Wednesday, Maf 27, 1&59 THE McHERKT PLAINDEALER Page Three PERSONALS < Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Engdahl spent the May 17 weekend in the home of Lt. and Jack Pepping and little son, Gerald, in Grand Rapids, Minn., where the former enjoyed the opening of the fishing season and made a good catch. From there Mr. Engdahl went to Washington, D. C., where he spent the past week on business. On Saturday, the Engdalhs left for Mobile, Ala., pn a combined business" and pleasure trip. j^)ut-of-town visitors in the home of Mrs. Zena Bacon the past week included Mr. and Mrs. Louis McDonald of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wright of Ringwood. - Mrs. Hetty Reichow of Chicago spent a few days in the Robert Thompson home. Elmer Hopper of Genoa City, Wis., was a MeHenry caller Saturday. ^Hartin Cooney returned^last week from Seattle, Wash., where he was called by the death of his brother-in-law, Lawrence Retz. Enroute home, he visited in the home of his son, John, and family in Pocatello, Idaho. He made the trip by plane. Richard Hayes and son, Robeft, of Chicago visited his mother, Mrs. Edith Hayes, Sati^ ay evening. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Klontz gv-spent the weekend in the home their daughter in Pearson, ^*Wis. Mrs. James Rainey of Genoa Cily, Wis., visited her sister, Mrs. Gerald Newman, Saturday. cago Visited Thomas Kane Sunday. He returned recently from a six months trip in which he visited relatives and friends in various places. He spent some time with the James Boyle family, former MeHenry residents, in Jacksonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. George Steilen of Chicago spent a few days with MeHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Williams and Mrs. Mike Degen accompanied by Mrs. Fred Smith of Johnsburg visited Sister Lambert at St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. Walter Warner and daughter, Mrs. Harry Fredericksen of Elgin,, visited MeHenry relatives Thursday. Mrs. Annabel Aicher spent a few days last week in Peoria, where she \vas~ called by the death of her sister-in-law,, Mrs. Lena Riebschlager. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Williams and grandson. Jay Doherty, were New Munster, Wis., visitors Sunday. The Dr. Ben J. Massonda family is now residing at 702 Center street in the place recently vacated by the . R. J. Schnulle family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Frisby and children, Ginger, and Donnie, of Chicago, were Sunday visitors in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Mrs. Tena Kist of N^hicago spent the weekend with\ her sisters, Mrs. Kathr.yn Worts and Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. Mrs. Annabelle Aicher and Miss Clara Miller attended the style show sponsored by St. Peter and Paul's church of Cary, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Smith rej turned Friday from a three i Mr. and Mris. Kenneth Mur- weeks auto trip through the ray of Mundelein. called on MeHenry relatives Saturday. . "Airs. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Raymond Powers attended :the funeral of Mrs. Ella Beebe Gaulke, an old time MeHenry resident, at the Pierce- Bier funeral home at Woodstock Thursday afternoon. Mrs. HolEis Coomer returned to her home in Los Angeles, Calif., Saturday, after west. They sepnt some time with their son, Earl and family, in Fort Worth, Texas and visited several places of interest in California. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Creamer newlyweds, are making their home in the apartment in the former Wattles Building vacated by the Andrew McCarrolls who moved to Riverside Drive. Chicago and the Eugene Mendel family of Westchester visited in the Art Smith home on South Green street Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfons Adams and daughter, Joyce, were supper guests in the Ray Walsh home in Fox Lake Sunday evening. Mrs. Paul Gerasch, Mrs. Anton Williams and Miss Betty Weber paid their last respects' to Mrs. Clara Weideman Fredricks at the O'Connor funeral home in Elgin Friday. Mrs. Agnes Nieman and daughter, Mary Kay, were Sunday visitors in the George Smith homg near Harvard. Mrs. Mabel Powers attended a gathering at the Sibre Whiting home near Johnsburg, Sunday, honoring her granddaughter, Joafine Whiting, who was confirmed at St. John's church that day. Other guests were the Leonard Burge family and Miss Norma Whiting, Grayslake, and the George Smith family of Woodstock. Among the local folks who attended the wake or funeral of Mrs. James Carey of Twin Lakes, Wis., who died in the Burlington hospital Thursday night were: Mrs. Wallace Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dobyns, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Carey, Mr. and Mrs. John Doherty, Mrs. Agnes Doherty, Misses Florence and Evelyn Carey, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Purvey, Mrs. Richard Fleming, Mrs. R. J. Overton and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl. Twice Told Tales LICENSE SUSPENSIONS According to Secretary of State Charles F. Carpentier, the driver's license of Alvin II. Zimmerman of Harvard has been suspended for three offenses and the licenses of August Danuser of Woodstock and Henry Merz of Cary suspended for causing or contributing to an accident resulting in death or injury.. FIFTY YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of May 20, 1909 Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Susie Adams of Austin, 111., formerly of MeHenry, to Mr. Charles Wright of MeHenry. They are residing with the bridegroom's mother, west of town. A barn dance will take place on the Kittle farm, two and a half miles south of MeHenry, Friday night. Schaefer's orchestra will furnish the music. The Rev. Fr. Paul Bourke, pastor of St. Patrick's church, here, the past three years has been transferred to Rochelle. Rev. Bourke succeeded Rev. P. M. O'&eil, who passed away in 1906. Rev. Fr. J. Lehane will take Rev. Bourke's place at St. Patrick's. Mrs. Frank Kimball was surprised by a group of thirty relatives last Sunday, the occasion being her fifty-seventh birthday. Her mother, Mrs. Rufus Brown, 84, of Woodstock was among the guests. Bargains at Block & Bethke's include standard American calico, all shades, 5 cents a yard; 36-inch wide percale, 10 cents a yard and ladies percale wrappers, $1.39. Miss Kate Engeln entertained the Bachelor Girls at her home Thursday evening. During the evening the pictures of the "Bachelor" were brought in and so pretty did they all look that it was quite a difficult task to pick the best looking one. Mrs. George Nell will formally open her dancing pavilion to the general public on Wednesday evening, June The Johnsburg band will Turnish the music and dance tickets will be 50 cents. sending the past week with Sunday visitors in the Herb Mtoenry relatives. fwlr. and Mrs. Warren Holly a|id Mrs. J. C. Holly attended the funeral of Henry Owens ity Rockford Monday morning. IVlrs. Owens is the former Verena Wentworth Marshall of MeHenry. -Mrs. Lester Bacon returned recently from Sycamore, where she spent several days in the hcine of her daughter, Mrs. Jjunes Ballotti. *r. and Mrs. Duke. Adams attended a Bowmert invitational shoot at Kenosha Sunday. Mrs. Herbert Engdahl, president of the Woman's club, entertained the members of the board at her home Friday morning. Simon home were the Robert Wayman family of Arlington Heights and William Maxwell and son, Mike, of Evanston. The Joseph Moffett family have moved from 606 Center street to Edgebrook Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Doherty spent a few days last week in the home of their daughter, Mrs Mark Hopkins, in Lancaster, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Holly returned recently from a vacation in California. The Art Smith family of (Last week's Items) /Mr. and Mrs. Math. B. Larares have returned to MeHenry after spending several months in California and Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powers (newlyweds) are now at home in the Freund apartment at 1006 Center street. Hamilton Parr of North Chi- FOR THE SHEER FUN OF LIVING VACATION AT THE CLEARWATER GRAVOIS ARM OF MISSOURI'S LAKE OF THE OZARKS Fine Fishing, Boating, Swimming, Lazy Living and Relaxation Where the resorts are at the Water's Edge Where Friendly Hosts Like Folks Like You For Free map and brochure; write GRAVOIS ARM ASSOCIATION GRAVOIS MILLS, MO. 3% INTEREST On All Savings at MeHenry State Bank effective July 1, 1959 VniUdRfht-CUU. WE RENT MOST ANYTHING "THE NATION'S NEIGHBOR" COME IN: OR CALL: MeHenry 2916 542 Main Street ENterprlse 8835 Next to the Norwestern Station A CHM WITH US Regular check-ups and maintenance by our experts, means lower car costs to you! Call us today and find out for yourself. Brake Service All Mechanical Repairs Complete Motor Overhauling fS 24 HOUR TOWING SERVICE S16 Front St. MeHenry, 111. Phone 811 -- Residence 91-R FREE (Sifts Bile# this for Rtodyfloih Comcra Ovmt United Rent-Alls is a service business designed to rent to you various types of equipment which you occasionally need but do not wish to purchase. Listed below are a few of the items available for RENT. Ask for it . . . WE RENT MOST EVERYTHING. This is another home owned United Rent-Ails Store. Licensed by United Rent-Ails, Inc., 2627 No. 27th, Lincoln, Nebr. PAINTERS EQUIPMENT Paint Sprayers Ladders Ext. Ladders Ladder Jacks SANDING MACHINES Floor Sanders Floor Edgers Belt Sanders Oscillating Sanders Car Sanders and Buffers POWER TOOLS Drills Electric Hammers Circular Saws Skil Saws Water Pumps and Stuff CARPENTER TOOLS House Jacks Siding Cutters Mitre Box Linoleum Rollers Icouldadujieits CEMENT TOOLS Edgers & Grovers Trowels & Hawks Cement Mixers Caulking Guns MECHANIC'S TOOLS Hoists Tap & Die Sets Soldering Irons Wheel Pullers Fixits LOADING TOOLS Car Top Carriers Luggage Carriers Appliance Carts WhowouldathoughtitsWhatisits PARTY & BANQUET NEEDS Lookitovers Coffee Urns Dinnerware Banquet Tables WALLPAPERING EQUIPMENT Paste Tables Edger & Cutters Dishes & Glasses Card Tables Bridge Chairs Folding Chairs Hot Plates Wallpaper Steamers Punch Bow]s & c Elec. & Kerosene Itdoseits PLUMBER'S TOOLS Blow Torches Pipe Cutters Pipe Dies Pipe Vise Tripod Plumber's Furnace Sewer Rod Flaring Tools Tubing Cutters HOUSEHOLD EQUIPMENT Hot Plates Rug Shampoo Set Floor Polishers & Scrubbers Rollaway Beds Serving Trays INVALID NEEDS Wheel Chairs Hospital Beds (Siderail) Crutches Bedside Table Commodes GARDEN & YARD TOOLS Thingamabobs Hedge Clippers Lawn Mowers r (power) • > Post Hole Augers Tree Pruners Whatchamacallits BABY EQUIPMENT^1/^1^ & BEDS Spri^ Baby Cribs Wheel Barro^vs Hi Chairs Wire Stretchers Play Pens Weed Burners Baby Scales Doohickies Call ns for the item yon need, we probably have it. Keep this for Handy Reference FREE -- FREE -- FREE Knife and Scissors Sharpening This coupon entitles you to sharpen your knives and scissors FREE on our electric sharpener. \Unitcd &&&* Th+ Nohoai Snghbor ME MT *C»T MBIT AUVTTTTWB 542 W. MAIN STREET of McHENRY, ILLINOIS NEXT TO N.W. STATION FORTY YEARS AGO 1 Taken From the Files of May 15, 1919 Raymond M. Martin, probably one of McHenry's youngest fighters to see actual service on the firing lines in France, and who went through that hell fire at Chateau Thierry, St. Mihiel and the Argonne, is home without a scratch. He was only 18 years of age at the time he enlisted in Chicago on April 28, 1917. The marriage of Miss Agnes Carey and Thomas Doherty took place at St., Patrick's church last Monday morning, Rev. M. J. McEvoy officiating. They are residing in the H. J. Schaefer bungalow on Green street. . Pvt. Joseph. Schaid. who for nearly a*5year has been in England. arrived home unexpectedly Tuesday and has been given his honorable discharge at Camp Grant. The Victory Loan drive came to a successful close last Saturday night and the final figuVes show that our community went "over the top" with several' thousand dollars to spare. Paul F. Barbian of this village has formed a partnership with his brother-in-law, C. G. Burkhartsmeier, of Chicago; and the two have taken over the management of the Edgewater Beach garage, located at 5230-5236 Broadway, Chicago. The foundation for the new garage to be built on Pearl street by J. W. Schaffer, is in and the cement blocks for the new structure are > all made. The MeHenry Artificial Stone c o m p a n y m a n u f a c t u r e d t h e | blocks. j The work of laying the roof I on McHenry's new theatre building was completed the first of the week and the car- ! penters are now directing their attention to the laying of the floor and other ihside work. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Taken From the Files of May 17, 1934 Only scanty showers visited MeHenry Sunday morning, with scarcely enough rain falling to settle the dust, while wide-spread rains partly relieved the prolonged drought conditions in parts of six states of the middle west. On Thursday of last week local citizens looked at the sun through a dense dust pall as winds swept fields, to the south and west, in the worst dust storm experienced h^re in decades because the soil has" never been so dry and the winds so high at the same time. Insufficient funds have brought many a pleasant occasion to an, abrupt conclusion. Overheated Motors ffaut A dogged radiator can mean real damage. Inland't Factory-Method flow 1Mf omvtm 100% cooling ofKdoncy. RADIATOR Gleaning and Repairing AT LOW, FLAT-RATE PRICES iMfMCtiM md Eltrmatf on HtS UNITED MOTORS WARRANTY Adams Bros. Repair In Rear of Stilling's "66" Service 800 E. Elm St. MeHenry Phone 78S Don Howard, Mgr. G E M 1-HOUR CLEANERS 317 W. Elm St. Jewel Shopping Plaza INVITES YOU To Stop In And Learn How You SAVE $ $ with GEM'S Trading Card Plan STONE FOR SEAWALLS Impervious to Water and Weather Durable Yet Economical WE DELIVER FOX RIM STONE CO. Elgin SHerwood 2-6060 McHENRY WINDOW. INC. Rt. 120 - Kent Rd. Phone: 2055 INSTALL THIS DOOR IN MINUTCS \LOOfCf Kent Acres MeHenry, tU. HINGCS WITH "Oll- LITi" SEARINGS ATTACHED. SMCtO AND HIVITID TO JAMBS PRE-DRILLED LATCH HOLES READY TO INSERT LATCH AND SCREWS. $3750 HEAVY DUTY COMBINATION STORM AND SCREEN DOOR NO NOTCHING OR DRILLING WITH THIS WELDED ONE PIECE DOOR JAMB. PRE SET ADJUSTABLE VINYL SWEEP. ALL EXTRAS INCLUDED. KNOB LATCH WIND CHAIN AND PNEUMATIC BOOR CLOSER. PRC-INSTALLED PILEWEATHER STRIPPING. HEAT HARDENED ALUMINUM FOR LASTING BEAUTY AND STRENGTH VAcc T)@©S COMPUTE MSr*U'ATM"tMMW)H$ Wtm cvm DOOR TOP HONOR GIFTS GRADUATES your favorite yiavj... choose a gift from our wide selection ... for every taste, every pocketbook. _£2_ WRIIT WATC^IS WESTCLOX or TIM EX Beautiful, Durable Models for Men and Women from MANICURE SETS The Finest Implements In Geunine Leather Cases KODAK CAMERAS From $5.95 A Gift That Will Last PIPES For That Sophisticated Grad CIGARETTE LIGHTERS Ronson & Zippo HAIR BRUSHES Jteartie^lgjj - 0 WALLETS Finest Natural Genuine Leather Bristle * A-class of '59 By Rico & Amity LADY SCHICK PERFUMES & COLOGNES GIFT SETS Of NEW SCHICK 3 SPEED REMINGTON PRINCESS LADY SUNBEAM ELECTRIC SHAVERS FOR HER By .Prince Matchabelli Lucien Lelong Lentheric Revlon Rubenstein Coty Shulton Yardley Max Factor Men's Toiletries By Shulton Yardley Seaforth King's Men Max Factor His REMINGTON ROLLAMATIC SUNBEAM SHAVEMASTER NORELCO ELJECTRIC SHAVERS FOR HIM R E V L O N Jewelled Futurama Lipstick Cases and Compacts from $2.00 PEN & REM SiTI Choose From Our Complete Line Of-- PARKER & SHEAFFER SETS A Variety of Styles and Colors -At BOLGER'S t