evelyn Nickols, Harriet Rohar, Anna Kaeuffl, John Nett and Margaret Henne of McHenry; Dolly Medine of Fox Lake; Joassorted white flowers and white satin bows on the pews. The pretty, blonde bride chose a white imported chan- •tilly, lace • dress, styled .with long sleeves, V-neck line,- seed will be taken "under *farls on the, and at the waist, and scalloped on the bottom of the floor length dress. Her crown was of white Announcement was made at an open house held at the Tomasello home. Guests at the announcement party were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ansell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jost and family of Sunnyside; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ansell. Jr., and family and Mr. and Mrs. Qeorge, Branda and family of Wisconsin;"""Mr. and M r s . A m b r o s e S h a r p a t a a n d family of Broadview; John Sharpata, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ward and family, Dick Ward, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Tomasello and family and Mr. and Mrs. Eric Muecke and family of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Tomasello and family of Mcllom Lake; Mrs. Doris Roberts of Pistakee; Mr. and Mrs. Hal Paul of Johnsburg; Larry Fortin of Crystal Lake and Edwin Walker of Winnepeg, Canada. Pm pfert mann, George Hiller, Leo Hiller, Norbert Hiller, Ben Hilrler, Ted Hammer and John Herdrich. Edna Robel Heads is Woman's Auxiliary The Woman's auxiliary, of St. Paul's Episcopal church of McHenry held annual election of officers at the May meeting. Officers are Edna Robel. president; Nancy Piatt, vice-president; Boots Davies, secretary; Lucille S t e w a r t, treasurer; Jean Heizelman, social secretary; Lee Lockhart, publicity chairman. All lady members of St. Paul's are invited to attend meetings, which are held on the first Thursday of each month at 8 o'clock at St. Paul's Episcopal church. The auxiliary expressed gratefulness to those who attended the rummage sale. Install Officers Of Classroom Teachers JThe McHenry Classroom Tfeachers' association met Moiidgy" 'dfl<ji nuuir at the Edgebrook school, with president Myrtle Proctor presiding. ^Following a short business Meeting, Mrs. Eleanor Foley, p j j n c i p a l a t E d g e b r o o k , w a s iiitroduced as installing officer and the following were then installed as officers for the 1959-1960 school year: President, Mrs. Stella Rortvet; vicepnpsident, Mrs. Millie Reese; setretary, Miss June Sohegian; treasurer, Bob Brunswick. jSServing with these officers on the executive board are Mfrs. Vera Ward, Mrs. Mary Cdnnelly and John Armstrong. Mrs. Rortvet, president-elect, h i s b e e n o n t h e M c H e n r y teaching staff for the past two yejars and is one of the fifth grade instructors at the Landmark school. Following the appointment of, various committee chairmen and discussion of new business, the meeting was adjourned. by Fred Huemann, Tom Hue- oran§e blossoms, fashioned of 'pearls, with an illusion, elbow length veil. Her pearl earrings and choker were gifts of the groom. Carol Lee Prat her of Oakhurst subdivision, a friend of the bride, acted as maid of honor and Pat Wever of Chicago Heights, her sister, and Barbara Becker of McHenry, sister of the groom, were bridesmaids. All were attired similarly, the maid of honor in ballet blue and the other attendants in romance blue. They wore street length dresses of silk organza, with bouffant skirts and tiny velvet bands around the waist. They wore open crown hats of velvet and pearls, with pearl veiling. Their flowers were cascade bouquets of white feather carnations and pink sweetheart roses. Robert Becker served his brother as best man and groomsmen were Dick Becker, another brother, and Bernard Hamil, a friend, all of McHenry. The bride's mother was attired in a champagne lace dress, matching hat and shoes and white gloves. Mrs. Becker wore a blue lace dress. Both had white corsages. Also in attendance was the groom's grandmother. Mrs. Henry Becker, of Woodstock. About 200 relatives and friends attended the reception at 7:30 o'clock at the V.F.W. clubhouse in McHenry, with Terry Becker in Charge of the guest book. Preceding the reception, members of the wedding party and their families gathered at the Robert Becker home for a cocktail hour. The couple left for a trip to Niagara Falls and through the eastern states, after which they will live at 103 Main street, McHenry. The bride is a graduate of Bloom Township high school in Chicago Heights. The groom attended the local high school and is employed at Althoff's Heating, McHenry. CHURCHES UNITE TO CONDUCT DAILY VACATION SCHOOL The Community Methodist church and Faith Presbyterian church will conduct a combined daily vacation Bible school June 15 through 26 at the Community Methodist church. All children^, are welcome who have completed kindergarten through sixth grade. A registration fee of one dollar per child (not to exceed two dollars per family) will be requested. The sessions will be held week day afternoons from 1 to 3:30 p.m., based on the theme, "Following Jesus". They will be carried out through worship, craft work, discussion, games and singing. One of the highlights will be a picnic for the entire school. Registrations will be accepted at the Community Methodist church, phone 931, or F a i t h P r e s b y t e r i a n c h u r c h , phone 3454. The deadline is June 7. SHOP IN McHENRY Since the world began, peace has always been all dressed up with no place to go. C.D. of A. Holds Social Meeting The Catholic Daughters of America had a social meeting last Thursday evening. , Winners in canasta were Jean Driscoll and Frances Schmitt. and in pinochle, Margaret Blake, Rose Huemann and Ann Rodenkirch. Refreshments were served by Helen Smith and Is- To Pay ANK tare of Interest Don Howard, Mgr. GEM 1-HOUR CLEANiKS 817 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza INVITES YOU To Stop In And Learn How You SAVE $ $ , with GEM'S Trading Card Plan The Board of Directors of the McHenry State Bank has approved a 50% increase in the interest rate on savings accounts effective July 1st, the Bank will boost the rate from r2% to 3% per annum. The new rate of 3% is the maximum amount of interest allowed by law. The maximum amount of interest which commercial banks are permitted to pay is set by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank. The increase will benefit more than 7,000 savings customers with an accumulated savings in excess of $6,000,000.00 according to figures released by the Bank. The new higher earning rate is in keeping with the Bank's policy of giving savings customers the highest possible rate of return consistent with maximum safety and liquidity. It is hoped that thrift will be encouraged and savings deposits stimulated because of this additional incentive to save. The average individual not only benefits himself from a program of saving but will be helping to suppress inflation tendencies. The McHenry State Bank which ha£ been serving the McHenry community since 1906 is McHenry County's largest financial institution with resources in excess of $14,000,000, and is a member of both the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Alve Swanson, Grace Jensen, Michael Clark, Donald Greenhill and Betty CoSs of Crystal Lake; Frances Liston, Ethyl Brendle and Louis Block of McCullom Lake; James Gallagher of Johnsburg; Mary Larson of Oak Lawn; Genevieve Dietzel of Chicago; Estelle Beck, of Round Lake. : Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Wobdstock, this past week included Nicola Bivona, Margaret Baker and Eleanor Barwig of McHenry and Elizabeth Bird of Wonder Lake. Harvard Hospital Robert Cameron was a pa- WED MAY 10 IMS DeWane Studio Photo THE TOM SMITHS Before her marriage Jo Tom Smith of Woodstock on Saturday, May 10, in St. Patrick's church, McHenry, this lovely bride was Miss Josephine Freund, daughter of , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Freund of Freund avenue. IN MEMORIAM In memory of our beloved wife, mother and grandmother , . . Rose Justen who passed away tienb at Harvard hospital this three years ago on May 29, past week. HAIRDRESSERS IN LAST MEETING OF SEASON JUNE 3 T h e N o r t h w e s t S u b u r b a n Unit, No. 47, of the Illinois Hairdressers and Cosmetologists association will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, June 3, at 8 p.m. in the Lake Zurich hotel. The May meeting was a fine success, with members selecting their own "styling body". D i s t i n g u i s h e d j u d g e s c a m e from DeKalb, and also Albert Martin of Mount Prospect. The four winners were Ruth Montgomery and Dorothy Gilmore of Arlington Heights, Dale Blau of Lake Zurich and Adeline Pedersen of Riverside Hairstyling, McHenry. The guest for the last meat ing for the summer is Sam Terry of Oak Park, a member of the Styling Body, state contest winner, and a manufacturer's representative. Neighbor home at Rock Island; 4 IN MEMORIAM In memory of its departed members, Fox River Valley Camp No. 3251, R.N.A. sends a gift of money to tfce Roy allotments arid their efficient kicrKiHrfeV* Knmn of PapU TftlaMjrlV i • 1956. We often think of those happy days When we were all together. Your loving sfTTife and your cheerful ways. But now you've left us with loneliness. Our eyes shed many a tear. God only knows how we miss you Your memory will live in our hearts forever. *4 Loving husband, son, daughter and grandchildren CHURCH NOTICE j Members of St. Paul's Episcopal church are reminded that during the month of June, Fr. Fish will be on vacation. Fr. Klein, new dean of St. Anne's church in Woodstock, will take any emergency calls. His phone number is Woodstock 2638, where he may be reached in serious illness or other emergency. --A CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank everyone who assisted in extinguishing the fire in our hotel. The prompt answer to our call by the McHenry, Lakeupor and Johnsburg fire de- Trouble is only opportunity dressed in work clothes. service was greatly appreciated. »4 Riverside Hotel Management May 30 Memorial Day Dinner5-- Ringwood Methodist Church -- Benefit Building Fund -- Serving Noon to 2 p.m. June 9 O.E.S. Stated Meeting (parcel post sale) 8 p.m. -- Masonic Hall. June 13 Broadway Musical Comedy Revue by Ann Varese -- High School Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. -- Sponsored by McHenry Womep's Club. Youth Group Social -- Christ the King Parish Hall -- Penny Social for Family. June 19-20-21 Country Art Fair -- Junior High School -- Sponsored by Women's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Guffey of Richmond are the parents of a daughter, born May 21 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. „ A son was born May 22 at Harvard hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Smola of Wonder Lake. * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Birnbaum of Island Lake welcomed a son at Memorial hospital on May 19. Mr. and Mrs. William Keller became the parents of a son, born May 23 at Memorial hospital.- A daughter was born May 23 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. James „ Cornstock of Wonder Lake welcomed a boy at Harvard hospital on May 24. IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of our daughter, Barbara T r i p 1 e 11 (Wilkes), who died May 30, 1958. We love you and miss you. 4 Her Family The silkworm and printing aren't the onjy things the Chinese have introduced to the world. The Chinese used rockets in warfare more than 700 years ago, before western inventors knew how to make gunpowder. Claire Beauty Shoppe 200 S. Green St. McHenijy 10 Bargain Priced Permanents SWEDISH MASSAGE STEAM BATHS PATRICIA STEVENS COSMETICS Mitt smrns „_r ©W DISF SEE THEM WO OVER 70 PUMPS IW EASY TERMS McHawry W«fl & Pump Co* WELLS DRILLED OB DHIVER W« Bib 111 md Sendee ALL tUBD «tf IHIVft Loited ta &• Vfllsgo oS EScCoDom Lib 2% mi. JSVSTEL PHOHE 719 McHENRY Established Since 1906 Interest Paid On Savings Deposits Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Member Federal Reserve System PHONE 1040 OBITUARIES REAL WOM-MIMIMi KPI1« Custom Built in Your Home for Much, Much Less than You Would ExpecS to P*y American Hearth opens a completely new concept in real wood burning fireplace!. Now you can afford the beauty and pleasure of a natural fireplace without expensive alterations to your walls or floors. . . . Any wall, any room ... no room too small. American Hearth has developed a new way to build fireplace fronts. Your choice of styles and stone or wood panel fronts. Free charcoal grill with each order. . American Hearth takes pleasure in introducing Mr. Robert Mlchmerl as their exelusive-representative of the Chain O' Lakes area. MAUd A. CLARK Friends paid final tribute last Saturday, May 23, to Mrs. Maud Abbot Clark, 79, who died in Memorial 'hospital, Woodstock, Wednesday evening, May 20. She had been a patient there for only a few days. Rev. J. Eddy of the Greenwood Methodist church officiated at last rites, with burial in Ringwood cemetery. The deceased was born in the Ostend community on June 18, 1879, and had been a resident of the area her entire lifetime. She is survived by her husband, Clyde; thrjee daughters, Alice and Leta Clark and Mrs. Eleanor Nickels; a son, Gordon; and six grandchildren, all residing near the family home. The body rested at the Peter M. Justen funeral home, where last rites were held. RANDOLPH RUSSELL The Highland Shores community at Wonder Lake joined the family of Randolph Edward Russell, 18, in mourning the young man's death, which occurred Sunday evening, May 24, in Illinois Research hospital, Chicago. Death followe,d a short illness which began while he was a student at the University of Illinois. He was a 1958 graduate of the Woodstock high school. The deceased was born Jan. 9, 1941, in Chicago. He is survived by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Russell; one brother, Richard, 20; two sisters, Sally, 16, and Susan, 10; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hubbard, and the paternal grandfather, Thomas Russell, of Chicago. ? Services are being held Wednesday at 10 o'clock at Christ the King church, with burial in the church cemetery. The body has been resting at the George Justen & Son funeral home. 1 Mrs. Ronald Berry of Wonder Lake, Daniel Scott and Boil* nie Lu Berry, died shortly after birth in Sherman hospital. Graveside rites were held Mon»- day afternoon, May 25, in McHenry County Memorial Park cemetery. Besides the parents, tfiii twins are survived by a broils er, Ronald Lee; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and MnS: Clarence Nielsen of Crystsd Lake atnd the paternal grandparents, Lee Berry of Crystal Lake and Lorraine Whaples of Lakemoor. STUDENT FACES CHARGE* John Harper, 23, whose address has been listed as Mc<J Henry, was one of two? MicWgan State university students1 reported under arrest at East Lansing, Mich., on charges of' possessing narcotics. T h e y1 were said to have been arrested by state police in a raid on an apartment?. Ten pounds of marijuana valued at $30,000 was reported seized after the students made a sale to police informer, who said it was rolled into cigarets that sdHl each. RECEIVES SENTENCE Judge William Carroll last Friday sentenced Earl Rush-*' more, 50, of Fox Lake to on^ to three years in Statevillfe: penitentiary. He was brought11 into circuit court for allegedly having forged the name of Louis Pitzen to a check for cashed at the Worts Sincls station in McHenry some time ago. BERRY TWINS The twin babies of Mr. and 3% IMTBtEST On All Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1, 1959 PHOTO PRINTING AND DEVELOPING 24 HOUR SERVICE J AT BOLGER'S Call McHenry 1717 after 6 .p.m. o r call TErrace 2-3432 collect. Gnyn "X(\GL Now Through June 10th As An Introductory OU /0 offer To The chai,, o'Lakes Area. AMERICAN HEARTH CO. "Horn® Is Where tho H«arth It" W«t Hem* Avf„ Villa Park, III. Call Collect TErraea 1-1432 CLOSET THIS SUMMER BY USING OUR BOX STORAGE FOR BULKY WHITER WOOLENS i Don't wait too long to notify us as our vault storage space is rapidly filling to ^ capacity. phone 927 AND WE'LL RESERVE SPACE FOR YOUR WOOLENS RAINBOW CLEANERS Around Corner North of National Tea „ N. FRONT ST. ~ McHENRY, IIX. ( f PHONE 927 Open Dally 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. -- Fridays 'til 9 P.M. ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE >ARKING AT RAINBOWS DRIVE-lN INSURED FUR STORAGE "i