Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 11 Jun 1959, p. 2

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Pag* Two THE McHENHY PLAINDEALEH Party Honors Miller Twins The Misses Mary Lou and Suzanne Miller of Wonder Lake were guests of honor at Ian open house party held at ;their home following Ijigh school graduation Friday evening. Many of their friends, relatives and neighbors cailed •with best wishes and lovely gifts for the twins. Among special guests were Grandma and Grandpa Mc- Kean, who made the long trip from Noel, Mo,, especially to attend the graduation and to be with them on the happy occasion. Students Win College Degrees PERSONALS tones Tell Betrothal Of Joyce Seheer Miss Joyce Scheer's betrothal and forthcoming marriage to William Hecht, son. of Wilbur and the late Mrs. Hecht of McHenry, is being announced today by her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scheer, of Monee, 111. The ceremony will take place at 7:30 o'clock on the evening of June 21 in the United Church of' Christ, Frank- ^w^en Whitewater furt, 111., with Rev. Erich E. Bizer officiating. No invitations have been issued, but relatives and friends are invited to attend both the marriage and the reception 10 be held in the church parlors immediately following the ceremony. Miss Scher is a graduate of Peolone high school and attended Elmhurst college. She is now an instructor of organ in Joliet. Mr. Hecht is a graduate of McHenry high school, served fri the Armed Forces, and is presently employed by the Illinois State Police. Annette Smith daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo J. Smith of Richmond, formerly of McHenry, graduated Saturday, June 6, from Spencerian college, Milwaukee, in the 96th j Drive "to"~Pist~akee~ Bay commencement exercises at 2:30 o'clock. She received an associate-in-arts degree. In a class of 200, Miss Smith was recently elected secretary of Delta Epsilon chapter of Pi Rho Zeta alumnae sorority. She will be employed in the future at Inc. Richard Matthew of New York has been visiting in the home of his sister, Mrs. James Brooks and family. He and Mrs. Brooks w«?re called to Duluth Minn., Monday of last week by the death of their father, Robert Matthew. James Brooks and - father, Walter Brooks, joined them there later where they attended the funeral on Thursday. Mrs. Neva Battern of Woodstock was a guest in the home of Mrs. George Jones the past week. j The Clarence Keim family has moved from 407 Riverside The place they have vacated is being occupied by the Richard Pollitt family. R i c h a r d W i s s e l l r e t u r n e d home from Champaign Friday, to spend the summer with his mother, Mrs. William Wissell. Mike Purvey of Crystal Thursday, June 11, 1959# Entertain At Graduation Dinner Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Rodenkirch entertained at a graduation dinner for their daughter, Sandra, on Sunday, June 7. Guests were her great-grandipother, Mrs. George P. Steilen; her grandmothers, Mrs. Ann Rodenkirch of McHenry and Mrs. Ann Shalton of Chicago; a great uncle, George Steilen; also thie following' uncles and aunts, Mr. and Mrs. George Fitzgerald and family of Marvcrest, Kankakee, Mr. and Mrs. George Rodenkirch and family of McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Shalton and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Shalton of Chicago. Lakeside Labora- ; La]<e Spent the weekend with w-orkmg in the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. science Research department in i Albert Purvey Milwaukee as a secretary. j" Mrs Wil]iam Wissell and The young graduate was a jsont Dickj were visitorS in the student in McHenry high Hilmer Heike home in Libertyschool for three, years and yjj]e Saturday graduated from Richmond- i Mrs Kathryn Conway ac- Burton high school. companied the Daniel O'Shea Charles Brunswick j family of Grayslake to Chica- Charles Brunswick, Rich- j g o Wednesday where they atmond. will be a candidate for | lended graduation exercises at the bachelor of science degree j Mundelein college. Miss Sharin business administration on Q'Shea was State college graduates the largest class in its history at its first outdoor commencement on June 12. XI Graduates The largest graduating class, a member of the class. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Phalin of Waukegan attended the wake of Henry McCabe here Thursday evening. Mrs. Gerald Newmann visited her sister, Mrs. James 659, in the history of Northern ;Raineyi at Genoa Q Illinois university at Dekalb j Sunday • received degrees Sunday, June 7. The sixty-ninth annual commencement Sunday was an outdoor event, with Dr. Lowell Eisher, chairman of the Illinois state committee, North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools, giving the main address. Local graduates were Penelope Fike, Richard Stilling and Terry Reid of McHenry, Richard Fuhler of Rt. 6, Richard Fuhler of Rt. 6, Richard Bates of Rt. 5, Robert Walters of Fox street and Betty Wright of Wonder Lake. University Graduates University of Illinois will j confer more than 3,000 regular and five 'honorary degrees in two commencement ceremonies next weekend, in Urbana and in Chicago. Three achievement awards will be presented by the Alumni association. Party Honors Carol Degen A graduation party was held in honor of Miss Carol Degen at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Degen, on June 6. Friends and relatives attended from Milwaukee, Johnsburg, Spring Grove and McHenry. Those attending were Messrs. and Mesdames Harold Steber and daughter, Gloria, Charles Stoffel. Bernard Tonyan, Joseph Williams, Anton Williams, Martin Williams, Fred Smith, Joseph Etten, Eddie Buchert and Joseph Blake, also Miss Charlotte Houda, Miss Alice Gaulke. Mrs. Betty Maxon, Arnold Engels, Mrs. Delia Matthews and daughter, Jean. FORTY CHARTER MEMBERS NAMED TO HONOR SOCIETY Miss Clara Miller acconv panied by Mrs. Ida Quinlan and sister of Park Ridge and Miss Margaret Hall of Chicago is enjoying a motor trip to Washington, D. C. Mrs. Velma Douglas left Tuesday for a visit with her daughter, Sara Kay Douglas, a student nurse at Peter Bent B r i g h a m h o s p i t a l , B o s t o n , Mass. Enroute vhome she plans to do some sight seeing at Niagara Falls and other places of interest. The Erwin Morowski family are now making their home at 107 Richmond road. Mrs. Fred Bienapfl was called to Racine, Wis., last week, by the death of a relative, Mrs. Martha Banks. She was accompanied by her sister, Mrs William Riggs and daughter, Mrs. George Merkt, of Salem, Wis. " Bachelors' degrees are hearT" Mim!6 t a*oore" sought by 1,932, advanced de- ' week' wjth " pen e past grees by 699. Ceremonies are scheduled for 10 a.m. in Memorial Stadium. If weather interferes, two ceremonies will be held in Huff gym, half the candidates receiving diplomas at 10 a.m., other at 2:30 p.m. her sister, Mrs. William Glosson. The William Dreyer family has moved from the Mrs. Pearl Patzke place, on Waukegan street, to Lakeland Park. The place they have vacated is being occupied by Mr. and Among the graduates from Mrs Haro£ McHenry are Gail Brefeld and Peggy Stamer, Rt. 1, both bachelor of science degrees, and Barbara Cable, bachelor of arts degree. Archbishop«»Albert G. Meyer delivered the address at De- Paul university's sixty-first annual convocation at 2 p.m. Wednesday, June 10, in Alumni hall, 1011 W. Bel den Ave., Chicago. Joan B. Simms, of Rt. 3, McHenry, was among the graduates. Miss Simms received a bachelor of arts degree in elementary education. William J. Jensen, Route 1, Miss Diane Freund of St. Joseph's convent, Milwaukee, is spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John R. Freund. Mrs. Robert Weber, daughter, Ann Loretta, ^nd Miss Ellen Walsh attended the graduation of Miss Ellen Mary Miller, daughter of the George Millers of Chicago, from St. Xavier's college in Chicago, Tuesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Walsh and daughter, Patricia, joined them later for a reception at the Miller home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe May, daughters, Jeanne and Lois, ^Charter members were officially accepted in the local chapter of th^, National Honor society at the McHenry high school last week. They were selected recently by a vote of the faculty on the qualities of scholarship, leadership, character and service. Membership, which is limited to the upper percentage of the junior and senior .classes, includes Jean Borchardt, Michael Greighton, Joyce Eckstein, Sue Iptheridge, Judy Hans, Karen Kralowetz, Barbara K r i c k 1, Kathy Prawl, Beverly Spohr, Carol Stritar, Karen Thompsqn, Sandra Whiting. Dick Antonson, Anita Beckenbaugh, Terrance Brady, Albert Cajthaml, Sharon Curulewski, Margie fespey, C h a r 1 e n e Freund and Ed. Haack. A l s o J a n i c e H e t t e r m a n n , Grace Hiller, Eileen Huff, James Jones, Judy Koch, Liz Kosup, Lois May, Patti Mc- Cracken, Rosemary Mercure, Sandra Monahan, Tom Olsen, D i a n e R i e t e s e l , D o r o t h y Schaefer, Joyce Schimke, Ronald Smith, Richard Smith, Mark Vycital, Carol Weingart, Lynn Wilkinson and Julia Sunde. of science, mechanical engineering degree at the University of Wisconsin's annual commencement this year, held in the Wisconsin Stadium Monday, June 8, at the university. YOUNG PEOPLE LEAVE SUNDAY FOR MUSIC CAMP Emily Jarnecke in Woodstock last week. The July meeting will be held in Belvidere. . The George Lahey family and Miss Dorothy Murray of Chicago were out pf town guests at a gathering at the Donald Meyer home Sunday honoring their son, James, who graduated from St. Patrick's school that day. Mr. and Mrs. Lisle Bassett and son, Homer, were recent visitors in the Henry yogel home in Reedsburg, Wis. Mrs. Hulda Olson, John and Arthur Johnson, of Elburn, were weekend guests in the Carl Antonson home. Accompanied by Mrs. Elba Antonson they left Monday for a months trip to Nevada where they will visit relatives. Joseph Bauer is home from his studies at Marquette university, Milwaukee, Wis., to spend the summer with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Bauer and son, Joseph, attended graduation exercises of the school of nursing at St. Mary's hospital Wausau, Wis., last week. Their daughter, and sister, Sister Mary Helen, VTHS a member of the class. The latter returned home with them for a vacation. Sister Nicele of Holy Redeemer School, Milwaukee, Wis., spent a few days the past week here. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nick M. Justen, daughter Clarene, Marta Martin and Joseph Justen of Richmond took her back to Milwaukee Sunday. Among the folks here to attend the funeral of Henry McCabe at St. Patrick's church Friday morning were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Foote of New Mexico; Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bottler of Pewaukee, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett, Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. James Stack, Elmwood Park; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McCabe, Villa Park; Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCabe and Mrs. Lucy Donald and husband of Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Yegge spent Thursday evening in Wheaton where they paid their last respects to the former's uncle, William Kleinfelder. Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Freund and Mrs. Walter J. Freund attended the funeral of their uncle, William Kleinfelder in Wheaton, last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Morgan and children of Elkhorn, Wis., were weekend visitors in the Joseph J. Miller home. Carol Ann Miller, daughter of the Gerald Millers, entertained at ber graduation^^rty)' Mary Lynn and Peggy Furve^' of Crystal Lake and Jeanne Morgan of Elkhorn, Wis., on Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Gertrude Justen visited her son, Rollin, and family in River Forest Sunday, and attended the graduation from eighth grade of her grandchildren, ' Mary and Rollin Justen. Mrs. Mary Ungar and daughter, Mary Catherine, of Homewood visited friends in McHenry Monday afternoon. MCHENRY HOSPITAL Patients at McHenry hospital this past week included Lisa Sabatini of Ingleside; Edward ^Hettermann, Jr.,. of Johnsburg; Fred Matthesius and Evelyn Nichols of McCullom Lake; Joseph Gamen of Ringwood; Patricia, -Btflrd of Holiday Hills; Rose Reddersdorf, Bessie Elkins, George Krause, Carl Hallendorf and Cora Simpson of Crystal Lake; Annamarie Pick of Cary; Leonard Magef, Keith O'Brien, Joseph Vavrick, Linda Buenger, Harley r Pohlman, Donald Fail, Laurfel, 6lomgren, Leo W a n t a , C l e m e n s W e s s e l a n d Robert Reeder of McHenry; INVITE\YQUttG PEOPLE) TO ENTER JUNIOR AHf FAIR Young people of McHfenry county are invited to enter their art work in the exhibitions at the McHenry county fair which will be held Aug. 6, 7, 8 and 9. Mrs. Richard Fossum, county chairman for the art exhibits at the fair, * Says that youngster's aged 10 to 21 may enter sketches, paintings, drawings, or other art efforts. There will be £ash awards and ribbons. All pictures or art materials should be taken to the art section at the fair on^the day before the fair opens. The fair in McHenry county has expanded this year to include :a large number of sections and with prizes in every section. Young people interest- Clifford Meadie of Wonder ed should: contact the Farm Lake; John Stephenson of Round Lake; Annette Sorenson of Carpentersville; Ernest Hollingsworth and Harry Riedel of Chicago; Charles Westlake of Solon Mills; Richard Eliasson of Iron River, Mich.; Brent Bassett of Wildwood. Memorial Hospital Patients at Memorial hospital, Woodstock, this past week were Audrey Glosson and John Grandt, Sr.. of McHenry and Sterner Sundin of Wonder Lake. %'*< ?' ', ard Hospital Greg. Jidertscher of Ringwood andRoger Maher of McHenry were patients at Harvard hospital this past week. GARDEN CLUB PLANS AHEAD FOR NEXT FALL'S SHOW A great man shows his greatness hy the way he treats little McHenry, received a bachelor Robert Kelly, Mrs. Irene Guffey. Mrs. William Staines, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bienapfl accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Henekin of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Bungard, daughter Marilyn, of Elmhurst, attended a reception at Surs Bowl, Kenosha, Saturday, honoring Miss Gail Smalfelt, daughter of the Elmer Smalfelts and Donald Pridemar, who were married earlier that day. -4 Mr. and Mrs. George Merkt of Salem, Wis., were Sunday visitors in the Fred Bienapfl home. Mr. and Mrs. William Riggs who spent the weekend in the Bienapfl home returned to their home in Salem with them. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Johnson entertained at a family reunion at their home Sunday in observance of their forty-fifth wedding anniversary and Mrs. Johnson's birthday. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Harrison C. Smith of Wheaton ; Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, son Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. Granger Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hollowell, son Brian, Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hollowell; May wood; Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Eder, Evanston; Mr. and Mrs. George E. Johnson and children, Skokie; Mr. and Mrs. Jlarry Alexander, Hebron; Mrs. Erie Geer, Crystal Lake; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thompson and Miss Maud Granger, McHenry. Mrs. Alpha Pedersen, Mrs. Ethel Holly, Mrs. Kenneth Peterson, Mrs. Mabel Johnson and Mrs. Carrie Ensign attended a meeting of the McHenry County Past Oracles club held at the home of Mrs. Four girls, all seniors next fall at M.C.H.S., will leave June 14 for Egyptian Music camp. Barbara Krickl and Barbara Schlick will represent the chorus department of the school and will attend camp under sponsorship of the McHenry Woman's club. Karen Kralowetz and Sandra Whiting, representing the instrumental department, are sponsored by the Rotary club. Three seniors were awarded high honors in music recently by being named outstanding members of their respective organizations. Charlene Freund received the Arion national award for the orchestra and Lois May for the band, selected; by senior members of these musical groups. Charlene also received a pin for being voted outstanding girl chorus member, and Jim Jones received the same honor among the boys. The June meeting of the McHenry Garden club will be held Tuesday, June 30, at the home of Mrs. Urban Comes on Lake Defiance. All members are urged to attend this important meeting for the committees will be announcing final arrangements for the July card party. This event will be held at the home of Mrs. Marie Schaettgen, at Chapel Hill, on Wednesday, July 8. Because of limited space, this party is open only to those personally invited by the present members of the club. Another important point of business will be the further arrangements for the local garden show which is being planned for the autumn season. Proceeds from all Garden club activities are used in projects which help beautify the State of Illinois. Recent promotions have been participation in toll road beautification, planting and up-keep of garden beauty spots along water ways in Chicago, and the campaign against "LitterbugS". These are worthwhile activities that attempt to better our state and better our living. The McHenry Garden club exhibited a table setting for a four-place bridge-dessert at the Elgin Men's Garden show held June 6 and 7, which was awarded a blue ribbon. Mrs. Jody Lieberson, assisted by Mrs. Daisy Jones and Miss Ruth Neal, prepared this prize winning entry. June 13 Broadway Musical Comedy Revue by Ann Varese -r- High School Auditorium -- 8:15 p.m. -- Sponsored by McHenry Woman's Club. Youth Group Social -- Christ the King Parish Hall -- Penny Social for Family. June 19-30-21 Country Art Fair •-- Junior .High School -- Sponsored by Woman's Auxiliary to McHenry Hospital. COMING EVENTS-- .. .. . June 20 Summer Supper -- 5 to 7:30 p.m. -- Zion Lutheran Church Grounds -- Sponsored by Ladies Aid. Bureau where a -fair book fnay be secured. This book . details the various sections and the prizes offered^ Mr. and Mrs. Wayne W. Rychly are the parents of a daughter, Catherine Ann, born May 28 at St. Therese hospital, Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. John Carey of Crystal Lake are the parents of a daughter, bom June 4 at Memorial hospital, Woodstock. A girl was born June 4 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Falkenthal of Wonder Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Coss of Wonder Lake welcomed a boy on June 7 at Harvard hospital. A boy was born June 8 at Memorial hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tinsley. CARD OF THANKS We would like to take this opportunity to thank our relatives and friends who helped in any way to ease our sorrow at the time of our great loss. Y o u r t h o u g h t f u l n e s s m e a n t more than we can say, and it will always, be remembered. Sincerely, The Fred Wiedrich, Jr., Family 6 When prosperity comes, not use all of it. do OBITUARIES XELLIE MCDONALD Mrs, Nellie Mae McDonald of Rt. 2, Woodstock, a local resident for many years, died Monday night, June 8, while enroute to Memorial hospital in Woodstock. A daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Linus Newman, she was born in McHemy Nov. 1, 1890. She was a member of the Methodist church. •Surviving are .the widower,? Lewis; five sons, Ford of Waukegan, Kenneth " of Taylor, Wis., Robert of Racine, Wis., Richard of Woodstock and Lewis Jr., of Algonqin; a daughter, Mrs. Audrey Allbee, of Marengo; twenty-one grandchildren; a sister, Mrs. Ella Buss of McHenry and a brother, Charles Newman. Services are being held this (Thursday) afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Merwin-Cooney funeral home, with Rev. Harold George of the Marengo Methodist church officiating. MRS. FRED MERSHON Funeral arrangements were incomplete Wednesday morning for Mrs. Doris Osborne Mershon, who died in Mill Valley, Calif., on Sunday, June 7. The body was being returned to the Merwin-Cooney funeral hqme in Woodstock. The Mershons lived on Waukegan street, McHenry, for several years while her husband was cashier of the Green street bank. There are two children, a daughter, Betty, and a son, Jack, of Groton, Conn.; also three grandchildren. CARD OF THANKS I would like to take thi£ means of thanking all those who remembered me with prayers, cards, visits and, other kindnesses extended during my illness. They were appreciated so 'very much. Mrs. Aloys Steffens *6 CARD OF THANKS I want to take this means of thanking the many friends who remembered me with cards, prayers, visits and other kindnesses during my stay in the hospital and while at home. They were appreciated very much. Hilary Rodenkirch 6 SHOP IN McHENRY 250 PAY TRIBUTE TO WALTER WINN AT LEGION HOME About 250 persons were in attendance at the McHenry Legion home last Saturday evening to honor Walter Winn of Richmond, who recently retired after thirty years inxRe Pure Milk association, jviftere he acted as a board- member, a director of the district, and for the last eight years as president. Charles Weingart of McHenry, vice-president of District 6 and chairman of the event, presented Mr. Winn with luggage and Mrs. Winn with a bouquet of red rcres from the district members^). In speaking to the assembled crowd, the guest of honor recalled the early days of the century, when he met with a group of people to discuss the need for a program of benefit to the farm people. This program eventually led to the formation of the Farm Bureau. Mr. Winn also discussed fee: P.M .A. status today. The new P.M.A. president, Avery Voss of Antioch,.. pfiid tribute to Winn, and to ftife decisions and judgement whidh were greatly responsible fo^ the progressive movement djf the organization. , & CARD OF THANKS I would like to take thife means of thanking everyc^ for their cards and prayeri during my recent illness. Special thanks to all those who helped me during this timel. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. Mrs. William May< 6 COUNCIL DELEGATE Audrey Tonyan of Rt. 1, McHenry, has been re- elert^d to serve as a delegate on the student council of the college of liberal arts at Marquette university in Milwaukee. A junior at Marguette, Miss Tonyan will represent the university's Sociology club. MARRIAGE LICENSES Gilbert Soustik of Fox River Grove and Helen P. McCur^V of Crystal Lake. * Polygamy in Tibet is dictated by economics, not romance. Authorities say a Tibetan women frequently marries several men, who work to£ gether to support the family. '• HURT IN CRASH Richard Eliasson of Iron Rivers, Mich., was treated at McHenry hospital for injuries received when his auto went out of control on a curve and hit a pole, north of here, last Saturday. CARD OF THANKS May we extend our heartfelt thanks to those of you who expressed your sympathy in so many thoughtful ways during Our recent bereavement. Your kindnesses have meant much to us. We are especially grateful to Fr. Nilges and Fr. Reuland and to Mr. James Weber. The Jacob F. Justen Family 6 B E S A F E 3% S A V E S A V E WHERE YOU CAN DO ALL YOUR BANKING ' Complete banking service including drive-in banking and day and night depository. WHERE YOU ASSURED Only Federal Deposit Insurance insures both safety and availability. WHERE YO HIGHEST R ISA Y DRAWS THE OF INTEREST BY LAW S A V E Effective July 1, 1959 all savings accounts will draw 3% interest which is the maximum amount of interest permitted by law for commercial banks. RE YOUR DEPOSITS ARE TECTED BY FEDERAL DEPOSIT E There is important differences in the types insurance provided by financial institutions. of S A V E IERE EXPER! :E :E MAKES THE The McHenry State Bank has provided complete banking service since 1906 and has been building strong reserves for your protection. THERE IS NO SyilTBWH FOR lIvLl MY IN THE BANK McHENRY STATE McHENRY, ILLINOIS FREE PARKING WHILE BANKING BANK >y0 4

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