Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 May 1959, p. 6

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tog* Six THE McHgfJfcY pLAlNDEALfiH Wednesday, May 27, Want Ads Prove That Gigantic Jobs Are Done By Midgets RING 4.500 DOOR BELLS POR $1.00 WITH A PLAINDEALER WANT AD! Plaindealer Want Ads No ad counted less than 20 words, $1.00 minimum. 1 Insertion $1.00 (Count ,4 words per line) 25c service charge on all blind ads. Cash with order. Card of Thanks -- $1.00 minimum Want ads close promptly at 10 a.m. Wednesday. Col. Inch -- 2 Inch Minimum. CLASSIFIED "DISPLAY: $1.00 Classified Display must include a minimum of one 18 pt. head and one 18 pt. signature or its equivalent. 3 lines of 8 pt. allowed per inch. CASH WITH ORDER on following classifications: Wanted To Rent Situations Wanted Business Opportunities AUTOMOTIVE BUSINESS SERVICE TRENCHING 18", 24" & 36" for footings, septic systems and sewer lines. Call after 6 p.m. Earl Hansen, 2530. 4-4 BUSINESS SERVICE FENCE REPLACEMENT . PARTS FOR ALL CARS Accessories and Seat Covers COMMUNITY AUTO SUPPLY Route 120 blk East of the river bridge Open Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 6 Sunday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. 44-tf 1959 TRIUMPH "21" motorcycle, 350 c.c. Clean, low mileage. Just like new. Reasonable. Call McHenry 2618-J. *4 1958 Lincoln Premier Air Conditioned Low Mileage Excellent Condition $3300 Ph. Wonder Lake 4631 BOATS & MOTORS 17' CENTURY inboard with 75 h.p. Grey, gas economy, plenty fast. A-l condition. Owner selling home. Will sell boat to first party with- $1100 Cash. Call boathouse, McHenry 494 to inspect. Ask for Roy. *4 We specialize in wooden and wire fencing. Enclose your lot, yafcd, patio, etc. We Will Install Your Fence No Job Too Large or Too Small FREE ESTIMATES Phone 1469 After 5 P.M. *2-4 Sewers Clogged? Complete electric sewer, sink •odding and root cutting equipment. Also, septic^systems and back hoe work. PHONE McHENRY 1950 ELMER GLOSSON 406 John St. McHenry, 111. 1-tf Patzke Roofing Built Up Asphalt Roofs Shingling & Siding F^hone McHenry 3413 or 3278-R JAMES PATZKE 615 Fountain Lane McCullom Lake McHenry, Illinois 1-tf AINTING, interior UBd e*teror. Paper hanging, wall board taping -- Free estimates. Nick Huff & Son, 401 Greenwood road, McCullom Lakfe. Phone McHenry 3253-M. 36-tf WASH 25c EACH 8 LBS. 14 FT. SWITZER Craft boat with 25 horsepower motor, electric starting, 4 safety cushions and canvas cover. Best j offer. McHeirv 2892. 4' DRY 10 c 10 MIN. ED'S RENTAL RENTS by HOUR, DAY or WEEK Mechanics' Tools Carpenters' Tools Plumbers' Tools Cement Tools Painters' Equipment Wallpapering Equipment , Sanding" Machines , Household Equipment Party -- Banquet Needs Invalid Needs Landscaping Equipment 704 FRONT Phone McHenry 32 52-tf POWER AND HAND lawn mowers sharpened and repaired. Will pick up and deliver. C. F. Herdrich McHenry 497-J. 1-4 SPRAYING •• r BUSINESS SERVICE IN PERFECT ORDER! Perhops you're one of those folks who take greo* pride in their property. You keep your house painted, screens repaired, yord neatly trimmed ... you love your home. But hove you neglected the one thing that could rob you of everything overnight, your insutonce? If you haven't given this some attention within recent months, you would be wise to do to before another week goes by. We con help. KENT CORP. Insurance & Real Estate For Over .29 Years Insure through this Agency and Feel Safe. PHONE 2800 N. Riverside Dr., McHenry, - Til BUSINESS SERVICE Whitewashing ELECTRIC? MOTORS repaired or carbola fly and mosquito control disinfecting.-Phone McHenry 543-J-l. WEDDINGS GROUPS & CANDIDS COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY COMPLETE CAMERA AND FILM DEPT. KOTALIK'S STUDIO 117 N. Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 275 Industrial, commercial and do mestic. Rickert Electric. 480 3-tf Center St., Grayslake, III. Ph jBAldwin 3-8491. 16-tf 2-tf Sewing Machines REPAIRED New, Used & Rentals SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. SALES & SERVICE 221 Benton St., Woodstock, 111. Phone: Woodstock. 294 42-tf SELF-SERVICE COIN METERS C. S. G. SWITZERCRAFT Lightning, with 40 h.p. Mercury motor, f Recently fiberglassed and re-1 finished. Motor in perfect shape. Privately owned. $600. Phone 496-M. 4 Johnson Motors Molded Fiber-Glass Thompson Tempo Gator Trailers Marine Supplies Service - Refinishing - Storage NEW -- USED BANK FINANCING TRITON MARINE 202 N. Riverside Dr. Laundromat McHenry 3115 SHIRTS FINISHED 27c -- 35c 24 Hr. Service HOURS: 7 A.M. 'TIL 7 P.M. ALL DAY SUNDAY 5-tf HOURLY RATES Tor jackhammer service. Call us for the hard work Arnold N. May Bldrs., Inc., Richmond, 111. Ph. Richmond 4381. 26-tf Lawn and Mower Service Lawn cutting, landscaping, yard cleaning. Sand, gravel, black dirt. Complete Lawn Mower Repair Sharpening Power $6.00 Hand $3.00 Pick-Up & Delivery Service We Finance Landscaping Call Fred McHenry 1606 51-tf South Riverside Drive Phone McHenry 1076 1-tf BOATS Over 40 To Choose From Switzer, Crosby, Cruisers" Inc. & Lyman lapstrake, Alumacraft, Whitehouse, Glastron, Aristocraft, Chris-Craft, Cavalier, Speed boats, cruisers, etc. 1959 Fiberglass 14' Runabouts with steering, windshield, uph. seats. 40 h.p. max. $545. BUILDERS Commitments Available F.H.A. -- V.A. CONVENTIONAL ALSO CONSTRUCTION LOANS CARMAL CORP. DExter 6-6765 17 ull Line of Boating Supplies • .«^W MOTORS 3 to V50 h.p Good buys on used boats and motors. TEENEE & GATOR Trailers See Us Before You Buy ED WENDT BOATS RICHMOND, ILL. PH. 3231 Hrs. 9-8 daily -- Sun. 10 to 6 On Hwy. 12, 3 blks north of 12 & 173 intersection 44-tf "wjsinSS^ERVICE Pingree Riding Stables OPEN General Yard-Aide Leaves raked, grass cut, garden plowed, shrubs cultivated, trees or stumps removed shrubs & trees planted; storm w i n d o w s r e m o v e d , s c r e e n s painted & put up, piers put in, help with your boat, car or your pet animals. Call BILL E. KIRK McHenry 169 After 4:30 P.M. 30 horses for both beginners and advanced riders frivate irau No Traffic Problem Rt. 14 - Across from outdoor theatre 2 miles east of Crystal Lake G A R A G E S 14 x 20-ft. with overhead door concrete floor and shingle roof Choice of siding and 2 windows $695 No Money Down - 5 yrs. to Pay WALSH Home Improvement - Waukegar. FREE ESTIMATES Call McHENRY 1878-W 300 Riverside Drive I 307 E. Waukegan Rd. 45-tf Well Drilling And Septic Systems Trenching and Digging Water Lines - Seepage Beds Morrisson Water Systems Installed Walter M. Garrelts McHenry, 111. Phone McHenry 2101 1-tf COMBINATION storm doors-- $16.75: garage doors, $63.50: wall paneling, 17 %c per ft.; all kinds of plywoods, etc. Buffalo siding and hard Oak flooring. Clarence Smith, Johnsburg, McHenry -- 1515-J,. 50-e.o.w Ceramic Tile McHenry Mosaic & Tile Contractor for Ceramic Tile Walls & Floors Bathrooms -- Kitchens Fireplaces Free Estimates ROBERT PEISERT Phone McHenry 3590 48-tf Business Opportunities WELL ESTABLISHED business located on a main business street. Ill -health forces sale. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 477. 3-tf BOAT BUILDER or all around mechanic interested in managing or partly owning a boat sales storage and service business. No investment unless desired. Write c/o Plaindealer, Box 461. 46-tf HOT DOG Stand, fully equipped. Must be moved because of hotel remodelling. Could be moved and used for 'drive-in. Best offer. Edgewater Beach Hofel, Twin Lakes, Wise. Phone Triangle 7-3411. 2-4 COMPLETE LAWN mower service. Buchert's Garage. 601 Front St. Phone McHenry 919. 52-12 McHenry Disposal Service Phone 2221 for DEPENDABLE GARBAGE DISPOSAL SERVICE WM. DE VRIES 115 3rd Ave. 47-tf Tavern For Sale Ideal Location in Village of Lakemoor Fully Equipped Kitchen Room Apt. Over Tavern Good Money Maker Phone McHenry 742 50-tf FOR SALE Peter A. Freund SANITARY SERVICE AUTHORIZED Electrolux (R) sales and service representative E. Roewer, Shalimar Subdivision. Phone McHenry 1798. 44-tf IRON FIREMAN, gun type oil burner, capable of producing 200,000 BTU's; also 275 gal. oil tank. Both only 1 year old. Phone McHenry 48 or 163-R. 48-tf I clean and pump septic tanks & cesspools LOSE WEIGHT safely with newly released Dex-A-Diet Tablets. Only 98c at your drug Phone McHenry 1819-J store- ^ FOR SALE 4 BEDROOM CAPE COD, brick home on IV2 lots. Nicely landscaped, gas heat, city water & sewer. Ideal for children, walking distance to stores & depot. Will show by appt. Phone 1737. 2-tf BEAGLE PUP. Call Wonder Lake 5972. 4 TENNA-TRAC with front end loader. Call McHenry 2530. 4-2 MARK II SHOPSMITH, won in Lever Bros, contest, never unpacked. Value $234.75, will take $180. A beautiful metal woodworking bench for "do-ityourself." C. L. MacCallum, McHenry 2877-J. *4 LEAVING COMMUNITY: will sell over 50 home grown parakeets; also Gould water pump; 30-gal. water tank with control; stoker; tools and other miscellaneous items. Alfred Seyfferth, Rt. 120 east, phone 541-M-l. 4 AIR CONDITIONER, Emerson, 1 ton, ivory. Used one season. Phone McHenry 711-R. 4 FOR SENT FOR YEAR 'ROUND or summer rental, 2 bedroom home with gas heat and boat slip on Pistakee Bay. Phone McHenry 1886-J. 4 MODERN 6 RM. 3 br home on large wooded lots. Hot water heat, full basement, 2 large screened porches; modern cabinet kitchen, wall to wall carpeting, 2 car garage. $100 month, references. Phone McHenry 1538-J. 1-tf ATTRACTIVE furnished room. Garage. Located on highway. Call after 5 p.m. McHenry 3006. 52-tf NEW MODERN 3 & 3V2 ropm apt. Heat & hot water furnished. $100 and $115. Call after 6 p.m. Jackson 6-2283. r-v AUTOMATIC washing machine, $25. V2 ton Philco air conditioner, $25; electric stove, $10; 9 ft. steel shelving, $10: j drill press, $15; shallow well pump, $10; 275 gal. oil tank, $10; cash' register, $15: portable sewing machine, $35; hard wood flooring; motor scooter: '51 Plymouth station wagon. Wonder Lake 6872. 4 GIRLS GRADUATION dress. Like new. Size 14Ms. Phone McHenry 2566-W. 4 NORGE Refrigerator; electric stove; small work bench; porcelain kitchen table; Wrought iron floor lamps; misc. lamp shades; misc. dishes; mixmaster; bathroom scale; 3 large wood cabinets; fur jacket, size 16; shovels; window sash; bedroom drapes; dresser; mirrors:] console radio; curtain stretcher; army cot; electrical lamp fixtures; a lot of nice miscellaneous items. House being sold. Phone McHenry 451-M. *4! LIGHT AIRY room for rent. Private entrance, semi-private bath. 209 E. Elm St. 3-tf PLEASANT sleeping room with • semi-private bath. In quiet neighborhood. Call 962- M. 3-tf FOR RENTrWonder Lake, 216 South Drive, modern 3% room house and garage, completely insulated, full basement, automatic oil heat. Also stove, refrigerator and other furnishings. Close to lake. Interviews on Saturday and Sunday or phone SPring 7-2735 evenings. 3-tf HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED waitress. Place Restaurant. Phone Mo- Henry 9877. 2-tf MAN WANTED for shipping and receiving clerk by progessive manufacturing^ concern in Johnsburg. Pleasant working conditions. Paid holidays and vacation, Apply SkysweejJkrj' I n c., Johnsburg. McHenry 1090. 3-2 FULL OR part time Life Insurance agency openings. No collections. Men or womeiL Reply P.O. Box 349, Wood-* stock, 111. 4-®' WOMAN to do family ironing! weekly, no dress shirts, in own home. Will deliver & pic)£>/ Your charge? Write Box 497* c/o McHenry Plaindealer. 4 WANT SEVERAL handymeij with some knowledge on home construction. Apply at Atlas Builders, Rt. 120, or call McHenry 430. 4 VACATION Housekeeping cabins $4 per day. Cottages $8 per day, with place to launch your boat and dock it free. On Fox River above dam. Good beach and fishing. Kirk's Kabins, 1 mile south of Rt. 120 on Griswold Lake Road. Phone 169. 4 6 ROOM apartment, 3 bedrooms, garage, basement, gas heat. For appointment call FLanders 8-4837 collect. 4 COTTAGE on Fox River at Johnsburg, back of bowling a l l e y s ; p i e r f a c i l i t i e s . Tony Mnlochleb, phone 1198-J. *4 3 GARAGE DOORS, $10; 24" power mower, $25: 19 ft. inboard boat; 2 occasional chairs, $5; 2 metal dressers and beds. A. Paluch, 444 Riverside Dr. P h o n e 1 6 3 1 - W . * 4 . $60 -- 6 ROOM House. McCullom Lake. Furnished. Call Wonder Lake .6872. 4 Residence Fox Street 10-tf I Pump Cesspools and Septic Tanks G. A. Douglas Lakeland Park Subdivision Phone McHenry 1480 or 2711 Station Box 38 38-tf Need "Breathing Space"? ADD A ROOM NOW Room Additions Garage Carpentry Attic Rooms Siding Sagging Floors Sidewalk Driveways Patio Call For Free Estimate NO MONEY DOWN D & F Builders McHENRY 3487 51-tf Plumbing & Heating and Repair Work Herb P. Freund (21 Years Experience) Install Fixtures Water Pumps Hot Water Heaters Gas Conversion CHARLES ST. McHenry 481-J 2-4 PIANOS See us for an excellent buy on a new piano Leading Makes WURLITZER ORGANS DAVID E. STARK ORGANS 21 N. Union St. Elgin, 111. Phone SH 1-0780 51-18 COMBINATION kitchen stove, suitable for cottage. Call McHenry 1067 eves. 4 REFRIGERATOR -- good running condition. Very reasonable. Phone McHenry 3153. 4 LARGE, attractive room in McHenry, for working lady; some kitchen privileges; also garage. Tel. McHenry 2299. *4 2 ROOM second floor apartment. Private residence. Stove and refrigerator furnished. Ph. McHenry 1413. 4 KENMORE washing machine, and outboard motor. Phone I Wonder Lake 4622. 4 | JUKE BOX -- 80 record -- 45 j rpm. A.M.I, make. Also 1% ton Philco window air conditioner, $65. Phone McHenry 1140. 4-2 MODERN waterfront cottage, three bedrooms, screened porch & fireplace. Available June 20 to August 8th. 80 Woodlawn Park, McHenry. 4 The Yam Barn Instructions for beginners and advanced knitters. Specializing in Baby Clothes, Sweaters, Women's DresseS, Afgans, etc. ELLA BUSS 410 MAIN ST. Phone McHenry 30 3-3 SHOP IN McHENRY Z E P H Y R All-Season VENTILATED" ALUMINUM AWNINGS ROLL UP AWNINGS DOOR HOODS Color and Style for Every Home EAGLE-PICHER ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS & DOORS Convenient Terms if Desired ARTHUR BOGER Phone 1180 McHenry, Illinois 44-tf Restaurant Fixtures 7 Double Booths, chartreuse leatherette, Chrome formica table top. All excellent condition. & 6 Wooden tables, formica tops, chrome trim. Wood chairs, 3 Double basket gas fired French Fryers & Grease filter. 1 Bob tail Soda Fountain & refrigerated storage box. Carbonator. 1 Outdoor Glass enclosed Stainless steel Charcoal and E l e c t r i c B a r - B - Q M a c h i n e . Makes excellent display. 3 Plate glass 20x30 slanting front display cases. Numerous Miscellaneous Items WILL SELL ANY PART, OR ALL, FOR BEST OFFER Edward M. Lannes 118 W. Rand Road--Lakemoor McHenry 161 SINGER SEWING Machine, late model, used in this locality. Small balance or payments Of $4.99 per month, also 1959 ZigZag Automatic over half paid. Small payments on either machine. Write Credit Manager, 1206 N.E. Adams, Peoria, 111. 4-3 6 BURNER Roper gas range and Hotpoint refrigerator. $125 each. Call McHenry 441-R. 3-2 4 ROOM FURNISHED apt. for rent. Heated. Couple preferred. Phone Wonder Lake 5654. 1-tf WANTED TO BENT APARTMENT House or small farm needed badly. Will take care of premises. Reliable family - 4 children. McHenry 2099. 52-tf GET OUT OF THE DUST ROAD OIL Hester Oil Company Phone McHenry 240 3-4 R & L l^iJing Stable RIDING $1.50 PER HOUR 1 ~ HAYRIDES ~ HORSES SOLD HORSES BOARDED PHONE McHENRY 3531 FIRST FARM SOUTH OF 120 ON CRYSTAL LAKE BLACKTOP 52-tf 2 OR 3 BEDROOM house or apt. in McHenry. Desire immediate occupancy. Reliable family. Phone McHenry 3340. *4 HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED sewing machine operators wanted for immediate employment. Apply Wade-Sewed Specialties, 264 Prairie Street, Crystal Lake. Call C.L. 4270. 4 WANTED -- Woman to work in nursing home on Pistakee Bay near McHenry from night to 8 a.m. Call McHenry 461. 4 DEPENDABLE WOMAN 30 to 45 for portrait studio laboratory. Experience necessary. 4p hour week, good wages, permanent position with estab> lished business. Will interview experienced help only. Phones for appointment. Crystal Lake 308. © - TYPIST For Purchasing Department Permanent Position • Fast accurate typing essential Excellent Employee Benefits Hours: 8:15 A.M. to 4:45 P.M. BARCO Manufacturing Co. ^ 500 No. Hough St. Barrington, 111. Phone DUnkirk 1-1700 TURRET LATHE OPERATOR Light Work JAN-AIR, Inc. Richmond, 111. Phone Richmond 4311 " 4-tf SALESMEN WANTE% Like To Talk To People? . i c Like To Work? Like to give your family a. better than average income?^ 1 THEN We'd Like To Talk To You! < > •! Experience not necessary Electronic Water Purifier Co. i. H » Rt. 14 -- Quentin's Road ./• Palatine, 111. f/y « Phone FLanders 8-260&" Ask for Mr. Harrington FARMEK TRADING GEO. P. FREUND Authorized Dealer for SALES St SEffiVICE PHONE McHENRY 420 601 Crystal Lake Road R. M. FLEMING & SON TRACTORS SALES & SERVICE Complete Farm Implement Service PHONE McHENRY 33 522 Waukegan Road FARMERS Dead and Crippled Animals Removed At Once Rendering Work J $5.00 Service Fee Phone: LEhigh 7-0103 10-tf FOR RENT -- About 30 acres pasture land with water exchange, in Johnsburg. 1959 season rent for repairs to f e n c e . P h o n e . 2 7 1 0 a f t e r 7 pm. £ IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE

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