Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Jun 1959, p. 16

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j'f [ PageSlxieen PSJHNPEALER Thncsday, June 4, 1& Eastwood Manor PUBLIC INVITED TO EMPOA PARTY AT MANOR BARN Lois Ryan -- 2510-R The party to be held on June 6 at 9 pjn. in the big barn in Eastwood Manor is open to the public. Tickets may be obtained from Marie Dalton or Pat Cisewski or be bought at the door on June 6. The committee has been working like a group of organized beavers to make this party as successful as the last one, so come on out and join the fun. You can't miss! Block Rosary The Tom Birmingham home at 137 Mill Lane was the site of the block Rosary held June 2 at 8 p.m. Faith Presbyterian Church News On Sunday, June 7. Rev. Jack Mclntyre will continue with the series of sermons he is giving on the Ten Commandments. This sermon is entitled 'Truth -and . Falsehood" based on the Ninth donmmendment. Beginning Monday, June 15, and running through Friday, June 26. will be a vacation church school for the children, each afternoon from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Children who have completed public school kindergarten through public school grade 6 will be eligible. The vacation church school is jointly sponsored by Faith Presbyterian church and by Community Methodist church of McHenry and will be held at the Methodist church. Children of Eastwood Manor are cordially invited to attend. Anyone interested may call McHenry 2454 for further information. man will celebrate the anniversary of their wedding day on June 7. Mr. and Mrs.' David Hadley will celebrate on June 10. Our best wishes to the happy couplfes. Happy Birthday Kathy Alford is six years old today.' Also celebrating today is Russell Davis. Tomorrow Phil Krebs will be nine years old. On June 6 Pre Lindemann will blow out her birthday candles at her nephew's wedding. Debra Salo will celebrate her eighth birthday on Sunday. June 8 is June Stuart's natal day. Jean Mersch will celebrate her birthday on June 9. A very happy birthday to all you Eastwood Manorites. Happy Anniversary There are a lot of June brides living in our subdivision. The list is the longest of any month. Mr. and Mrs. Harley Pohl- 4-H Cardinals All 4-H members are busy getting ready for the McHenry County fair. 4-H Cardinals must have their clothing finished by July 1. The clothing achievement day is July 9, and when you think of how time flies it will be here before you know it. The girls will be judge"d according to their garments. Since every girl and leader is interested in comments on her garment, a written score sheet will be made out for each girl. All leaders will be busy keeping track of their giijls and some will be judging first year skirts that day. Therefore, we will need the help of some of the mothers to make the day a success. Will you mothers please call June Stuart, McHenry 2755 or send word with your daughter if you can help out that day. We will need mothers to register, to check the numbering system, and. each judge will need a helper to fill out comment sheets for the girls. This is a county wide achievement day and will take a lot of help and co-operation. We are planning an extra special treat for parents in the afternoon. Everyone may bring I a sack lunch and plan to stay. ' You really owe it to your daughter to be with her that day. On July 10 we will have food demonstration judging. Flower arranging school will be held at Harvard high school on June 18. All 4-Hers are welcome and should bring five containers plus flowers. Flower arranging judging will be held July 16. These achievement days are July 9, 10, and 16 and will be held at Clarence Olson school in Woodstock. Remember tnose county fair dates are August 6. 7, 8, and 9. Tossy, and Hearty. Tossy won for the best crazy hat. A hat cake was the centerpiece and to go along with it was a pineapple- carrot jello mold and frtiit punch. First prize went to Marge Tinkler. Lydia Fenner won second prize. The Octettes' yearly outing was held on June 3. Sick List Harley Pohlman has been ill for a few weeks. He became ill while in Tampa. Fla., .and was sent home. He's getting along fine now. Chris Durkin has the measles. Randall Priester is just recovering from the German measles. The mamas will be glad to get out again when this is all over. Baseball News Our guys won the ball game they played on Thursday. The score was fourteen to thirteen and we know that it was a tight game. Cheers for our side and good luck, fellows! Club News The last game of this season of the Tripoli club was held at Mary Thienes' home. All the regular gals were there: Marilyn Fultz, Marie Dalton, Jackie Grom, Pat Cisewski, and Elaine Rogers. Marilyn and Jackie won. On May 27 the Octettes held their crazy hat party at the home of Marge Tinkler. The hats' names were Daisey Mae, Sloppy Sue, Cosmetic, Lampe, This and That On May the Daltons" had a joint birthday celebration. Their sons, Jackie and Michael, were jumping with joy when they saw some of their relatives drive up for a visit. The family brought a buffet supper and everyone had a good time. There was Mr. and Mrs. Al. Stattman and Mrs. Price from LaGrange, Steve Stattman and family from Elmwood Park, and Aunt Alice McNamara from Oak Park. Aunt Alice stayed for the weekend' mainly to help mama Marie with a birthday party for Jackie on Saturday. Richie and Vicky Gruhn, Betsy Stephenson, Peggy Cary, Laura Grom. Mike, Rosemary, arid Diane Rogers all joined in on the fun. Linda Freckman was on hand to help supervise. A farewell party was given for Mim and Lee Hansen by the Otto Shaws at their home. The guests were all old friends from Carthage college. Mr. and Mrs. Len Decker from Des Plaines, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Busse from Arlington Heights, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Seibert from Addison, Delane Hultman from Lombard, and Aram Gurunian from Chicago were all present to bid a farewell to the Hansens. Bobby Lindemann celebrated his birthday in a big way on Saturday. Mark and David Borcovan, Larry Mersch, Ellen and Kathy Barry, Randy P e n i c k , L i n d a a n d S t e v e French, Linda and Billy Freckman, Nancy and Neal Shaw, ANNOUNCEMENT Telephone customers recently transferred from the McHenry to the HYATT exchange may use our ENTERPRISE number, 4700. in placing calls to the MONTGOMERY WARD mail order department at WOODSTOCK.^ 3% INTEREST On All, Savings at McHenry State Bank effective July 1. 1959 / une "WJJm," s a --special. Chateau Lamarr CHAMPAGNE NEW YORK STATE -- 5ihs Purchase 2 Bottles at $3.00 each and receive third bottle compliments of NYE ©RHUS, Inc. SPECIAL CASE PRICE AVAILABLE P.S. Also Available to "Second Honeymooners" Burton's GSM Briorcliff Blended Wfoosiey ah *2™ ,, sih m Tvarscki & Semkov V O D K A ©LD HICKORY Straight Bourbon -- 8 Year Old Reg. $4.89 NYE DRUGS, UC. Bobby and Steve Lessaird, Jimmy Fultz and Russell Djavis enjoyed cake and ice cream and games with Bobby. In the evening the neighbors came over for a grownup gathering. On Sunday Bobby's relatives came for a birthday celebration family style. The Galbavy's home was the site of a family gathering over Sunday. Virginia's dad, Henry Schenold, and her sister and her family, Mr. and Mrs. S. Guzik and son paid the Galbavys a visit. The Rogers family""just^returned from nine wonderful days of travelling and visiting in the east. They toured Canada, upper New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. They visited with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Guard for two days in. New York. The men were in the Marines together. Then they visited with Elaine's brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Olson, in Willard, Ohio. They really had a fabulous time. Elaine is still in the clouds about it. Can't blame her either. Grandma Sokolis came from Chicago to spend the weekend at the Durkin home. The reason was Chris' fourth birthday. On Saturday Karen Alford, Jeff Harner, Kathy and Mike Penick, Michael Maule, Melody and Cindy Iverson and Larry Tucker had candy cake, ice cream, and soda with Chris. The mothers had cake and coffee and the party was over. Mr. and Mrs. William Ray of Lombard paid a surprise visit to the Durkins in honor of Chris' birthday on Wednesday. The Bob Kelloggs had a dinner for the godparents of their baby son, David. Pat's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, gave a cocktail party before the dinner. Lydia Fenner's sister, Mrs. Rita Loveless and her son, Dani and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bruno Zgorski, had a three day visit with the Fenners. The Messers garage was the site of another going-away party for Mim and Lee Hansen. The Matheres, the Woolwines, the Pohlmans, the H a y e s e s , t h e C a m p b e l l s , a n d the Urbans joined the Messers in wishing well to ther. Hansens. They presented the couple with a surprise gift." Jerry and Lois Ryan1* 3tMhded the wedding of Lois? brother, John Stephan and Sandra Kincaid on May 23 in Barrington. Jerry was best man. A reception followed the ceremony in Dundee. The Ryans had over night guests from the wedding. Pat and Don Turner from Columbus, Ohio and Jerry's parents from Arlington Heights spent the night at the Ryan home. Dolores and Len Lawrence and Pat and Bob Kellogg went dining and dancing on May 30. They had a very nice time. The landscaping contest is nearing. Come on everybody, let's get busy in the garden and on the lawns. Rmember the party on June 6 and buy your tickets in advance. Bring your friends. Bye now. See you next week. CARD OF THANKS To all Eastwood Manor Families. We are so very grateful and extend our deepest thanks to all the lovely families in this wonderful community. Everyone was so kind and thoughtful5 ahd it meant so much to us. A special thanks for the flowers and gifts and to all the grand women ,|or the der licious luncheon ana the serving of it in our recent bereavement. , - . . sincerely Mr. and Mrs. Grover W. Gnewuch, parents of Mrs. Jo Ann Kaufman. 5 Spring Grove REV. L. BUSCH FETES SILVEflj ANNIVERSARY by Mn. Charles Freund Mr. and Mrs. Ben Busch attended a dinner in Milwaukee on Sunday, May 24 held in h o n o r o f F a t h e r L e o n a r d Busch on his twenty-fifth anniversary in the holy priesthood. Father Leonard is Mr. Buseh's brother. Graduates Celebrate La Verne Meyer and Dave Smith were guests of honor Sunday at a graduation party given for them by their parents, the Anton Meyers and the Elmer Smiths. It was' held at St. Peter's hall and about 125 people attended. Guests were present from Waukegan, M i l w a u k e e , R o c k f o r d , L a k e Geneva, Crystal Lake, McHenry, Richmond, Johnsburg, Ringwood and Spring Grove. A buffet supper was served and the evening was spent in cards and dancing. Friends and relatives gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Charles May on Sunday in honor of the graduation day of their daughter, Mary Anne. A delicious buffet supper was served and there was a social evening. The parents. o£ Sandra. Sanders, Mr. and Mrs\ George Sanders, entertained at their home in honor of her graduation day. Hospitalised Charles May is a patient at St. Therese's hospital. He entered the hospital Sunday, May 24. Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Ted Shotliff of Waukegan visited Alice Wagner on Sunday. The Paul Mays spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Holiday in Chicago. Birthday Party Guests in thg home of Mrs. Clara Behrens on Sunday in honor of the first birthday of her grandson, Charles Hofmann, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hofmann, were Mr. and Mrs. Ehlert and family and Mr. and Mrs. Mack, and family. 9 ( EVER FEEL D/ZZY? \ l i Si : - _.. --iry/ Hunger can do it ... so can a mild digestive upset ... to can tho stuffy air of a crowded room. But bo on the spfe side, and report dizzy spells fo your Doctor... let him judge the cause-*--let him recommend treat* ment. And should he prescribe, remember that our Pharmacist is trained, ok* perienced, prepared to fHI every pre- SCrlptien exactly at your Doctor ordered. YOU CAN ALWAYS RELY ON OUR PHARMACIST i »l »LW1TS »tiCD*f 11 r:yB Club Meets Members of her club met at the home of Mrs. Nora Miller on Thursday afternoon. Prize winners were Mrs. Josephine May, Mrs. Annie Sanders, Mrs. Mame Tinney, Mrs. Emma May and Mrs. Helen Smith. Lmicljr, was served after cards. • 1 --; z IMX3 More than 5,000,000 school* children had on deposit over $180,000,000 in school savirus accounts in banks at the «P3 of the 1957-58 school year, according to figures from the American Bankers association. SHOP IN McHENRY OPEN SEPTIC SYSTEMS FAST NO DKS&HOI • DUSOIVM iludgt, pHit, •r waste • OfMitt dogged DralnftoMs • Caty M «*p»y GIT B0YIR Seplk Yank Cleaner ACE HARDWARE PHONE 722 130 N. Riverside Dr. McHenry AGtNUY DRUG STORE IWE DRUGS, Inc. Jos. FRETT & SON BUILDERS Estab. 1926 RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL Located on Hwy. 120 lA mile east of Fox River Bridge <§ Phone McHenry 976 SH-S398 I FARMANS Invite you and your family to our famous Smorgasbord Every Wednesday iwening Serving from 6 P.M. to 10 P.M. $2.50 per person Children under 12 $1.75 ALSO SERVING COMPLETE Dinners An Enjoyable Treat for the Entire Family FARMAN'S 66 W. MAIN LAKE ZURICH Phone: GEneral 8-2421 Now is time fo buy jm an Electric Range 10 love important money on special f l a t - p r i c e i n s t m l a t i o n o f f e r . . . . Offered by Electric Range Dealers ta homeowners in this area for a limited time only During "E" Days the dealers .who sell the famous make Electric Ranges listed below will have some spectacular val* ues to show you. (Including a flat-pride installation offer of only $29.95.) ^ ThiSi means substantial savings on whatever wiring you may need to install new Electric Range. It means that |f you require 3-wire, 240-volt electric service into your home, you'll get it. And if you need an electric range circuit inside your home, it will be added and hooked up to your new range. It means that for a fraction of the actual' cost, thousands of families will be able to start cooking better, living better--. electrically! How to tell if your feimiSy is eligible. This special offer covers standard range installation in any single family dwelling served by Commonwealth Edison-- Public Service Company. (Details at. your dealer's.) Your kitchen stays far cleaner, emueh cooler when you cook with a modern Electric Range. Amd nothing cooks food faster. So start with the "heart" of your new All-Electric kitchen now--during "E" Days at your Electric Range Dealer's. Get in on this special low-cost Electric Range Installation offer and start cooking better,' living better--Electrically! Get in o» . f»B." day*! Public Service Company for q Sig led letter at iraawrt w urn®** Famous Brands 0 <3> Commonwealth Kdiaon Company

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