Thursday. June 4. 1959 THE McHENRY PLAINDEALER Pag* Fifteen Pistakee Highlands LARGE CROWD AT FECIAL MEETING Off INCORPORATION Kay Sielisch -- Hyatt 7-8414 jr^^zel Morley -- Hyatt 7-3320 The special meeting petitioned for was called Friday evening by President Floyd Johnson. Mr. Martineau acted as moderator. Larry Booster of Lakemoor and Kenneth Merley of Fairview were the main speakers of the evening. They gave all the pros and cons of incorporation much to the satisfaction of most everyone. It yvro pointed out to us we must all support our present association or incorporate. Right now there are many mixed emotions in the Highlands and the less |aid the better. It is Up to every man and woman in the Highlands to decide for themselves what they want and then act on it. The meeting WS& very interesting and the pfljgle really were polite and vef^ inlerested. It was a pleasure to attend Such a meeting, Floyd Johnson did a wonderful job of keeping order and after the two main speakers finished a Mr. Sykes of Grayslake answered a few questions and gave a little talk. "Highland Lorraine Lindemann was ha^y to have her daughter, Pat of Chicago, over the Memorial weekend. She arrived Thursday evening and spent the weekend resting up and enjoying Mother's home cooking. Jack Slocum and family from Elmhui'st were Sunday callers at the Sielisch home. Kay and Wally have been having a house full and enjoying it very much. TWe Walter Kerbers returned last Tuesday from a seven day vacation in Minoc- . qua. Wis. The weather was ideal for them and they had a grand time. Kay Sielisch's mother and Mrs. Slocum left Monday after the Memorial day weekend for home, via Wisconsin and the Straights, and will cross on the nej£ Mackinaw bridge. Measles are busy making the rounds in the Highlands. Jeff Dowd was very ill with them and is now slowly recovering much to Marcia's relief. The Dowds, who are a popular busy couple, entertained Jeanne and Bill Baron Saturday evening. Saturday afternoon Marcia and daughter, Cheryl, went to Cheri's cousins third bilwday party in Rolling Maedows Eddie stayed with Jeff who was blue because he couldn't go. "Teen News and Chatter" Friday night t>elores Formella is going out with her cousin, Rita, who just returned from W.A.C. boot training. Barb Schlick is in seventh heaven. She has been selected 1o go to the Music Camp in Du Quoin, 111., for one whole week Happy landing Barb. No one deserves it more than you. Don Bentz and his buddies celebrated Don's birthday by going to Wilmot for the stock car races May 30. Erna Rockel and Barb Schlick attended a student leader picnic in Crystal Lake given by the gym teachers. We hear the girls had a ball. It seems Crystal Lake Varsity had its picnic same lime, same place. Denny Litwin is coming home June 5, for a visit, Don is a Navy man. "The Long Legged Bird Leaves a Bundle of Joy at the Wrights" Thursday, May 21, the stork left a baby boy weighing in at 9 &s. 6 ozs. H^ was duly chfjjjjtened Michael Edwards, Mr. and Mi's. Engene Wright, the lucky parents, have five more loving bundles at home. "Highland- Highlights*' May 20, Mr. aifti Mrs. Fd. P f i n g s t e n c e l e b r a t e d t h e i r ninth wedding anniversary. Hope you both have many more. "Women's Club News" The Women's club held ifs meeting Wednesday May 27. Mrs. Wroblewski presented the club with an American flag, so every meeting will be started with the pledge of allegiance. The women were appointed for various committees for the ensuing year. A vote was taken to sponsor the Pre-'Teen club. After the meeting games were played and cake and coffee served. Five new members were tnsialled last night. The June meeting will be progressive bunco. "Welcome Newcomers" Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil recently moved into their new home on Circle Drive. Mrs. O'Neil's mother and dad, the Tomlinsons, will make their home with them and we wish them welcome to our community. "June A Big Month In The Heir Home" Eugene Heir, celebrated his birthday June 1, daughter, Sandra, celebrated her elevenlh birthday June 2. Eugene, and Joyce will celebrate their twelfth wedding anniversary June 14. We wish them a happy day and many more anniversaries to come to the happy couple. and a record will be kept by the club. Collection in some areas piay have already begun and' the spraying will follow shortly. If there is any area of your properly such as vegetable gardens, shrubs, etc., that you do not want sprayed tell them when they collect the money and a record will be made of it. People with vacant lots on each side of them will get the vacant lots sprayed free providing they get their own property sprayed. burg' school visited a nearby farm and zoo on May 27. They had a beautiful day for the outing and they all came home, tired, but with many interesting stories to tell about the different animals. Paper Drive Pistakee Highlands residents are asked to save their waste paper. Members of Mt. Hope Church are collecting it for the young people's summer camp program. Please leave it on your front porch on Saturday, June 6 and it will be collected. Thank you all very much. Where to Register As many of you already know we have a registra here in our own subdivision. She is always willing to register anyone. If you know of anyone who isn't registered as a voter and would like to, you can pass along the word that Mrs. Bob VanZevern is our registra and her home is at 112 N. Meadow- Lane. Happy Birthday ! On May 19, Lorraine Erdj mann, Myrtle Bentz, Emily j Rockel and Roselyn Bagley lAvent to Geri Glueck's home j and helped her celebrated her | birthday. Many happy returns I of the day Geri, may you have J many more. By the way, have you been catching any fish lately? Fashion Show On Thursday morning, May j 28, Katherine Rielly took her I son, Terry, to the high school to model for the sewing class. His big sister, Jill, made him a | sun suit and he modeled it for j..all the girls. Jill also modeled | a skirt she made for herself, j Kay says it was real nice and j there was a note of pride as | she talked about her little, Ter- • ry. Marion Mueller modeled a very nice duster that she made. Mosquito Spraying Members of the 'teen club are collecting $3 per'home for the mosquito spraying. People desiring this services will be given a receipt for their money Demonst ration Myrtle Bentz and Emily Rockel are having a demonstration on June 1*3 at the barn. The time is 8 p.m. The proceeds of this will go to the building fund for the Mt. Hope church. Graduates On May 31, at the 8:30 Mass at St. John's church four of our young people graduated from the eighth grade. Congratulations to Honey Rielly, Ruth Gabriel, Ricky Ferris and Roger Litwin. May your future be bright and happy. A Baby Girl . An 8 lb. 7 oz. baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Burt Froney at St. Therese hospital on May 27. As of now the baby is yet unnamed but we will have it for you in next week's issue. Congratulations to the happy family. Home on Leave Don Rockel was home from Washington for a short leave. His family was thrilled 'to see him. Don won't be home again until November. Belated Birthday Although it's late we would "like to wish a happy fifteenth birthday to Jill Rielly. Jill celebrated with a group of her friends on May 5. Congratulations Jill, sorry we're so late. Visits Zoo The kindergarten and first grade classes from the Johns- Farewell On May 27, approximately fifteen of MUriel Peterson's friends and neighbors gathered at Muriel's home to wish her a fond farewell. Muriel and her three children left June first to join Harold in Biloxi, Miss. The girls bought Muriel an electric can opener and they all enjoyed coffee and cake. We would like to add our Elgin IE F®R SEAWALLS Impervious to Water and Weather Durable Yet Economical WEDEMVER FOX IYER ST0I1 CO. SHerwood 2-6060 PROFE^iOn.RL DIRECTORS' DR. JOHN C. GOETSCHEL Chiropractic Physician Naprapathir Manipulation Steam Baths and Massage 304 East Elm Street McHenry, 111. Hours: Mon.t Tues., Wed. & FrL 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 pjn. 7 p.m. to 9. p.m. Sat. 10 a.m. to 2 pjR. Phone McHenry 74S Hwry on down? Wrte gfohtg amay special dividends now during Dividend Days. We're dealing like crazy, loo! Come in ; ; : cash in on our extra div&Mis. Find oat about ai the dividends in the 59 Ford. AMERICA S aro. 1 DnriDESTD €iAXL ttVE Ct5 THE STMOMO K3Gn-CAPACITT BATTER! DWfl OFFERS SMER STARTING mm (TO MCTtHHCO WFFUQ THAT N0RMAU* l&SXS &S LONG BOB SAVE BF TO SI82.75 OVER FORD'S NEAREST COMPETITOR* ON A FAIRLANE 508-ANY MODEL--WITH HEATER. RADIO AND AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION; WITH AIR CONDITIONING YOU CAN SAVE JZ1I.IS SAVE ON BOM FINISH THAT NEVER NEEDS miIN8 SWE IIP TO IB ft TERR ON REGVUM MS AND OH SATE VP TO SC ON OTHER ACCESSORIES m OA« co£?par>soi> of manoiacfitrefs' suggested retorl prices COME IN! CASH E.O.A.F. DR. C. R. SWANSON Dentist Office Hours: Daily Except Thursday 9 fay 12 -- 1:30 to 5:30 Mon., Wed., & Fri. Evenii|i By Appointment Only Telephone McHenry 160 EARL R. WALSH INSURANCE Fire, Auto, Farm & Life Ins. Representing RELIABLE COMPANIES When You Need Insurance of Any Kind PHONE 43 or 953 Green & Elm McHenry 111. rr SCHROEDER IRON WORKS Ornamental & Structural Steel Visit Our Showrooms 3 Miles South on Rt. 3 PHONE 950 DR. JOHN T. GRAY Optometrist 126 So. Green Street Office phone McHenry. 186 Res. phone McHenry 604-M-l Hours: Daily 9:30 - 5:00 Tues. & Fri. Evenings 6:30 - 9:00 Closed all day Wednesdays Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Repair Service DR. LEONARD L. BOTTAKI Optometrist Eyes examined - Glasses fitted Contact lenses 105 Richmond Road Hours Eve.: Wed., Thurs. & Fri. 7 to 9 p.m. Saturdays - 3' to 6 pan. Phone McHenry 2262-J Loop office - 108 N. State St. | Phone DEarborn 2-2096 I -------------- I GEORGE J. CASTLE, Agent The Prudential Insurance Co. of America Life, Retirement, Sickness & Accident and Group Insurance 826 Crystal Lake Road, McHenry, 111. Phone: McHenry 2533 90 FOROS-TH6 V»ORi.D*S MOST BEAUTIFULLY ROLAND A. HERRMANN | BUSS MOTOR 531 MAIN STREET PHONE MeHEMRY 1 McHENRY, ILE1 If You're Interested in an Used Car--Be Sure to See Your Ford Dealer Lawyer 308 W. Elm St. Phone McHenry 1609 farewell to Muriel and wish her God's speed ajong the way. You will certainly be missed by all who knew vou. Here and There Happy birthday to David Fletcher who celebrated his ninth birthday June 1. A belated happy birthday to Karen Staurienmaier who . celebrated her third birthday May 26. Kay Sielisch celebrated her thirty-ninth birthday June .3 Mrs. Anna Cohrs spent a couple of days with her son _and dau?hter-in-law in River Forest. She returned to the Highlands Tuesday. It is nice lo see Miss Herman out on the weekends working in her yard. Also Mr. find Mrs. Jones on Meadow Lane have been coming out often getting their home all prettied up for summer. Two of our young people took part in the ceremony at St. John's church on Mother's Ruth Gabriel crowned the Hlessed Mother and Honey Rielly was an attendant. Wo are sorry that Christa •Thoile's name was omitted from the list of graduating seniors. We would like to add our congratulations to Christa and pll the graduates from high school this June 5. That's all for now. Bye. see you next week. j SADDLES STOLEN J Burglars were reported to have broken into a building on Jackson estate, near Spring Crove. last week and took Ihreo saddles valued at $400 T'io sheriff's office has been investigating. Post 491 The next meeting of Post 491 will be one of the most important of the year. This meeting to be held Monday evening. June 8, at 8:30 p.m., is our annual election of officers. However, prior to the election and meeting we will once more feature the popular family style dinner. Since this dinner and ; meeting combined seems to be : the most popular gatherings 'we have had. it was decided to hold them once every third meeting. We request everyone ! who intends to come, to notify | the post in advance so that j the girls in the auxiliary who 1 prepare the food know what to ! expect. Dinner is at 7 p.m. j Commander Robert Hend- I nual Canadian fishing trip at | unal Canadian fishing trip at 'the time of the meeting, it has been decided to have the meeting presided over by Edwin Reid, the immediate past commander. In addition to the mere serious business of eating and electing. Ed. Reid will ask for the final list of names of those who are interested in the "all expense paid for a very nominal figure" trip to the Milwaukee Braves stadium. The one low price will include bus transportation both ways, a hot meal and your reserved seats at the stadium with your friends. The trip is limited to "men only". Now that the weather is turning warm, interest has accelerated in Major League baseball. As most everyone knows, the post has four season tickets to all the home games "of the ^Milwaukee Braves. The last couple of days the dates have been filling up and there are not too many openings left. As we.did last year we will do again this year. (Inly those who attend, games during the year-will be eligible for the World Series tickets. We all know the Braves will be in the series so the post is assured of four grandstand sea^s for each home game in the series. John T. Gray, publicity chairman I A drive-in window of a Connecticut bank that handles an average of over 40 cars an hour boasts an unusual feature: a turntable moves cars | around in an area previously | considered too small for drive- ' in service. FOR THAT OLD FASHIONED FLAVOR COME TO WILLS SCOENEMANN • COUNTRY MADE SAUSAGES • DELICIOUS HICKORY SMOKED HAMS " • LEAN HICKORY SMOKED BACON • 22 VARIETIES OF SAUSAGES • TRITE GERMAN STYLE FLAVORS Route 120 - Just East of Route 12 - Volo, 111. Phone McHeiiry 667-W-l You Can Buy ^ Bird Seed Just Punch. Pour IN CANS! Vacuum Packed to Present FRESHNESS and Seal in Ike Vitamins Won't tip •*er and spill And Birds Love It! Evr-Fresh B I R D S E E D BOLGER'S Prepare for SUMMER r RINSE Of TDeJlutct/ £ COMPLETE RANGE OF MODERN COLORS SliddoB' ENDURANCi House Point Now Alhyd fortified for eifc brushing, longer higher gloss. Non-che8ikiE3$. a VICIOUS circle • • # OPEN F R I D A Y 'lil 9 P.M. «en|NftV'<££££^ : * .. and so unnecessary witn storm windows ^ Jlfi^pition's finest yetC ^ onable in cost IU1I VAUIY At IA i '. £ 'if V- - • *• 0 I . R : i l l M SIR CO, 1 ti ^ It OUR COMPETENT STAFF IS EQUIPPED TO ASSIST YOU WITH ANY BUILDING PROBLEM ALWAYS PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ALEXANDER LUMBER CO. "THE BEST OF FVFRYTHINft F<">R THFRUII prR" On Hogliway 31 -- South of lutein Street -- MeHenry, Illinois INI 1424 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS TIL 9 'ALWAYS FIHST . . . SERVICE TO OOR CUSTOMERS'